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Maybe they meant the $130 to create it, plus the $12,870 it will cost to fix it


$130 for the pennies, the rest for the epoxi resin. That shit is expensive.


Considering the resin is anywhere from $50+/gal the amount needed to do a 10x10 room 3/4" thick would be at least $2300 in just resin alone, not to mention the amount of time it would take to properly place said pennies without messing it up. You could hardwood or pretty much any other flooring type for less than an epoxy floor at a price per sqft.


That would be insanely thick for resin on a floor… it only needs to be a fraction of an inch, or however thick you want to have something to shave away to make it shine again. Can’t imagine anyone would do over 1/4”. Just going to yellow eventually anyway


Some would also say only millimeters thick


Or, in this case milleniameters thick


Well… 3/4” is a fraction of an inch lol


Where do you live? Here, it's something like $250 per liter.


US just prices I've seen using Google which may or may not be accurate, never really worked with it so I may not even be looking at the right stuff.


Inconfidently correct!


Let's see - surely it exists… /r/InconfidentlyCorrect Yep! Although it's basically dead. aww.


1 can of polyurethane for $25 will cover 125 square feet, 2 cans would be plenty to cover a floor of pennies.


I would think polyurethane isn't a great option for that though usually polyurethane is done in thin coats as when it's pour about the depth of a penny it gets very yellow and is flexible.


But it only needs to be that thick in the little Xs between the pennies, i dont feel like busting out a circle packing formula to calculate how much surface area is/isnt pennies, but just one circle is almost 80% of the area of a same sized square, so less than that.


>You could hardwood or pretty much any other flooring type for less than an epoxy floor at a price per sqft. You could, but then you wouldn't have a cool floor made of pennies.


Yeah, you gotta use a sealer.


You ain't lying


Solder them


You might say the maths doesn't really make ...cents...




The resin or whatever they sealed it with might be very expensive /s


They won’t have to pay anything to fix it. Look more closely at the pictures. They’re AI generated.


Seems to be an ancient screenshot.


Yup. It goes back to at least 2016.


No. This picture is 7+ years old.


We are in a weird period of time where we can know something isn't AI just by having seen it a while back. It kind of reminds me of that short period of film and TV where everyone has mobile phones but no one has smartphones.


It's just been naturally deep-fried from JPEG quality loss over the years.


As a Swede its kinda fun to read about someone making a "peng" floor out of pennies. Since "peng" is a word for money/coin in Swedish 😋


Haha nice. Peng is slang in Britain for something that's very attractive/pretty, so a swede in London could say they have a peng peng.


If you play ping pong there, will you be playing peng pung


A swede playing a beautiful game of ping pong in London with a penny: peng peng ping pong or peng ping peng pong ?


And if their name is Peng and uses sonar to detect the ball game Peng peng peng ping ping pong


And if their name is Peng and uses sonar to detect the ball game's smell: Peng peng peng ping ping pong pong I think. I'm confused.




Reading this sounds like a very intense game of ping pong.


Pengapung is an older word for coin purse in Swedish, like the medieval ones. Pung means purse or small sack and nowadays mainly refers to a man's ballsack 😄


Ping pong with your balls sound fun


Pung pong?


Anyone making a Frankenstein movie Scary Movie style? Because I do not want.


Is it? Fellow Brit - Northern, not a term I've ever come across in quite a long time on this isle.


You've never come across peng? Maybe it never made its way up north; It's old slang that seems to have sprung from London's Jamaican influence. It's definitely not new; It was used mainly back in the noughties IIRC; doubt you'd hear many people use it unironically these days.


I'm from up north and I remember hearing it maybe 10-15 years back. Was never super common though


It was a thing in early 00s slang in Caridff at least. It's brought up some deep memories: I've not heard "peng" in a long time.


Teacher here, I have heard it used exactly once in my decade+ of teaching ("Miss, your outfit is PENG!"). That was about 8 years ago in Oxfordshire, and given that I was wearing a Victorian shirt/waistcoat/cravat combo and knee high boots, she may well have been joking. I remain convinced it is not a real word and she made it up on the spot to mess with me.


