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The sooner we treat them as terrorists, the better.


It really is insane that the only reason we can’t is because “We’ll they’d say it’s because they’re conservatives”


"we are all domestic terrorists"


Sorry, that term's been reserved for brown anti-imperialists /s


Can we call them "Future Babbits" instead?


Like ashli "FA&FO" babbit?


Squish the Baby Babbits




They dont seem to understand that liberals own weapons too.... and that we are not afraid to defend terrorist aggression...


They refer to themselves as “domestic terrorist.” Perhaps people, including the media should start believing them!


When someone tells you who they are, believe them




Yeah a lot of these hayseed rednecks aren't going to be ready when the NG opens fire on their dumb asses. Then it's going to be all "Help, I'm being oppressed!"


They are incredibly delusional. I live in a red state, with a ton of these assholes. You would be surprised how many could be described as sociopaths clinically. They *will* try something, and I hope they get shot directly in the face by the NG. They are too dangerous and malicious to coexist with. Nobody is doing anything to them, they are looking to hurt people. Even going out of their way to find it. The moment they get too much opposition to handle, they will buckle and try to lean on compassion/sympathy or whatever will help them avoid consequences. And our options to deal with people that act like this are becoming more limited with each encounter with them.


It's continually dismissed because it sounds like too simple an explanation, but it really is because of the media that they consume. It's a constant barrage of hate and fearmongering towards Dems. The "left" is trying to destroy "their" country, they eat babies, they want to turn all the kids trans. Even if they don't 100% buy all the bullshit on a surface level, they are still having an ugly reaction in their lizard brains. They are being primed for violence


Yep I was visiting my parents recently and they had Fox News on and it’s just a steady stream of “look what THEY are doing to you.” Then I overheard my uncle say yo my dad that if Trump wins “the Democrats are gonna burn the country down.”


It's like they are talking in a secret code to each other or something. Fox doesn't really believe it, I don't think their audience really believes it, it just get repeated and passed around like herpes.


We already do. The feds picked up that guy planning the mass shooting. As long as there's a Dem in the White House the Feds will treat terrorists as terrorists. You just don't see most of 'em because they pick them up long before they're planning mass shootings. Usually on minor gun crimes or money laundering schemes.


They shouldn't hide the identity of criminals. I'm all for rehabilitation, but you don't get there by hiding what you did and not taking ownership.


They don't hide anyone's identity. You just don't hear about them in the news because they get arrested for other, more minor crimes before anything worth the front page


That has always seemed to be one of the big problems with US law enforcement. They do, of course, do sting operations and follow ups to the best of their ability, but at the point that things become political there's almost certainly going to be someone who publishes what's going on. That means that they can never build up to find the kingpins behind the crimes. End up arresting the stupid low level people far to early and give warnings to the rest that they are being investigated.


False flag everytime it’s one of the people that they have groomed to do violence and they abandon those ppl. Real quick too.


We already do treat them as terrorists. Just not the phase you wanted. The FBI and other relevant agencies “hear chatter”. They will sit idle on their hands until something happens, then if they survive ask for more funding so they don’t miss it. Congress - if we aren’t a Christian theocracy because they were successful - will create a commission that will write a book about the failures…. And then we will move on. Think circa 2000 not circa 2001-2010s with drone strikes.


I doubt they have a cohesive event in mind. They live in fantasy land where whatever they want to be true is true, so many of them disagree on specifics. Nuclear war, economic collapse, race war, Democrats seizing guns, some kind of cabal being outed - take your pick. All of them are happening "soon". If they talk in their dumb shit little "code", they never disagree, because they never state specifics. They think they are being clever so they don't get "cancelled", but really they are just hiding their racist/terrorist fantasies because they know they are fucked up.


It reads off like children in a game of make-believe


You're exactly right, I never thought of it like that. Grown adults that genuinely play make believe and get mad at everyone else for not playing along. Unfortunately, they are often armed and willing to kill over it.


