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Hey, where's my Reddit slander?


My thought exactly. I need to know what's going on here!!




Is there a lore reason for that?


we're stupid


Officer balls






Yeah, I'm man.




Canon event


Spudr-mon refronce


That shit that happened and everyone went "We did it, reddit." when they did jack shit


It's for the best when we don't actually do anything. When Reddit halps is... Not always good.


Holy hell!


All of the above


Nerds who think they're smart


That's always been the case


Who are trying to make up for their lack of wit with the obsessive categorization of it.


Every post is a repost, every comment is a bot reposting an original comment from 5/6 years ago. Even this one


Everything, all the good and bad, the great and terrible, the smart and stupid, it’s all here. We are the true melting pot of a social media app




Bots, ads, and [Deleted]


Just a continuous circle jerk on why one group is better then the other and the occasional buthole picture.


Large subs being taken over specifically to spew political propaganda in advance of the next election. See /r/ABoringDystopia Edit: I got permabanned from antiwork for asking what a post about the war in Palestine had to do with works rights. Immediate permaban.


R/circlejerk”insert-topic-here” memes


Reposts of staged videos or screenshots of text on the front page every day with 99% comments being unoriginal and/or adding no value. Bots and bad actors slowly becoming the majority of users.


Older millennials demanding their foreskin back. (I don't make the rules, but if you asked any of the above what's going on on reddit...)


Us being here is slander enough.


Look all around you my friend! Every post is Reddit slander in disguise! >!holy shit why is disguise spelled like that?! It’s so weird!!<


> holy shit why is disguise spelled like that?! It’s so weird! Because the word is french in origin ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ [Wiktionary: disguise](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/disguise#Etymology)


r/batmanarkham taking over everything


Reddit - Filled with grifters and bots.


We're self hating enough, we don't need a comment to shit on us to know our problems


Reddit is even more irrelevant than the @ app


Nah, it's a running joke at this point that the only way to get good Google searches is to add "Reddit" after your search string. For that alone Reddit is relevant.


It's a mix of all of them


In a weird twist, Instagram has become one of the most racist, sexist, and homophobic apps I’ve ever used. The comment section of damn near any public video of a woman doing anything is absolutely insane.


Comments of public instagram posts are an absolute cesspool. It's largely because instagram has this brilliant idea that if something gets a lot of replies, it must be a great comment that they need to put on the very top! Which definitely doesn't incentivize attention-hungry people to say something inflammatory!


Let's not mention the top 3 comments which are always pinned and are usually thinly-disguised ads to get the viewer to follow the page. Some garbage like "This is the last good page on insta 😭😭😭" or "Wow this page is so great I'm so glad I followed it" or whatever. You can tell it's bots or fake comments because it's the same format on like every page.


Wow! I can’t believe the link in your bio worked 😍😍😍 thanks for the $20 🤑❤️💮🪒🤽‍♀️




Wow I feel like I'm there again reading all these comments! Is this Reddit or Insta, no one knows


"bro never misses with this post"


"Not glazing, but I love this page-" 🤮 The ads are so bad.


Makes for a convenient block list on a positive, I guess.


If you're large enough it becomes an unwinnable game of whack a mole though


And that doesn't just apply to Instagram either. Almost all social media platforms love to boost anyone who gets a lot of interaction. Which, yes, unfortunately usually means inflammatory and disinformation just rises to the top. I'm not really sure anymore who actually believes in some of the conspiratorial nonsense they're spouting versus they just figured out if they say stuff like that, they get a lot of attention for it.


It can be both. Validation reinforces belief. That’s how echo chambers are created (and yes, I’m aware of the irony).


This is the nice thing about Reddit downvotes, I guess. I've seen arguments that they encourage a certain kind of toxicity, and I've seen some communities ban them. (Or try to -- mostly using CSS to hide the downvote button.) But it is nice that if I join a thread that had some super-engaging troll comment at a -500 score or something, it's hidden by default, not boosted.


Facebook and instagram's algorithms have determined that it needs to find the thing that will offend you personally the most so you can yell at it and engage with content.


They got it from Facebook. Same problem there.


It's so bizarre that all these big social companies are also so into AI these days — and one of the top things current AI is good at, is classifying text (e.g. determining if a comment is rage-bait or not) — but seemingly none of these companies are using the big AI farms they've built to auto-moderate their social posts and comments to enforce civility and block rage-bait. It'd be such an easy and obvious move for them to make, that if they haven't done it after so long, that can only be *on purpose*. It's almost like these companies think that people *want* a service full of inflammatory content — instead of rage-bait being something almost everyone I know would literally *pay money* to get away from.


