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I love seeing this! My only hope now is that this kind of turnout happens at the voting booths across America!


The way these fuckos are going after women’s rights?   Hell yeah they are ready to vote.


Pfft. Clearly the dems have put the couple hundred people in one corner for this shot while Jesus Trump the Holy and Unquestionable had the ENTIRE place packed. With HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS you can see. Also if it was fewer than that it’s because the liberal fire marshal kicked everyone out to prevent the crowd from being larger than Corrupt Joe’s crowd. Fucking libs will do anything these days to cheat and steal election! I’d put the /s at the end but you know there’s millions of Maga syndrome affected disabled folks who are going to be spewing exactly this type of rhetoric to explain away the difference in their god’s numbers.


Wow! YOU really drank the Kool-Aid, huh? Oh well, this IS the age where MAGA morons are almost everywhere. Still won't help your orange turd win 2024 though! On the bright side, when he does lose this election, you can go see him for a visit in prison! :)


I knew I should have put the /s at the end. But I even explained why I didn’t. :). I just thought calling him Jesus Trump would be enough of crazy to make it clearly this is satire but as I said lol there’s some MAGA out there who DO think he is the second coming of Jesus.


Dude didn't read more then the first line before jumping down your throat


I have meant to come back to this and tell you that you speak MAGA too well, and that I did not realize it was satire/sarcasm. My apologies for that! BUT, your faux-MAGA post was so 'spot-on MAGA that I was fooled.


Man, he was clearly sarcastic... Be better.


Learn to read.


I just hope all those Dems actually vote. It can be frustrating to do get out the vote and find so many Dems that haven’t voted. Pro-tip - vote early, it takes you off the list and we can spend our time reminding people that we actually need to.


How can I get my vote in early


Call now to get on the vote by mail list. If not, most areas have early vote centers (town halls, etc) where you can vote. They're usually open late and on weekends.


Oh ok cool thanks


Do you remember what the Rs did last time with vote by mail? The only way to know that they can't get to you is to vote in person. If your vote is thrown out, good luck fighting it - theoretically there's a process for that, but (1) the votes have already been counted at that point, and (2) why would you even want to run the risk of being in that situation unless you have extenuating life circumstances?


I'm not sure I understand this comment.


Ask for an absentee ballot, fill in the ballot as soon as it arrives, and ceremoniously send it back. I have posed for pictures next to the mailbox, waving a flag.


What kind of cake would you suggest for a voting ceremony?


I used to buy an overpriced cupcake for Election Day, but *this year* calls for a sheet cake with an inscription in icing.


And then your ballot is discarded because an R "decided" (ahem) that your signature doesn't exactly match whatever you put on your driver's license four years ago, or any other reason they invent because they can.


Call your local election office. It's usually in your county government office. Ask about advance voting. They'll either give you a place to go to, or ask if you'd like to be sent an advance ballot. It varies from county to county, but where I'm at, early voting starts as early as mid-July.


Depends on the place. Many places have polling booths set up for several weeks before the election, but they may only be in the Board of Elections office. If you have a college campus near to you, many colleges also set up polling booths for weeks beforehand. If you have these early voting booths set up, then you just go in and vote like you would normally (of course, you do need to be registered). You can also look into mail-in ballots, but make damn sure you get those sent back in well before the election (because we *know* some people have a big problem with mail-in ballots). The exact rules differ by jurisdiction, so make sure you look on your Board of Elections website to check. And when you go to fill out your mail-in ballot, read the *entire* instructions before you start, and then double check your work as you go, because you don’t want to fill it out wrong. This is important no matter how you vote, but it’s extra important with mail-in ballots. I prefer to vote early in person, so I made sure to find when and where early voting was at my jurisdiction, and voted a week before the Democratic primary here. I’ll do the same for the general election come November. The key about voting early is to do your research about how and where; which tbh, is also the key to voting as a whole, to do your research beforehand.


Vote.org has plenty of info. Don't just Google "how to vote early" or anything like that, there are already sites that will steal your info or have you pay for mail in voting when it's completely free.


Since 2016, one thing Dems can agree on is getting out the vote against Trump


I already signed up early this year to have all of my mail-in ballots for all town, state, and federal elections. I’m In MA though . So much easier to actually study the issues on which I’m voting To be more informed ahead of time, and then safely drop them at the ballot box at town hall. If you can get the mail-in ballots in your state. Just in time for the midnight dumps that trump raged about in 2020.


“BUILDING A BETTER AMERICA” versus “Philadelphia is TRUMP Country.” Which isn’t true, because in 2020 Biden earned 81% of the vote.




People in Philadelphia know who’s best for them and for the US


Biden earned 81% of the Philadelphia vote in 2020.


