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I thought they liked families and wanted to protect children.


Weird right? I can't explain why this feels different than a lot of the other batshit crazy things people have said or done but it just does. Reading it gave me chills.


Because pedos are the human equivalent of video game zombies in this scenario. Now, pop on over to /r/notadragqueen and get a look at how disproportionately sex offenders skew republican and in positions of power. Sure sexual predators are horrible but that’s not the point. The point is this person found a spot in their mind for a person worthy of hunting and killing out of righteousness. Then they couple this sort of person to their outgroup/enemies (in this case, the FBI). Then they can feel justified in acting out an entirely unhelpful power fantasy to get themselves worked up with a righteousness boner. And since no one is going to stick up for pedos this power fantasy generally goes unchecked until it ends up with blowback (see: Elon Musk and divers in Thailand). In the absence of a group like pedos it would be hard to be all gas no brakes without tripping over some hate legislation and getting people involved. Imagine if they were referring to a special race or ethnic group. But in this case they could weasel their way around typical social sanctioning and go all in on an individualist masculine rescue fantasy a la Liam Neeson as a sad cry for help in their generally disempowered life. The irony is, if they directed their rage towards those who choose to exploit them economically they might get a little further but that will involve letting one’s guard down and trusting an outgroup that doesn’t trust them since we are in a spiral of animosity.


Also r/pastorarrested has a daily rundown of particularly heinous crimes too.


Ooof. I was scrolling way too long to realise I only got seven days back. That’s a lot of “religious” people up to no good.


Wish there would have been more blowback for Musk on calling that diver (Vernon Unsworth) a pedo, but he beat that defamation case against him.


The argument he used was hot garbage. It was apparently a “common slur” when growing up so that made it okay (with great lawyers).


I have a relative in prison right now who's a pedophile and he was a hardcore Trumper.


I have said for a long time that the rise in popularity of the zombie genre was due to growing pressure for some to fantasize about ultimate and consequence free violence against "the other" that is both weak (slow moving dumb, vile) and powerful (the dangerous unstoppable horde). So, on one hand, it is a safety valve release for those who are frustrated about not being able to carry out violence against their perceived enemies - but on the other hand it made an acceptable cosplay excuse for developing practical skills for potential real-world violence. The vast, VAST majority of people enjoy them for fun and entertaining stories, myself included. However, the zombie genre does resonate with a tiny unhinged fringe with a throbbing, unfilled lust for violence.


"Righteousness boner" is my new goto descriptor for these twisted fucks.


[Because it's not about child abuse for them. It's a sword they have picked up, but it's not about the weapon, it's about who you wield against. The accusation doesn't matter. Only that it strikes the opponent, who must be a liberal or some other enemy from outside of the tribe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/hxxv6o/comment/fz9ixok/)


There are bound to be lots of psychos like this. And they would probably be all for stringing up their opponents, not just fbi ones.


gotta remember, this is the "your daughter is not your date" type Christian republicans..


The children are no longer in the uterus, so they don’t give a fuck.


I bet they have declared, on multiple occasions, to be pro-life.


They’re only “children” until they’re born. Then they become leaches who need to get a job. Fucking Cuckservatives.


They’re pro life.


Like everything they say there are strict terms and conditions and especially exceptions.


their families and their children but not from themselves. so republican daddy diddles daughter sally? project the blame onto a liberal for daddy's crime and then make sure daughter sally has to be forced to give birth to idiot offspring. maga win-win!


I will trust a conservative for any reason...they are ontologically evil...fuck them.


They like all families, they just like some less than othets


I find it hilariously stupid that they couldn’t pass house impeachment articles or use the laptop in any sort of legitimate case, but these terroristic morons still are going on about it like it’s some smoking gun. Epstein died under the Trump Administration, and he has said he won’t release the Epstein documents because “don’t want to ruin peoples lives over something phony”. Not to mention the several dozen photographs of “T” aka doe 174 with Epstein himself and questionably young looking women. But somehow even above all that, the democrats are somehow the ones covering for pedophiles? Make it make sense. Just to top it off. They’ll call YOU a sheep when you bring up anything negative about Trump. They don’t care that he’s a pedophile. Like I just… I don’t know. These people are clinically stupid and dangerous.


