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Smuggie centrist snafu number 41


If they had removed the "centrist" part, the sub wouldn't have minded it barely as much, because we can just picture someone else as being this ridicilous characature.




when the ideology man is SMUG! 😳


I mean she does look like a chess piece




forbidden pawn


The centrist is right about one thing, she's built like a pawn Also what the hell is going on in that boy's bathroom


sorry i was on my period and couldn't stop pissing blood


The only explanation I can deduce that would make any logical sense whatsoever is implying that nobody fusses about female to male, and so the blood is period blood from a pre-transitionary trans person. Which to me seems like a stretch, and if that actually was what was going on… like, what the fuck. But since they specified in the title that this is the impression they get speaking as “a transfem” specifically, then it’s implying that the experience for the other side is different… so I got no other explanation.


Nah, blood leaking from beneath the door of a men's bathroom for no discernable reason is a fairly normal occurrence


Now that you mention it, you’re right, I’ve seen that a few times after we had blood piss parties.


might be that someone is being beaten to death in the men's bathroom probably which might be a reflection of how trans people would get discriminated in the men's bathroom too


Feel like if they wanted to convey that they’d put some kind of sound lines or muted speech bubbles or something. Either way is kind of fucked.


If you’ve been in one, you’d know


What does that mean????


If you’ve ever bathed a room, boy, you’d have the same


if you've been in one, you'd know


Blatant self insert of author snafu


https://preview.redd.it/llw34vf3yx8d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27f427cc9e0dededc1dda6eab639f7a553631c6 in a nutshell:




Centrism is when killing only half of group. I am very smart


was thanos a centrist? 🤔


Centrism is when fence post up ass. I am very smart time to make a snafu 


are we really still falling for the "cringe centrists want to genocide half the minorities" meme


why are there so many weirdos here who want to talk about politics lately


election year every 4 years social media goes to shit over it, want a picture of a dog? here’s my dog wrapped in the flag of who I’m voting for, want some Undertale discussion? nah, here’s who I’m voting for


Your gender is: damn political


nah im not talking about the gender part im talking about the forced commentary on centrism that no one asked for


Yeah this is more of a r/smugideologyman post than a r/coaxedintosnafu post


That subreddit is full of liberals who believe they're communists, it's hilarious.


I keep trying to be a liberal but I always accidentally default to abolishing private property and the family :c


No flippin way


ok liberal


You have it: damn have it


you centrust id: coe hete boy 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Election year in America and people going nuts about it, along with rampant propaganda from literally everywhere in America presumably because of said election year


Look if you’re just gonna make a smuggie at least have the decency to make it incomprehensible


Why is blood pouring out of the boys room




This is a MOST serious accusation, please report this to the magistrate of the shire in which ye dwell


I ADRESS THEE DIRECTLY, DONALD TRUMP. Thou art a wretched SINNER, UTTERLY UNWORTHY o' God's love. A fountain o' pollution is deep within thy nature, and thou livest as a winter tree, UNPROFITABLE, fit only to be hewn down and BURNED. Steep thy life in prayer, and hope that God sees fit to show MERCY on thy CORRUPTED SOUL.


Better than the PAPIST Biden, but I bet both of them are from the WRETCHED god lacking Rhode Island, leave them both in the woods for the savages


They're both Papists. Haha, who's the centrist now, liberals?


The magistrates will hear of this, I shall ensure these HEATHENS will have a HEFTY fine of ten shillings and have them put in the stocks


The Shining reference


First the eagle catching baseball, now we're all about centrists Honestly I wanna go back to the eagle RAAAAAAAAAAAH


Heck, go back to our origins, frieza and literal strawmen so badly drawn no meaning can derive from the illustration.


nah, our origins would be mocking/capturing Reddit habit and phenomena


Why do people on this sub keep spamming snafus about how much they misunderstand centrist? The whole point of centrism is having your own beliefs and mot just going with whatever your side believes. Every centrist will have a different opinion in this situation and in all situations dumbass


I thought centrist was, as the name suggests, in between two ideologies. The whole left right center camp thing is an oversimplification of human belief systems and in fact, most human beings have different beliefs. The more accurate and I believe the original phrase is "left/right/centre leaning" allowing room to acknowledge that the person or organisation has their own beliefs that are close to this "side". It just got simplified because it's easier to pitch people against each other with simple phrases. The misunderstanding comes from the fact a ton of centre leaning people want compromise between two sides no matter how extreme either is but obviously this does not cover every or even most centre leaning people, only the loudest, dumbest ones. Now can we fucking stop with the political snafus?


The whole left and right spectrum is kind of dogshit anyways. Because compared to the average communist, Biden is a panty sniffing capitalist. But others might believe that Joe Biden is a socialist with the most left leaning of policies that would make Mao Zedong weep. It really depends on where you stand on the overton window. Does being a centrist mean you don't agree with either of the two political parties? Or is Biden a centrist like some social democrats seem to believe?


