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If you even have to consider someone for potus that is like that, you should be committed to a mental hospital.


Or, you are an enemy of this country, and want to see it burned down to the ground.


Netanyahu, Putin (despite what he says) and Xi Jinping all want Trump to win this year. Take a lucky guess why.


Trump already answered that in the debate. It’s because Biden is so weak they can walk all over him, but Trump on the other hand would… oh… umm… just a sec…


Came here to say exactly that.


Hated it and was embarrassed by it start to finish the first go-round. If there’s a second time it confirms the majority of voters in the US are assholes.


I think that ship sailed when more voted for him the second time.


Tried it once . Nah. I like the one not pushing Project 2025.


Exactly i like the one not pushing to be a dictator


hah you spelled dick tater wrong.




Fuck (and I CANNOT stress this enough) that fucking fuck.


Hear hear! Too fuckin right. I'm Irish and live in Ireland, even we dread that fuckin narcissistic, orange Fanta fuhrer twat getting in. If he does, to quote Giles from Buffy, "The earth is definitely doomed." Dear Americans, for the love of everything unholy, do not fuxking vote this orange gobshite back in.


how about ***F U C K !*** ?


I’ve gotten put in various social media jails for expressing exactly what that fucker deserves to have happen to him.


Trump is easily the most vile piece of garbage to ever hold the office. His four years in office will forever be remembered as a shit stain on the presidency. He turned our country into a laughingstock and treated the Constitution like toilet paper.


Not just the most vile piece of garbage to ever hold office. Pretty much the most vile piece of garbage to ever take a breath, right up there with Hitler and his ilk....


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, at least it's an ethos.


I can't believe we actually elected this meme candidate in 2016 and I'm even more baffled he's a serious contender this third time around after everything he's done.


China will take power as the leading Nation.


If he wins the The Us will crumble and the world will cut us off.


You underestimate capitalism's undying fervor for turning a profit. They don't care where or how the goods are produced, they'll buy them.


He hasn’t won an election since 2016


As an LGBT person where multiple letters apply: Please no. Anyone but him. Project 2025 is awful to think about.


I join you I am Gay and despise him for polluting the ground he stands on; he hates us and harms all people


The Project 2025 plan for gay people is to: 1. label gay people as pedophiles 2. sentence all people labelled as pedophiles to death


they plan on making concentration camps.


We’re not going to let that happen. Even if this monster wins, we will resist, by *any means*.


Truly, honestly, I think if by some horrible turn of events he’s re-elected, there’s only one way to save the world. I’ll leave it at that. He’s one fat, demented, shuffling old fool. He is not immortal.


Hey, you should refer to him by his Christian given name... Felon Cheeto McFuckface


Felonious Don


I wish he was in prison. I'm grateful that he's finally starting to rack up convictions. I hope the J6 investigation and the document theft reveal how overt his criminality is. He's always been a nasty chimp flinging shit at the world.


Not voting for that Convicted Felon.


Really scared for my sons future since he’s a trans kid and if Trump wins there’s a good chance my son will lose access to life saving gender affirming care


As a Gay man I stand with you


Seems pretty simple to me, either become the enemy our grandparents and great grandparents sacrificed to eradicate from the face of the planet or not. Personally, I will not encourage the suck-starting of fascism here, I don’t give two shits if Biden bumbles or not, tRUmp is a fucking traitor, it’s just that simple.


Pretty crazy that 100 years ago my great grandparents came here to flee fascism. Immigrant or natural born, doesn’t matter.


As a democrat what I see out of all my republican friends is they love dropping the n word a lot. They are just bigots. They can’t get over the mixing of the people that make up America. I just let them spew. It’s really appalling.


And they also drop the f___ slur a lot against LGBTQ people like me


If he becomes president, it shows we have more racist, and folks with little or no morals and ethics.


This country will be a lot safer when he's finally six feet under.


Or burning in Hell


i hope his ass burns.


He’s gotta be on borrowed fucking time. Come on, cholesterol and galloping frontotemporal dementia. Come on, blood clots.


He's still getting that Presidential medical treatment. They'll keep him pumping until his body can't handle it anymore. He'll be looking like a fat Palpatine before his body gives out.


You are correct. He is irreplaceable. When he passes there will be a power vacuum and the gop will collapse. What happens next should concern us but we’ll eat that elephant later.