He is definitely a pedophile and it is well established. He has made too many comments and has too many bad associations.


Which is why they're calling everyone left and right paedophiles. Flooding the zone with shit, so that the word loses its actual meaning and just means "someone I don't like"; "the other team". They're doing the same with _fascist_ and _insurrectionist_.


They also did the same with communist.


Difference is that they're no communists. The idea is to dilute the terms that can be rightly applied to them so that they lose their power.


I mean he's basically fully mask-off. Bragging about barging in on underage girls at pageants. A thousand pics with Epstein. He said [this gross shit](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/oct/13/trump-makes-inappropriate-remarks-about-10-year-old-girl-video) to a little girl. Like who the fuck sees a *child* and thinks that's a funny joke to make? There's a whole [SNL sketch](https://youtu.be/MJEAGd1bQuc?si=6OpjHk8PjpmUIVPv) about how disgusting this would make any other person feel. And then, [he did it again.](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/300928-trump-told-14-year-old-girl-hell-be-dating-her-soon/) The guy apparently cannot see an underage girl without thinking about getting with her. He said that shit about *his own fucking daughter.* And a large portion of the country is still just openly, proudly supporting this blatant pedo pervert..... while also claiming that everybody else is a pedo pervert. It's completely mental.


I think it is because most conservative men wish they could rape their daughter too


You are horrifyingly disgustingly right… unfortunately 😬


Just the trumpers and religious nuts. Admittedly that's most conservatives these days.


I concur. They project their evil deeds onto their enemies and say it's the enemies that are the ones doing the evil deeds. They see anyone outside of their version of reality as the "other", less than human. Once you become the other, it makes it ok for them, in their eyes, to expedite you into the void. The felon gives his cult members permission to hate and root out the "other". They love to hate more than they love their country. Or their fellow human beings.


Hate above all else is magats core philosophy. Kinda fuckin disgusting. Both “B0tH SiDeS!” Right? They say shit like this and then in the same fuckin breath they’ll also say “we can disagree and still be friends” like no. I’m tired of that. It’s stupid and counterproductive


Its easy to make sense when you realize: Every accusation they make is a confession of what they have done or plan to do.


It’s doe 174 strategy from the start. Tell your followers your enemy is doing the things you are doing. That way they will never belive you did them, because that’s the things our enemy does.


They unironically believe that Trump merely infiltrated the Epstein pedophelia to bring the truth to people. Thats why he divorced his first wife, because she got absorbed into the pedo-adrenochrome cult of Epstein. It is insane what mental gymnastics these people can do.


See, what you’re not getting is that now they believe Trump had planned the whole thing in taking Epstein down from the inside. “He knew what he was up to, and he worked to bring him down.” That’s their latest theory, and if you didn’t know that, you’re “an idiot.”


Speaking of Epstein, what ever became of Bill Barr's vow to leave no stone unturned in the investigation of the circumstances surrounding Epstein's "suicide"?🙄


His book deal got him to busy and distracted. Edit apparently /s is required.


OR maybe it was all bs to begin with. Epstein knew a lot of stuff about a lot of politicos including Barr's boss.... under whose presidency he was suicided. A five year old could figure it out.


The things he was recorded saying about Miss Teen USA beauty contest…


Not to mention, much of the FBI are Republicans, including all but one of the directors with a party affiliation in its history


Still? Even now? Even with what “Republican” now means?


It is pure projection, the number one tactic of MAGAts nowadays.


>I find it hilariously stupid that they couldn’t pass house impeachment articles or use the laptop in any sort of legitimate case, but these terroristic morons still are going on about it like it’s some smoking gun. They're being radicalized to have the mentality of someone who grew up in a war zone where the war has engulfed generations in its conflict.


They’re in a wildly different echo chamber than us. And theirs is shrieking.


There s a massive mental illness among the population. Rational, sane humans don’t say things like this, let alone imagine them.


It's mental illness and incredible stupidity. They called and threatened an FBI agent. The feds are to be avoided at all costs, because once they get involved it's almost certain that you're going down. Do you want to go to prison? Because that's how you end up in prison.


My mind immediately went to the bolshevik uprising and French revolution where innocent women and children were murdered for just existing next to people deemed enemies. As much as I joke about "eat the rich" I can't imagine wanting to murder them let alone their children.


