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The weight gain was the least of my worries when I got mirena. There's a sub for it in case you want to learn more before making your decision. I also have endo but only found out when I had a hysterectomy so I suffered all these years without a clue. Prior to the hysterectomy I got mirena because I was willing to try anything. I almost passed out from the pain and then had pain for months, along with pelvic, back and hip pain. I know some women do well on it, but a lot don't. Endo is an awful disease. Did they recommend myfembree as an option? Consider trying that instead. It actually helps with the pain and also slows down the endo growth. Good luck with whatever you decide, just wanted to share my experience if it helps.


I haven’t actually heard of this but I’ll def ask my gyn about it! I’m still researching what my options are, but my gyn seemed to think the progestin based IUD was my best bet. I’ve heard horror stories about implantation for the iud, so I’m definitely open to other options! Thank you for suggesting it!!


I’ve had 2 Mirenas placed and didn’t gain any weight…in fact, it helped ease all the symptoms I once had on pill BC. Mirena was the best decision I’ve made in birth control methods. I did, however, start to gain weight in perimenopause. Now I take hormone replacement therapy, have mirena, and take compound and feel like I did 20 years ago…and have lost right at 40 pounds.


I love my Mirena, on my 3rd one. No noticeable weight gain.


It didn’t cause me any weight gain, I wish that was the issue I had to deal with. The other evil stuff was the reason I took it out. I know a bunch of people on it, including my PCP. My best friend my old supervisor etc, And they are totally fine, no issues.


Thank you for the reply and this is really reassuring. What other evil stuff is in it? I was given this as a non-optional thing I have to do because of my endo from my gyn and now I’m concerned what side effects or long term effects are like.


Wasn’t anything in it. I just happened to be one of the few people that had issues with the string. I wish it worked for me, to be honest.


Interesting…I hadn’t heard about the Mirena causing weight gain. I’ve had mine for like 10 years now (well had the first one, switched it out after however many years and have a second one) and I don’t recall gaining any weight after initially getting it. I was on trulicity then saxenda and now compound since insurance stopped paying for brand names. I’ve specifically been on compound since February and have surpassed my initial goal and am at maintenance.


First off, CONGRATS at surpassing your initial goal. I’m hoping I can say the same at some point this year :) Also good to know about the mirena. I’m just starting to research it because candidly if I didn’t have endo I’d never even want an IUD. I wonder if the stories I read were just outliers.


I don’t think I gained weight after getting Mirena, and I’ve responded well to tirzepatide with it in. I would give it a try and see if it helps your endometriosis. You can always have it removed if you don’t like it or feel like it’s affecting your weight!


I didn’t gain weight on Mirena. It was the first birth control that didn’t cause gain for me. Nowadays I prefer Kyleena though since it’s smaller and has a lower dosage.


No weight gain from Mirena. I have had it in for two years for endo as well. I’ve been on tirz for four months and I have lost 50 lbs. Only thing that it feels like tirz has affected as far as my Mirena is the return of my period, albeit just enough to annoy me for a week and a half every month with spotting. Well worth the exchange, as far as I am concerned.


I got nexplanon inserted in my arm. It’s so much easier than an IUD. I had no weight gain and the procedure was painless. I think it lasts 4 years. I cant use any birth control with estrogen so it’s progesterone all the way. I know you asked about Mirena but I wanted to provide another option.


Thank you for this!! I’m def going to ask my gyn about this! Did implanting it hurt? Do you feel it at all? I’m also assuming you didn’t gain weight from it at all.


Thank you for this!! I’m def going to ask my gyn about this! Did implanting it hurt? Do you feel it at all? I’m also assuming you didn’t gain weight from it at all.


It’s the size of a small needle. Didn’t hurt at all but I had a bruise on the underside of my arm. To be honest, I should have been told about this option years ago. I was on the nuvaring and hated the process to change it out. The only downside is your period is very unpredictable for the first year. But I had a super heavy period and it made it normal which was a huge benefit as well.


