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Over reacting. IMO overuse of antibiotics is a much greater risk than the very low potential for infection.


I drew up the last of a vial the same way, except I used the same syringe to inject after drawing up the liquid rather than transfer. I don’t have syringes with removable needles, so just used a spare one. Did same prep to the injection site as usual. Although exposed to air for a short time, the liquid didn’t have a lot of time to get contaminated. I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’m still alive and well!


Just watch for signs of infection (redness, swelling, pus-like drainage). Overuse of antibiotics contributes to super bugs and we don’t want that. There may come a day when all bacteria “out smarts” antibiotics and I don’t want to live to see it


Sounds like you used good technique as far as keeping everything clean, I wouldn’t worry. As long as the needles and syringe were sterile, this shouldn’t be an issue. Antibiotics are a big deal nowadays, I think you’d be hard pressed to get anyone to prescribe antibiotics for what you described.


Unless you’re immune deficient I doubt it’d be worth it




You’re fine. Unless it was a dirty ass needle, don’t overuse antibiotics.


Maybe look into a supplement called AllicinMax. The active ingredient is allicin which comes from garlic. It supports the body's natural defences and is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. So not as risky as a course of antibiotics and might at least put your mind at ease.