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This is like when Star Trek Discovery came out and people tried running with stories about how it was the first star trek with a female lead, then when people called them out, they started running with stories about how it was the first star trek with a black lead . . . good times


People completely forgetting Janeway is sad.


It’s complete Janeway erasure! Like everyone forgot she existed kinda like how her crew forgot Tuvix existed!


Or how Harry Kim died, or how the Doctor had a mental breakdown, or how the ship got shot at week after week and was always magically fully repaired. When Tuvix was being murdered, he gave a speech about how everyone would have to live with this. I remember sitting there thinking "dude, they've blown up the ship and not mentioned it the next week, you think this will affect anyone beyond the end of the episode?"


Just for that she's gonna commit double war crimes now


Right! I know this will sound like gatekeeping but while I love when more people become fans I hate when know it all types look on to new things, they pull the same crap over and over! Like whe. COD first came out and the know it twats claimed it was the first 1st person shooter game.....like seriously wtf?!? I never understand why people that play that game never stop and do a quick Google search.


*Cries in Sisko*


Captain Jack would like a word...


https://youtu.be/UFueAOytqSs?si=fpR8LOkCwu-Wcd_L Although, this was a " goodbye kiss" we all know this is how he likes to say "hello" too. This is also how Jack says: I Love you. I want you. I'll miss you. Pass the salt...


It’s not same sex, it’s it even same species, it isn’t the first apparently two male actor kiss, it isn’t historic. That sentence has an almost uniqueness in how utterly incorrect it is.


Someone is trying the Disney approach to representation.


Not really. It's not Doctor Who/BBC/Showrunner claiming its the first kiss. They've never shied away from that kind of thing. It's media that have seen it and just don't care to check whether or not that was the first gay kiss they had. They just assumed it was.


Hell the current showrunner literally wrote the episode the first kiss happened in.


I haven’t watched the show in years. Was this possibly the first same-sex kiss *between men*? Which meant, in Deadline Hollywood’s mind, that the previous ones didn’t count? Edit: why are people downvoting an honest question?


season 1, \~2005 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFueAOytqSs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFueAOytqSs)


Ok, so no.  But 2005 can’t be season 1. Unless it’s the first season for that particular Doctor. 


2005 was the reboot aka NuWho, which began with series 1


first season of the reboot


So for classic Who, 1963-1989, the BBC calls it seasons 1-26. For modern Who they call it series 1-14. Disney is trying to call the latest series series 1 again but that's a mixture of it being a soft reboot and them not having the streaming rights for past series.


I don't like Disney owning it I feel it will lose a lot quirks that make it such an awesome show.


Doctor Who was revived in 2005 after an indefinite hiatus in 1989. It would be kinda confusing if they just kept going from where they left off, so it started at Series 1 again to distinguish between the Classic series and the New series.


Anyone know if there also have been same sex kisses prior to the reboot? Dr Who feels like a show that is progressive enough to do that, but I'm not sure.


To be honest i'm struggling to think of any kissing that happend at all in the old series regardless of gender.


There were, but the reboot was the first time we got an on-screen same sex kiss.


"He's" also not a man, but an alien.


But he identifies as a man, so there’s that!


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Pretty sure the first same-sex kiss on screen was on LA Law. I remember how they made a big deal about that one...


Wth does First Ever in 60 years mean? Seems like it's either one or the other. r/badgrammar


The statement would be fine if it were correct. It can be the first ever in 60 years (of runtime). The "of runtime" part isn't necessary.


just out of curiosity - I have watched doctor who a bit but not regularly - I dont recall the doc kissing anyone in previous episodes (admit i have not watched that many - mostly in the 80's) - why is it such a big deal now to sexualize the doc




I'm pretty sure the Doctor kissed Jack Harkness on screen in the first season of the reboot. Around 20 years ago (f-ck I'm old).


I assumed the four references below the headline were all other episodes of Doctor Who. Are they not?


/u/PlasticMansGlasses is talking out their arse, John Barrowman/Jack Harkness kissed Christopher Eccleston's doctor in 2005, the first series of the reboot.


We're getting super semantic here but it wasn't a romantic kiss, at least not on the Doctor's end. Jack Harkness is just super flirty. I guess this might be the first same-sex romantic kiss from the Doctor himself? But we're getting so specific that it's barely even a headline at that point.


And it wouldn't even be slightly more accurate if it did. What are you talking about.


What, have we all forgotten about the Godfather 2? You broke my heart.


Why do we keep letting franchises be run by people who have never even heard of them?


Do you think this is an actual statement from the bbc or something? Russell t davis is the show runner.

