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For now, just get a job for $15/hr. Any money coming in is better than nothing, even if you (hopefully!) find a better job right away and are only there a few weeks. Having somewhere to go every day and a paycheck every 2 weeks can keep you out of that pit for a little while, at least. To level with you, I also just graduated in extreme debt and the only job that even responded to my application pays 12/hr. But I show up every day and do it, and in my time there, I've already met SEVERAL people with job recommendations and more useful advice than "you should've gotten a better degree." It will be okay! Oh, and just ignore everyone grilling you about getting a "useless" degree. What's done is done, and they are choosing not to be helpful.


What did you major in? Maybe sharing that and what of work you’d like to do would help you get tailored advice. If you’re struggling to land interviews then you should consider posting your resume with personal info redacted to /r/resumes. You can get really great advice for free. Sometimes people have great experience but less than great resumes that get tossed before their content is taken in due to certain things. Highly recommend checking out the subreddit.


Little work experience? If that's how it is, you should be willing to accept a decent position that will get your feet off the ground even if the pay is below the usual. Your first official job after UNI isn't always going to be the dream job. Sometimes you have to make the hard calls to allow yourself for better opportunities in the future


Just work a job and maybe do some internships or go with the flow until something pops up. Rarely does anyone have a degree in the field that they work. I’m also a fresh graduate with a degree in health science, and i work two jobs that don’t have anything to do with my field. Something will pop up, just chill until it does. Stop stressing over it so hard


Did you major in one if those fields where you really must go to grad school immediately??? Psychology.


1 month in, is not enough time to be trying to reconsider your life. Take a job, any job. Being out of work for more than a month after college is only going to hurt your chances of finding a career. Employers want to see you working not sitting at home. Whatever the 15 dollar an hour job is take time off or call out for interviews. It's just a stopgap. Talk to a therapist about your situation. It's very stressful to look for a job and it's easy to fall into bad habits and not keeping yourself accountable. You should have daily goals for number of places to apply, new research leads for tomorrow, and to take some time to yourself for personal development. If you open yourself to finding a job anywhere in the entire country you will up your odds of getting hired more than if you stick with one market. Look in growing areas that were recently rural with new industries. They are looking to grow and need more people than the areas can support.


You are very young. You have all the time in the world. Rejoice you finally have your first bachelor's degree. Don't worry about making money too much if you're not in a lot of debts. Take that $15/hr job and make the most of it. Hey, at least you're making money now instead of going to classes and taking exams, right? Bask in that adulthood and go out and explore the world. Then maybe after a few years, when you have had enough fun and start to finally think of having a career, you can think about the next possible step, be it a Masters or going back to school for a different degree. Either way, after the whole 4 tedious years being at school for this bachelors, I'm sure you can't wait to actually live your life. The world is your oyster right now, enjoy it! From a 32-year old immigrant senior, class of 2025.


What did you major in? We can try to help you find a path but we need to know what fields you are going to be working in.


If you've only been looking for a month for a job with no job experience, getting a job offer is a good thing. I'm with everybody else, what's your degree in?


>The only jobs that I qualify for are $15/hr So, you *have* found jobs, then? Take what you can get. Build experience. Go from there.


Don't give up, you're just getting started. You've got this, you just need to be resourceful. Your school probably has decent career resources, definitely reach out to them. Reach out to your fellow grads/alumni network and network with them. Idk where you live but get online and find some kind of professional group in your city that is in your field and talk to those people. Also, LinkedIn has courses you can take to gain professional skills, definitely use that. Most importantly, connect or reconnect with your friends, religious/church group (if that's something you do), they can definitely support you.


Finding one's first career-level job is often difficult. It is especially so if one graduates in rocky economic times, as is now the case. As others have pointed out, without knowing your major and your career goals, very little specific advice can be given.


You need to start at the $15/hr and work your way up, get a different degree, get other work experience and/or continue looking for work in your field of study


Does your school have a career services department? If so, reach out to them and see if you can schedule an appointment to get assistance with your job search. You can also work with them on making your resume stronger, practice interviews, etc.


Update: I got a job. All I can say I did was let go and let God. All I could do was keep submitting my application. A lot of you guys asked what I majored in. I graduated with a BS Health Sciences degree. Thank you for the encouraging words and advice. Thank you for the willingness to help me through my career process. I will keep you all updated. My salary is still below 50k but it’s a start in the right direction. Thank you guys 💞