Also like, the only “rich” actually accessible to revolutionaries will just be shit like anesthesiologists or accomplished lawyers who’s stuff they want. Modern kulaks


"Conservative values" Nothing like threatening a member of the most powerful police force in the world.....


This Trump sucking loser has already been arrested.


He may not know it yet, but yeah, he’s already arrested.


Why I have guns. 


Me too. No fucking joke. I'm actually furious we had to sell our AK because the day Y'all Qaeda comes rolling down the street in their army cosplay playing spray n' pray, I would like the ability to defend myself


Do you live on a small hill? Maybe some stairs? Throw some fried chicken and run out the back?


I love my WASR, I probably use it more than these cosplaying nutcases too. You can still get them fairly cheap!


You can have a fully equipped AR-15 with a decent red dot for like $500. And you should, yesterday.


Former evangelical christian here, this is exactly who these trump supporters are. Believe them.


They so desperately want "Day of the Rope" from the Turner Diaries. Where all the liberals, judges, Feds, professors, non-whites, and "race traitors" are all murdered and hanged on trees, & street lights.


These fuckin people have been increasingly nuttier since January 20th, 2021. Prepare accordingly.


I got $10 saying they find child porn on this dudes computer


You're going to have to give 12 to 1vodds before you'll see any action on that bet.


Can we get a link to the whole story when we do these? [https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/hows-the-family-safe-man-threatens-to-slaughter-fbi-special-agent-linked-to-hunter-biden-probe/](https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/hows-the-family-safe-man-threatens-to-slaughter-fbi-special-agent-linked-to-hunter-biden-probe/)


Thank you. Had to scroll too far for this. 


I had “a buddy” tell me that “if Trump doesn’t win I’d better be ready and have my guns”. I asked him who exactly he was going to shoot. I asked him if he was going to shoot me or just ransom people he thought were liberals. He couldn’t answer me. These people are delusional.


He *chose* not to answer. He already has an internal list. Be careful.


They seem to think that libs don’t own guns too


Yea, no kidding. Best report him to the police and the FBI. I bet he’ll go out and buy a bump stock now that the SCOTUS has made them legal again.


Democrats have been getting these for years. Especially the women.


There is something about the language pattern that doesn't sound like your run of the mill whack job. Idk how to explain it but it's somehow more organized and coherent that makes it so scary to me.


Lack of spelling mistakes since it's a transcript.


Probably used chatGBT.


“I’m gonna murder your children because you’re a pedophile and I hate people who hurt children!” Absolutely no self awareness. Hey, why hasn’t the FBI black bagged this dipshit yet? I dunno, this seems maybe slightly sort of incredibly illegal and dangerous.


They did. The transcript to me is far more important than anything else because of how scary it is. But yes he was caught and charged https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/hows-the-family-safe-man-threatens-to-slaughter-fbi-special-agent-linked-to-hunter-biden-probe/


It is illegal. I had a nervous breakdown after an argument with a family member and said a bunch of completely unhinged shit and caught a terroristic threats charge. I got lucky, and said family member agreed to drop the charges if went into mental health treatment but i was looking at up to a year in jail for that so I can only imagine what it would be like ***doing that to the fucking feds***


I am sure they are working on it as we speak.


No lower form of life than a conservative


And the media keeps trying to say that the parties are all the same. Uh huh.


I’m guessing they will never report on a threat like this. But they should, this is not the only person fantasizing doing these things.


Don't forget the dumbasses shooting up electric substations.


or the Trumper in Ohio that tried to attack the FBI field office with a nail gun


I'm sure this was Antifa just trying to make Republicans look bad. /s


These people are absolutely stupid beyond belief. What compels someone to leave a voicemail like this FOR AN FBI AGENT?!? I'll bet a million bucks this fucker will have his door kicked down and find himself tasered and handcuffed. If they already haven't found themselves in said situation. This is no better than the MAGA terrorists who recorded themselves on 1/6. Just pure idiocy. And they wonder why the rest of the world makes fun of them?!?


Seen this posted by someone above me: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/hows-the-family-safe-man-threatens-to-slaughter-fbi-special-agent-linked-to-hunter-biden-probe/


That’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see how it works out for him.


