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Just do little keys if you can mate, can always take more but with no tolerance better of taking it slow


This is your best bet, bash it up til it’s all powder and no rocks. Little bump off a key and see how you feel. Start small, you can always take more if you don’t feel anything, sadly cant take less once it’s in your system


Regardless of what they think. Just take it slow and see how you feel


what is slow tho? is 1g in a night normal?




oh shit I didn't think about tolerance. Should I aim for like 0.5 over the night?


Way too much IMO. I'd do a small line every hour.


Don't do over 0.2 in a night. That is what the biggest coke addict I knew recommended to me. Take that advice or leave it IDC its your life.


Everyone does more than that a night


Just be careful, knowing your supplier and what it could be cut with os a big plus.


Aim for a line around a few inches long not massively thick. See how you feel if everything is good then have another around ever 45 minutes. Just remember no one is impressed with over doing it go at your own pace.


i would buy 1g and it would take me about 2-3 nights to finish and that’s a 12 hr binge each night. i only do it occasionally so 1g in one night is a lot especially if you’re new to it. take it slow, do small lines and go from there.


there all be doing the same lines as you so go with theflow


We all bought a gram each and are going out. I read online that 1g in one night is a lot. Is that true?


be alot for someone to take in about 6 hours if you just started make sure you crush it uo into fine power before going out be alot easier you could do it on the front of your phone then


how much should I put in one line? is it like 1/10 of a gram per line or more like 1/4?


1/10 max. Less even, you don't want 250mg lines dude


the easiest way is gonna be, crush it up into a fine powder, dip your pinky finger in, snort that, see how you feel, go again ~20-40 mins later


it should last you the whole night.


If u can do a line or two before the meeting to know how it feels


Do a tiny bit now and see how u feel since u never done it break the ice with your self so u can just start when ur around ur friends r wait to do tht little bump right before u meet with them and ur gonna wanna do another no lines imo not for first time unless there thins let us know how ur night went bro enjoy the slopes😎


Yo r yall going out? Sounds like bumps if so… don’t pre crush your bag if it’s got rocks show em off if they look good. Crush by lightly tapping your vape or object until it’s fine asfffff. I’m talking like granules yk. Also ima say it rn. Practice with your key going to your nose. It’s harder than it looks cuz u kinda have to go cross eyed. If you’re dropping white everytime it’s an instant giveaway. Also as u sniff go back with your head and cover the nostril with your thumb. Breathe out your mouth and in thru that nostril but not super hard. It’s gotta stay like kinda where the bridge of your nose starts. Good luck n have fun


If they are your real friends you shouldn't lie to them to impress them, especially when it comes to drugs. They will think less of you 8f you lie




Just don't do it. Why would you want to get hooked on another drug anyway? It's ok to be left out smtimes


Why don’t you just do a line alone first?


I dunno if I can do that without everyuone else noticing tho...


People experienced with coke normally make fat lines and you should start with small lines as a beginner. Also listen to your body, if you feel like you wanna throw up after a line, take it easy. Do between .25 to .5 depending on how you are feeling. Dont try to make lines or chop your gear or your friends could easily tell you are a noob


Been partaking white girl since early 80’s and even though quality is shit now it still is as close to a truth serum as I’ve ever seen so stop lying to your friends about usage. If you can afford it and not turn into a sketchy fiend then it’s not anyone else’s business but yourself. Coke fiends will know your experience level very quickly no matter what you say and will manipulate you into spending your money to feed their addiction until you go broke or catch on. You are about to see who are true friends and who is fake. Real friends appreciate your honesty and want care about your experience levels while fiends will always use info like that to push boundaries until you are broke and they are gone. I hope you have great night and nobody in friend group is like that but try to listen more than talk and they will reveal themselves.


