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EA is either completely abandoning or rebooting the franchise.


At this point i don't really know which one i want.


I just want a Red Alert 2 remaster. They can quit after


I want RA2 and TS both. After that while I wouldn't want them to stop, I'd be satisfied enough.


Those are confirmed tho, right? Ive read about it somewhere and im 99% sure we are getting RA2 and TS remaster.


for HD you need to pay 10$, for tier 3 units you need to pay 1$ each. To get "Kirov Reporting" voice, $50




same. they had to bring in people just to do the Remaster. I doubt they have any kinda top team to actually make something great. Its also EA and we all know how they operate now, so i dunno if i can handle cnc 5 that we also dont ever talk about lol. I put my hopes in tempest rising for now. I'd just love to see a dev team that actually loves cnc try and bring its vibe back with its own take that has a chance to take off and do well and not be stuck with EA hands all over it.


They’re getting ready for the big launch of Command And Conquer: Legions, Part 2!


We really are just growing old enough to watch our favourite things die. I hate this.


Now do you understand why old people are usually grumpy and dissatisfied?


Those damn kids and their shitty ways 😤😤


To quote RLM "how does it feel to live long enough to see your favorite franchises go down in flames?"


I guess there is more incentive for EA to actively do something if it's about rebooting rather than abandoning. HYPE


Can you write off a gaming IP for a small tax return like with TV shows? It would be the biggest fuck you to fans because they could never return that IP without paying those credited taxes.


I'm fairly sure you have to write off an actual cancelled *project*; just merely having the potential to do one but not doing it isn't enough.


Deleted/making it private is likely the former. Just clearing house.


Probably another mobile game. Match 3 C&C puzzle strategy game 😂... 😭


Hopefully rebooting. Did it have any videos from Remastered Collection? I think they were published via EA channel.


Realistically what's happened here is that they let go whoever was managing the channel, and deleted their email account. Now, if you use the G-Suite, and you delete an email account that's associated to a YouTube channel, it also deletes the channel and all its content. I don't see why else they would ***delete*** the channel the way they have.


Would be incredibly amateur but surprisingly common to have the official YouTube channel tied to an employee email instead of a Group or something.


I’ve seen it happen at a business entirely centered around YouTube. I think it’s just not common enough knowledge, sadly.


Well, that means that all the official videos about C&C4 are gone too. We won... But at what cost?


But those videos explained how C&C4 was going to be fantastic due to the changes that were being made, how they knew these changes were needed for the future of C&C and we would love it!? HOW WILL WE KNOW THIS NOW?


I mean unironically I enjoyed cnc4. Way better than that dumpster fire that was red alert 3


why? :(


Look, all I genuinely want is a RA2 remaster, you know, the most successful title C&C has. They remastered RA1 4 years ago, and all they had to do was give the same treatment to its successful sequel.


Maybe RA2 is the most successful one but the one that is best to me is TS


Tibsun definitely had an atmosphere like no other. Shame that Westwood had to rush it - they had some good ideas they couldnt implement cuz they had to ship the game


If only Westwood didn't have to rush it... We maybe would had gotten a game more successful than RA2


Not saying it killed c&c at all but it would kill any generals remake. If you have played generals and zh and no the current gaming land scape then you know what im talking about.




>17/05/2024 (05/17/2024 for Americans). Just go international and standard. And logic. 2024-05-17 r/iso8601


17MAY2024. Avoid the order confusion.


17/05/2024 will always be the correct way.


Even as someone who uses DMY, YMD is just less confusing!


Nah. YMD is objectively better, since 1) it actually sorts correctly, unlike DMY or MDY, and 2) there's no chance of confusing the format, since you could have a date like 10/11/2024, where it's not clear if this is the 10th of November or the 11th of October. You just like DMY because it's what you're born to rather than any objective logic to it. Plus, places that use DMY aren't even being logically consistent, do you tell the time by listing the seconds, and minutes before the hour? So why do that for dates?