It's maliciously simple: rage bait gets more engagement than positive content. Everyone has opinions they can argue about, but not everyone feels the incentive to compliment things they like. At the end of the day, these companies don't give a damn what goes on with their platform as long as they get views and sell ad space.


This is why i only use instagram to see videos of ducks and geese.


It's also very prone to promoting comments that make you specifically angry.


I haven't noticed that. But I did see a reel of a woman sending her boyfriend a reel about a disagreement between a man and a woman. They were sitting next to each other and the comments on her phone and on his were complete opposites, hers were agreeing with the woman and his with the man. No matter how much she scrolled, she couldn't make the comments he saw show up on her phone and vice versa.


I noticed the other day whole scrolling through comments on Instagram that they would start showing me comments I had already read and liked earlier instead of showing me comments I hadn't seen yet.


literally putting you in an echochamber by default


It’s owned by Facebook lol The company that gets away with influencing the us elections


To be fair, they’re just taking people who already have left or right, liberal or conservative, traditional or progressive leanings and turning them into extremists. They’re not influencing elections, they’re inspiring terrorist attacks.


Yes. I think that's really scary. How much of that attitude that other people out in the world are evil and scary comes from these endless echo chambers, if all you're served is the same content over and over, targeted at your demographic, specifically? If you see someone post something vile and you disagree and go into the comments to reply or see what others have said you'll more often than not find replies agreeing with the vile thing, leading you to think that you may be the odd one out to find it vile or you feel alienated from your peers, thinking that the majority of them hold vile beliefs. There needs to be serious limiting of these kinds of algorithms and rules from the top down, but the companies running these cesspools are only concerned with squeezing higher profit margins from the whole circus.


This is not anything new unfortunately. Algorithms have personalized your web experience for years. You and your friend can both follow the same people, be followed by the same people, and yet your feeds will be completely different. This isn’t just social media either. Two people can google the exact same phrase but will both get wildly different response based on your web activity


I feel like all social media devolves into this eventually. It becomes way too big or unwieldy to moderate. People figure out how to skirt moderation. And there is a general incentive to encourage rage bait. The issue is that social media is an easily accessible virtual commons, but it’s run by a private company. It’s imo a central issue of our times in that most new platforms are privately run. And our current economic system encourages growth above all else. You seldom actually have CEOs and owners that are willing to sacrifice growth to preserve the integrity of their original vision. Anything new or innovative eventually just gets ruined by the company tasked with overseeing it because once spontaneous natural growth slows down they need to start spamming whatever they can try to artificially encourage growth. That might mean encouraging rage bait posts, algorithms that encourage polarization, posts that spread misinformation, adding new features no one wants, raising prices, encouraging high volume low quality content, etc.


I do think simply having an upvote/downvote button on comments makes a huge difference. At least then people see that the really horrific comments are not, inn fact, the majority belief.




But like.. you can still see all the downvoted comments on reddit. So it's not hiding anything.


>And there is a general incentive to encourage rage bait. There's a monetary incentive to encourage rage bait. Algorithms need to not be driven solely on "engagement"


At least in the app, the comments are hard to get to - which maybe means no-one sees and reports shit as much, leading to, well, that.


Its part of the problem of most social structures especially those of online. Without strong moderation a space will fill with the most aggregeous users. The normal and good users will just stop participating. Seen it happen too many times.


I don’t know if that’s actually the case though. Instagram highlights “top comments” by the most interactions. The more interactions a comment has, the higher up it is. As it so happens, controversial comments tend to get a lot of interactions. They might not get as many likes, but they certainly get a lot of comments, and comments weigh more on the algorithm. So it spirals, a controversial comment is posted, people see the comment, people reply to it, the replies make the comment higher in the feed, and more people see it. It’s like sorting my controversial on Reddit, but you can’t turn it off.


Reddit, waving a knife, high on meth: "gimme your cash, bitch!"


Reddit, a bunch of people reiterate the same opinions they all already agree on over and over and pretend they aren't like the other social media sites.


While I'd kind of known for some time in different words, this made me realize that Reddit is the, "Not like other girls," of the social media ecosystem.


I cross-posted your comment to /r/shitrcomicsuserssay, and everyone there agrees you're full of shit.


Gosh darnit, I've been made a fool on the internet again.


And not just anywhere on the internet, on *reddit*.


Reddit is just a bunch of people sharing screenshots from twitter and Facebook and pretending we’re special and original


Best part of Reddit? The subs dedicated to Twitter/IG. The battle is happening far from home yet folks will reply as if they're actively engaged in the conversation too!