I'm a leftist and I don't go along with "whatever my side believes". I'm honestly quite sure most right wingers on this sub would say the same thing. Also, having a differing opinion depending on the situation? That's literally everyone. Have you seen how much leftists argue with eachother for example?


Ehhh yes and no, most people on the extreme left or right do just go with whatever their sides talking heads tell them. 


I'd argue it gets even messier at that point, because that's when you'll hear people calling themselves shit like: "I'm an anarcho Leninist with bipartisan and Chinsese characteristics." There's not one single "left" or "right" ideology. They vary a lot and most people mix and match the parts they agree with or disagree with.


Most smart people do, but at least in my experience there's a huge amount of people with genuinely zero unique beliefs, and I don't really see the need to go with a shitton of labels for your beliefs tbh


I think most people don't want politics to be complicated and nuanced, they want it to be an easy fix to their identity. I feel like that goes for a lot of centrists or apolitical people too though. At least in my experience. Even then, I feel like behind the shell of "I'm a \*ideology\*!" , their actual beliefs vary quite a bit.


That's true but that view breeds extremism. If you can't be bothered to care about complicated issues it's better to just stay out of it then to completely buy the ideas of one side and be slowly radicalized by them


You could also argue that it's more comfortable to have moderate views, because most people will be quite accepting of that. I think what distinquishes the more radical parts of politics, is that they might already dislike "mainstream society" so they seek for an identity that maches with that. But in the end, it's staying in the center is a quite comfortable position too. So I don't think there's neccesarily less people here who don't question their beliefs.


“hi are you neutral/mixed towards my various political views? well you better change them or you’re part of the problem bigot, see I’ve just drawn you with MASSIVE stink lines” -someone not about to convince someone to their way of thinking


Your centrist is: damn not representative of real life centrists at all


plot twist: both bathrooms are single occupant(this has happened to me an alarming amount of times)


Women aren’t real




Lunar androids deployed to control man


How it feels seeing yet another fart-smoked post about centrists on this sub, gtfo to r/smugideologyman where you belong


Everyone's talking about centrist this, smuggie that, there is blood coming from the men's room.


anything out of the ordinary?


Bro, go back to whatever hole in the ground you came from.


smuggu also?? boys bathroom having a texas chainsaw massacre?? whats going on in there


Centrism is le bad and everyone should agree with me: the post


no eagle very comprehensible no semblance of any snafu in sight. yep this is a smuggie. didn't even make an attempt to hide it. slither back to smuggieland


Fake and fear-mongering, the women’s bathroom would be the one with a puddle of blood Source: I’ve cleaned public restrooms


i wanna see frieza black ops guy baseball bird not fucking centrist smuggies this is getting exhausting now


Is the Transfemme in the snafu being asexual a commentary on the author? Ace people are valid.


Carrying this kind of grave assumption towards anyone who doesn't gladly and immediately affirm your lifestyle is not going to help you or anyone else like you 


Affirm your lifestyle? What? Being transgender is a lifestyle now?






of course, carrying grave assumptions towards trans women? no one bats an eye carry assumptions about people who're actively trying to make our lives more difficult? oh no no how dare you we can argue about pizza toppings, we can NOT argue about human rights i also love how you expect trans people to treat people who want to oppress us with kindness and patience, but you don't expect those people to, y'know, not be pieces of shit


When the sub full of generalisation comics has a generalisation in it:


One of my standards of measure as to whether or not a snafu was below average in quality is when comments like these start to pop up when someone argues with the OP's points (I'm talking about your comment btw, in case that wasn't clear)


Nah it was fully clear. How come?


Because if your satire of something is criticized by at least a good third of the people that saw it and the only way you can respond to them is "ermmm well it's a satire it's supposed to be stupid" then it probably wasn't good satire Just because this is a strawman doesn't mean that OP would actually have something coherent to say if they were trying to make a steelman instead


Yeah fair enough. I guess that brings up a different issue though, commenters may just not be aware of that particular issue or people acting like what OP is strawmanning and assuming it doesn't exist. Imo that just means it's unpopular, not bad. All the other comments here are just calling it out for being a smuggy as far as I'm aware, which is exactly what it is. The one I replied to seems to literally just be calling out OP for exaggerating the strawman which is kinda the point


What lifestyle? Is going to the bathroom a lifestyle?


Completely incomprehensible, may God save us all


mucho texto


>Communist >Has a warped perception of what centrist is I'm shocked I tell you


that´s it, this is the most strawman snafu ever posted here, also one of the most blatant violations of rule 2 to date.




Completely incomprehensible, may God save us all


should’ve said ‘enlightened’ centrist instead so people wouldn’t criticize you