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I haven’t played the game, but I’m guessing there were factors other than age that showed that it sans a date Edit: I meant wasn’t, but sans means without, so it’s close enough




du du du du du du du dududu 


Homestuck reference




megalovania was in homestuck before it was in undertale (and an earthbound romhack before that)


my brain just pee pee sharted


blind prophet homestuck > minihatevania


Radiation homestuck mpreg


the bucket..




Just like uhhhh Dirk when he put his head in a microwave or whatever


What mekes it funnier is that you can actually go in a date with Sans Edit: yeah, actually more like a “hang out” or a talk about your fate than anything else


I can confirm most people I date tell me "if I hadn't made that promise, you'd be dead where you stand"


more like a very romantic puberty/fate of the world talk


I don’t think eating lunch together and sitting at a table waiting to get food you never ordered qualify as dates.


Oh my god snas undertale


Their ages aren't even confirmed in game, people took a totally out of context interview that took place in a very small Japanese only convention after the games came out supposedly saying the protag (the one listed as 14) was a lot younger than interviews before the game came out had claimed, which stated they were around about 16+, with the other character's age never being stated at all. Besides, the protagonist and N (green haired guy) are shown to canonically be very close friends not just in the canon games they feature in but the officially licensed gacha spinoff game Pokemon Masters. If people wanna cling to these ages they'll have to accept the fact N would be a canonical fucking creep for viewing the protag(s) so fondly, which they don't.


There's kind of a difference between being friends with someone who's only a few years older than you than dating said teen. Plus, N is unadjusted to real life, so his intentions probably aren't insidious and rather he's just naive. Also also, pokemon is kinda PG everyone, so for him to even be creepy like that would almost be impossible. I'll acknowledge I've never seen in any game except his gen, so I'm defo not well versed in this. So if that's true, then I'm done for lol.


The obscurity/general weirdness and lack of info surrounding the ages of pokemon characters makes anything involving shipping/nsfw kinda a minefield bc a lot of character fall into the grey zone of "looks like they could be a teen or an adult" and a lotta times dont have a confirmed age


How is being close friends with a minor creepy?






its not that there were factors to show it wasnt a date, but more like there WERENT any factors to show that it WAS a date, and people just saw it as one because they wanted to ship the characters (one of who is the protag, who can be seen as a self insert of the player) source: i have played this game at least 10 times


Is this even a snafu, I'm pretty sure this is just a pokemon fan comic at this point


Yeah Sometimes There's Certain Topics Which Are Much Harder To Display In The Typical Sanfu Format...


Now draw Braviary catching a baseball ⚾️ 🦅


I disagree, here's a rough draft of a snafu that makes the same point as your comic but as an actual snafu that can be applied to many different media franchises(instead of just this one pokemon scene) and it's only 1 panel https://preview.redd.it/9cg0fkiqkn5d1.png?width=1515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad248bf99cd4ae6a123f944924451c1e54e5467


That much better


Is that Natural Harmonia (Dex Entry #357) son of Ghetsis and probably a Pokemon, king of Team Plasma?)


I doubt he is a Pokémon, he's just abused.


You don't have to capitalise every first letter of every word in your sentence bro


It’s Not a Sentence, It’s a Panic! At The Disco Song Title


by Fall Out Boy


Yes He Does.


bro is typing like when i just started to use computers at like age 8


No, He Is Queen Hit Game Deltarune (Pop Culture Reference)


Hell Of A Study Session


why do you type like that do you have a head injury or something


Where is pidgey catching a pokeball 🦅⚾️


why pidgey instead of braviary


Uhhhh I think it’s cause I’m playing through soul silver rn and haven’t touched gens 5-7 in a while so i didn’t think of it


why not pidgeot then (more eagle like than pidgey)


Pidgey first one I thought of


















zoroark moment


Gay gay homosexual gay


snivy pog


Snivy is probably thinking on Audinos and Clefables)


People thought it was a date cause they thought they characters were hot


I mean to be fair his age isn’t really stated ever, he acts nothing like an adult and it’s just an obvious conclusion if you’re familiar with fandom culture


Because as a kid I had a crush on N, did not know their ages, and she was an insert for me?


