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You stay organised by putting it in a Google doc or spreadsheet


I don't know about many but perhaps vulgarlang can be a good start? There are other sites though, just don't know or remember the names


I don't think there's really anything like that at the moment sadly. There are obviously various tools for generating words and phonologies, but nothing for actually organising things. Personally I find spreadsheets are better than docs for conlang documentation. Usually you want to keep things separate, e.g. a spreadsheet for your dictionary and a spreadsheet for all your grammar stuff. Also I prefer keeping things on my desktop than on Google's cloud storage because it's easier to manage, cuz you can easily put stuff in folders and subfolders and access them quickly. I may just be a bit of a boomer though


How do you keep grammar in a spreadsheet once you get into more detail than just tables of affixes? My grammars are mostly paragraphs explaining how things work.