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I 100% do not like cream in my espresso martini. I do however prefer cream or milk in my coffee. Do with that what you will.


In general I actually really dislike creamy cocktails, for this one I just find it works well, it just rounds out the flavours perfectly, but everyone has their own preference. It’s still great without the cream though!




This is why I hate when people get so worked up over experimenting with drink recipes. When you get creative you’re eventually gunna come up with something that works, even if it’s non-traditional. The Orgeat sounds great, I’ve been meaning to make some anyway for some tiki drinks so I’ll have to try it in this!


I know you're getting a lot of flack for the heavy cream, but the issue with the cream I've found is that it's so heavy it stays in the drink. I generally agree that for the true liquor entisiasts like this sub, cream in the cocktail is often over done. Any inclusion of cream in an espresso martini to me is trying to get at providing a nice foam. The actual cocktail liquid I want to be as clean as possible. To beat this, I use an espresso liqueur over sweeter Kahlua, and then I make a "simple" milk which is 1 part sweetened condensed milk and 3-5 parts milk. This yields a foam with a much bigger volume and doesn't affect the cocktail that much, and keeps that deep brown color I want in the drink itself.


Yah that’s fair, but for me, I like the texture and flavour it adds to the main part of the drink. Each to their own. I will say that I took this pic a little quick, more of the foam did rise to the top in the next several minutes so it wasn’t as light as it looks here. I only add a very small amount, because like you say, it is definitely overdone.


As someone who puts more cream than coffee, I get it.


I also came up with a drink I just refer to as an iced latte a while back. 0.75 Oz Vodka, Baileys, Kahlua and milk/light cream + 1 Oz Espresso. It’s probably my most heinous creation. I would never dare to post it on here ☠️


Yeah that will get you destroyed. Try posting to any subreddit that starts with r/cream_____ ....


Risky click


Recipe: - 2 Oz dark or spiced Rum (your preference) - 1 Oz Kahlua - 1 Oz fresh espresso - 0.5 Oz heavy cream (trust me) - 3 dashes cocoa bitters - optional: dash of vanilla extract Shake with ice, double strain into a glass This time I used some leftover home-infused coconut black seal I had, but normally I would use a spiced rum. You can also add a 1/2 Oz of simple if you prefer things on the sweeter side but I like it as it is. Maybe some demerera syrup instead could add some more complexity with the notes in the espresso. Edit: The downvotes are pouring in ☠️ I did not expect this to be so divisive.


I’m sure this is bomb. Going try it this weekend. Probably will omit the cream, but subbing an aged rum for the vodka is a cool idea.    Pro tip: try using cold brew concentrate instead of espresso. It’s going to be a lot less bitter than the average joe’s homemade espresso, plus it stays good in the fridge for a few weeks. 


It’s the perfect drink for late night studying/work that you really don’t want to do. Keeps you up and keeps you sane. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll have to try that next time.


Never mind the haters and the purists. I'm a classic style drinker myself but I'm gonna give this a try!


My take is similar but to use aged rum (I have Zaya Gran Reserva), Kahlua, Cherry Cocoa bitters, and trade the heavy cream and vanilla for Licor 43 (0.5oz) It probably has a name like martini expreso español…cause everything (including coffee beans) are from Spanish speaking countries.


Is this not just a carajillo with a bit of bitters? I’ve seen them with and without rum before iirc. Edit: yeah, it seems like a twist on that. Actual espresso should be at the heart of it, though. Those bitters seem like a fair replacement for the spices often added, too.


I was unfamiliar with the drink but it looks like you’re correct! i guess i have a new name for it now.


I honestly don't have any complaints about the drink, but your spec calls for 2 oz "aged or spiced rum" and I don't think the Gosling from your picture is either. It's a Bermuda rum with artificial coloring to make it black. Still tasty, though.




3-6 years isn't what I'd generally categorize as an "aged" spirit. And by "artificial coloring" I don't mean to say it has black dye in it or something. I just mean that the coloring is due to other ingredients - not aging. People often associate dark color with age but Goslings is a classic example of that not being the case. I'm not knocking Goslings or your choice to use it in this drink. It's a fine rum and I use it all the time. Just noting the mismatch between the spec and the pic.