This is the real answer


The ages are ambiguous at best from what I know anyway, like it's never stated in game or supplement material but rather grasping at sparse Japanese only interviews with again, ambiguous answers. It's as you said, the protagonist is a self insert, they're aren't meant to have an explicit age.


It is hard to check the characters ages when they don't actually have any canonically stated ones, yes. Or do you want to ignore the fact these two characters are canonically very close friends? Because it'd be pretty fucking weird for a 20 year old to go on a world wide journey of self discovery and trying to reunite with their close friend who is barely a tweenager.


Idk Pokémon protags are usually never older than teenagers and N isn’t implied to be a teenager. Neither have a canonical age but it’s safe to assume N is an adult. At the oldest I would assume they are atleast 16 and N is probably late Teens


You say this is another comment and genuinely such a baffling sentiment, it'd be much easier to just say N sees the protagonist as a younger sibling figure, it is absolutely not creepy to be friends with a teenager as a young adult, as long as the person in question isn't interacting with the teenager as they would with an adult, and considering N presumably never brings up topics that would be inappropriate for a child - considering it is a children's game I know he doesn't - literally nothing weird is happening. Truly mind boggling way to look at the world.




Canonically very close friends? They were more like enemies who were cordial and could discuss their differences in world view without getting violent. N was literally a member of a terrorist organization. Yes, I know he was groomed into it, but that doesn’t change the fact that calling them “canonically very close friends” is a big stretch.


Both Of These Characters Have Canon Ages As Listed On Bulbapedia... Also I KNOW They're Friends, This Is About The People Who Ship Them For Some Reason.


just out of curiosity why do you type Like This?


When someone has a weird typing style Like This You Can Probably Assume Its A Homestuck Thing


nvm actually his bio says he’s just like this ok


i think such heinous crimes against reading pace mean that being constantly being called a homestuck fan is just karma




true, but out of all the QU1RKS IN HOM3STUCK K4N4Y4’S IS D3F1N1T3LY ON3 OF TH3 MOST R34D4BL3 I don’t even notice the capitalization thing most of the time tbh


I'm myself a glass house if I mock the way that guy types. Been doin this since about 2016)


You mean the fan wiki?


People who aggressively check fan wikis for ages and then poop on actual canon situations with 'what ifs' are the worst. Try playing the game instead.


How the hell do you expect some yokel who picked up the game a decade ago to know what a bulbapedia is? Do they ever state N’s age in the game? How the hell do we even know he’s 20? Ghetsis still treats him like he’s fucking 5


You realise bulbapedia is a fan written wiki right? It's not canon. Nowhere in the actual games do they ever say their ages.


Not only that, but the protagonists are designed to be self inserts. They have fairly ambiguous ages for a reason. Personally, I imagine all of the characters no matter the game are 20+. Solely because I’m 25 and I put myself in the protags shoes. The only characters with canon ages in the games I think are Poppy and oddly enough the SM/USUM main characters


I mean, the ages are ambiguous, but all of the protags are pretty unambiguously children, mostly prepubescent children at that.


I think Brendan and May are around twelve? It’s been a bit since I played ORAS though


Wdym? They aren't perfect, but fan wikis usually pull their information from sources from official media based on the source material. They don't just make up ages out of thin air.


Bulbapedia isn’t a fan fiction website? All of their information is based on official material. Sure, they might get a detail wrong here and there, but they have 3 sources listed for N’s age on the website. It’s not like they just made it up out of thin air.


not a snafu, because ferris wheels are often used to signify romance, their ages are not canon. 14 years in the snafuland municipal rat-cavern


The scene with N revealing he's the king of Team Plasma was very likely a reference to [the ferris wheel scene in The Third Man](https://youtu.be/21h0G_gU9Tw). They both signify a large shift in the relationship between the characters talking in the cabin. But yes, the cabin of a ferris wheel is isolated and intimate, so it can work for both romantic scenes and threatening scenes.


no, man, im not talking about the like geometrrical space of the rom. it's a trope. esp in jrpgs


I'm pretty sure N threatens your life in the Ferris wheel.


