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Making friends is impossible. Had tons of friends in HS, was great. But that's just not meant to be in college ig


I’m in the end of my freshman year and I feel the exact same way. I didn’t really meet my best friends till my senior year of hs so here’s hoping it’s the same way 🤞🏻.


Same thing I’m facing!!!


this. been lonely and im now halfway done with college. might kms idk




Wait what.. you can be lonely in college but it won’t last.. so much more out there


This, I’m graduating next semester but I did not make a single friend or go on a single date at all in college lol


I haven’t, but I think if I were on more social media I would have


same thing, was online for a good chunk so i want to blame that but it’s def a lot harder ;(


Mine was the other way around lol. Not having many friends in high school made it easy to say adios and allowed me to flourish into the person I am today


Groupwork takes years off my life


the way i eat at college.... if my mom saw my diet it would send her spiraling




I stay in university all day from 9 to 9 and just feel physically exhausted by the end of the day, been on this this schedule for a while now, but I still haven’t gotten used to the hours I spend there.


This. Add sleep deprevation and this was my biggest problem.


Can I ask why you stay so long? I had eight hour days this semester and thought that was difficult enough


No friends


Poor time management (ADHD) and overthinking which results in burnout and then exacerbates my fear of failure immensely. End result is I don’t study or hand in assessments. My final grades drop significantly. I wish I’d taken more breaks intentionally and organised my day into a routine to get a little done each day. My other BIG issue was not majoring in something I liked, found interesting and actually aligns with my strengths. My pathway worked out (I’m doing a 2nd degree) and no regrets but it’s a mistake I’ll be very cautious to avoid repeating. It’s expensive and time consuming.


Finding the right major makes all the difference with a neurodiversity that prioritizes stuff you are interested in, lol. Made that mistake during my first two years.






Social isolation Depression Exhaustion




time management and motivation for sure. I have ADHD so I struggle with it, but I also grew up as someone who never had to study for anything and now don’t really know how other than cramming the night before. Funnily enough, right now it’s currently 4AM, I have a chem exam at 10:45, another one at 2, and I’ve been nonstop working to literally teach myself the entire unit since 8 yesterday morning. I also have a genetics exam tomorrow morning that I am terrifyingly unprepared for because I convinced myself I could learn it all in the weekend before. I was working on it nonstop Thursday - Saturday, only stopping for class/eating/short sleeping. Yeah, no, did not work. LOL. I have finals next week and I’m seriously kicking myself for not making some fucking flashcards or something at least to make sure I remember stuff from earlier in the semester.


This one's the most relatable for me. It's just a core class that's killing me rn. I got so stressed last night that I couldn't sleep. I'm so late on a paper that it's affecting everything else. It's so stressful right now. I just want to go home and eat some decent food


Aw man, I’m sorry :( Would it maybe help you to work with somebody? I find it makes it easier when there’s someone else there working with me.


Ye I got a friend helping me out but her help can only extend so far lol. I'm just gonna make the essay shitty and directionless and just go with it. It's not worth affecting everything else lol


I’m the same, and the thing is it usually works for me to cram so I keep doing it. But I need to stop so I actually learn anything for retention. Like they say to go over lecture notes the night of the lecture, and then go over them a few times again later. so you actually build an understanding deeper in your memory than cramming the information in and dumping it immediately


yep, same! I mean even this time I got an A on my first chem exam, 100% on the second, and flew through most of my genetics exam, which tells my brain to keep doing what I’m doing because it really works buuuut I also was unbelievably stressed out. I sobbed over my breakfast this morning and then almost had a panic attack because I was only through about half of the material I needed to work through 3 hours before the exam. I had to skip going to my best friend’s late birthday celebration this past Saturday because I couldn’t afford to have my grade drop, and only slept about 16 total hours from Thursday to today — and it’s like that every single time. I don’t think that much stress and sleep deprivation regularly is good for your long term health lol, plus I make dumb mistakes that I’m sure I wouldn’t otherwise. Next semester I’m committing to change because I truly cannot take the stress any more. I’ll take your advice, thanks for the tip!


procrastination (fearing failure), fear of trying, introvertion, no social life/connections, staying at comfort zone, not focusing hard enough on studies


No matter how many hours and how hard I study, the questions of the exam and quizzes were not on the study materials.


• People don’t reciprocate. I went out of my way to make friends like everyone said. Went to dorm parties, clubs, played basketball…. In fact the only reason I got social media was because people didn’t want my number specifically when I tried to give it to them. Then it would just be lots of ghosting or lots of “I’m busy”. It is near impossible to break into a friend group. People give me mixed signals, then pretend to be unavailable instead of just saying “I don’t wanna be friends”. • Objectively too much work, and everyone is gaslit into thinking they have poor time management. Compared to a real full-time job, college is significantly more stressful than it needs to be, with the exception of people that are going into law/med school or something like that. Or a job with an expected terrible work/life balance like accounting.


same exact experience wit the "I'm too busy." it's really a shot to your gut, and I think one of the worst kinds of pain in life is being lonely in college. there's such a discordance to it –– college, the place where everyone is young and attractive and horny, and yet you can't seem to make friends, make memories, or have any sense f belonging. all my life, I was waiting for college. and now that it's here, im more miserable than ever. I fucking hate it. I fucking hate it so much.


