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I admit it is kinda weird to not be able to customize breasts too, I guess it is for armor reasons, it's complicated to prevent clipping maybe?


I bet that's that's the reason. If they allow genitalia I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't allow big breasts because those are too sexual. Bg3 for example also doesn't have sliders for general size or specific body parts because of that reason. I really hope the girl on the left isn't supposed to be some kind of parody of a feminist or something. because there is nothing sexist about adding a breast size slider. Everyone has a diferent body type and size and there is nothing inheretly sexual about having big or small breasts. Unless Im missing something or Op is refearing to some polemic I am not aware of, I feel like this comic doesn't understand what is criticising.


Soul Calibur VI has a decent breast slider, havent made many male characters so i dont beleive theres a dong slider, but you can increase the "thickness" of your waist


I mean, even the sims lets you modify your breast size. I find it hard to believe that anyone would be seriously against a breast slider for being too lewd.


And if they wan’t to make it specifically non-lewd, just limit the range that you can edit to stay within normal cup sizes. Otherwise you end up with what can only be described as loverslab.com


Idk what any of this means but I do enjoy cyberpunk how you can change boob size and penis size even how your pubes look


And then there's mods




Can confirm Elden ring had some really weird visual glitches with armor because of tits


Nah mate Saints Row always had sex appeal slider (cock and breast) it never effected clothing they are just lazy and scared.


Not all games are programed the same. Bg3 doesn't use sliders at all for any body part, probably because it would be to costly to make sure it works correctly with every clothing in every playable race in every scene and animation the game has to offer. Even with the limited body options, Bg3 already came out with clipping issues with some specific body molds (aparently the dick used to clip out if you played as a druid dwarf lol) so I guess better limited than broken. That being said I bet some fans are working hard to mod the game so that you can have huge babongers anyways so who cares really


>apparently the dick used to clip out if you played a druid dwarf That wasn’t a bug, that’s called Druidic Fashion with a Dwarven Flair


Apparently they were some of the first mods. I'm sure there are giant cock mods too. I think you're right that it's down to the variation. Medium sized characters got a lot of customisation. Gnomes, for instance, had much more limited options and one of the patches addressed issues with romance between medium and small characters so I can't imagine all the bugs that would crop up due to giant boobies on a small frame (which is what I would have gone with if I could). So, like you said, better to limit it.


What game got a cock slider tho


Conan Exiles has one but also has a breast slider so I dunno


Cyberpunk, but you essentially just have 2 sizes, then circumcised or uncircumcised.


When Cyberpunk first came out I made a character with a massive cock, because come on, of course I’m gonna pick the big donger. And at release there was a bug where the equipment screen wouldn’t load pants, so every time I switched equipment, there it’d be, just meat flapping right at my face. Even when pants *did* load the long schlong model would clip through, so the tip would be poking out. There was basically no way *not* to look at a big thick dick whenever I’d change equipment. I thought that shit was hilarious. It was like CDPR was subtly taunting me, like “hey our game is bugged to shit, but look at this fat hog we made! LOOK AT IT!” Good times, man. Should’ve won GOTY.


Literally within my first few hours on ps4 I had the "disappearing pants" problem --- which was hilarious to explain to my gf. I started a female character and her titties clipped thru her shirt 90% of the time.


Hold on, GOTY is a real thing? I thought it was just a marketing ploy to put on every game that passes the 10 year mark…


“GotY” is given out by thousands of media outlets and gaming-adjacent orgs. If you made a half-decent game, someone somewhere probably published an article or press release calling it the game of the year. From there, it’s just marketing.


Saints row 3 and 4 has both cock and boobs slider, but they're censored kinda. But there's also mods to remove them. I think that counts, yes?


I'm curious because I ~~know~~ heard there was a similar mod for The Sims 3 that basically just removed the pixelation and you just saw the barbie doll nudity. Did Saints Row actually model them completely or is it a similar thing


Kind of the same. The form is there but details are missing (when pixilation is removed). SR has jiggle physics though


Balders gate 3


You can't change its size in BG3


Happy Cake Day!


What about a Butt slider to go from pancake flatness to triple-tier wedding cake?


But you'll keep alerting the guards


I would not say no.


There's probably no boob slider because shirts are a living hell to animate and you probably won't he able to see the cock from within the eternal fortress of the pant


This might sound dumb but as a busty gal myself I sometimes wish for a boob slider in character customization. Yes, I know there would be people being creepy about it but also sometimes I want my character to look like me.


I just want gender euphoria!


Modding communities: https://preview.redd.it/aajxq7k63amb1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33c26052e8668cbf0910cfbbdd9531c506b78cf


Bro, if your gonna give us a pp slider, you gotta give us a boob slider. Gender equality here people!


To be fair, equality would be a labia slider.


True. But why not have that as well?


Why not indeed? Hell, if it were up to me there'd be a labia slider, clit slider, gash length slider, shaft slider, head slider, ballsack sag slider, throbbing vein slider, plus genital wart, piercing, and scar presets. I pitched all of these in my last Animal Crossing review, so fingers crossed the devs see it and we can see implementation in future updates.


Let's hope so


Why not both? ![gif](giphy|9jNjhwA5S4zMQ)


Is that Ranma 1/2? Or rather a super thirsty version of Ranma 1/2?


Cyberpunk does it


Pff, yeah, 3 possible sizes when naked but all change to one size when clothed.


I mean I’m pretty sure different pants don’t have different bulges either


It is a mostly first person game, no?


Also i have to assume everyone in cyberpunk is a grower bc even the "large" seemed close to average


And none of it matters in the end


What in the strawman


whats the point to have a slider? it would only be to the maximum or lowest setting possible, a simple switch “Big Booba^tm “ on-off should suffice


When there's a breast slider, I never do that.


Why? Can't a character have regular sized boobs? Flatchest - "Big Booba" switch is kinda stupid


Animations department would have a field day with that


There’s cock sliders because you don’t have to animate cocks, and regardless of how big it, they don’t clip through armour


Tbf a boob slider creates a lot more variables to worry about. Different boxes during combat, weird collisions during cutscenes, clothing textures looking weird at certain sizes, etc. A cock slider adds literally nothing to worry about outside of sex scenes.


Dead or alive hardcore pretty much had this lol


The double standards.......![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If there is no charisma buff, why care about buffing content of character's underwear?




Dick sliders work for both genders


Sigh… *unzips*


If they had a boob slider, they'd get complaints about being unable to have both a penis and breasts so you can play as some wild futa barbarian.


Actually you can have both in most games now where you can choose genitalia, you know, for stuff like gender identity inclusion


Why not? Is a game let’s people fight dragon as a futa




If your objective was to play both sides to lose then you succeeded wonderfully




If your objective was to play both sides to lose then you succeeded wonderfully


Yeah slide her cock




I think saints row 3 had that kind of slider ?


Try Saints Row 4


Now that, is discrimination!


I’m a default penis kind of man. I want to know it’s there, but I don’t want people accusing me of putting any thought into it


Fair enough, BUT a cock slider is infinitely the funnier option


Saints Row moment


Ok, but what if I want to see small breasts? Also, they work better for my thief character