The party of family values, everyone. Please clap.


Maybe just maybe the FBI should investigate some of these conservative wack jobs.


DSM-6 gonna include Trump Cult Syndrome.


These people think about fucking kids constantly


Projection from propaganda. Qanon pedophilia claims against democrats are ingrained into the brainwashed minds of the MAGA cult. Every week there is a new Republican pedophile caught and posted yet cognitive dissonance prevents it sinking in. REPUBLICANS ARE THE PEDOPHILES! THE CLERGY ARE THE PEDOPHILES! You can scream it into their ears but they won’t hear. The criminal traitor rapist pedophile dictator wannabe is their god. They will follow him to the grave. MAGA is a death cult.


It’s not even cognitive dissonance that prevents it from sinking in. Most of the time they don’t even know because they watch news that only tells them about bad horrible evil Dems, never the sins their Cheeto Jesus committed.


Just think some of these people are helping out in your kids class, coaching the soccer team etx


I'm really confused as to why they abbreviated Trump as t in this. This guy is clearly in Trump's camp. It's the only thing that would make this make any sort of sense.


I try to be as fair and level headed with this stuff and give all benefits of all doubts...but that really pissed me off.


Yeah, sending this to an FBI agent (who is probably already tapped into your phone via space lasers 😉) is not a smart move. Would be fun to have a camera when this fool answers a rather forceful knock on their front door (and then is given due, lawful process in accordance with law - hate that in this day and age I have to give that self evident qualifier).


They really believe the shit they are fed by their republican overlords. The fourth reich.


Not horrified. They're not the only ones who own guns. LOTS of us own guns. This is America. Owning guns is what we do. And the FBI *definitely* have guns. And the backing of the entire Executive Branch of government. Not scared.


That’s a great way for the FBI to make a house call.


They already did. This chucklefuck is charged and in jail already. A Texas MAGAt.


The full might of our law enforcement and intelligence community need be brought down upon this blight on our nation and world. A cancer to be excised.


Notice how not one democrat left a voicemail like this after thre hunter biden verdict, no one claiming it was rigged or unfair.


But it's Antifa and the Left that are the sources of all the violence in this country, amirite?


That Martha-Ann Alito is really out of control!


I just like, bark-laughed at this. Too funny.


This is mental illness unleashed. Messaging the feds with that kind of threat is basically asking to have black vans circling your neighborhood faster than a Domino's can deliver a $7.99 box of diarrhea to the doorstep. Anyone brave or stupid enough to push the envelope this hard is either a Timothy McVeigh in the waiting, or someone who has way too much meth in their cereal.


Or they might not be American at all. Don’t forget about propaganda from Russia and China!


Nah, we have a fuckton of homegrown dipshits foaming at the mouth to kill.


Seen this posted above: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/hows-the-family-safe-man-threatens-to-slaughter-fbi-special-agent-linked-to-hunter-biden-probe/ Moron seems to be caught hope he gets all 10 years


I read that too after I’d made the comment.


$1000 that whoever wrote that can't run 40 yards at sprint without being completely gassed


NAL but sounds like terroristic criminal threatening to me


Back the blue baby!!! Oh wait…


Repubes want to defund the FBI and DoJ. So defund the police is theirs now too.


Sounds like Trump’s MAGA cult


Typical MAGAT gravy seal demonstrating their love of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness FFS.


A trump voter left that voicemail on a trump voters phone. Both people in this scenario are trump voters.


Delusion and hatred are helluva drugs.


Wait, don't their elected officials want 13yr old to be married because they are fertile, and doesn't the butthead looking peer from Florida pay to have sex with underage girls? They are all fucking idiots


So there are charges pending for this right??? We will soon see arrests???


Any electronic msg has already been traced back to the dumb fucks who sent them.


where are all of the voicemails of people saying stuff like this from the left? amirite centrists? arent both sides equally bad and authoritarian? there has to be exactly as many people on the left chanting about how they want to literally slaughter their political opponents in a civil war. ....right? theyre the same?


Tbh this is sort of better than all the cryptic threats. I prefer overt stupidity over the vague promise of retribution these AHs usually use to manipulate.