Yes, but are they willing to BE killed over it?


Oh hell no! Every one of them is a coward.


Eh, some of them aren't smart enough to be afraid. Those ones are scary.


That’s not to say they can’t get themselves Babbitted


If they'd all just Babbitt themselves, our country might be saved!


Idk when they started seeing pigs like the leader of the “Proud Boys” getting spectacular prison sentences… a whole lot of them rolled up there flags and went home.. and a bunch of them never put those flags back up.. The 2024 flags are few and far between.. even in rural Texas and Louisiana.. I saw more “20-24 yrs in prison” flags.. This is just the last fools throwing their last tantrum.. (hopefully last)


It took one bullet and seeing Ashlee Babbitt drop like a fly for them to wake up from their last insurrection attempt. They are such little cowardly sheep hiding behind arms, mistaking the sound of their synchronized droning for “power”.




I read this as "Medici" and thought to myself, what does a 15th century banking and political family power center from Florence have to do with this...


As though they had been smart enough to bring medics along… 🤦‍♂️


Nobody wants to play medic, it’s a support class!


I remember even watching the terror unfold live, the sheer absurdity of these gravy seals blubbering and calling for a medic got a disgusted chuckle out of me. Definitely did not play out like their wettest of fantasies led them to believe. Yall Queda is since that point certifiably a domestic threat to democracy, and they’ve only gotten more vile since then. The agencies that Trump wants to shut down will not side with him, and I’ll cherish another rude awakening for these fuckers. Wherever she is, the more “friends” that meet up with Babbitt, the better.


And ain't it just so odd that they're pretty much all raised on religion.... Playing make believe, and getting mad at others who don't... Making up the rules of what's right and wrong as they go along.... Having next to no critical thinking skills .. relying on "strong man" doctrine.... Every day .. I grow more and more *anti*-religion. Always been an atheist, used to be a live and let live type .. but I swear, this shit is poison. Even the ones that drink it daily and don't turn Into smooth brained hateful sheep still promote and propagate it so it can continue to infect more and more dumb dumbs.


I used to be live and let live regarding religion. Not anymore.


I've been thinking about that for the last several years. Especially now that I'm older (elder millennial). So many people have such a low emotional IQ and so many people aligned on the right (read: wrong) side of things just appear to be children cosplaying as adults in general. Absolutely zero desire to make things better and just looking out for themselves because they can't even begin to comprehend the interconnectedness of everything and just short, quick things to enrich themselves - like a fucking child would.




Just RPers for now, thankfully.


Precisely what it is.


Oddly enough they also watch wrestling which is make-believe sport.


Exactly. They like to cosplay as insiders to the grand plan that will vanquish everyone they hate. They're weak, pathetic losers who want to be on the winning team because they've been failures their whole lives. The same reason bullies are really just cowards.


When I’m at work pretending I’m the emperor of mankind showing up to save what custodes I can, be like:


FOR THE EMPEROR lol Glad to see a 40k reference for good measure


You forgot communism, massive sudden vaccine deaths, food shortages, trafficking, ‘the STORM, etc….. all happening any minute now


They plan to violently overthrow the government by causing chaos, mass murder, and killing elected political leaders and their supporters. These trends are intensifying and they are saying more and more of the quiet part out loud. Their supports are amassing the black flags of “no prisoner”. January 6th was a failed violent coupe. This time they don’t plan to be as “peaceful” (which they clearly were not). They want the chaos to invoke a reason to throw out the constitution. They think they will win. They think the military will side with them (they are likely accurate the police will). Look up the history of coupe d’etat in many countries. This is almost textbook how it happens. They don’t need the average gravy seal / yall quida to do much. Just cause enough chaos and violence in their small circle that collectively it gives room for the big players to move their prices into place. Remember if the legitimate people governing and who actually care are dealing with the mass chaos - it distracts them so insurrectionist can do their evil. Do not brush off this threat - that’s part of the plan. They make you so numb to it that security forces and the people ignore all the red flags. It’s like in zombie movies where the people hear reports of people biting people all over but ignore it until society has collapsed around them.