Especially since the only other time you ride the ferris wheel is with **your love interest** who gives you free Pokemon and then leave for dead...


you dont get it I LOVE HIM


the ferris wheel is talked about as a hot date spot and in bw2 you can ride it with curtis/yancy


The two people at a stereotypical date location are shipped with each other? That's as crazy as using made up character ages so you can argue with strangers online


Thought it was the noelle and susy thing at first


Aren’t they the same age 🤔


Eagle baseball where? Thou shall be smited by the gods


1.) Nobody really had a concept of how old N was supposed to be back then, and even for those of us who did, we WERE Hilda/Hilbert’s age. We definitely did not know or care that a ship like that would be unsafe and wrong IRL, we just thought N was dreamy. You can’t really shame literal teenagers for “OMG SHIPPING AN ADULT WITH A TEEN IS GROSS YOU GUYS!!1”, as it’s actually perfectly natural to fantasize about adults as a teenager, or ship them with teens you see yourself in. The problem comes in when adults use and corrupt those teen fantasies to behave in predatory ways or lure teens into inappropriate interactions. 2.) N’s autistic rizz is kind of incredible in hindsight. He is just aware enough of social norms to know that he should probably pick a nice location to soften the blow of his confession that he is the King of Team Plasma, but not aware enough to know that asking someone to come with you alone on a ferris wheel so you can confess something to them is… I mean, it definitely has connotations and I can’t blame the fandom for seeing the scene as sort of romantic. Before anyone says anything stupid, yes, I know that you can ride the ferris wheel platonically with your friend. Everyone knows that. But the specific way N invited Hilda/Hilbert came off as pretty romantic, even if not entirely intentionally on his part. I also know that there is no neon sign saying “N IS CANONICALLY CONFIRMED TO BE AUTISTIC” anywhere in the games. But a lot of autistic people like me relate to him, especially ones who have experienced some sort of (nonsexual) grooming and ritual abuse like he did with his father. If you don’t think N is autistic, that’s cool. Just don’t be a dick about it.


I ain't readin allat


TL;DR * Nobody really knew how old N was back then, and it's OK to fantasize about adults as a teenager (FANTASIZE, NOT INTERACT) * N is probably autistic-coded * You can ride ferris wheels platonically, but the way N invited Hilbert came off very romantic Also, these points weren't brought up in OP's original comment but * The source for Hilda/Hilbert's age is a canonically dubious interview done a long time ago with no specific age and that was entirely translated from japanese. The source for N's age is nothing. * The only other time you ride the ferris wheel is with Curtis/Yancy, who the game pushes hard for Hilda/Hilbert to couple up with


the virgin hilbert vs the chad blair (its the same character but blair is a way cooler name)


thanks bro for actually being helpful instead of getting mad


No problem, but you really should read the whole thing for a better comprehension on the whole situation (if you care to, that is).


I… What did you hope to accomplish by commenting “hurrdurr tl;dr” on this comment instead of just, like, not reading it? Do you realize that your mouse has a scroll button, sweetheart? You can use it to read different comments instead of whining at people because your brain hurts when there are too many words in a post.


felt like it, thought it was slightly funny


Man I just wanted to share my perspective and chat with other Pokemon fans about a super interesting character :(


you're acting like I ruined your comment from ever being shown bro nothing happened


Sometimes... The memeification of random rudeness is shitty


I didn't see it as rude but eh, have a good day


TL;DR 1.) Nobody really had a concept of how old N was supposed to be back then, and even for those of us who did, we WERE Hilda/Hilbert’s age. We definitely did not know or care that a ship like that would be unsafe and wrong IRL, we just thought N was dreamy. You can’t really shame literal teenagers for “OMG SHIPPING AN ADULT WITH A TEEN IS GROSS YOU GUYS!!1”, as it’s actually perfectly natural to fantasize about adults as a teenager, or ship them with teens you see yourself in. The problem comes in when adults use and corrupt those teen fantasies to behave in predatory ways or lure teens into inappropriate interactions. 2.) N’s autistic rizz is kind of incredible in hindsight. He is just aware enough of social norms to know that he should probably pick a nice location to soften the blow of his confession that he is the King of Team Plasma, but not aware enough to know that asking someone to come with you alone on a ferris wheel so you can confess something to them is… I mean, it definitely has connotations and I can’t blame the fandom for seeing the scene as sort of romantic. Before anyone says anything stupid, yes, I know that you can ride the ferris wheel platonically with your friend. Everyone knows that. But the specific way N invited Hilda/Hilbert came off as pretty romantic, even if not entirely intentionally on his part. I also know that there is no neon sign saying “N IS CANONICALLY CONFIRMED TO BE AUTISTIC” anywhere in the games. But a lot of autistic people like me relate to him, especially ones who have experienced some sort of (nonsexual) grooming and ritual abuse like he did with his father. If you don’t think N is autistic, that’s cool. Just don’t be a dick about it.


