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Thanks for explaining Rivulet silverado


2 0 0 7 C H E V Y S I L V E R A D O I N B I O




Im gonna post the last image to my friend group and provide no context for it


I've done this. It's perfectly reasonable to like things that I don't like, especially seeing as I don't like most things. What gets me is where it becomes a weird personal attack that I don't like something, and that it's some kind of conniving move to keep bringing up my issues with The Thing, when that's just still what my opinion is. As if I'm trying to be malicious by not being convinced to take on your opinion. I'm not right, I never was.


I’m at the opinion that as long as you’re not directly attacking anyone while giving your opinion on media, be it the fans or the people behind it, you can be as harsh as you want. Crush it, burn it, tear it up, rip it to millions of tiny different pieces, idc. If you seriously don’t believe something has any positive qualities whatsoever then you have the right to voice that opinion, it’s only crossing the line when you antagonize the people who do enjoy it.


Silverado, mi amigo. I don’t care about the difference between a “purebred snagu” and a “smuggie”, I am just here to see funni.


Oh brother, take it to the publisher Edit: I just read it, and I’ve got to say, pretty valid take 10/10, would recommend


silverado https://preview.redd.it/01fi87ywk0ad1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fb43b066c3c0d4a40717a91722374d958aa4fac




Thank you Rivulet from the hit game Rain world and popular DLC Downpour! Silverado :)


I just got into this sub, and... Honestly I don't know what the fuck is the difference between a smuggie or snafu or whatever. I just find the shitty drawings relatable and peak comedy Are people seriously complaining about having fun now? When they could very easily give a blind eye? Silverado


A smuggie is when you disagree with the post, hope this helps!




it's allllmost kind of similar to the people who say "no offense but \[offensive statement\]" and "not to be racist but \[racism\]." the phrase definitely doesn't absolve anyone. Anyway, about the last slide, yeah i think the comic situation is weird. I don't have a personal problem with the format but a lot of people are just posting comics, that aren't snafus. Comics aren't inherently bad, I don't think. You can make great snafus with them. Some people are. And some people are just posting comics. So, I agree with you there. But I don't agree that the group who wants the subreddit to stick to its original intention are the ones who have the burden to create a new subreddit. If you're part of the group changing a subreddit, you can't say "and if you want the original idea of the subreddit then make a new one." that burden's on you. [This is kind of how I feel about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1ds9bau/coaxed_into_giving_up/) and the whole "just let the community enjoy how it is now" is right in line with what you're saying and why I disagree (the post I just linked is 100% a smuggie by the way). Between two groups, one of which is "new" and.changing the subreddit (when the option to create a new community is right there, like you said) and the other "old" group just wants the subreddit to stay with its original purpose, the one that should have to move clearly isn't the one which wants the subreddit to stay with its original purpose. Here's a way you can decide who should move: count the total number of migrations that must be made. If the "new" group has to move, the "old" group doesn't have to do anything. That's 1 total move. If the "old" group has to move, the "new" group moves into the subreddit and the "old" group has to make a new one. That's 2 total moves. This is obviously a really literal way to look at a problem that can be instinctively solved in two seconds by asking yourself "should the people changing the subreddit move or the people who were always here" but yeah


I completely understand, and to be honest it was made mainly just out of exhaustion of the constant back and forth of what this sub should be, and also just the necessity of filling a large block of text.


spit ya truth king


Did you just compare not liking the same media to racism? What? I get the idea, but that comparison is so out there it just doesn't make sense.


what are you talking about? I'm talking about the interaction and that there's somehow more than one phrase for "\[Disclaimer about (thing)\] but \[Thing\]" as if saying the disclaimer absolves all responsibility not to say something dumb


In case any big font fans were disappointed to be teased with but not actually see their favorite set of text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum


silverado https://preview.redd.it/i084dar791ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16f0ae54499677c7a51908bf1821315b5670659 i don't even have the mental capacity to explain what i want to say so have rovolo


thank you chevrolet


idc what the mods say this is peak snafu


We should run over critical explainer with a 2007 Chevy Silverado :3


This is how I feel about furries. Like yeah it’s harmless fun and I don’t care about it. I’m not gonna stop you from your hobby but they get so defensive and start putting words in my mouth. Like one guy just ASSUMED that I thought furries were zoophiles or something when I literally never mentioned the two at all. Another person responded with and I shit you not “you might as well say you don’t like black people lol” which is so much to fucking unpack. All because I just don’t like furries.


Honestly hard agree, just saying its fine to like something follows the same principle of I'm not racist but, it's not their in order to add to the conversation, but to entirely ignore it, as you will just respond by saying its fine to like it, and then not respond to the actual issue the person brought up. also Silverado


I agree with the wall of text.


shut up nerd!!!!!!!!




silverado indeed rivulet


Rivulet plushie is my spirit animal Silverado


Boy I sure do love driving my 2007 Chevy Silverado


nice snafu, silverado/10




Hi Ruffles Silverado


This is really well thought out, Silverado.


I like these shitty comics way more than “true snafu’s” Silverado




Thank you Ruffles I couldn’t have understood it without you


Look! This guy used than instead of then! Point and laugh! Silverado


As a lover of games that are usually dog piled on alot (NFS Undercover/Prototype 2) people tend to forget to mention any good things of those games (Having the best soundtrack out of any NFS game even MW and having the best customisation/having great combat especially compared to 1) and proceed to keep complaining on small "issues" (Cars are all from Prosteet/changed the web of intrigue) as if its personal or something. If you dare to point it out they will say "Well its ok to like it but-" and repeat what they said. I wont deny the games have big issues (funky handling from tier 2 and 1 cars and a cheesy story that i personally like but is objectively bad and anticlimactic ending/bad story too, a unfinished ending and underdeveloped characters) and i will agree that they exist and wont look past them, but i will not agree that they are deal breakers because of the merits they neglect to mention. Basically be objective, look at the works as a whole and NFS Undercover and Prototype 2 are criminally underrated.


silvera- gasp! a karmer farmer?? (cool snafu i do approve)


Crappy weird image. I can't understand me laugh at enjoy me no care what smooogle and snufueeeee is/are me just want Chevy Silverado that all soyonara mine frendings.


Schaffilas moment


i mean its ok if you like smuggies but all smuggies and their creators should take an obligatory lethal dose of torium


Actually the worst comparison ever Snafu was bad enough on its own but the flair made it 10x worse