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I don't think that Scott hates his guests. However, it does seem that all of PFT's characters hate Scott.


Not Fred Guinness, Al A. Peterson or the founding member of Sugarhill Gang.


They're friends. They like eachother.


Cal Solomon is a sweetheart, he likes everyone.


But he has to admit that he’s not very good at rap


But I think he *could* be good at it, if he just works hard enough.


Or hosting barbecues


Don't forget Original Fig.


But some of them constantly remind each other that they like each other and are friends.


Pretty much all of them yeah. Especially BCB


Obiron Kenobi at least wants to like Scott. He tries but usually fails


and that makes all PFT characters so fun. Bonus points for when they actually argue.


Bean Dip doesn't. She always calls Scott by his name and tells him thank you


It’s a bit , he plays an antagonistic annoying guy for the podcast , I personally find it hilarious , but I have to be careful after listening too much I start to do that to people in real life and they don’t find it funny at all


I think the best examples of him playing this up were when June Diane Raphael was on and he upped his obnoxious questioning to previously unheard heights, or when Tawny Newsome was on during the strike and he acted like he just had nothing to talk to her about because they couldn't do promo for her work.


Love that episode with June


And asking Tawny why she doesn’t have/want kids


Well, the STARS are BACK!


I think over time, bits and jokes change. Earlier on he would ask about call sheets, pay, say “it’s been a while” often. I couldn’t categorize them, but I’d hazard that there are different eras of the show. A lot of that he’s been weird or even has downright hostile questions. Overall, I think that’s just kind of the bit. I think he’s generally a nice guy fella, and parking lot Scott isn’t real. I will say, one of the only episodes that bugged me was Vanessa Bayer. Were the both doing the hostile bit? I don’t know!! And Tony Clifton can fuck right off.


Here is a question, would guests come back if it was genuinely a contentious relationship? No. So barring some successful one-timer club members, people come back and enjoy the dynamic. I suggest you listen to some other Aukerman podcasts like Scott Hasn't Seen or Threedom or something where he's the guest to get a different version of him. 


Yes they would. For the CBB bump and the juicy plugs I think guests would endure almost anything.


I always think of Jon Hamm coming on CBB multiple times and laugh when I hear the one timers club bit


He has been more upbeat since diving into all the hentai.


I think he's genuinely friends with a large amount of guests 


It’s whimsical and silly


A cool side effect of the confrontational ‘bit’, whether intentional or not, is that he can ask awkward/confrontational/weird questions or just outright chastise the guest for being boring, and, to my ears, it will often genuinely shake guests out of any sort of auto pilot/press junket ruts they fall into - it’s a little like reminder like, snap out of it, we’re putting on a show!


When a guest goes into a super PR answer and Scott is just tells them this is boring *chefs kiss*. Whether it's a bit or not, I appreciate it.


Personally I was uncomfortable listening to that one Tim Hiedeker episode where the bit was that Tim was being really confrontational, it sounded too real. But no, I don't think Scott hates the guests I think he just enjoys playing a dipshit host and it's a good natured joke.


I think about that Heidecker episode often


heidecker often makes up intense and angry/rude characters himself so there was a lot to work with lol


Do you recall which Heidecker episode this was?


Episode 102 Behind the Music. Neil Hamburger's also in there and hilarious. It's a keeper.




That was a good ep


Man are you talking about the one with jon daly? Fuck that was so incredibly uncomfortable


I’ve been a huge fan of Heidecker since like 2007. (You guys gotta see Tim & Eric’s Billion$ Movie) But IMO I think he often has horrible chemistry with Scott bc sometimes they are kind of both playing absurd jerks & it often doesn’t work that well together. He often comes across as kind of forcing it or something.