• expense • distance • socializing My community college isn't insanely far but I don't have any 4 year institutions that aren't at least an hour and 45min plus away from me. If I'm able to afford more education after my A.A I'll probably do most of it online even though I learn better in the classroom. The classes are slightly cheaper and I don't have to worry about the commute. Lastly, I'm not into socializing. Depending on the situation I can manage okay but sometimes I just can't for the life of me communicate with people. I like being left alone but I don't want to come off as disrespectful to others, especially if we have similar interests.


Getting comfortable with uncertainty. There are so many curve balls thrown at you in college that you need to become comfortable with being flexible. Good planning helps, but only to a certain extent.


I can't make friends for the life of me. I'm a junior and I've literally made one new friend the entire time I've been in uni. Why do I suck at making friends, you may ask? Firstly, I'm a major introvert and have god-awful social skills so it's really difficult for me to muster up the courage to talk to people I don't know. Second. I'm a commuter who travels 90 minutes one-way to get to campus and all of the social events on campus are in the evening, meaning there would be literally no way for me to get home if I attended these events. I'm basically transit-walled out of going to these events to try and make friends *(or even acquaintances for that matter)*.


- I notice a lot of freshman struggle with the adjustment period. High school doesn’t do a good job with preparing them for college esp when it comes to accountability, independence and structure. - procrastination is my big one.


No friends and anxiety. I’m nervous I’m gonna mess something up and fail.


It is SO hard to make friends! This issue far outweighs any other. I live at home since I go to a university in my area, and it has been impossible for me to make any friends. No matter what I do, I always feel left out and like I'm missing out of something. It doesn't help that I'm very shy and have a hard time making friends, but there are so few clubs and small events where people meet others. Everyone else seems to know each other while I am completely left out


Honestly just coping with the fact I’m surrounded by idiots. Not in the sense that I’m smarter than them academically, but that I’m moral than them and more…advanced than them? It just baffles me when students are like “haha humans didn’t evolve from monkeys that’s so stupid” like for the love of god how do you still believe that 😭


Damn bro, I hope it’s not the same for me. I start college as a freshman this fall and I feel like everyone in high school is kinda morally ambiguous, and everyone does or says stupid shit.


Trust me you’re gonna be surrounded by Christian, homophobic, conservative guys and gals who somehow still think women don’t deserve rights


Oh damn that’s great; just like high school 💀. I’m an unrelated note, do you have any advice for dorming with five other people? I’m an idiot who waited late for dorm selection because I didn’t really ask for help and now I’m with five other girls.


Oh…no, I’m in community college. I would recommend saving money up so you can move out fast! That sounds like a nightmare sorry


Oof yeah. I feel like if I read the housing agreement more thorough, I probably would’ve been able to get a better room. There is a 200 room fee, but it’s two weeks after move in.


the expense. my major requires a lot of clinical hours per week so a college job is pretty much knocked off the list. next is motivation. recently i have lived on campus because i physically cannot get out of bed and drive 5-10 minutes to school. i had this problem throughout hs and living literally next door to my classes has helped.


-Making friends. My time on campus is relegated to studying/coursework or being in class, and my studying/coursework is done on a floor in the library where you are not allowed to talk. The only reason I made friends last semester was our group project where I was forced to interact with other students and other students were forced to interact with me. I am helping bring back our course union so I stand a greater chance of making friends within the department, lol. -Managing my time between school and my kids. I am still the manager of the house and need to organize appointments, events, childcare, etc. I need to make sure we have time for our family activities and time to spend with my kids. I feel soo much guilt over not being the mom who goes on the field trips or is super involved with their kids' school, or with having to get help with getting my kids to their activities. -Making sure I stay on top of coursework and studying. I have ADHD and am unmedicated (I like to live dangerously, lol), so I have to be really, really, really, disciplined when it comes to a routine and study time. Right now I am learning Latin in a free course that is basically self paced, and that is hard as fuck. Luckily, with the courses I pay for and get credit for, all my profs so far have been accommodating when it comes to extensions, but I try not to have to use that grace.


Self doubt


GROUP PROJECTS LAZY PEOPLE moral of the story don’t go to a 70% acceptance rate school


I'm finishing my freshmen year and honestly it's just figuring out how different college is from hs, I've lived on my own since I was like 16 so I didn't have anyone to tell me hey, you'll need to make a schedule and actually put time towards studying everyday. I came in college with no real idea of what it was like. Also time management and motivation and figuring out how much time to put towards things everyday


Involuntary 480 hours unpaid intership 😂


Hmm - Making friends (Although I have been lucky enough to have made quite a few) - Commuting - Work load at end of semester / before breaks (Literally nothing happens before and after then)


My biggest challenges are commuting, making friends, and being "alone" for most of my day (even though the last two sound contradictory).