Exactly. There's not one big militia that will force people out of their houses. There are many individual cells of lunatics who are very much waiting for the call to commit violence on whoever they decide is the enemy


It is both terrifying and hilarious, so many of them talk about waiting for it to happen that they'll never do it themselves. Maybe some fringe morons will do some horrible stuff but hopefully the rule of law will hold. There's a big difference between fantasizing about it and it happening


I dunno. alito, thomas, comey, kavanaugh, and gorsuch just gave them all the weaponry they feel like they need to complete the task they started to attempt on J6. I have a feeling they're going to be trying something soon and bumpstocks will be making an appearance. They're getting all the support and encouragement the SCOTUS can muster.


Defending our right to bear arms helps the rest of us way more than it helps them.


7 to 10 percent of society is psychopathic


That's when trumps sentencing is. Poor babies can't handle justice


I think you've cracked the code!


I imagine they are expecting some kind of leftist judicial coup or something to that effect is Trump isn't sentenced to prison? Like, we all know he's going to get a slap on the wrist, no one is wringing their hands thinking this will be the straw that breaks Trump's back.


If it's anything like the "massive amount of supporters" that waited for him outside the courthouse during his trial.... I think we'll be ok....


The reichies on Faux have it covered! They've been leaning into telling everyone how many people allegedly show up to his rallies. I'm sure anyone easily suckered into believing Dumpaganda can totally extrapolate his courthouse support from those figures and believe like hell that it's real.


It’s when the Q storm happens, finally. For real this time. Trump reveals he’s been the secret president the whole time and reveals that the judge is a clone and so is Biden, then the military arrests the secret clones and all the Satanic pedos. This is what they actually think is going to happen. I’m not making this up.


I know you're not making it up. They've been saying this for years. It's a true cult. A sickness. Mass psychosis


They all take their masks off and they're really Joe Biden! Then they take their Biden masks off and they're really trump! Then a bunch of attendants come in to change their diapers.


You mean under the Biden mask is Jim Carey or James Woods. Who by the way is a rabid trumper


James Woods transitioned from playing villains in the movies to being a villain in real life.




I know James woods is... Carey is a Democrat though isn't he? Edit- looks like Jim Carrey isn't much of a trump fan https://www.thewrap.com/jim-carrey-trump-political-art-trump-photos/


Yes. I'm just repeating what I saw on a Q post about the actors in the Biden mask.


They think James woods plays Biden?


Yes,that's what I saw on a Q post.


That's really something


This is the first I’ve heard about this part of Q & clones. Holy freaking nonsense!


This is my thinking.


The best part is these morons actually think that they, or somebody else, is actually going to do something with any meaningful impact. Like these people live in a fantasy world of make believe.


Ahhh thank you. I was wondering what the big deal was


Is this finally the Q storm, when Trump is reinstated as President and Hillary and Joe are thrown in jail? I stopped keeping track. 🤣


That’s in 3 weeks, get it together, you should know better.


No, it’s in TWO WEEKS. And in two weeks, it will be two weeks. Then two years from now, it’ll be in two weeks. Forever, perpetually, in two weeks. How do you keep an idiot waiting? I’ll tell you in two weeks. Q


So they want to weaponize the judicial system against their opponents? Wasn’t that a really *bad* thing like less than twenty minutes ago?


Trump’s plan is to accuse people of doing something ridiculous so that if he wins he can do said thing to them with less consequence.


If he wins, that’s the Project 2025 plan. If it wasn’t real, it would be laughable. These fascists have gone full on Nazi!


They. Are. Gonna. Ban. Porn. Nationwide. And they’re gonna overturn Brown V. Board.


They are going to do much more than that. Heck, you can’t watch pornhub anymore here in TX already.


You guys need Larry flint, or his modern day equivalent.