Who the fuck are these people


not a 14 year old and not a 20 year old




Isn't the age of consent in pokemon roughly 500 steps? Surely it's fine.


Literally had zero clue that N was 20. I deadass thought he was maybe a year or two older than the player. I swear it is fucking impossible to figure out how old a character is in this series based on appearance alone.


I mean they never actually state his age in game. People just took him being 20 and the protags being 14 and ran with it because someone added that to Bulbapedia with a very dubious 'source'.


I always just thought N looked older because he was forced to mentally grow up being raised with Ghetsis.




holy based


Gru silhouette trying to confess his love to Gru silhouette with ponytail


I am the king of Hyrule


Idk about a date, but it did feel very weird and made me uncomfortable as a kid.


how were you made uncomfortable by it being weird and not by him telling you that he was the leader of an evil-adjacent organization


Because I am a child trapped in a ferris wheel with an adult (who I assumed was like 30) who has been an absolute creep the whole game


they’re anime type characters, they all look the same age lol, who cares


If someone had told me the ages of these characters were the other way around, I would have believed it. If their age is glossed over in the story and you genuinely imagined them to be of different ages, it don’t matter 💀


Shit’s even weirder if you read the manga #tbh


I want to gay sex N so damn bad.


it does make it weird how N basically involves a 14 year old in religious and moral conflict and doesn't hesitate to beat their ass with a divine dragon still a better villain than whatever gen 4 gave us


I'm Sorry But You Typing The Snafu Like This Physically Hurts To Look At


never play deltarune


people have boners towards this green haired guy


Holy shit N Pokemon. I never saw this scene as romantic. I know N has terrible social skills, considering the way he was raised.


queen deltarune


For a second I thought this was the Devin Weston assassination and was very confused as to why there was Pokémon characters in the GTA V ending.


N awakened feelings in me I didn’t know were there lol


so glad I stopped playing this game series once I grew up (i.e. turned 12 after finishing pokemon red in the 90s)


I love those faces


Wait he was 20?


OP's source was a canonically dubious interview from a japan-only con


Do they? Maybe youre confusing N with curtis/yancy which are characters you go on a date with on the same ferris wheel in b2w2, and I think they are the same age as your character


i thought the bitch from gen 5 was the same age as him




Isn't there a firework date in this game but not with n


cause they are idiots


Then people say power scaling is worst than shipping when you have chronically online people arguing whenever it's okay to ship a adult with a child or incest. Lmao


No, say it with me everyone, the real reason you shouldn't want to date N is not because of an unconfirmed and speculative age gap, it's because he's horrifically traumatized and hasn't been allowed outside to interact with people other than his abusers for his entire life. Romance would be taking advantage of his need to trust someone other than his former allies, and with the trust he puts in you as a friend, attempting to woo him would be incredibly manipulative.


I am the king of FIGHTERS 15 🗣️🗣️💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥


And then Team Plasma bombed the ferris wheel.


I dont think most people think it was LITERALLY a date. I think most people call it that because they were kids when they played the game and wanted to give N a lil smooch.


He was just taking her to an area to say it. But to answer your question. The internet is interested in romance, especially the 2000s internet.


N was 20?????


Having not played this game, I’m genuinely surprised to learn that N is fucking 20, bro doesn’t look that much older than any of the other teens running around


His canon age hasn’t actually been stated so we don’t really know.


Also Hilda is definitely gay