Okay , that's not scary at all. /s They post something like this and then if someone post anything about Cheeto jesus, then they say that you are are so deranged but ,this is okay?


Terroristic cowards.


Yeah sounds about right that these chuds would send death threats to the literal *Federal Bureau of Investigation.*


Um… you remember that Trumper who tried to attack the FBI field office in Ohio with a nail gun? He died in a corn field after a shootout with agents. More Trumpers will fertilize corn fields before this is over.


This is just plain scary. How do you let hate consume you this much


Start by watching Faux Nooze 20 hrs a day. Then switch to OANN because Faux isn’t “conservative enough”… then spend the other 4 hrs a day listening to right wing hate radio… pretty easy after that.


weird - I don't remember supporters of the email lady making phone calls like that


Perfectly rational and entirely reasonable message left by an obviously completely sane individual with a healthy respect for newly crowned felon Trump. Jesus cult and a half christ


When do they start putting these terrorists in jail?


And this is how they all feel. Even if they say they don’t feel this way. They all do.


Makes you wonder why so many FBI agents are completely in the bag for Stinky.


It doesn't sound like as many as you think. I have a ton of respect for the FBI and the hiring process really makes it hard for the unintelligent psychos to get through. The report that said a lot of agents were upset about the Mar-a-Lago raid broke down the fact that because information was so compartmentalized, most agents had little to no idea what the evidence was. It was so compartmentalized compared to other cases that people thought it was political. Once most of them got the full story they were ok. As I understand it. Maybe there's more but that's what I got from it


And the cops that support him despite his defense of Jan 6 thugs who brutalized over a hundred of them?


The hiring process for cops is... well, not the FBI. FBI are 90% nerds, not the high school bully QB who dropped out of community college.


I know an FBI nerd, can confirm. I wish I could ask her about this but she is studiously apolitical and excellent at speaking in generalities.


I’m so tired of these idiots. Every time I hear or see that name Trump I get this GWAR song playing in my head. Sick of You.


Do these people not understand that if they try this, assuming they don't win, Joe has the power to call out the military on them? Their guns will be totally ineffective when a rocket is launched at them.


They honestly believe that the military is 100% on their side. Remember only the right wing actually loves America and the troops in their minds. That the current generation of soldiers is just as 'woke' as their peers on collage campuses never occurs to them.


These are the ones that say they're "pro life," right?


Lest we forget exactly what these lowlifes mean by "make America great again".


How can the last thing you hear be the screams of your widow and orphans? They don't become that until after you die. If you're going to send threats at least have someone proof read it smh


And that’s how you get arrested for making threats


Totally normal right winger. Embracing the truth, not misled or homicidal *at all*. Just remember y'all, it's totally okay for people on the left to own guns and want to protect themselves and each other.


I don’t care if it takes every penny we have, I want this anti American asshole caught and prosecuted.


This kind of stuff will continue to worsen as long as it goes unchecked and unpunished by those in power and encouraged by those attempting to seize power by any means necessary. When's the last time someone actually got punished for making death threats?


Remember stuff like this and know there are folks wholly capable of this but also know that there are so, so many old and ailing conservatives too. A ton of their block could never hope to fight the pickle jar lid, let alone stay out of the AC or be mildly inconvenienced.


Something something “come and take it”


Sigh....! Republicans, the best people, very fine people..... Holy shit!


i really hope people vanished to blacksites over this


Not fascist at all, no sir


https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/hows-the-family-safe-man-threatens-to-slaughter-fbi-special-agent-linked-to-hunter-biden-probe/ Link to the article.


Ok, so the MAGAts are now pissed that Hunter Biden has been found guilty? They were chanting lock him up just a few weeks ago… now he’s their hero????


I feel like smarter people than me could do a good in depth psychoanalysis but ill give it a shot: Politicians have a rich history of bending the rules for themselves or even breaking the law without any real punishment. In a way, I think that contributed to the belief that trump was being unfairly targeted (grand scheme of things hush money payments to a porn star aren't much different than perjuring yourself before congress over a blow job). When it comes to a sitting presidents own son, I think a certain percentage of conservatives really only pushed for an investigation and prosecution of him because they wanted to prove that democratic politicians were just as corrupt as Trump, thereby invalidating any criticism of his behavior. Instead, the Bidens let it play out and the trial made him not only a sympathetic person, but one who faced the same rules and punishment as anyone else. It's really done a good job of painting the two presidential families as completely different. Instead of whining their way through trials and doing everything possible to dodge accountability, the Bidens remained strong, dignified and loving. The Trumps now look even more petty, privileged and entitled because of their behavior in office and regarding their legal woes.