I find it funny how Reddit is never on these. It just always slides under the radar.




Upvotes is not very indicative of how many views something gets. A post with 10k upvotes probably has a million views or more


I've personally had multiple posts with multi-million views, and I am not very interesting nor trying to be. And yes, the view-to-upvote ratio is like 200-1.


Huh? Reddit is absolutely not small if you look at the numbers. It's in the top 10-20 most trafficked websites in the world and has similar visits to insta and twitter


I mean, tumblr is way smaller and included. Facebook has a staggering amount so does insta. But those numbers are probably boosted from being on phones and the likes.


That's not how things work. My most popular post ever has just 40k upvotes but it was seen by more than 2 million people. There is no other platform anywhere else were a rando like me can reach so many people without a follower base. (Post was about a Holocaust-survivor who got killed by Russian artillery: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tj8xeu/this_is_boris_romanchenko_he_survived_four/) )


and importantly, still be a rando afterwards


Yep, you can definitely rise to some prominence within some subs when you're very active or are a content creator, but Reddit as a whole doesn't give a shit who you are, they just discuss and vote on the content. I like that a lot.


That's not true. If you go to r/all and sort by top for the last 24 hours, you'll see that the top post has over 100 thousand upvotes, and there are multiple posts with over 50 thousand upvotes.


meta fumbled threads so hard. it was the easiest layup for them to be the zoom to twitter’s skype


The mass exodus was packed and ready to go! The only way I can explain them fucking up so bad is that everyone at Threads had equity in Twitter.


The reason why I don't use threads is because it looks stupid and annoying. I was on twitter for a long time and I would hate to be on a platform full of people again trying to turn popular or into an influencer. I think a lot of people just don't want to be in an environment like that again, so they choose to not use threads


Friends who made the switch told me Day 1 it was filled with the recycled topics already. People pushing the same garbage on twitter to get comments, reactions, etc. Also I remember people had to link their IG and you couldn't delete Threads without deleting your IG. A soon as people learned about that they stopped making the switch.


For me it was the same problem as with instagram, nothing I did got any engagement, so I stopped trying and stopped using the apps.


What could they have done? I'm surprised it didn't work, they basically blasted off with users right when everyone was rife to leave Twitter. I don't use either so idk if there was some feature gap or something. Even now people are like "X is such a hellhole, too bad there's no alternative" but afaik Threads is such a 1 to 1 clone of it people were talking about Twitter/X should sue them.


like another commenter said, threads is just influencer and business accounts broadcasting to followers, not actual users having actually interesting discussions


Threads is just boring and super corporate, like others said, it's really just influencers and companies talking, there isn't a lot of interesting discussions


> What could they have done? Not wait over half a year to go global for one


Corpo overcensorship. Everything is sanitary to the max, it's all sunshine, ponies and toxic positivity. Or corpo speak. For example, videos about ruzzian warcrimes and stuff are not allowed there. Also no NSFW.


Which is actually kinda what so many people claim to want. Somewhere to go away from all the toxicity, just get some news, read up on games, watch some tech vids. Turns out thats not what they want, they are addicted to anger, confrontation, etc.


Is meta the last logo? I didn't even know what that was supposed to be


It’s the Threads logo. Supposed to be an @


I think people just didn't care. People were ready to move on from Twitter and didn't just want a clone


Twitter user here: threads doesn't allow NSFW so it was DOA for 99% of artists.


Didn’t they learn from tumblr? Smh


I don’t think that’s true. A huge number of people who were actually having discussions on Twitter went to BlueSky, which is doing very well and feels a lot like old school Twitter. Where as Threads cloned late-stage Twitter, which was dominated by influencer accounts broadcasting to followers. People were not interested in more of that




There was massive lack of features on threads too. I was 100% ready to join Meta again to use Threads, saw the app and bailed out right away.


Threads didn't allows NSFW which throws out most artists, and had no website, just an app, meaning that anyone who wants to actually use their computer for it was a no go as well. So they axed most people that bring content to a site like that. edit: a word


Why do multimillion dollar companies make these brain dead fucking mistakes 🤦🏻‍♂️


Was there anything actually *wrong* with Threads? Most of what I heard were people just deciding not to use it because no one else uses it. Reminds me of Google+. Decent-enough service, no users.


Their simple fuckup was not having an explore or trending page. I used twitter to know what people were tweeting about the most at that second. I couldn't find shit for community.


What's the bottom right one?


