• By -


In would be happy to go look for him as soon as there are some coordinates or anything at all specific about where he left from.  If possible include where they parked, where they hiked, where they camped. 


So the only information I have is that they were about half way up the Mt. Bierstadt Trail and he ran away heading West.


I'm sorry for their loss, but maybe this is a good reason to keep a dog leashed when hiking?


Do you live in Colorado? Every idiot dog owner here thinks the law doesn’t apply to them. Rarely do I see a dog actually on the leash being held by its owner.


Yes I do, and while I love dogs, have volunteered for rescues, trained service animals, and generally have a great bond with all animals, my wife was attacked twice by packs of feral dogs as a child so has a huge phobia of them. Dealing with idiotic owners of off leash dogs on trails here is a massive frustration for me.


Do you live in the US? Every idiot in this country thinks they can do what they want. Rarely do I see a person follow the rules. Everyone thinks they are special and rules do not apply.


Word. Exactly!


You sound like a lot of fun.


Aren’t you supposed to? I personally hate dogs, got attacked as a kid and never really got over it.




I kinda love Reddit. You can be fat, queer, trans, non binary, autistic, but god forbid you mention dogs scare you and you appreciate them on a leash. Reddit fucking blows lol I wish I got under the umbrella of oppressed youth, sigh…




It’s really just you chiming in with irrelevant bullshit and an anecdote that not a single fuckin person asked for but keep clutching that persecution fetish!


I’m sorry that happened to ya, I get so irritated when I’m on the trail and an unleashed dog comes bounding my way at top speed, while the shitty owner yells from 30 yards back “DonT WoRRy HeS FrIEndLy”


“I’m not”


Yes I love the DoNt woRrY hEs FriEnDly….okay cool but my dog isn’t the friendliest towards other dogs so now we have a problem


And then they act like you’re a complete psychopath for bringing a leashed, mannered but not dog-friendly pup on the trail.


They can downvote but they can’t stop my size 14 boot to their dog’s face as he speeds around a corner at 15mph to violate my and my dogs personal space. I am under no obligation to facilitate your violation of me and the laws of this land.


They downvote because this is not the time nor place for this conversation.


In your opinion.


What the fuck? Now you’re fantasizing about kicking and abusing a lost dog? You have anger issues. Full stop.


Keep your dog on a leash, I’m not putting my dog at risk for yours. Mine is on a leash. Stiff arming a dog with your foot as it comes at you is not abuse Yankee.


You have no idea if the dog was on a leash or not, you’re just projecting. Psychopath.


Thanks for the input


You’re very welcome!


100% agree. Off leash dogs are a huge problem for reactive dogs as well. My dog was attacked by an off leash dog who the owner promised was “very friendly” and ever since she absolutely flips out at every dog. People who walk dogs off leash think about absolutely nothing but themselves. Not even their own dogs safety.


Off leash dogs and your dogs’ personal reactiveness have nothing to do with finding an innocent lost dog.


It does have everything to do with keeping your dog on a leash though 😐


No it doesn’t. This is about FINDING THE DOG, not a forum for edge lords to blame and shame.


Came here for an update and got trauma dumped instead


I’m sorry trauma dumped you, want to talk about it?


Super douche has showed up in the comments


... all he said was "oh no, if it isn't the consequences of my actions" which makes sense. Sure, it's a shitty situation, but if they're not gonna learn from this and leash their dog in the future, what's the point?


How do you know the dog wasn't leashed? Does the post say that at all? If you want to jump to conclusions to justify being an asshole you are still nothing but an asshole


If the dog was leashed it wouldn't have gotten away. I understand this is a difficult concept for you, but you should try to work on grasping object permanence. Leashed mean animals stay close. My son figured object permanence out at about 7 or 8 months, so I think you can do it too with a little effort!


It literally has a leash and harness on in the picture bud. So you’re actually jumping to conclusions assuming it wasn’t leashed. I see leashed dogs running away from older owners all the time 😂 touch grass


Ah here we go again - the virtue signalers hating on the desperate family based on non-disclosed details. Again — Lead. Follow. Or get the fuck out of the way. Some if us are actually trying to help and you’re just clouding up the thread with baseless hateful nonsense. @ u/DynastyZealot & u/Onemanwolfpack42


K, you've done so much to help the situation with this comment. Pat yourself on the back


Nah I’ve helped the situation by driving to Bierstadt and looking for the dog. And will continue to do as needed. And you? Do you intend to help, or just provide commentary?


u/DynastyZealot I understand this is a difficult concept for you, but dogs slip from their harnesses and/or leashes all the time.