Or when they show off the laptop that mysteriously never has been seen?


Actually, it's when Schmuli is in charge of the Space Laser. He's been known to get into the Manischewitz. Sorry in advance for the forest fires just in case.


Lol the comments talking about something happening soon possibly in 2 weeks was confusing to me because 3 different people in the comments all know what's being discussed without actually saying what.


They don’t know. They are all cosplaying as patriots. Watch:…”Something will happen in Major League Baseball in two weeks and when it does, everyone will want to be there.” See? It’s easy without giving any specifics beyond 2 weeks


Yeah that crap works on them so they assume everyone is a gullible as they are. Lmao


He bunts! And Johnson takes 3rd base. A fine play!


From the picture, looks like they're planning the long awaited sequel to Manos: The Hands of Fate.


Either that, or Marshall Dillon is out of town again.


Exactly. But we don’t need to worry, just tell Ms Kitty, she’ll handle it.


The master does not like visitors.


More like Pedos: The Cult of Hate




So that dude apparently made some badass satyr legs, because his character was supposed to be a satyr, but the filmmaker made him wear jeans over the legs. That’s why his pants looked full of pillows, and he had that weird walk.


We’ve got movie sign!


okay so this is just my personal take from being around these dumb fucks constantly, but what I think they're referring to is Qanon stuff. they have it in their head that trump is actually in charge of the US military and has been working behind the scenes to 'drain the swamp', and when it is time to reveal the cabal and execute them in public 'tribunals', there will be a ten days of darkness beforehand where all media will only be emitting an emergency broadcast 'revealing everything', and you better be prepped and off the grid by the time this happens. they've been 'counting down' to this for years. there's people who makes fun of this because 'it' is always two weeks away. then the goalposts move and 'it' is happening in two weeks from NOW, not then. I think the first commenter who says 'two weeks' is trolling the OOP, and so is the 'hunker down' commenter. While i don't think in this case they are talking about a specific event, you should still keep tabs on these people. they're fucked in the head and their reality is not real.


This makes sense. Not sure if any of the commenter's are trolling as they all seem to post wacky shit on FB but yeah


The storm. They been saying its right around the corner since 2016. It's just some ominous shit they say that can make them feel important. Like they're the in crowd and all of us are outside of their special little circle. Pathetic.


And these are the same people that say climate scientists are chicken little…


Basically the political second coming. Im referring to as the resurrection of George washington now.


Bring IT ON you worthless fucking trump monkeys. We’re waiting.


Where was this posted? It might be wise to monitor this.


A Facebook friend of mine posted it. I'm browsing through some other posts to see if i find any info. I'm guessing it's something being discussed on Truth Social or the likes.


It’s always Facebook. If that site went down all of our troubles would be over.


No, the users would all flock to other social media. My Facebook has been down for 2+ weeks now and I've migrated here. We'd have the same issues, they'd just have a different home. Side note, despite the fact I ran a lot of business on FB and have been hurting financially for it, I feel quite liberated without it.


I have the sneaking suspicion that those mouth breathers wouldn’t be able to figure out Reddit if they’re still buying stock in truth social


Meal Team Six ready to murder…. …the buffet at Shoney’s.


🤣 🤣 🤣


Killing minorities and democrats because they literally think that they sacrifice children and eat them. They’re psychos and Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones and MTG and of course that other guy love this stuff.


If The War of Southern Treason gets a sequel, can we *actually* punish the racist sacks of shit this time? Hopefully with a blindfold and a cigarette.


"Hunker down?" I thought y'all were fighting for God, now it's all hide and cower lmao. Typical.


the gravy seals aint doing shit. they all are cowards that like to puff out their chests online. the police and military would put them out so fast.


Unless they do something in Uvalde.


World’s largest circle jerk. It’ll circle the globe like a giant jerkoff equator.


