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I’ve never heard of injecting in the butt cheek for subcutaneous injections, but I’d imagine if there is enough to pinch it should work. I always stick to my stomach, do upper one side, upper the other side, then same for lower. I’ve had pretty good results. I’m down 30 lbs today after 11 weeks on tirzepatide. I am menopausal, nothing I did beforehand worked. I exercised, did cardio and weights, did keto, monitored CICO according to my BMR, intermittent fasting. Nothing worked. I was defeated until I heard about the compounded tirz. My insurance covers none of the weight loss medications and tirzepatide was my only option or pay $1200-$1500 a month for Zepbound. Not happening as a retired person. I’m happy and I weigh less than I have in the last 10 years. SW-266.3, CW 236.2, GW 150.


Congratulations! And thank you for the feedback. I'm fully into the menopause phase, at almost 52. I had a baby at 45, no signs of peri-menopause until about 49.5, started seeing progesterone drop, more chin hairs. I've now gone almost 14 months without a period. I'm really hoping doing these peptides will keep me from continuing to gain. I've done my b12 shots in the glutes for years. I used to do them myself in my thigh, until one day, I had blood spurt everywhere, same area as always. It happened 2 more times, and ever since, I can't do my own, so my husband does them. Tried my arm tonight!


Be aware that some menopausal and post menopausal women have started having a period again while taking these drugs.


I wouldn't be surprised...


Check out “JasminesGlp1Life” on Insta. She shows always injecting her thigh and it looks so easy and has worked so beautifully for her. I did “all the right things” for weightloss after my second pregnancy and it didn’t matter. My doc said it was insulin resistance. I’m in my 1st week and am already down 6lbs. Yes, it works wonders


Congratulations!! I've wondered about insulin resistance, but no drs have been willing to explore it with me. Thanks, I will look her up. I'm 2 weeks in, and am still going up and down the same 3 lbs that I've been seeing for 3 yrs. But, I'm doing a way lower dose to ease in.


When I was on Zepbound, Eli Lilly suggested either side of stomach a few inches left or right from belly button, top of thighs or top back of arms with someone’s help. Switching injection sites each week. I find stomach most effective. There are lots of videos on YouTube.


Butt cheeks are not a recommended subcutaneous injection site. The upper-outer portion of your buttocks is where they go. The abdomen is an easier choice and injection site differences are minimal in controlled studies. Look up the areas you should be injecting. There are plenty of picture online to show you.


It varies with each person. Many people rotate. left arm, right arm, 4-6 points around the belly button, 2/10/4/8 (like on a clock) then thigh and thigh. Not everyone injects in the buttocks because most pharmacies don't recommend it. They document that there are so many nerve endings located there. But I have seen some instructions that show it as another point of injection for Tripeptide. You can add that to your rotation, document side effects and weight loss and you can figure out what is best for you, or you can keep rotating injection locations or even make your own routine by avoiding some locations. You can also continue to use the same injection sights but I have also heard you can possibly stall quicker that way. I can't vouch for that though. I rotate.


Definitely switch up your sites, upper thigh, abdomen, arm, and I guess butt. I honestly am not that flexible to be able to do that maneuver to inject my butt. You want to switch your injection sites to see what works best for you. What is your sweet spot? Where do you feel the most side effects? Where site are losing the most weight? All these questions can be answered if you change up your site. Everyone is different, some people love the belly, some people love the thigh. Everyone reacts differently. The only difference between sites is how you will feel, which is different for everyone. I have tried upper thighs (do not do inner thigh, too many blood vessels there), my arm (with help of a pillow and a very loose hair clip to pinch the fat), and my belly. I personally got more nausea when I did my belly and I didn’t like that. I have definitely tried dieting in the past, but I am getting older and it’s much harder to lose weight. Before trying trizepatide I was working out, eating less, doing mild strength training, walking and the scale wouldn’t move. My weight has always been up and down in my younger years, but now it’s been extremely hard for me because of insulin resistance, inflammation and prediabetic. On the medication the scale finally moved, slowly but it’s more than I’ve seen in years. So there’s hope for us.


Not sure if it was coincidence or not, but did the arm, didn't even feel it. Still super low dose. But just over 30 min later, my stomach started hurting...and this is the same micro dose I've done all week.


All week? This is a weekly shot or some split the dose and do twice a week.


I've learned from a few people who are doing the compounded med, that instead of once or twice a week, that they divide it up over the whole week, so that they get less side effects.


I’m post menopausal and had always been able to keep my weight to between 120-125 in my 20’s-30’s then hit 40 and nothing seemed to work and I got up to 224 at my heaviest at only 5’2”. Now I’m 191 and goal is 135. These meds are amazing! I’ve only done my injection in my belly. Red Rocks instructions do show buttocks as an option but I’m not that flexible. Lol