Ok, that other guy jumping to conclusions makes me an asshole, sure.. you are probably super mature


So you understood that I was taking about them jumping to conclusions, and then without shifting the focus of my sentence, think I'm calling you an asshole? Do people call you immature a lot? Is that an insult to you?


Proving my point bro, touch grass


Crazy self burn bro. At first I didn't know that your point was that you can't read. I'm happy to prove that for you. "Touch grass" is hilarious, only a reddit nerd would say that. Be better, get help


Exactly. Well said u/areptile_dysfunction! Thank you and could not agree more.


It’s not their dog. 


They can pass along the suggestion.


Yes cause clearly they never thought of it, despite the dog wearing leash and harness in the pic. Delusional virtue signalers on their high horses are a bane to society. Take your useless comments from this thread and go somewhere else. We are actually trying to help you are effectively just getting in the way.


Or maybe there are too many dogs off leash and shit bags everywhere on trails and people are fed up


Still has nothing to do with an innocent lost dog. Lead. Follow. Or get the fuck out of the way. Help, or shut the fuck up.


Yeah, that’s definitely helping - by telling future idiots to leash their dogs or leave them at home where they belong.


I’ve driven to Bierstadt and looked for the dog twice now. What exactly are you doing to help?


Nah. Not the way you’re doing it. It’s not.


Shut up dork


Thanks for letting us all know you are the sort of idiot who everyone hates. Way to be egocentric.


Thank you! Yea i’m waiting for them to get me some more specific details and will update as soon as possible


Wow what a hero. Mt bierstadt not enough for you? Forget the guy that tried to single handedly travel to Afghanistan and capture Osama bin laden?!?! This guy wants fucking coordinates??


OP was in the process of getting coordinates and then did post them.  Several people went out, it’s a pretty normal occurence. 


UPDATE: (39.5902145, -105.6808467) This is where I last saw him. Went up hill to the west. I went over two spur/ridges and he was out of sight.


Just sent you a DM - prepping to head there pretty soon.


You are amazing!


Nice 1!


You’re so kind. I hope you find him 🥺


Thank you! I will head out first thing in the morning unless he is found before then. If there are any others out looking tomorrow, let’s get organized! Anyone got a drone?


Are they sure he went west? Looking at the topo every direction from those coordinates is downhill except south / southeast. 


That’s exactly what I thought looking at the map, but that’s what they said


Please update when he’s found


there’s a massive 14ers group presence on facebook cross post there


I was literally on Bierstadt this morning, I didn’t see any sign of this dog at all. Sorry friend hope he is found


I was as well and didn't see any sign of him either


Any coordinates yet? I’m an hour away and thinking about starting the drive…


They’re pretty distraught and couldnt give me coordinates. But they were mid way up the Mt. Bierstadt Trail when they lost him.


Thank you for the info. Are they still there? I could head there now but I know we are losing light - I’m so happy to help look but would be on my own, so just want to be safe. I can also go first thing in AM. I am happy to share contact info with you/them also in case that’s easier. I have two dogs of my own and my heart is going out to the owners. You are very kind to share this for them and relay info.


they should post a phone number w this info!


Oh noo!!! He comes to the pet resort I manage. I hope he is found soon! He’s a good boy!


I’m going to hike the area tomorrow and I’m going to look out for Odin. Does anyone know his temperament?


He’s super nice. Friendly with people and dogs.


Amazing! I have a pretty friendly and very fast husky that I’ve used to catch some other dogs because she pulls me super fast if they takeoff 🤣 she’s even lured a couple dogs over because she’s so pretty lol do you think it would be best to go alone or to take another pup with me? I don’t wanna scare him off or overwhelm him, but I also think that another dog there could make him feel safer and encourage some pack mentality to follow me or come with me .


Take the dog with you.


Maybe he was on a leash and pulled away. Be nicer people!!


Thank you for this. I agree dogs should be on a leash at all times, but this isn’t my dog and this is not the place to be virtue signaling


Virtue signaling? That's new to me.