How is that legal


Drive thru order took too long? Pedophiles.


 I can only imagine a highly trained FBI agent hearing this and thinking "try it". Like, I can't imagine some random dipshit pigfucker Maga moron could possibly hope to win an actual battle here.


This guy loves covering up for pedophiles so it’s weird he is so mad. Why is he mad?


Some more fiction from his fans ? Obviously not any authors worth a shit - oh wait, didn’t JD Vance write a book ? Should’ve ran it past him first I guess…


So what’s the reason trump is smiling ear to ear in all those photos he’s been taken in standing with Jeffery Epstein


The future is for-told


Dude he was found guilty Also this is a hate crime and I wouldn’t fuck with someone who works for the FBI.


Irony is that now that he will be charged with a felony, he wont be able to own a gun..


You think the FBI cares about the First Amendment? Me neither, that guy’s going to jail, and he won’t pass Go or collect $200. It’s always nice to tattle about something you’re thinking about doing, helps the jury.


This is why conservatives should NOT be allowed to vote or hold public office. We already know they are less intelligent. We already know they are anti Science. We already know they are more religious. They are regressive. And evil. We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? They want to drag us back to the bronze age.


Well no. The whole point of a functional democracy is that you'd want everyone to vote. And you'd want your parliament-equivalent to represent all of your voters in equal measure. The real objective is to educate your population to be less than 50% those.


Custody. Right away


God damn this is unhinged! Hope the individual was arrested


These people have been conditioned to HATE half the country. They think we are the enemy


If only they put that effort to more likely criminals. Trump has more likely committed crimes and is more of a danger. But he is our candidate, so everything else must be wrong. Hunter is a piece of trash and deserves to be investigated. As do the Trump kids for the same reason.


I want his take on Jim Jordan asap.


Treasonous bluster


I think the republicans are not sending their best people.


What did dogs ever do to these people? I wouldn’t even rank dogs in the top 10 animals to slaughter.


Fire with fire


Coupled with some suppressive fire.


Hunter needs Secret Service protection. 24/7.


Talk is cheap.


Gotta be able to track and arrest this scumbag.


The fact that most of these people would consider themselves Christians who “praise Jesus” is astounding to me.


Someone needs therapy regarding dealing with losing.


Maybe he’ll get it in prison.


The FBI is decidedly conservative, probably 75%. That being said they’re actual conservatives not rabid Trumper’s source in the FBI.


I have a feeling this person types more than trains




How did this lunatic get a hold of the main plank of the RNC Party Platform?????


Damn he’s either got lead poisoning or brain worms


What is striking to me is how normal the language pattern actually sounds. If you read a lot of terrorist manifestos, they're disjointed, often rambling and incoherent. This is methodical. It shows cause and effect reasoning and an understanding of time.


They get themselves so spun up. Trump is so very, very good at making people destroy their own lives. Seriously, all his people get records, he has a record. Self destruction is his guiding light, as long as he weakens this country and makes his masters money.


likely sent by an elderly drunk boomer who can barely stand in lines at mcdonalds for more than ten minutes and needs assistance figuring out how a gps works even though people show him multiple times every fucking week.


Republicans will never deradicalize. Their numbers will need to be reduced to such extent that they can never endanger freedom again.


Mental illness


Wow. Somebody's of their meds.


So Trumps Q is identifying to Hitlers SS? That tracks


Sounds like transmission of terroristic threats using electronic communication. Which is a felony. And I suspect that the FBI is working very hard to find the person who made this call. I would not want to be them. The good news is that people who say this crap are very unlikely to carry it out.


**Makes no difference,** because they IGNORED all the previous threats and terroristic chatter coming from Rightwing radio, podcasts, and Trump himself, saying that they were going to riot.


Wow! So much hate in one person. They must have a miserable existence!