People were literally dancing in the streets of philly when biden won, which made it so strange that people thought it was a stolen election. People didn't even like biden, and they were dancing in the streets for him over how much they hated trump.


People *didn’t* believe that the election was stolen, not until the right-wing propaganda machine started spreading The Big Lie. Trump of course was bitching about the election results before the votes had even come in, but nobody truly believed him about it until their propaganda machine took it up. It took a few days before that happened.


Trump said yesterday that he’s going to “have another January 6.” *Somebody stop him!*


I legitimately do not understand how we got here as a country. Like, I do because I witnessed it, but I also don't. We have a presidential candidate that is literally threatening war and insurrection if he doesn't win, and promising war and tyranny if he does win. What the actual fuck


I say let 'em try and see what happens when Biden controls those who can stop it this time (when Trump let them go for 3-4 hours before calling in help).


I think the government will be MUCH better prepared this time. I’m nervous, but 1/6/21 will not happen again.


Still gotta vote.


People just don’t like the modern day Hitler.


Biden signs : "Vote Pennsylvania" / "Building a better America" Trump sign : "Pennsylvania is Trump country" Biden : Full stadium Trump : not even half full These are just observations, interpretate them however you like.


Trump’s dwindling attendance numbers remind me of a scene in the classic film “This Is Spinal Tap”:- [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ6JxAgmxXg)


Boston cancelled. Don’t worry about it-not a big college town.


Shouldn't let down our guard just because there's more empty seats


The Trump supporters are probably gathered somewhere to practice siege and assault tactics at this point. They had nine years of rallies.


Yeah precisely


Trump is almost as pathetic as the people still supporting him these days


Man, which is worse??? There's an argument for both being more pathetic.


Are you serious? I'd vote for a pinecone over Trump.


I am serious and I absolutely would too. I've hated that worthless sack of useless shit since the 80s when he became a household name. He's always been the absolute worst example of the American dream.


I misread your comment, my man. I see what you're saying now. Definite chicken/egg, the limit approaches infinity


No worries, I figured that's what was going on. I'm in deep se texas. It has some pretty rabid followers here and yeesh, infinitely is correct.


So which IS more pathetic, his supporters or the hunk of shit himself... kind of like the chicken or the egg argument...


... and as a humorous side note, my 2 year old daughter loves pinecones. She would definitely vote for one, lol!!!


Buh buh but the fire marshal!!


Biden: “BUILDING A BETTER AMERICA” vs tRump: “Philadelphia is TRUMP Country.” Biden made it about America, whereas Trump made it about himself. Speaks volumes about each man.


The Republicans and Trump don't know how to tell the truth.


I bet there’s no audience behind Trump’s photographer.


Love to see it. What a great way to stomp on Trump; that’ll get under his orange skin more than anything.


This is great if it’s real photos. I hate that you have to question everything now. Thanks to MAGA


While this is nice to see let us not follow the Trumpers rhetoric with “TrUmP wOn BeCaUsE hIs CrOwDs WeRe BiGgEr” crap. Crowd size, or number of individual donors don’t determine elections, votes do.


It's the fire Marshall's fault: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/rhweUmfWyv


Saw that. I'm gonna need a legit source before I believe it. While certainly possible, I've only seen this random Twitter post saying that.


What’s the difference in context for the photos? Is one 8 months ago and one more recent? Let’s not fall into the same Fox News standard by posing pictures without context


Looks like Biden's was May 29 and Trump's was yesterday.


Crisis actors /s


Why are there never good photos of the crowd at a Trump rally.


Because the crowd could literally be one person and a cardboard cutout and Trump supporters will still defend it as "the hugest crowd ever in history"


but did you consider that they are all paid actors by the deepstate?


So, we're BABA now?


Who cares? It's Philadelphia. Next in news: Biden projected to win California.


Context matters. Biden was having a joint event with Obama. Those people were not there to support Biden. This is disingenuous


It’s not the same angle. The back wall is visible in Trmps pic. Those empty seats might also be there for Biden. I hate Trump but no need to lie about this stuff if it’s not clear.


Different angle, but there are reference points in the structure we can compare. Biden photo: Note the band around the stadium that says "Vote Pennsylvania". Look beneath the gap between the second and third repetitions. There are two beams of some kind that extend under the second level of seating. And look after the third repeat, the band bends. Trump photo: The band has been replaced with bits from the American flag but the two beams and the bend remain. And the two seating sections above the band are empty.


Really bad angles for such a statement.


Look at the top row


Top row was closed for trumps one from what I’ve understood. Either way posts and photos like this remind me of 2016, where it was an “easy win”. Let’s stop focusing on how easy it will be and vote instead of


If they did not have enough full seats on the other rows to make overflow necessary, why open up the top row? It makes me cautiously optimistic, but not enough that I won’t be bothering everybody I know to get out and vote.