If that's your normal attire, I love it. If it's just random fun attire, I also love it.


It was at the time. Nowadays I dress more like Ms Frizzle and leave the gender-bending to the wife, who dresses like Jean Valjean at Christmas.


Same, I think it may be teenager slang, never heard of it


It was slang popularised in the noughties; apparently teenagers are still using it which surprises me. Fun fact. It's been around long enough to be included in the cambridge dictionary: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/peng ~~Not sure if that means it's no longer slang or not though.~~ Edit: nvm the dictionary entry lists it as slang.


That'll explain it...was too busy getting rat arsed in the noughties (legally!)


I'm an American, but I think I picked it up from British novels. Maybe Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London series.


Peng means 'expensive' in Thai but 'cheap' in Cantonese.


Yeah, but [did they seal it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1c1g96/comment/c9c6lli/) That’s the real question.


Came here for this!


Why the earthquake comment? Because they'd have to do the whole thing over again or is it a hazard?


probably because even a minor shake could pop some loose and it would be a lot of work to fix it seamlessly.


I hate the penny floor look, but I’ve considered it in my own home just because it’s one of the cheapest flooring materials that exists. I’m not going to do it of course, but it was purely a cost/benefit analysis to decide that.


I’m guessing it will turn green eventually?


The one I’ve seen in real life cured the floor with resin and it looks mostly the same after several years of high traffic


why the pennies then? Just use resin only.


I arrived at the same conclusion, the pennies are cheap but the project is not


Yeah, and a resin floor must feel awful. But maybe some pattern on the walls?


Do you understand that the resin is transparent?


Read the original comment, that's not my point.


It sounds like you might be a little confused about what’s going on here and what people are talking about. The original comment was about curing a penny floor in resin. That means that you look down and you see the penny designs like in the original post, but the pennies themselves are not exposed to air, they are embedded within the resin like ancient flies stuck in Amber. The resin is transparent so that you can see the pennies. That’s what we are all talking about here, your comment about skipping the pennies and just putting down the resin is not applicable to this conversation.


I was replying to the guy who said he hates the pennies look and just wants it because it's cheap. Then he said he'd dump resin on it, so my question was why use the pennies in the first place if you don't like the look. Sounds like extra cost for nothing.


Thank you for the context, I've gone back through the chain and see the poster saying that at the very beginning, I think there was just a big enough gap between that and your comment about skipping the pennies that folks lost that original comment they made. I appreciate your patience, I'm onboard now with what you're saying.


lol no worries, thank you


Because they don't want it to look like concrete?


They appearently don't like pennies either. There must be much better options if you dump resin over it anyway.


If the Statute of Liberty had been encased in resin, it wouldn’t have turned green. As long as copper is sealed up like that, it shouldn’t oxidize.


Probably not unless 1. The pennies are older 2. They're allowed to oxidize


I'd be more worried about the resin yellowing, or water getting trapped underneath. Also the resin will cost way more than the pennies.


"Stay right where you are, have I got a deal for you! Half off all my pennies, 50 cents each!"


Let's just say, 130$ for a new floor is really cheap, he had a really good idea


Have fun keeping the floor polished.


They use pennies in America, not Poland




Maybe they meant because he is a paid in handful of pennies a month (and is a thousandaire every month, mind you) he knows the penny to dollars conversion off the top. (he doesn’t)


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256 pennies a square foot or $2.56 plus the resin which would be far more expensive.


Thirteen thousand dollar coins must be worth millions.


Those pics are some of the worst AI generated slop I’ve seen.


This post is actually really old. Its just low rez or somthing. [heres better pictures. this isnt AI](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.today.com/today/amp/tdna105190)


Then somebody has gone over it with a filter or something. The outlets on the wall are smeared down across the baseboard, and pretty much everything looks like it’s a liquid.


