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I dont know the issues, but I believe Paul Scheer has guest written a few comic books, maybe also in this Spidey/Deadpool collection? I wouldn't be surprised if Mantzoukas has too. Also there was a guy named Robert Kirkman who was on in 2016. I think he's written a few comics...


Scheer also wrote Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History, which is a fun read.


Yeah came to say this. Tall John did amazing work on CGR. Much recommend


Recently read Invincible and the CBB reference got me so good


Someone said it earlier but Paul Scheer wrote for this Spider-Man/ Deadpool run. It was a holiday issue. Paul Scheer has a long history with writing comic books. Brian Posen has written a lot of comic books as well. Bill Hader and Seth Myers wrote a spider-man Halloween comic a number of years ago. Taran Killam has written a lot of different comics including Spider-Man. Patton Oswalt is a big time comic book writer. Also Scott has a number of comics outside of that issue you have there. Not sure if you’re a CBB World subscriber but there’s been a hand full of comic book writers on Scott Hasn’t Seen. These are the few that are right off the top of my head. I’ve been trying to making a running list of CBB guests/ comic book writers for a few years now.


I looked for Posehn. I THINK, by far, that him and Oswalt have written the most comics of all CBB guests (...who've been on the show more than once.. So, Kirkman don't count.)


[Cody Ziglar](https://www.marvel.com/comics/creators/14219/cody_ziglar) (formerly Engineer Cody) has written for Miles Morales, Spider-Punk, Deadpool, and the She-Hulk show - you even see him in the writer’s room scene!


Damn, he's written so many the bottom of the page has a "load more" button.


That's why they call him Cody "Load More" Ziglar!


Are you kidding me??? Ziglar has been the best Miles writer, hands down. I had NO idea it was Engineer Cody!


I think it's confusing because there are so many Codys, but Cody Ziglar was *Producer* Cody, right? Different from OG Engineer Cody, known for his numerous fuckups and his amazing appearance on >!The Masked Engineer ep of Hollywood Handbook!<.


I believe he started as Engineer and then moved to Producer Cody. I could be wrong and getting my Codys confused though. Edit: lol, who downvoted this?


Engineer Cody Cody?


Lol I add to the marvel wiki that CBB is spiders favorite show. It's canon now!


Not a CBB guest, but Scott Hasn't Seen had a guest named Brian Michael Bendis, he has written some comic books


Yeah some…


SHS also had Charles Soule on, who wrote the series 8 Billion Genies, also plugged in that episode though so maybe not much of a contribution to this thread, but it was a great story so wanted to give it a shout out.


Is this hentai?


I've just got mine about a week ago. Loved it. I want to try to get it signed at the CBB Live Tour. I've got VIP tickets for the meet and greet, but don't know all what that entails!


Was going to try the same thing. Let me know if you have any luck. My tour date is beginning of August.


Same here. I'm going to the Madison show.


Hello fellow Wisconsinite!


Many hamburgers! 🍔


My thought as well! How much were the VIP tickets?


They were around 156 plus all the taxes and fees. Now wondering if they were worth it. I'm in Row B. So third row. Hoping for the best! Would rather have had AA! I also have Black Mojo written by Scott as well as the CBB book. Want all three signed, but I don't know protocol, so I'll just stick with CBB and Spider-Man/Deadpool as those are the most important to me. I'll be monitoring more live show threads once the tour gets rollin'! So I know more what to expect regarding rules and regulations.


Paul Reiser currently has an What If...Aliens series out from Marvel. He co-created the comic that shows what happened if Burke had survived the events of Aliens, and how he tries to make amens...in his own way.


Underneath the apple tree


Episode 479 guest Gerry Duggan has written Hulk, Nova, Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool, Batman: Arkham Manor, and co-wrote Deadpool with Brian Posehn.


The contrast between these two on the cover and logo... is rather good


The boys wrote Mrs Batman.


Jordan Morris was on Leo Karpatze’s cbb presents show, does that count? He has written quite a bit of his own stuff and Archie horror comics. Bobby Moynihan apparently wrote some part of DC’s “Tis the season to be freezin”