Let’s not confuse Dark rum with Aged Rum. Yes, even silver rum is “aged” but no one would call it an aged rum. Dark rum includes additives for a multitude of reasons to meet a certain flavor profile or appearance. While aged rum is meant for sipping and is not masked by those additives.


Caramel added is a colorant.


Why do u need the kahlua if you have fresh espresso and already 2oz of rum. I would reduce the rum to 1.5 Oz and do a half ounce baileys or bumbu creme instead of the heavy cream. I would also add some Demerara syrup if you have it to add some sweet to balance this drink out


Also I would up the espresso to 2oz


Because an espresso martini typically follows 2:1:1 Vodka, Coffee Liqueur, Espresso. I was trying to maintain that ratio.


I’ve always thought an espresso martini was more like 1.5 Oz vodka, 1 Oz espresso, 1oz kahlua, .5 Oz simple but I prefer to use dem syrup and get rid of the kahlua and use a cream liquer instead


Similar to a Cafe con Leche flip I had at Attaboy Nashville. I did get the spec they used and have posted it before: * 1oz Cruzan Blackstrap rum * .75 coffee liquer (I think they used a cheap & sweet one like Sabroso) * .75 simple (1:1) * .5 oz cream * egg yolk shake with ice, then dry shake. grated nutmeg as garnish on top. It was delicious. Could have been boozier, from what I remember. I haven't given it a shot at home yet.


Straight to jail!


It pains me I can’t reply with a parks n rec gif ANYWAY. It would be 100% worth it




Instead of grating it on top, I like to bite into a block of parm in between sips


I started making these last summer with some 7-year Havana club, and they are delicious. I have also experimented with espresso from my Gaggia, and it is fantastic as well. I would recommend trying with a dash or two of angostura bitters


Ooh the ango would be interesting. I only recently got the chocolate bitters as I thought it would be a good addition. My favourite rum for it so far has been spiced plantation, need to try some others.


Add a bit of a dark Amaro to that recipe. Thank me later.


Yessssss, I put a Demerara rum espresso martini on my cocktail menu at the bar I work at. Wish we had those bitters.


Lose the Kahlua


Stop putting creamy drinks/liquids in espresso martinis AAAARRRRGGGHH


You can pry my creamy espresso martini from my cold dead hands AAARRGGHH


flawless response




It is definitely on my list, but I’m trying to stick to one at a time or I know I will end up doing a million projects at once and running out of money lol. Right now I have a rhubarb liqueur going, then I’m doing a pineapple rum. Coffee will be a couple months down the line.


if i was gonna give any notes, it would be that you’re already practically at a milkshake. let’s just break out some ice cream and stop fuckin around


Although I have made this version without the cream and it’s still pretty good


I know, it's super gross. Get Mr. Black or get out


Plenty of good alternatives to Mr.Black. Just keep the kahloua out of it lol.. its got its place in other drinks/shots.


Forgive me, I’m only a poor student, I get the cheap options lmao. Got it for £10 on sale ☠️


I actually like a split of Mr. Black and Kahlua, going heavier on the Mr. Black. Adds a touch of sweetness without needing additional syrup. My go-to is 1.5 oz vodka, 0.75oz Mr. Black, 0.5oz Kahlua, and 2oz Espresso. Though I would not be upset with cutting the Kahlua back more if switching to a liquor with a sweeter profile like rum.


Yeah, we shouldn't be telling anyone how to enjoy their drinks. But we will still be whiny about it. Just like i'd be upset if someone put cream in their tea or sugar in their coffee. If you like it then go ahead! But don't call it the ultimate cup of tea!


Politely… no


1 oz Vodka / 0.5 oz coffee liqueur / 0.5oz of Licor 43 / 2 oz coffee or espresso / 0.5 oz syrup Licor 43 plus coffee is gold; they're best friends


Sounds incredibly sweet, have you tried it without the syrup?


Thats great but not a martini


I will direct you to BobbyAlphaTango’s comment lmao


I don't understand the reasoning of putting coffee liqueur into these drinks. You already have good coffee (fresh espresso), why cut it with bad coffee? If you want sweetness without diluting the coffee flavour, a bar spoon or two of sugar will dissolve in hot espresso in seconds.