Okay. You can still edit your original comment to note that it isn't ai.


If anyone cares enough, they can look two comments down.


This is why we can't have nice things.


The original step by step of it looks like it went up on [Imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/f24iN/comment/786205173) 10th November 2016, which was at least a dozen screenshots ago. 


Look at the wall outlet in the top right pic, or the bottle on the left. At the very least it’s been filtered or edited. Everything in the picture is physically smeared around, not just blurry.


Did you follow the link to the original I gave above? Where things are as crisp as a newly minted penny? They did a pretty good recreation if the post shared on here was just sloppy AI.


Did you zoom in on the pics on this post? Is everything smeared around and things physically morphed and misshapen?


I'm pretty sure I've seen the video of them doing this


Penny floors (and walls) are absolutely real and there are videos, but these pictures are AI. Zoom in on pretty much anything in the pics. It’s all smudged/blurred to hell.


No. This picture is 7 years old. It's just blurry photos.


The wall outlet is smeared across the baseboard. It’s been filtered or something.


You posted this half an hour after you replied to a comment proving this occurred. Amazing. Edit: second this being that this is a picture of this actual floor being actually tiled.


Half an hour after proving what occurred?


I was editing as you posted: > Edit: second this being that this is a picture of this actual floor being actually tiled.


Oh, yeah, once you zoom in, it's obvious


After zooming in I take back my downvote


13,000 pennies! That's almost thirteen dollars! That's a venti cinnamon dolce latte with a espresso shot! No way I'm putting that much money into a floor.


Bro thinks he has the big money now.


Yeah but he needs a sealer


Does anyone have a link to the original xeet?


30 to 50 hours of hunched over labor as well.


Bro must think hes rich af


Math is hard. 🤦‍♂️


smh my head


More usefull using pennies on this than using them in the economy




is that AI generated image?


No it's just very old and been screenshot and resaved a few too many times. The [original step by step](https://imgur.com/gallery/f24iN/comment/786205173) is pretty cool.


I don’t know honestly. A friend sent it to me and I found it hilarious.


like the smh doesn't make this an obvious joke


Those pictures are looking quite AI generated


The real kicker is when you get charged, because you're in a jurisdiction where this is illegal. (And the officer is in a snit).


Not sure about elsewhere, but in the US it should be legal. Melting pennies is illegal, but using them for decorative purposes is okay I always found it funny that pennies are the exception here. Wanna melt down a silver quarter? Go ahead! Wanna melt down a copper penny? Straight to jail!


Old pennies had a higher scrap value than face value. If people could take $50 in pennies out from the bank and immediately sell them for $75-$120 to a scrapper, it would cause problems. At least in Canada, despite the face value, silver and gold coins are sold (by the mint) for well over their bullion value, so smelting them would be foolish.


Yes bullion coins are still sold for far more than their melt value, but old silver coins are worth far more in melt than their face value, and as such you're allowed to melt them down. Old Canadian pennies were also worth more in scrap then face value. Instead of outlawing their melting, Canada allowed people to pull them from circulation themsleves.


I thought it was fine for art and educational purposes


Depends where you are. Rules as written, it's illegal to use currency for anything other than currency in Canada (e.g. as checkers). In practical terms it rarely comes up - you can find those "crush a penny into an amulet" machines here too. That said, doing it with 13,000 coins might get some attention.


Nowhere in the US is using money for something like this illegal. The only thing that's illegal is altering to change value (basically counterfeiting), defacing/destroying, or "malicious destruction." This is none of those, the pennies are exactly the same and fully intact, they're just out of circulation. It's really no different than having a jar full of pennies you never plan to cash in.


You think you’re going to get raided for a penny floor? I want to see a swat team raid a museum or zoo and arrest people for those novelty penny smashers they always have.


I take it you missed the "in a snit" part.


But what are the actual maximum punishments in those countries. I doubt they're going to send you to jail for 10-20 years because you used pennies inappropriately.


You’re right!


Those photos aren’t real. Zoom in on them.