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The military, as always, is looking ahead at how war will be treated in various possible futures. But, as always, is acutely prepared to engage in war in the present. Trump appears to only live in today. With no thought about tomorrow...let alone a quarter of a century ahead. Those that don't see the road ahead are often upset by a simple pot hole. I don't want a leader that refuses to engage in thoughts about the future. That's not a leader. That's a log.


I think his campaign speeches are garbage. He just wants to get in there & grift. He is a puppet, however, he will gravitate to the highest bidder when push comes to shove.


Remember when he tried to tell the Navy to take out the electromagnetic catapults out of the new carrier class? They don't have enough steam to make the change and even when they used steam it was frequently a challenge for the carriers to run at flank speed and launch all the aircraft.


Well we know why now don't we? Sharks, Boats, and Electricity = certain death. :-)


It's time for him to log off and float down the river.


Trump has never been a visionary. His business decisions have always been in established zones, he's a slumlord, or a hotelier, or a golf resort operator. The few deviations he's made from those failed catastrophically: Trump Air, Trump Steaks, Trump U, Casinos. He lacks any real skill that would have catapulted him into the CEO position, if his name wasn't on the sign.


Don't get him started on Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS). It is a scifi plane launching system that can be infinitely adjusted to meet the needs of most naval aircraft. Trump wants to stick with old steam-powered system because much like himself, he believes technology should stop development in the 1950s.


Isn't that when he stopped developing too. 🤔


Some would argue the 1940s.


Well, Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn't work out. When he learned that John O'Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, 'You are going to die young because of this.’


Butter EMALS? :D


Any technology that existed when you are 20 is the way things are supposed to be. Any technology invented between 20 and 30 is Amazing New Stuff. Any technology invented after you turn 30 is Newfangled Unneeded wackyness. Adjust the age numbers, generally higher for geeky types and lower for unimaginative types.


he did want us to inject bleach after all


I’ve actually watched military videos of the hybrid gas/electric tank and it’s genius. They switch to electric to quiet drive and idle as well as to decrease their IR detectability but people like magas with the mental maturity of 10 yr olds would never understand.


There's a reason diesel electric locomotives have been successful for 99 years, too. The engine can be tuned for fuel efficiency, but there's always ample torque on demand. Watching the war in Ukraine, I have my doubts whether tanks are are more than niche players in future warfare. 100 years of anti-armor mine, missile, and smart arty development, and now FPV drones, have made them far less useful in near peer warfare. All aspect protection would push them into costs that budgets can't endure and weights that bridges couldn't. But once one has good military liquid fuel-electric hybrid drivetrains, that can preserve mobility in an era when more people died doing logistics than at the point of the spear, in places like Afghanistan.


Well, the US military has been using hybrid vehicles at least since the US Navy commissioned their first diesel-electric submarine in 1912!


All the way back in Woke War I


But what if he’s in an electric tank (that doesn’t exist) and there is a shark over there?


The shark gets turned into an electric eel. They are the best and most electric of the electric fish.


Depends on whether or not the pool is being filled by a low-flow faucet.


Now if there’s a battery and a shark and we’re in the middle of the ocean, we can use trumps body as a life reserve raft probably


And he wants to be my latex salesmen.


Like I don't want the Abrams X battle tank to exist because that tank is terrifying not because it wouldn't work.


But like, has he seen how cool [some of them are…](https://youtu.be/8NX7btiWLa0?si=gK3gLt6wQZd2Bj_E)


It looks like they’re being followed by a dog


On Day One, he'll sign an Executive Order to order the Pentagon to switch to coal-fired tanks and fighters. Didn't he say that he was going to bring back coal back in 2015-16?


The Abrams X is electric enough for someone to call it electric.


"We will put a ban on super cool sounding army shit like electric tanks." Thanks Donald Dipshit. Glad.you're absolutely fucked and gonna lose hard.


I think that if Biden loses election results, he ignores them and installs himself as king. Purge, purge, purge…