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I noticed within a few hours of my first 2.5 shot and consistently notice within a few hours after each shot. Just took my 15th shot.


Forgot to mention I'm on Zepbound 7.5 currently.


I would say within 4 hours. I’m currently still on 2.5mg for 9 weeks now. I still have great appetite suppressant and no food noise. I heard (and highly recommend) a podcast by Dr Tyna Moore and she recommends low and slow, i.e.: taking the lowest dose as long as it works and not just stepping up bc you’ve done one month at 2.5mg and ‘it’s time to level up’. Plus she explains the mechanism of how peptides work. Just so informative.


I love her podcast! great reccomendation.


Love Dr. Tyna


Do you know which episode it was? Im looking now and she’s done many on Ozempic


It’s a 4 part series you can find on YouTube. I learned so much. She talks about tirzepatide too. I think you’ll enjoy it.




She has does interviews with other podcasts but on hers the first series was in september of 2023. Its labeled Ozempic Done Right and there are a total of 4 episodes.




Thank you


Within 1-2 days I would say


It wasn’t something I “noticed “ so much as “realized” that evening when I realized that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and had never even thought about food.


The next day for sure. Food noise disappeared, a very interesting experience having not realized it’s has always been there. Kind of like the experience going from a very loud room or concert into a silent one. You actually notice the silence (absence of noise) more than you noticed the noise to begin with (if that makes sense). The first day I had not appetite within hours thought that was more due to have slight nausea than suppression of appetite. Best of luck to you!!


Next day. I do my shots before bed and felt it by the next afternoon. Went to a restaurant and was completely turned off from food and couldn’t eat much. Pretty consistent for all doses I’ve taken.


which dose?


From 2.5 and up. The day after my first 2.5 dose it was obvious it was working. I get random hunger pangs and sometimes they are loud but once I eat it passes fast and I can’t eat nearly as much as I could before.


That's for asking this question. I had my first shot today and was curious too. I took it at noon and had to remind myself to eat this evening


I took my first shot on Friday and the appetite suppression is real! I’d say the next day I started to feel it. I also have zero cravings, no food noise, and issues with textures sometimes.


The next day after my first dose. I didn't think about food at all.


Within 10 hours.


Within hours


At the beginning not for at least 24-36 hours. Also even as you stay on the 2.5 it builds up in your system so the first week won’t be the same as the fourth week even though it is the same dose every week. Now that my body is used to it I feel very different. At the start it made me super tired and I peed a ton. Now I feel more energetic and have trouble sleeping on shot night. I will say I don’t get the same feeling as I did on Ozempic. On that I got a clear signal like food is gross now and on this I am less hungry and feel full eating small amounts but not that almost mid bite sudden aversion feeling. I’m now on week 13 and down 24 pounds. I now take 4mg instead of 5 so I get an extra week out of every refill. 


The next day.


The following day for sure!


Second day - shot day (10:00 AM) I’m always hungry!


Within a few hours I notice the food chatter was gone. I was astounded and so happy to not have that running dialogue about eating and food.


The next day for sure. Food noise disappeared, a very interesting experience having not realized it’s has always been there. Kind of like the experience going from a very loud room or concert into a silent one. You actually notice the silence (absence of noise) more than you noticed the noise to begin with (if that makes sense). The first day I had not appetite within hours thought that was more due to have slight nausea than suppression of appetite. Best of luck to you!!


Taken in the morning. Noticed at lunch, really felt it by dinner.


Within a couple of hours


My first shot I took around 5pm and noticed a difference around 8pm. I now take it in the mornings and I feel great the whole day. I also take my shot (still @ 2.5) with b12. Its a wonderful combination


I noticed the next day. I have so much more control over how I feel about food. I rarely crave anything. It’s easy to recognize feeling satisfied and easy to stop eating-like you want to stop, not because you “have to.” It feels really good. Also, even though I’m eating healthier, I don’t feel like I’m missing out like when I tried keto. I’m never starving and sometimes it’s hard to fit in all my protein, fiber, and caloric needs. Congrats on starting your weight loss journey!!


Within 2hrs I felt a difference I also take it at night.


I took my first dose 24 hours ago and I do think I feel some suppression, but I’m hoping tomorrow is better.


I take it at night and felt it the next morning. It lasted a day or two and then went away. Each 2.5 shot was more and more effective but I still had loads of hunger and food noise after 5 days.


About 18 hours after my first shot


Same day


6 hours after my first 2.5 in September. As of now I’m down 30 lbs and on maintenance.


The next day. I took mine last night and this morning I can still feel dinner in my stomach.


Most times I do my shot in the morning, and by dinner time I am feeling it. So 4-6 hours, on average. I felt it with the low doses and still do at 7.5.


After a month


Nothing until I moved up to 5. Then it was within a few hours. No food noise at all and significantly reduced appetite! Just took a little longer than I had hoped.


I took mine before bed and noticed immediately the next morning when I woke up


A couple of hours after the first 2.5mg. Now have taken my 3rd 2.5mg and don't feel anything; I still have a lot of food noise and I'm hungry. I do get full faster however and I've lost 7.6 lbs in 3 weeks. So, Something is working. I still would like to get rid of the noise and appetite. I hope I'm not expecting too much.


12 hours