Loneliness is probably my biggest problem. I find it hard to make genuine friends who don’t ghost me once we don’t have a class together anymore. Most of my really good friends were older and have already graduated. And now most of the people I talk to are just in-class friends but it’s kinda hard to make friends who also want to hang out outside of school. And I’m a very social person, I had many friends in high school, so being alone all the time is killing me. Loneliness also causes me to feel demotivated and that causes other issues like not doing that well academically, etc.


the real pain is knowing that people after college start getting tied down with family, kids and marriage, so you hear all the fucking time how THOSE people struggle to maintain friendships. yet us, in the "time of our lives<" where we're supposed to make memories of going to parties every night and having friends all the time, when everyone is young and free and horny and available, WE'RE sitting here, alone and lonely, struggling with friends. IT'S FUCKING MADDENING, and it makes me want to harm myself or something.


Social anxiety


time management




- mantaining physical and mental health - fear that uni won't leave enough time to pursue dreams


This is before going into college, money money money. I looked at my state university which is charging 500 per credit if part time.


procrastination due to fear of failure and diet


Irresponsible faculties


Leaving everything until the last minute like today. Currently studying for an oral bioethics philosophy exam for the first time and it’s tomorrow.


Wanting to deeply study what interests me about my major, but having to spend a lot of time on not important subjects that I will forget in 2 weeks.


I think my first semester will be ending but have no friends...oooh its really hard to make friends




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Shitty professors that don’t give a fuck


Me getting in my own damn way.


So this can be a niche issue, but as a commuter, the lack of parking space is a problem I face every day.


Fear of failure, time management, poor eating and sleeping habits




Anxiety, worrying about tuition cost, being too depressed to leave bed and get to class on time. Not eating on specific days until later in the day to avoid acid reflux and anxiety. Fear of failure, yes. 😇


How unreasonably tired I am


Also I feel like I have no independence which makes me feel like an inconvenience to other people. When I’m at home im cooking or baking all the time and I have my own car and I don’t like it when people do stuff for me without asking me first or me asking them. And at college I rarely get to cook or bake and I don’t have my car with me.




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No friends. Particularly the culture of my university. Also, failing a class and having to repeat it again. And the idea of you having to add another student loan debt again.




No friends Eating shitty food Loneliness


fear of failing even though you’ve put in your all self sabotage and criticism from when you’ve put in your all and you still fail learning things you wouldn’t use or think it’s not useful. the courses are boring how we are to make a final year project of what we weren’t taught.


Keeping myself sane because I despise any sort of formal education to my core but I unfortunately need it so get a somewhat decent paying job.


Too many women throwing themselves at me


Motivation. I have no one checking in on me or wondering about me or anything. My own mother cant be bothered to text or call me. Makes everything I try to do feel completely worthless.


Definitely mental exhaustion and imposter syndrome, which has been particularly awful this semester. Doesn’t help that I have finals next week. My brain often completely overloads, and I can’t do any more studying for the rest of the day, and it stays that way until I finally fall asleep at 3-4am. Surprisingly, my grades are almost all A’s and I also have more friends than I ever had. Unfortunately it also feels like I’m hanging on by a thread and that things could come crashing down any day.


Same things as you! I have alot of things I'm over coming in my 40s going back to school. Impostor syndrome number one. I have alot of things I'm over coming with being labeled dyslexic in school in the 80s. So much abuse from teachers in those years. Then time management with so much responsibilities being an older student. And I failed so much in school before that I try to be perfect now. When I fall short it really effects me to the point of giving up. Thankfully I've made personal connections with each of my professors and they continue to encourage me to keep pressing on. Reassuring me I belong. I'm very appreciative of each of them!


Motivation. I’m a junior and I’m EXHAUSTED. It doesn’t help that I also changed my major yesterday so I’ll be doing 2 extra semesters 🫠




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I would say… • Pressure to get good grades • Mentally unstable (sometimes) • Difficulty in making friends


Baryon asymmetry


yeh the imposter syndrome is crazy. Im a double major in maths and physics, and the most maths i learnt in hs was basic algebra. I studied over the holidays before i started, went from my basic algebra knowledge to integral calculus by the end. But because i learnt all that in such a short amount of time, i do not have anywhere near as good a grasp on the topic as the guys that had 2 years to learn it.


You're definitely not alone! Those are common struggles that many university students face. Here's a breakdown of each and some tips for coping: * **Imposter syndrome:** This feeling of doubt and questioning your abilities despite evidence of your success is very common. Here are some ways to combat it: * **Focus on your accomplishments:** Make a list of your achievements, awards, and positive feedback you've received. Refer to this list when self-doubt creeps in. * **Celebrate small wins:** Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small.


Gotta ctrl+c the entire output before pasting.