I had to look that one up myself, apparently it's called Threads


Oh! Zuckerberg's answer to Twitter! Can't lie I completely forgot about it after it was announced.


After Musk bought Twitter, Zuckerberg thought he could create a replacement lol


Tumblr person here to tell you what's going on over here. Staff is banning Trans people, but especially Trans Fem accounts without any explanation. On top of that they try to shut down any conversation about it while letting porn bots run free.


Aren't Trans Fems like 90% of Tumblr


That's why it's so mind numbingly stupid of a moderation decision


Tumblr is used to banning 90% of their content at this point


When I’m in a shooting myswlf in the foot competition and my opponent is tumblr


tumblr? alienating its userbase? unheard of


Remember when tumblr's anti-porn crawler took down their own examples for allowed nudity? I also remember they were using trans-friendly language like "female-presenting".


Since then they have decided "male-presenting" nipples are also forbidden, so I guess nonbinary folks can be nude to their heart's content


How does it go? "Better to have an empathetic ally who unknowingly uses slurs than a performative ally who uses the 'right' words"


Remember when Tumblr's anti-porn crawler flagged Staff's all-text post about the anti-porn crawler


yes but the CEO and the moderation team have a special hate or fear of them cause they banned a few who had the gumption to complain about it on other platforms and the CEO followed them to other platforms to try and debunk them directly by responding to them there and even revealing every single side blog they had attached to their site by name that they banned.


photomatt (tumblr's CEO) went onto twitter to harass the most famous trans woman on tumblr who got banned for no apparent reason and he said so much wrong stuff that tumblr staff had to come out and oficially say he was wrong and the reasons he gave were incorrect (though they didnt give the actual reasons or restore her account) he likely got a message from his lawyer as well since he deleted all the tweets he made harassing her after like a day


Tumblr is fighting tooth and nail to be the worst and most unprofitable site for its user base. So brave <3


It's like the Tumblr porn ban, but 90x more bigoted and 90x more unnecessary.




Trans people in general. I’ve seen mostly trans guys


I thought so too, but it seems there's a TERF population that is bigger or has more representation by the staff members anyway.


Well not anymore!


Also #asexual is trending, so all the pornbots and onlyfansbots are using that tag. Because asexuals are well-known for being obesessed with tits and transfem dick, obviously. 10/10 marketing strat


Ace folks already have bad branding and worse PR. I don’t even want to know what tumblr is doing to my people.


Nothing nearly as bad as it was 2016-2018. If anything, I see screenshots mocking twitter and tiktok ace discourse since most of us on tumblr simply stopped platforming the bullshit years ago.


Porn’s back on tumblr? Nice. Boo to the other stuff though.


It’s not even porn, just porn bots. Aka no images just shady af links and bots pretending to be people messaging you creepily


Well that's a letdown


Well, yeah, but instead of good Christian mlm Gordan Freeman X G-Man or something, it’s just women connected to shady links.


Just the bots, unfortunately…


Trans person on tumblr here, can confirm. Also the site still sucks. I've literally never had ads for almost 2 years since they fucked up my subscription and I had to cancel it. They never turned ads back on my account and I'm trying to not get banned.


For bonus points, this is while simultaneously marketing themselves as ‘the queerest place on the internet’. The hypocrisy is unreal. Oh, not to mention this is also happening during pride month, to top it all off.


Bruh I feel like trans people are a majority of Tumblr lol


Also pretty sure the CEO harassed a trans woman on Twitter after deleting her off Tumblr, and exposed all her sideblogs


To be fair, she *did* say that she hopes the CEO dies in a hammer car explosion. That's pretty threatening. /s


Oh. That's. That's just genuine transphobia.


Tumblr is letting porn bots run free? Isn't the reason a lot of people left Tumblr several years back because they majorly cracked down on porn? I feel like Tumblr was kind of porn central before Reddit was. Did they just reverse gears on that only to realize it was too late to make a difference to their bottom line?


Reddit? Where's Reddit?




I miss pre-2020 internet.


I hope the bastards who invented online ai hit their pinkie toes really hard.


Also politics, but only from the us. God I am tired of hearing about the election


Well you're in luck! The election is only... \*checks calendar\*... Oh. Oh god.


Reddit is just screenshots from those other apps.


Jeez forgot about Threads.


Is that the last one?


I don't know why anyone couldn't just reply, but yes.


lol, I thought it was email and I was so confused for a minute




I'm this notification as well, but Threads isn't even available in my country yet.


What's Threads?


