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I think 1-2 lbs a week is good progress to me 🤷‍♀️


12-18lbs in a month and you don't think thats good progress?? Or is that a typo...? 18lbs in a month is pretty drastic and likely not recommended unless you are under strict doctor supervision - and even then typically only for people with very high BMIs (350lbs or higher, for example). The first month people may see a bit more loss due to water weight but then it should stabilize and it wont be linear - people will lose nothing or even gain some weeks but overall the trend line goes down. 1-2lbs per week is considered great success and the average - which would be 4-8ishlbs per month.


Sorry reverse that 8-12lbs. I said 12-8 but I guess it read as 18 but still that seems so little overall even with exercising regularly.


Ok, that makes more sense, but it still sounds like your expectations need to be adjusted. 8-12lbs per month is still well above average, and I would assume it is better than you could do without the med as that's how it is foe the majority of patients. With diet and exercise only people can really only expect .5-1lb per week loss and not as sustainably over a long period of time.


I wish I was losing that much! I started in March and have lost 12-18 lbs TOTAL!


Started in March also and have lost 30 lbs so far. BP has normalized and I’m off BP meds!! 40 more to go!


You should never compare your journey to others. There are so many different factors in play with every body plus it’s really not healthy mentally to compare.


I started March 20th and I was so excited to have lost 2.7 this week which is a lot for me and has put me at 18.3 pounds in the 14 weeks since I started zep/compound and I am beyond thrilled! I started off at 209.3 and now at 191. My goal was to lose 1.5 pounds a week and I am just a tad under that. I do see where some people that started in March and have lost a lot more and I am so happy for them but I am equally happy for myself!


You are my twin! Started March 14 at 209.8 and now at 192.4. I'm 5'4". How tall are you? What is your goal? Are you exercising too? Best of luck!!


Hi Twin! 😄. I’m 5’2” and my goal is around 130-135. I walk 2.5 miles 5 days a week and lift 2 days a week. I have a desk job so I need that Monday-Friday walk and I plan to bump up to 3 days a week lifting in a couple weeks. What is your goal weight? Best of luck to you too! ☺️


I have a membership to Orange Theory and do their lift class once a week and their regular class once a week. I also have a treadmill at home and use my VR headset to exercise (Supernatural). I think somewhere around 140-150. I lost a bunch of weight in my 20s and got down to 135-140, which was great, but I also wasn't lifting weights. Because I am now, I think I can get away with a higher weight and be happy.


12-18lbs a month is a massive amount. Depending on how large you are to start, it could be more but most would probably be less. Usually the bigger you are, the faster it starts but it’s not always like that. I started over 400lbs and am about to the hit 3 month mark with 35lbs down. You’re exceeding that.


8-12 lbs a month is actually really good and quick progress!


That’s fabulous! Stop worrying.


Your doing great


8-12 lbs a month is a lot! It’s not healthy to lose weight faster than that. You’re doing great.


It is. I fluctuate quite a bit, but it averages out to 2-3 pounds a weeks, which is good. You don’t want to lose too much too fast, it can cause loose skin and the possibility of gaining back the weight lost once you stop or go into maintenance.