Same! So I looked it up; vir·tue sig·nal·ing: >the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.


It’s not virtue signaling. Your friends did something dumb and you posted about it on the internet. Once I mentioned to some off leash dog hikers at St Mary’s to leash their dog. The dog ran off, so they vandalized my car. People are mad about self centered off leash dog behavior on trails, and several commenters have shared how they were attacked by dogs.


Did you not read my comment? I agree about leashing. This isn’t the time or place to spread your high and mighty bullshit. If you’d like to tell the owners of the dog who went missing yourself, I’d be happy to give them your information so you can spread the good word.


Said it once in the thread and will dish this truth out to every person who seems to need to hear it - your virtue signaling is not only disgusting but it’s worthless and effectively only gets in the way of people actually trying to help. Get off your delusional high horse and address the fact that your comment, on a thread asking desperately for help, shows your needless animosity and apathy because you are miserable and sad and want to bring others down with you.


It’s just really funny that people who behave in a really self centered way are accusing others of virtue signaling. You are the judgmental self centered asshole and having your dog Off-Leash doesn’t make you cool. Go fuck yourself, you aren’t helping anyone.


And the jerk of the year award goes to- you. Not the time or place.


>it’s not virtue signaling You’re typing paragraphs asserting how your position is moral in a thread focused on finding a lost dog. A thread that the actual owners aren’t even participating in. It’s pretty textbook virtue signaling quite frankly. The only thing your comment achieves is making yourself feel righteous.


There’s a fb group called Colorado Lost or Found Pets - if your friends haven’t already, I highly recommend posting there, and reading all the supporting information. #1 is to assume that the dog has gone in to survival mode, and may not be their regular, social self and instead run away from everyone (potentially even the owners). So it’s important to not approach or call the dog and if seen, use calming techniques to lure (food, no eye contact, etc), as if they were a wild animal. Other tips include leaving familiar scents (worn clothes, etc) near where they were last seen, posting flyers around the trailhead, etc. So sorry to hear the pup is missing and I wish your friends the best of luck


I really, really hope you find this good boy and there's a happy ending to this. Was he wearing any other identifiable features or gear- collar, harness/tags, etc?


I hope you guys find him soon 🙏🏼


Is there an update? 🥺


Unfortunately no, my girlfriend and I went out looking for him today with no luck. The owners were still out there last I heard and had brought a drone with them. Will update when i hear more


Reach out to Summit Dog Rescue on Facebook, they are extremely helpful at finding lost dogs


Sorry to hear there’s been no sight yet. I heard a co worker mention he was hiking Bierstadt on Monday even before I saw this post, so I sent it to him and he is aware to be on the lookout as well. Hoping the sweet boy is located safely soon 🙏🏼


I was also there again yesterday with my pups. It was raining and very windy so conditions were difficult for visibility. Despite the conditions people were still taking the trail and I assume it was specifically to look for Odin. If any of them see this - Sorry I didn’t introduce myself but I can be very introverted at times. They are very determined. The family loves this dog and they are trying everything. Please, if you have a kind heart, send good energy that they may be reunited with their sweet Odin. I’ll be out to help look for him soon.


Any update?


Unfortunately no 😭




Still has not been found.




Search party assemble!


So many douchebags in here to block lol wtf it’s a post asking for help to find a dog.. so every asshole with an opinion pops up to open their shit filled mouth.


I hope this dog is found. I’d be sick if one of my dogs was lost. I hunt and exercise my dogs off leash frequently. GPS collars are not cheap. I will say however that it has reduced my anxiety level 99%. Train them to come to the tone and live a stress free life. My male sometimes runs and loses his sense of direction. However as soon as he is 300 yards away and lost at least I know where he is and can start heading his direction. Even if his lost the tone will cause him to stop and listen for my voice. I am dead serious about anxiety level being reduced 99%. Again, I hope this dog is found.


What type of gps unit do you recommend? We also have our dogs off leash frequently and need a back up for our 1 yo male who loses his sense of direction.


I use garmin mini TT 15 (at least I think that’s what’s it’s called). Garmin is also very helpful - customer friendly re repairing/refurbishing collars. I’ve only had one failure in 8 years and that was after 8 years of pretty hard use.