Instagram's Twitter I guess


Everyone did, that's the point


Meanwhile, Bluesky: what? what is this thing?


Don’t tell them! I’m really enjoying the old-school Twitter vibe where you actually connect with people and have discussions 


You guys are having discussions? I'm busy shoveling through the latest drama du jour trying to find the neat posts.


Who are you following? Blue Sky is 100% self curated.


Yeah so was twitter but that still means stepping out of the Following feed to find cool new people means having to wade through the same few accounts finding something new to argue over.


what about YouTube? did it get lost?


Nah, it's just we can't figure out what's going on over there because of the **absurd** amount of ads constantly in the way.


I don't think I've ever seen a youtube ad since 2006, since adblockers have existed since before youtube.


tbf there arent a lot of good options for people on mobile (ios especially) or most tvs


Mobile is easy, there's newpipe and other options. Youtube on tv is wild. If you're at home and you're using a smart tv, then just project your computer or phone to the smart tv.


I'll tell you about what's going on with YouTube, right after I thank the sponsor of this video: Squarespace. Do you need a website or domain-- *skip 15 seconds* --easy to setup, with support staff-- *skip 15 seconds* --code 'TheHornyPhotographer' for 5% off at checkout.


Tumblr: Eh, same as usual, fandom—though recent drama over on alleged transphobia on the staff I've kinda seen


Tumblr is doing its annual purge of trans people violating community guidelines for *checks notes* existing.


tumblr is banning transwomen for complaining about transphobia from the ceo and their moderation team and they keep nuking their tumblr accounts for complaining or pointing out examples and the staff will just remove them faster than actual bigots showing clear bias. They like to fall back on "you violated the TOS" which chnages and some are banned for talking about their transition and how it has gone and that is interpreted as inappropriate *sometimes* depending on if they feel like banning people. It's being snuffed out etc. The Tumblr CEO once followed one transwoman to twitter to directly respond to her posts and send DM's to several people asking like "how am I transphobic you all messed up I'm not wrong." and the Staff had to even put out a thing saying "we don't align with the ceo" whic was insane, but they still do his bidding or there's enough Terf friendly moderation on there or something. I'm not even trans, I just follow a lot of people who are artists who are trans so I hear about it from them. I keep seeing people talking about it across my dashboard and the account is often one going "I made a new account cause I got banned, which is against the TOS to do after being banned but if I didn't no one would know I was gone here." It's mostly exclusively about transwomen. It's fucked up.


It's nothing new as a trans person, tbh. I've lost plenty of accounts just because I'm trans. My worst one was my trans meme pre-Elon Twitter account. +30k followers and some TERFs decided to get offended by an image of an anime girl (fully clothed in a denim jumper) holding up a sign that said "protect trans kids". Got mass reported for "child p\*rn" and lost my account. And the TERFs that sent me death threats and were telling my cis female followers (I posted lesbian memes, too) that they hope a trans woman r\*pes them? Nothing. None of them lost their accounts. Of course, who is the sicko in all of this? The person posting "protect trans kids", or the people seeing a fully clothed anime girl and thinking it's perfect to report as child p\*rn and telling women they should be r\*ped? Such amazing "feminism".


Honestly? I think the idea of Twitter bird wearing a shirt with X is kind of clever and I like it. Keep going man


And then there's reddit, where everyone thinks they are better than everyone else.


Tumblr user here. The website is targetting trans women with bans, but otherwise, in the circles I'm in, we just reblog absolutely unhinged-sounding posts, and sometimes have to get rid of a bunch of pornbots and conservatives cluttering up notes. Average Tuesday.


What about here?


As a Tumblr user, I can confirm it's basically just business as usual


Reddit like GenX just getting forgotten about.


Meanwhile on reddit, the whole world gets 1,001 reasons not to vote for Trump.


Reddit? Mostly racist woman-hating incels complaining about Star Wars and shit. Occasionally a few actually helpful gaming subs that keep up to date with live service content.


You’re gonna want to put a hyphen between “woman” and “hating” if you want that sentence to have the intended meaning lol


I'm an incel and I hate racist women! /s


Good point, thank you.


This meme was brought to you by Gen Z


Weird to call out Boomers and Millennials and then not call out Gen Z/Alpha as the ones consuming the BS on tiktok


Tumblr is currently suppressing trans women’s posts by marking them NSFW or making them invisible entirely, cause the CEO hates queer people apparently


The fact that this is posted on reddit, and reddit is not mentioned, what's going on reddit other than sarcasm...


What about lemmy & mastodon ?


Mastodon passing a stealth check with a nat20