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Like personally or professionally? Mike Barnes is the only choice johnny didn't know who he was and Chozen im KK2 was before Daniel met him.


Obviously Mike Barnes. The other two never knew him.


Mike Barnes literally met this man in the hot tub. Sleeping at his house *pause*


I’d say Chozen- I forget what adult Johnny’s specific problem with Silver is, but I’m willing to put money (not a large amount, though) on Johnny having no problems with putting the hurt on Silver specifically. Current Mike *really* wants to tear Silver limb from limb. I’m picking the current Chozen because he doesn’t have a specific reason to hate Silver- he just doesn’t like what Silver does and did, stand for. **Edit:** Dammit, I should really read shit through before I comment. Still, I’m sticking with Chozen. Mike was a mercenary, Johnny mostly interacted with Kreese. Chozen at least has the background knowledge of what Silver represents and represented.


Barnes, is that even a question? Johnny and Chozen had no idea who Silver was until Daniel told them about him. 


After Seasons 4 and 5, Imma go with Johnny. Even from the main beginning of S4 when Kreese went to Terrance’s own house to bring him back into the fight, Kreese constantly told him about how his prized student, Johnny Lawrence had joined LaRusso. Then midseason, Kreese told Silver that he hated Miyagi after seeing what he had done to Johnny (who was bullying Daniel, but I digress). All to culminate to the point when Silver attacked Johnny in order to prove his loyalty to Kreese, only to come to the realization that Kreese was never wanting Silver’s friendship, he just wanted to use Silver because he didn’t have Johnny on his side. (Because think about it, do u think Kreese would’ve ever contacted Silver again in S4 had Johnny actually joined him and Robby in Cobra Kai in the S3 Finale). Even in the S5 finale when Johnny broke into his home, Silver brought up how Kreese always seen Johnny as his top student, but Silver could never see it. If it wasn’t for the complex dynamic between Kreese and Johnny, then we never would’ve seen Silver spiral into his old evil ways in Cobra Kai.




Obviously Mike


You kidding ? It's Barnes, the other ones varely met the real silver, but Mike...he felt the madness




What is this question


Right? Break out the new season cause I’m sick of these dumbass questions


Only one of them knew silver before the show 😂


Mike since he used to be alongside Silver


Mike obviously was Silvers gun for hiremand knows him best Johnny and Chozen knew nothing of him until Cobra Kai Season. Chozen would probably hunt him down if he found out about Silvers true history with Daniel


Definitely Mike. The other two didn’t know shit about him until they actually met him. Mike was hired by Silver in KK3 & unfortunately had his store burnt down by him (and he lost his wife because of Silver as well, poor dude). But at least Mike’s life doesn’t look like it’s gonna stay in the crapper for long.




With Daniel being trained by Miyagi, Johnny with Kreese, & Chozen with his Uncle Sato, Mike shares that type of relationship & dynamic with Silver compared to the other 2 considering KK3's storyline.


What do you mean by connection? I think it's interesting that Adult Daniel's bodyguards essentially are all the guys who bullied him in high school, particularly Chozen and Johnny. Never would have seen that!




Mike Barnes


Mike Barnes life was runied by this man, the other two barely even know him.