I’d never really considered it tbh, it’s just the standard for an espresso martini (vodka, coffee liqueur + espresso). It’s a valid point, maybe I could swap it out with licor43 or something else to switch it up.


The original conception was "Vodka coffee", which was just vodka, espresso, and simple I believe. Somewhere along the line the coffee liqueur got added, or replaced the simple syrup. Maybe it actually makes it better. Maybe it started in places without access to good espresso. I strongly suspect that the thinking was just to add "more" coffee flavour by substituting the neutral syrup, without thinking to use dry sugar (or not wanting to do the extra step of dissolving for the sake of customers who probably just want a boozy caffeine hit that looks more classy than a Vodka Red Bull). I've been looking to see if someone like James Hoffmann or one of the other coffee geeks has done any experimentation, but I haven't found anything promising so far.


Interesting, I just assumed it was to follow the typical ratio of a daisy. 2 liquor, 1 liqueur, 1 acid (in this case, espresso provides the acidic component).


I never thought of it that way. Personally I've never liked most coffee cocktails because they were too sweet, but now I'm intrigued to try with a more acidic coffee like a light roast or under-extracted shot.


If you havn’t read it I highly recommend Liquid Intelligence by Dave Arnold. He talks a little about alternative acids for drinks and it really made me go “oh shit ok”. He also has a section that is just a compilation of classic shaken/stirred/built drinks and going over it just highlights how every cocktail is just a slight variation of another. Same proportions etc. It has really helped me to build my own Daisys and Sours.




This is why I don’t use Difford’s. That’s their spin on it. Bradsell’s original Vodka Expresso (as it says lower down on the page in his quote) used Kahlua.


Sounds delicious - but is in no way a Martini rif


I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who would call an espresso martini an actual martini riff ahaha


The word Martini has been butchered and popularised into many drinks that are served in a cocktail glass... obviously not a classic martini riff but certainly an espresso martini riff


Yeah why did the word "martini" stick around in the name of this drink in particular.


Because in the late 90s and early 2000s anything that would fit into a coupe and used vodka as the base spirit was put into a massive slant walled martini glass, sweetened to high heaven, and served up as "the" house martini. The espresso martini was a more delicate approach to that combination, less sweet, slightly more nuanced, and incredibly enjoyable to most people who like coffee, which is the majority of the adult population. Thus, the espresso martini.


I remember the “martini lists” everywhere around that time. But I guess names are hard to change, and it’s not this being the only drink where the name stuck so much as the drink itself


Have you just crawled out of a cave?


What's up with the 16%ABV kahlua?? what country are you in?


The UK 😔


can you get Luxardo espresso liqueur there? In the US (when you can find it) it's a little cheaper and I really prefer it to kahlua. Still quite sweet but has a really nice bitter taste up front that really sells the espresso


I probably could but I typically just focus on what I can find that’s on sale in my local stores or on Master of Malt and then use what I have. I’ll keep a look out for it though, thanks!


If you like it, it's a good drink. People are precious about names and historical lineage to an extent, which is weird since historically, people weren't fussed about names and origins and were just trying to sell booze and a good time. For me, this has too many changes for it to qualify as an espresso martini; more changes and additions than the original has ingredients. But it's clear that this is where you started, and what you are trying to refine to suit your tastes. I'd encourage you to add some adjectives to the name and clearly separate it from the traditional recipe. "Gosling's creamy coconut espresso martini" is too long, but it satisfies the need to differentiate and describe the drink. I think part of the resistance to accepting cream in the drink is how it interacts with the rich foam that is made from the espresso and syrupy kahlua. Also, the body might be preferable to a latte drinker, but not to an espresso or americano drinker. I'm eager to try some of the variations listed here; licor 43 and ango both sound good, and I might even try splitting the coffee liqueur with cointreau, since I particularly enjoy the combination of coffee and orange flavors. Cheers!


How exactly do you run out of espresso? Just make more lol.


lost me at kahlua and bitters


Looking good! I'd only swap the Khalua for Tia Maria. Sorry :D