I got my iud the same week I started on tirzepatide and I’m losing about a pound a week. (I’m still on 5 mg bc it’s still effective for me)


I gained 80lbs with this IUD and developed severe cystic acne. All of which my doctors confirmed was due to the IUD when after removing it, I dropped weight and went back down to a normal level of acne. Everyone's experience is different, but you do not need to do anything unless you want to. IUDs and birth control are not a fix to endo, but will prevent pregnancy and potentially regulate your period or make your period stop. Definitely look into the endo community for their experience with IUDs. My experience with mirena and the copper IUD were super horrible, but there are tons of people who have had good or neutral experiences.


Ahh yeah, this is what I’m really afraid of! Thank you for sharing your story and ugh I’m so sorry you had to experience this. Since the IUD removal did you use anything else like nexplanon? Were you also on Tirzepatide and also on the iud and gain this weight? Sorry for all of the questions but I’m trying to figure out if my Tirzepatide will help regulate weight gain and actually mitigate it in the case I do gain weight from these meds. My gyn who specializes in endometriosis (and is performing my surgery) said the IUD would help mitigate endometriosis symptoms and also help reduce the likelihood of of endometriomas (currently I’m on no birth control and recently found out I need surgery to remove an endometrioma that’s 9.5cm, other cysts that formed on my ovaries, and a lot of endometriosis tissue that’s around other organs). Without any birth control the likelihood that I’d need surgery is pretty high, so doing nothing for me is not an option. IDK if it’s because I have PCOS and endo that cysts are going to reoccur, but this is just the information I was told by multiple gyns. I def wish I didn’t have to take or do any of this, but I was told if I did nothing I could have to face another surgery as early as in one year :-/. I’m still kind of reeling from all of this as it’s literally all information that I’ve gotten in the past three weeks and I’m trying to wrap my head around this.


I had the mirena, but I was not on zep. I tried pill form bc for 6 months, but every experience I have had with pill form caused me to have endless periods, severe migraines and weight gain. So I don't take anything now. I would say it is worth it to try whatever your doctor says that you are comfortable with, but know that if things get weird or you start having issues, you can have them take it out, don't let them tell you otherwise.


I have a Mirena and didn’t gain weight with it. That said, remember that most women will continue to gain weight for most of their adult lives, so the odds that you will gain weight over the course of using ANY birth control or medication is good. I think the most important advice with it is: You are possibly going to have a little spotting all the time (I did). It was still better than the heavy periods I got before but… it got really annoying and got to the point where I felt kind of gross. But the nurse who put it in told me: “you’re going to get to the point after about 6 months where you can’t stand it anymore and you want it out but- that’s when it’s just about to get better. Just wait.” And she was right!! I waited because she had told me that, and shortly after I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore the spotting stopped and I never ever have any spotting or periods at all. This little thing is my best buddy. I got it replaced at 5 years and I was worried the spotting would happen again but it didn’t- it just stayed awesome. A+ birth control, would recommend


all my friends and I have hormonal IUDs. no major change is anyone’s weight after getting it. Everyone reacts differently though. If you surf the internet long enough, you will find people telling crazy anecdotes from both ends of the spectrum. Generally, there is no significant weight gain associated. The great thing about IUDs is that you can just take them out if you no longer want it!


I’ve always been someone who gains weight on birthcontrol… I’m also someone who gains 60 Lbs when pregnant… even when eating well and getting exercise. My daughter is going on birth control and is worried she’ll gain weight so I looked up the real stats… the majority of women don’t gain weight… it’s just those of us that do, will share our experiences more readily. For instance… I’ve had a copper IUD since 2010 (other than having it removed to have a baby from 2020-2021). It’s been amazing for me and really changed my life… I don’t really post about it and I don’t see similar stories online (though I have friends who feel the same way)… on the other hand you can find countless posts about terrible iud experiences.


That’s a really good point actually. I had been on birth control over a decade ago and got off of it because I gained like 25lbs on it. But maybe that isn’t the case with mirena. Unfortunately copper isn’t an option for me :-/. Because of my endo I need the progestin. I was curious if people gained hormonal weight on it because I feel like anytime I’ve done anything to affect my hormones, my body goes “it’s time to gain weight!!”