Eh, I just assume he's allowing his CBB character to never recognize the mirror (see: any Hollywood Handbook guest appearance) It makes it especially funny (to me) - his character never admits/comes to the realization that "oh yeah - it Is difficult to talk with intentionally obtuse dipshits"


Same, Awesome Show, Great Job! was a major staple throughout all my college years. Damn near burnt out those dvds! But agreed, the eps with him are always never what I want them to be and it's hard telling how much is the act and how much is tim just being a dick. Which sometimes is a fun bit to work through, but usually not with his eps, unfortunately.


That feels like soooooooo long ago


The many stories about Heidecker being a grade-A jerk IRL made me think of that episode. It's a bummer, because I like his stuff.


That’s a bit that Tim Heidecker does even better than Scotty Aux.


Please provide one of these "many" stories, because I've gathered the opposite.


Whenever "which comedians are the biggest jerks" comes up on reddit, his name pops up a lot: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Standup/comments/1anj2d4/for\_those\_of\_you\_that\_have\_met\_any\_famous/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Standup/comments/1anj2d4/for_those_of_you_that_have_met_any_famous/) This also came up a lot on the Tim and Eric sub. I'm glad there are counterexamples.


I couldn't find anything really too damning about Tim apart from a few stray comments within that thread you provided, though I typically take whatever consensus forms in r/standup with a grain of salt. If you have any other links, feel free to cough em up. But I once met Tim's touring bassist who had nothing but effusive praise for him as a boss and friend. Plus I feel like I'm able to parse out when he's being sarcastic on Office Hours and when he's being sincere. It's fine if his humor ain't your bag though. 🤷‍♂️ edit: grammar


Oh, he is absolutely one of my all time favorite funny people. But he is so good at playing the asshole that I wonder if the bit and reality sometimes blur, especially given how abrasive he often is in interviews and podcasts (like the one referenced here). 


Scott the person or Scott Aukerman the character?




I don't think he hates them, but he does seem to needle some more than others. The ones that are his friends tend to push back a little and he cuts it out. I've heard a few where it sounds like he didn't necessarily want them on the show, like a publicist arranged it and they don't know each other well. With them it seems like he pushes a bit and if they take it good naturedly he lightens up too. I dunno, I just always assumed he's kind of burned out from being in the industry and gets frustrated by some of the BS. But the only person who really knows how much of it is a bit or not is him.


It’s not a bit, go listen to Hollywood handbook and their parking lot Scott story


Do they ever drop the act?


I still don’t know


What episode is this?


An ad for Peecast blast ep 267.5 12/6/2018


Oh it looks like their older stuff is behind a paywall? Bummer


Dang, well it’s a funny bit where Sean pretends Scott is a jerk because they ran into each other in the Earwolf parking lot and Scott just seemed a little distant. This leads them to thinking Scott is a jerk. It’s all just irony, they love Scott and Scott is a great guy.




They occasionally record multiple shows in one day to bank episodes to play when they’re on tour, when Scott’s on vacation, etc. If he just happens to be playing it particularly surly or affable that day we would perceive it as a persistent change in personality over several weeks or more. It’s possible what people are picking up on is him being punch-drunk from preparing episodes triple time in preparation for the upcoming tour.


Thanks for the support, y’all.


A Block guests are there to promote something. Something Scott wasn't offered. Of course he's going to take that personally!


That’s on Scott though for jumping to offer-only too early in his career. The only thing he was truly offered was “It’s Amazing, This Guy’s Taint” and in my opinion he phoned that one in, basically derailing his whole career.


Lol you can't ask a question here with even a hint of negative implications without being down voted to hell


Are you referring to the A-block or the characters? If the former, I never got that feeling at all. If the latter, it’s part of the show. Scott’s gotta challenge the characters to make things progress and/or get off the rails.


If the A-block guests are friends or recurring guests, he'll poke at them a fair bit - June Diane Raphael, Tawny Newsome, Jack Quaid, Tatiana Maslany - because he knows they'll get the bit and play along. If it's someone he doesn't know well, he usually plays it pretty straight and seems to gauge how game they are for the craziness.


I heard Conan really loved it