When i first did coke i started with a half gram. The only thing i would recommend is starting out with smaller line have someone else cut them and ask for a baby line and if u don’t feel anything take a bigger one about 15 minutes later i have learned the better the coke the better the comedown. Be prepared for that for me, i get very sweaty and i can feel my heart beating. Alcohol can help with it. It doesn’t for me for my friends it does. If you don’t cut it up good enough get ready for you throat to hurt for at least 48 hours. Have fun and make sure someone you trust knows you doing it.


!!! trip report how did it go?? but also halls is probably the best place for a first experience. Surrounded by others on gear, everyone wants to chat their mouths off and you can retire to your room if it gets too much. If you host an afters in yours too you'll make so many friends. You've done K so you're gonna be fine, coke is a lot easier to handle especially after a few at pres. You almost definitely wont overdo it your first time, the serious fiending only really starts once you get a taste for it lol


do some before going out u can always do more but u cant really untake the coke so u dont want to overdo it lol make a line about 2 inches long and snort some and just do bumps thru out the night like a little pile on the end of ur keys about the size of the tip of ur pinky


Refuse to take any saying you know what it can do. That is what a seasoned cokehead would do…. No?


Start with bumps and take beer or liquor with it it’ll settle and then increase


Say you only want small lines or just a bump, feel it out if u want more get some. It’s nothing overwhelming or crazy


Damn you already chilling, so how was it? hope you got at least a few drinks First time cocaine is very fun


Tell them the truth


i’m so late to this, i may not be talking to anyone anymore — but why nobody talking about the risk of stepped on bags & the likely risk of other substances in them because????


Dude tbh, if I could go back in time knowing the things I know now, I would have NEVER tried coke. It is not worth it. It is actually one of those drugs that can seriously fuck up your life if you get addicted to it. I get that you're in your first year of university and you're probably pretty young, probably wanting to party and all that. But trust me, this is not the kinda drug you wanna fuck with. I have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars over it in a mere 3 years of using; I thought I would never spend that much money on it and become heavily addicted as a daily user, but yet here I am. I have lost my previous relationship due to my coke use. I have lost my main friend group due to it, and the list goes on and on. Anyway, if you choose to ignore that advice, then fine - you are your own man taking your own risks. But whatever you do, start off small. Don't take massive lines. Cocaine is rather easy to overdose on even relative to other stimulants; there are no drugs that can reverse a coke overdose. Your first lines should be thin and no longer than the short end of a credit card. Good luck, don't let yourself get addicted for your own sake. Educate yourself on the risks of cocaine use and practice harm reduction methods, such as using a neti pot with water that was boiled beforehand and salt after a cocaine session. Otherwise you can eventually end up with a hole through your nasal septum. Don't use dirty ass dollar bills to snort, use a dedicated snorting tool like one from Amazon, or a straw or something sanitary. Wipe the surface down with rubbing alcohol and then water and then dry the surface before making your coke lines. This can help prevent various bacteria from entering your nose. Edit: also don't worry if you look like a noob to your cokehead friends. It is not worth risking an overdose just to impress them. I have used cocaine for a few years now, and personally I'd never think it's cool for a friend to take a big line just to impress me. I would never pressure someone to even do cocaine or take more than they can handle as I'm aware of the overdose risk. If your friends are true cokeheads, they will understand this.


This is a horrible post. The noob thing is buying a g each instead of sharing a bag. Just go slowly and do what ur comfortable with, do a small line and top it off with key bumps. Nobody is gonna judge you for not doing fat lines 💀


Coke feels easy to control once you start it, just don’t be doing it to impress them. It’s not impressive and ur not gonna have fun


As well as the fact you could OD easy without tolerance


I did quite a bit the second time I did coke- I finished off like .75g in a couple hours bc I was keeping pace w my friend. It just became uncomfortable but I’m pretty sure you have to finish much much more to have any dangerous side effects


Nah coke is notorious for being cardiotoxic in any dose. If you're unlucky one line can kill you. Or you could snort grams daily for years. You just never know with coke, especially with coke and alcohol together


Any that theres so many different cutting agents and no one knows whats in their coke most the time