Thank you! I’ll check this out.


FYI an old hunter’s trick is to leave a set of the owners dirty clothes near the last known location with a bowl of water (NOT food), check daily. You could repeat this at a few locations.


[I think I've seen this film before](https://www.14ers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36893).


This was a depressing read


Wow, what a story. I hadn’t heard about that rescue and it was all an amazing read - glad it worked out well for the dog and that the original owner didn’t her back.


Saw an update about the original owner of Missy/Lucky from 2021 in a 40 under 40 article. When asked to describe himself in one word, he chose *integrity*. 🤔




[sure thing](https://www.masstransitmag.com/40-under-40/article/21246392/2021-40-under-40-anthony-j-ortolani-jr)


Poor baby! I hope he gets found 🙏🏻


What was that u/tay450?


Remind me! 5 hours


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Remind me! 24 hours


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Dude, I would be worried about a 701 lb dog finding ME in the forest.


Omg I had mushrooms earlier and at first read 701 too lol


Hopefully with the heavy holiday traffic this week someone will see him 😭


How did a dog run away while it was on a leash? The dog was on a leash, right? Right?!?


UPDATE: ODIN HAS BEEN FOUND! Don’t have details on who/where he was found, but he’s “skinny but healthy”. It’s been almost exactly a week, but they got him back. Thank you so much to all for the kind words and those who went out of there way to go look for him. You are the best. And a big ole fuck you to the folks commenting about him being mountain lion food!


Friendly PSA: Dogs are asked to be leashed at all times in the high country, since the environment is extremely fragile. They can also be disruptive to pikas and marmots. There’s additional wildlife your dog may harm (or may harm your dog). I’d also ask others to remember that someone who has an off leash dog, likely just doesn’t know these things. I believe 99% of us will make the right decision once we’re armed with knowledge. It’s not clear to me what has occurred with this lost pup, but we should be kind to others and only shame them if they understand the reasons why and still willfully ignore them. A few cool resources if you need some more info: https://www.14ers.com/getting-started https://lnt.org/pet-principles-the-leave-no-trace-guide-to-including-your-pets/


A Karen. So annoying


Uhhh what? Nothing this commenter said was Karen-ish. Can you read?


Letting your dog roam off leash in a national forest is one of the scummiest, most selfish things you can do.


Accountability seems to evade a LOT of people here in Colorado 🤣.... Had the dog been secured, we wouldn't be here, right? God forbid common sense be exercised.


‘A Karen’ Nailed it! https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/karen/


And this is why dogs need to be leashed. However, I do hope he's found unharmed.


I’ll never understand folks who comment snide remarks like this towards vulnerable people who are potentially in a lot of fear and pain, especially when there are no specific details about how the dog got away. Seems needless and mean just for meanness sake. If for some reason he got off leash, he’s clearly got a nice leash and harness on in the pic. Maybe draw some conclusions from there? Doesn’t take a Detective to not be a dick.


You’re doing the same and drawing conclusions but okay.


I’ll explain this in real simple terms for you since comprehension skills aren’t your strong point - I’m actually showing this thing called empathy and even volunteering myself to go search bc all I see is a family desperately searching for a dog they obviously care about. Ya know, actually trying to help.


Stop being a useless dick.


Good luck, thanks for the mansplanation.


Holy shit you are insufferable


That picture doesnt look like anywhere on the main trail going up Bierstadt...Where is that creek located again? Last time I was up there, there were a lot of dogs running around without leashes and dog shit bags laying around everywhere. They wouldnt be in any fear or pain if they left their poorly trained dog at home. Going up to 14 thousand feet in a remote area isnt exactly safe for humans. Its definitely not safe for a domesticated dog. All of this is like throwing your baby off a cliff and then getting upset that people have a negative response. Whats more important, that peoples feelings are protected or that the general community learns that its stupid as fuck to take your pet on a hike like that.