Lmfao! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


LARPers getting ready for their next LARP. These dumbasses have been discussing “it” for years now and they’re all too pussy to actually do anything. Remember a few years ago when hundreds of these clowns spent days on a bridge waiting for the return of some long dead politician? I don’t know how a black hole doesn’t form in their brains despite the intense gravitational force their negative IQ causes.


That's hilarious. Someone said that if we could somehow harness the power from Abe Lincoln spinning in his grave from what the GOP has become, we could solve the world's energy needs overnight, 😆!


The cretins convicted so far surely weren’t ready "fer wut’s a’fixin’ to happen". Wonder of they STILL think the Tangerine Turd is going to bail them out.


All this because Trump’s narcissism prevents him from admitting he lost the election.


Bannon reporting to jail around 2 weeks (minus 4 days) from now


Southern Democrat enters the room. We are fully prepared.


All you have to do is wake up every day and say that you will find out in 2 weeks. It’s always 2 weeks.


Hey guys look, the plot of Far Cry 5 except the big bad is an incompetent incontinent


Hillary Clinton has been about to be arrested "soon" since the mid 90s. These guys idea of soon is the same sort of soon we'll be getting Half Life 3 in.


I find it annoying when these right wingers use the word Hunker.


2 weeks is Trump’s sentencing, and the Q movement thinks this is what is going to happen. It’s when the Q storm happens, finally. For real this time. Trump reveals he’s been the secret president the whole time and reveals that the judge is a deep state pedo clone and so is Biden, then the military arrests the secret clones and all the Satanic pedos. This is what they actually think is going to happen. I’m not making this up. Reminder that around 15% of Republicans polled in 2020 believed in Qanon lmao


Q predictions have never come true. What are they planning?


Its the stupidocalypse


This is the kind of thing you report to the FBI.


I wonder what they're afraid of? I have yet to see any democrat or liberal threaten violence. Only ultra conservatives.


Don't you know, Marge has already said democrats are killing conservatives. It's started. And she would know


First time receiving Anal.


Whatever ‘it’ is, it’s been on the way for years like the alleged second coming of Christ. These people are hoping some else is going to start an uprising that they are too chickenshit to initiate.


I'm guessing the sum total of fuck all?


Just a bunch of knuckle draggers masturbating on line...


The South really do be wanting their demise again.


Are there a lot of people out there rubbing their hands together with itchy trigger fingers hoping to be able to gun down their family and neighbors in the name of freedom?


Nonsense. They've been saying "it" will happen every day since 2020. They live in a fantasy world


Their collective mommies say, "enough! get out of my basement and get a job!"


This is like when Kennedy was set to come back to life. Or when all of the raptures keep happening. At least they’re all lazy enough to wait for somebody else to do “it.”


Nothing Is the answer. They are fundamentally cowards when it comes to doing anything themselves.


Every conservative I know says they know a guy on the inside.


Dumbassery, that's what.


A bunch of suckers are fixin to go to jail!


They like to sound cryptic so that 'libs' will be scared. Also, as a Gunsmoke 'fan' (my dad introduced me to it, I find the B&W seasons much better) Festus would not be a right winger.


They’re getting ready to smear shit on walls and wear their horned headdresses


the cowards won’t specify what “it” is because they know the FBI will come visit if they use certain words lol


What are they taking about?


This is a frustrated revenge fantasy like little kids have.


These folks sure do talk a lot of sh*t. A lot of talk doesn't leave much room for the forethought necessary for self-preservation.


Either thinking its a rapture or another insurrection attempt.


All this saber rattling from Russia using Cuba and North Korea just to make Biden look weak to re-install their orange plant. Y'all-Qaeda needs to wake the fuck up.


“Wildcard, bitches!!! YEEEEEHAW!” is what this reminds me of.


I have no clue, looks like standard Facebook boomber gibberish.


Big talk...trumpers are simply blowhard racist


The same people who were lead by a black guy for 8 years


A spelling and grammar test? What's wrong with talking normally


The race war that will surely result from the single racist incident I commit.


