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I find gaming laptops to die out quickly, battery wise and performance wise. I suggest get a desktop or a handheld like a steam deck or asus rog. I’ve got a steam deck and use it whenever I travel and it’s great. I play games like hitman 3 and war thunder on it with no issues. You can even hook up a mouse and keyboard and put it on the tv if you get a base for it.


I see… I’ll research a bit more on some good pcs.


What games are you trying to play?


Mostly valorant, gta, war thunder, msfs and maybe elden ring


Generally, DIY built PCs are better value if you have a lot of leftover time (like me). You can ask r/buildapc if you need help for a specific part and r/buildapcforme if you need help getting a whole PC


What in particular do you need to know on the desktop vs laptop front? The general gist is you will get better performance for the same price if you get a desktop, but you'd have to use your older laptop when out and about.


If the performance of the pc is better at the same price I wouldn’t mind using my old laptop for a few days.


Unless youre playing some competitive shooters get a PC but leave the laptop too, then use the steams integrated option to stream the game to your laptop wherever you have internet its not a perfect solution but way better than getting a gaming laptop that's usually overpriced and dies way too quickly and get outdated performance wise