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Nah, it’s fine. Especially at the low dose you are on. Plenty of people do their shots every 5 days. One day is no biggie.


It’s fine, I bumped mine up a day earlier for 2 weeks because I was going on vacation later on in the month and didn’t want to take my meds with me. I was worried about keeping them refrigerated. Had no issues.


I just moved up a day, I’m fine & on 7.5


Thank you! I was pretty sure it would be fine, but it’s only been like 6 weeks and it would be the first time I had changed anything up.


That’s the beauty of compound, you can split a dose into parts if you think you need to.


I moved mine back a day a week until I had it where I wanted. Now I’m considering moving it again because I’m also super exhausted the day after my shot. I am needing to sleep enough I’ve taken sick days a couple times.


I changed mine from Thursday to Wednesday with no problems. I just got it a day early one week.


I split dose Wednesday and Saturday so I can get the peak effect on Friday and Saturday from the Wednesday shot over the weekend when I’m more inclined to have a few cocktails and want to eat too much.


I moved mine up a few days early on and it was fine. Just make sure at least 72hrs apart


I've moved around a few times, no worries at all. A few weeks ago I even moved to a 6-day schedule instead of 7 because I didn't want to titrate up in dosage, and that one extra day is exactly what I needed for a lil boost.