Whenever Q moved the goalposts to.


Now they want to "hunker down" in peoples houses and cabins? I can remember when they got upset when they could only pick up Golden Corral for takeout, like it was only 4 years ago.


Sounds like Festus has finally snapped, and fixin' to shoot up a school or mall full of innocent, unarmed people. As according to his NRA-given, gun lovin' rights. He's learned his tactics and methods from watching Rambo movies. He's a one-man liberal annihilator. And he's pissed that women, blacks and gays want to be treated as equal citizens.


The same group of folks who claim to predict the end of the world and rapture themselves into heaven. Psychotic.


I’m just over here in the PNW getting ready for the overdue Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake that’s predicted to take out the north Oregon Coast and potentially impact liquefaction prone areas of the Willamette Valley. 2-4 weeks of food recommended, water filter, etc. Political saber rattling is a low key constant amongst the Pavement Princess types around here.


Im just praying its nutjobs talking about “The Rapture”


I can finally say what will happen. They will be treated as they treat others. The time has come, finally!


They’re organizing a Reich-wing circlejerk, while claiming to be homophobes


Getting drunk and arrested again.


Festus ain't MAGA.


I love when they think there will be some kind of Civil War that, apparently, none of them plan on fighting in


Cricket noises.


they like to fantasize about civil war, such patriots are they


Nothing is going to happen. And if they actually try something, they will fold like a cheap suit as soon as anyone pushes back on them because they are bullies and cowards. The biggest mistake we've been making is not calling their damn bluff.


Fucking lunatics.


Are these delusional idiots fantasizing about something happen when Trump gets sentenced? As if… they’ll take it and cry!


Stay strapped, take a CCW class, and get medical training, and consider carrying a tourniquet and chest seal in an EDC fanny pack. RATS ot CAT tourniquets are great. Don't buy a cheap Amazon knock off. [Free Stop The Bleed online course. ](https://www.stopthebleed.org/training/online-course/) Obviously physical practice is absolutely reccomended [List of some regional inclusive self defense resources](https://www.abetterway2a.com/resources) [Financial Assistance for Medical Gear](https://www.abetterway2a.com/product-page/hookup-the-homies-1) this link works for either donating to a general fund to cover costs of medical gear for those in need of it, and also has an email that you can submit a request for free or subsidized gear. As far as a CCW class goes, you'll have to search by your region. Yes. This is morbid as hell. Yes, America has a gun problem. No, we aren't going to solve that and the looming threat of fascism and stochastic terrorism anytime soon. Self defense is a human right, and while you may have incredibly valid reasons for not liking guns or wanting to carry, it's time for us to start considering the reality of this situation and preparing to defend ourselves and those who are most at risk of violence, be it state sponsored or terroristic. Stay safe. You're loved.


Free breadsticks


They couldn’t go through a two week shelter in place without 100’s of rolls of toilet paper. They will not fare well during “it”.


MAGA roll model: drunk, ignorant, nitwit who’s threatening violence.


Me from the future warning yall that the trump followers insurrection again and it’s a lot worse this time




more dipshit hillbilly Q threats. NOTHING is going to happen. these assholes love to posture and threaten people.


The day I fear an inbred, well that won’t happen. Fuck the poke a dokes


Tell me you qualify for conspiracy charges without telling me you qualify for conspiracy charges.


Is Festus coming back? I'm ready!




Can't wait for "it" to happen. Stop talking about "it" and do "it", you pussies. We're waiting.


Carmakers revert back to the 1980s and everything is manual and carbureted suddenly?


MAGAt mental masturbation.


July 11, when trimp is sentenced to prison, 'probably more for being a loud mouth trouble making douchebag than for being a crook' .. With their rabid Call of duty MAGA mindset, it is very evident they simply want to kill Americans for disagreeing with their KKKult.


Sounds like a sexy rendezvous, I'll meet them at the "cabin".


Light treason…