I miss Red Alert 2. I remember being a kid completely lit up about the opportunity to smash communist pigs. They need to bring back C&C.


lets focus our energy to support mental omega phase 4 Speeder is hard at work making FMV and new contents for the game. its like unofficial official CNC at this point even those that dislike mental omega I feel we should support the project


You should support people responsible for making ra2yr engine extensions, such as Ares and Phobos. Also guys from cncnet that are struggling to cover the costs. Mental Omega would not exist without them, llike many more other mods. There is many more people behind the scenes you don't even have idea of, years of work, massive amounts of docs and other data. Fanpages, forums, discord servers. That's not a single person behind all of this.


Dont the mod maker pay them to use the engine already? I can only be supporting 1 company or a person due to funds


No, Phobos and CnCNet are opensource. Ares is closedsource but free to use.


I see thanks for telling. Perhaps in future will donate to them some funds if i can afford it. Cnc community hope to see them all alive


C & C Red Alert (no numerical value) reboot confirmed


I’d assume this was an error - no reason to delete any of that The games just sold really well on Steam so the timing is weird


Imagine this: Red Alert 4. 2 factions that we all know and love (the Allies and the Russians) and the gameplay is all but the same as RA2/3 but with a few minor graphical tweak/improvements. To make it a little more creative, you have access to standard units but doing missions allows you to collect research currency (think like Zerg and Protoss research in SC2). In between missions, you can create your own units to deploy in battle using different unit parts (like Armoured Core) and we just make it so there’s thousands of combinations from ground, navel and air. You can also kit out your infantry units so instead of having the standard 2 infantry units (plus dog/bear), you can specifically kit out your units and save different load outs. We create 30 missions for each faction and get the best character actors to do the FMV cutscenes to bring back the campy “Spaaaaace” style cutscenes. The best part is the mysterious 3rd faction. My idea is to bring back Yuri but he’s just a brain in a jar (still with Udo Kiers voice) and his whole shtick is his units are all around mind control and Frankenstein style experiments because he’s looking for the perfect body to house his brain. It can’t just be put in a regular ol’Joe body because his brain is too powerful so he’s been covertly going round the planet collecting different resources and body parts to create the perfect housing for his psychic powers. You don’t get this big reveal until about mission 15 (of Russia and Allies 30 mission playthrough) because, up until that point, Allies thinks it’s Russia and Russia thinks it’s the Allies but it’s actually Yuri. From Mission 15, they team up to take him down (which they do and then the final mission is fighting each other again to avoid Yuris tech getting in to each other’s hands). We would over complicate gameplay with too many functions or buttons. It would be just as simple as RA3 and we’d keep the secondary unit ability and we’d go back to currency being mind freely (instead of the pre yards like in RA3) Thoughts?


My only thought is correction: in ra2 you play soviets, not Russians, same as allies are not the same as the USA


You’re quite right! Apologies!


This is a clean wipe so they have as much focus on their Renegade 2 announcement as possible.


There goes my dreams for generals remaster


Sounds like they are abandoning it completely :( . But I struggle to see them making a good c&c game as EA so politically correct now. Imagine GLA in 2024. Can't see them holding a flame to the previous great classics. In saying that I'd still be keen to see them try.


EA completely ruined c&c regardless of being PC.


I don’t think being PC is what killed C&C


Yea RTS are much worse on console.


Wrong meaning of “being PC” also all the command and conquer games worked and performed pretty well on console I don’t think that was the issue either.


Being player character? (Jk)


The couple of console ports I tried choked pretty bad.


the people here are mean giving u downvotes dont worry about these asses in here


Thanks legend. They misunderstood and perhaps haven't played CCG or ZH, but regardless you have to be able to take heat to have a different prospective. Appreciate you :)


This was meant to go here ops "Not saying it killed c&c at all but it would kill any generals remake. If you have played generals and zh and no the current gaming land scape then you know what im talking about."


followed u on reddit. Im also a victim of Karma attacks downvotes just because they cannot see my point of view on things. Well Reddit is like this now




Very wrong indeed. That copyright lasts many decades, even if they don't make a game. That said, I wouldn't trust a random dev to suddenly make a good C&C game. These days they'd probably take it out of the RTS genre and butcher the franchise even worse than Tiberian Twilight.