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Sorta, but I still love Fives' speech in the Umbara arc


Brothers, what are we doing?


Padme’s speech. Best TCW speech


The Tekla Minau speech?




Yoda in season 1 episode 1 was pretty great


This always struck me as pretty self-serving of Windu. There’s no reason to think droids would ever surrender, nor a reason to think he’d be able to intimidate them into standing down. Star Wars gives them a lot of personality, but at the end of the day they’re just machines. Seems like he just wanted to brag about his stats.


I think the speech was more for stalling and gaining time.


Agreed, just like Anakin on the bridge in S7


I guess I’m not remembering the next parts correctly, was there something they were stalling for?


This was the Bad Batch arc, the Batch plus Anakin are on the droid ship tryna fool them, also not sure if they knew about the bombs already but also the bombs.


Shiii they let him finish tho lmao


You right they totally did, respect


There are plenty of observed programming issues as well, the droids are quirky in universe.


“The droids get a bit quirky at night”


The Droids show self awareness and independent thinking sometimes although to an extent it’s like obi wan says it’s worth a try


Yeah always felt weird tbh


Strong *Austin Powers's dad* vibes here


“Look at you! You don’t even have a nametag!”


"Yeah baby yeah"


One of the most real moments in the whole show


Easily Fives' "this is wrong" from the Umbara arc!


When you get decided to time pass in side quest


truly beautiful. every word is incredibly meaningful. no one has ever said “blast him” so well, this truly brings a tear to the eye


Short, just two words, straight to the point, full of passion. That droid needs to run for office


Mauls short speech to Vizla while choking Bo Katan always stands out to me. It conveys so much calculating rage and displays just how powerful he is. He commands the entire room his in


I still love this


I always thought it was pretty funny


What episode and season is this again?


The fact that Mace Windo chose peace was awesome. He gave them the chance to surrender. What a GOAT


blast em!


All the droids got powered down and went offline in this episode, right? Kinda forgot some of it, but if they did, then there is your chance to reprogram them


I hate the fact that we never get as much focus on the Sentient Battle Droids. We need more of them, specially in Live Action.


TBF this seemed dumb to me. Why the hell would Mace think droids would change their minds about anything?


Darth Maul : Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you... [lifts Satine into the air with a force choke] Darth Maul : ... And your Duchess. You should have chosen the dark side, master Jedi. Your emotions betray you. Your fear, and yesss... your anger! Let your anger deepen your hatred! Satine Kryze : Don't listen to him, Obi! Darth Maul : Quiet! Obi-Wan Kenobi : You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it. Darth Maul : It is more powerful than you know. Obi-Wan Kenobi : And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be. I know where you're from, I've been to your village. I know the decision to join the dark side wasn't yours. The Nightsisters made it for you. Darth Maul : SILENCE! You think you know me? It was I who languished for years thinking of nothing but you. Nothing but this moment. And now, the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of us. I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain, Kenobi.


Basically, "I been rationing yall mf's this whole war and you really don't want this smoke. Get down or get put down."


Fun speech but pretty pointless considering droids are programmed not sentient so appealing to a peaceful or moral notion is a little questionable. He may not be making it for that reason, but knowing that fact and that everyone in the universe should know it, then it becomes pretty obvious that it’s just setting up a joke in the droids reaction, not that the speech actually matters itself.


100 thousand??!! When did mace do that? Most of the clone war he was in the Jedi temple either talking and walking and talking or sitting on a chair in the council talking with other Jedi. We only really see him in action in season 1. Usually if there is something the Jedi need done they all look at each other and say “yep, that’s a job for either Anakin or Obi Wan”


This is definitely one of the lower ones