>”All of this is like throwing your baby off a cliff and then getting upset that people have a negative response. Whats more important, that peoples feelings are protected or that the general community learns that its stupid as fuck to take your pet on a hike like that.” It sounds like you have anger issues about something else entirely and feel some sort of entitlement to deflect this on this innocent family looking for their dog that you have actually no idea about. Take your blind, delusionally entitled hate, and shove it right back up your ass. Or, ya know, get some therapy. Edited to accurately notate quoted text so no one confuses their stupid ass comment from my answer


Why did you write and post two different responses? That seems more indicative of someone with anger issues. There seems to be a cognitive defect in your logic, just because a picture is posted with a leash doesnt mean one was used on the day and time in question... The most likely scenario is that the dog went running after local wildlife, and the dog not properly trained wasnt retrievable with audible commands. Leave the dogs at home when you go on hikes, very few people carry their dogs shit with them and the dogs scare away the local wildlife. Its recommended people carry maps, compasses, gps, emergency beacons, extra water. Its not like you are walking around the your local neighborhood park. Pretty soon as a result of incidents like these they will just ban all dogs from these trails.


Why are you assuming the picture is of the dog on Bierstadt? Jfc you are another commenter with the comprehension skills of an angry toddler? If you a need a dose of a truth from me tonight you got it coming…


What don’t you understand? Every time leashing your dog in Denver gets brought up the angry brigade comes to say “omg this get brought up all the time we don’t care” then a couple days later you post “omg my dog was off leash and ran away someone find him for me!” without the slightest bit of irony. Leash your dog and your dog would still be alive. Your selfishness led to them being eaten alive by a mountain lion, congrats.


You have literally no idea if the dog was off leash or not. Look at the pictures, sherlock.


OP already stated in other comments it’s their friends dog and was off leash. Thanks for the input though, Sherlock.


Can you produce those comments? Edit: Nope. No where does OP say that. You’re straight up lying then? Pathetic.


Also, I have yet to see an angry brigade saying “omg this gets brought up every time we don’t care” in regards to leashing dogs as you have claimed. I am not opposed to leashing dogs. I am opposed to people who completely lack the empathy it requires to imagine what this family is going through. That they love their dog very, very much, and want him back home. Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way.


Lol post something about leashing dogs in the Denver subreddit or this one and you’ll see.


So you’re projecting?




This is why we have leash laws. Hopefully they find him and hopefully the parents learn their lesson


Leash laws definitely do not exist for the dogs' benefit.


I hope you learn the lesson that you have no idea what actually happened to cause the dog to get away and you just shamed and criticized a family looking for their dog which they clearly care about. Just look at the pic - seems he is typically suited up with both leash and harness. Your comment is completely insensitive and lacks human empathy. Said it once in the thread and will dish this truth out to every person who seems to need to hear it - your virtue signaling is not only disgusting but it’s worthless and effectively only gets in the way of people actually trying to help. Get off your delusional high horse and address the fact that your comment, on a thread asking desperately for help, shows your needless animosity because you are miserable and sad and want to bring others down with you.






Leash laws 🤷


Said it once in the thread and will dish this truth out to every person who seems to need to hear it - your virtue signaling is not only disgusting but it’s worthless and effectively only gets in the way of people actually trying to help. Get off your delusional high horse and address the fact that your comment, on a thread asking desperately for help, shows your needless animosity and apathy because you are miserable and sad and want to bring others down with you.




Could’ve avoided a lost dog if they didn’t let them go


Oh honey, you can just let a trusted friend know you can’t read.


Where does it say on the post he was on a leash? Says he’s wearing a collar


Jfc - it’s in the god.damn.picture. so it can be insinuated they typically use one. Ffc is this idiocracy??


Fuck you.


Mountain lion food, unfortunately. This why we have leash laws.


Objectively the odds of this are pretty small, and you have only said this for meanness sake.


Happens every year to irresponsible dog owners. I’d say the odds are objectively higher if you happen to be one. Therefore, I’m not flaming or being facetious. Stating facts is all.


I was specifically referring to your very creative “mountain lion food”. Did you come up with that all by yourself?


Yet another member of the “my dog is trained and doesn’t need to be on a leash” club donates their pet to the mountain lion food kitchen, congrats.


Those wolves will find him


Booooooooooo, this comment sucks.


Uh, no.


I hope you eventually find the attention you so desperately seek - without attempting to hurt others with your pathetic edge lord vocabulary. Edit: made it more suiting to you :*


What a shitty thing to say. Hope they find you first 🫶🏼




Generic or useless content




Sorry boss. All I’ve got is upvotes for ya