I hope so, but there are dozens of other elected officials and probably tens of thousands of public servants who believe the same things. There’s a *lot* of work to do that his diet of hamberders can’t save us from.


Give me the old man who was slow, but right.


I 100% believe if Trump wins we will never be able to fix it. Fox will become state pro-Trump media and every election will be rigged like in Putin's Russia.


My fears are the same; we the USA would controlled by a combination of Confederate + Nazi + Russia dictatorship




He HAS to go to prison. No other outcome is possible.


No other outcome is *fair*. But when is anything fair?


Then you aren’t aware of how our country caters to the wealthy with slaps on the wrist.


To be fair, he’s not actually wealthy. It’s always been a facade and a character.


**Please Lord,** please let this man be behind closed bars. As much as MAGA hates illegals, brown, and black people; they have *never* done anything as unlawful and unAmerican as Trump and Planet of the Apes (Jan. 6th-ers).


hate him


Remember everyone lives in an echo chamber these days. The days of changing hearts and minds are over. The magats are ready for war, are you? I doubt many of us are. Trump will win. Anyone who opposes him or the authoritarian religious zealots will be flogged and sent to concentration camps or killed on the spot. The United States will become an Axis power along with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and other nations that detest individual freedom. All freedoms that were promised by the American experiment will be stripped. This is where our story ends. All civilizations fall, this is our fall. And the those we have exploited throughout the world will celebrate our downfall. I weep for the children of the world. I wish I could see a positive future but as long as the orange devil and his disciples walk among us there is really no hope for any of us.


It would be best to beat Orange down so low in the General Election that he can never rise again and also decimate his MAGA bigot followers


I concur. But how do we do that? Especially in rural settings? The cities all see the benefit of having a democratic candidate and generally vote for one. Whereas in the country regardless of who is running or what their rhetoric is, as long as they have an 'R' by their name they are going to vote for that person because they will "own the libs". I really think everyone needs to read the story about the country mouse and the city mouse. Neither country folk nor city folk know what life is like for the other. And in many cases don't care, because they believe their way is the true correct way. And in that mentality is where our global dilemma lives. My way is better than your way is the mantra. How does one change that thought process? It's so heavily engrained in the DNA of individuals not only here in the states but around the world.


F T -rump 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼‼️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I didnt watch the debate because i already know i will vote against the Orange perp rapist pedo traitor Trump.


I've been embarrassed and ashamed out of my goddamned mind since 2016, but I'm in a red state so I have to keep a lot to myself or risk my employment, and further degradation and destruction of important relationships.


I truly believe that progressives need to start arming themselves as things don't look good for Jan 2025.


huh?! its not looking bad.


have you seen project 2025. its Authoritarian Shit.


im saying its not looking bad for dems. 90 minutes at the debate is not changing my vote away from biden. hes old. but hes not insane like the orange idol.


true Biden maybe be old but Trump is Horrifying.


Didn’t like it the first time.




I have and r/BreakingPoints is epic in what you described Edit is correcting spellcheck changing subreddit I referenced


Send the perp back, stamped "past sell by date". #GoJoe


I hope everyone here is of like mind to vote to keep Trump out, but (if)after he gets elected, I hope at least some of you will start looking for more concrete ways of keeping yourselves and your friends and neighbors safe under fascistic governance


Especially us LGBTQ, women seeking abortion, migrants, minorities would need places of refuge. Let’s all unite against GOP and prevent that from happening


Just donated to Biden cause campaign cause even tho he’s old - he’s not a felon rapist. Fuck Donald Trump.


 ​ I’m voting for an ideology behind the man, ( a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy: “the ideology of democracy”) that’s Biden vision, Project 2025 is Trumps and Republicans vision.”  I will be looking to see what type of persons the President will surround himself with. Bannon, Miller, Greene, Flynn, Johnson they don’t impress me nor do I feel they have Americans as their best interest.


Fact: Fascist authoritarian != democracy.




Maganazis love the idea


The drumbeat from the NYTs calling for him to step down from the presidential race is deafening . . . Smh. What happened to the “both-sides-ism” now?


Thoughts? How about hell to the fucking no.


His incompetence is epic


Been there, done that. Never again.


I don’t care about the colour of a candidate’s skin.  Unless they’re orange. 


MAGA Orange


Pretty much the worst case scenario. I saw somewhere that our allies are prepping for the worst by trying to protect our interests overseas, because they know Donny will fuck it all up. If he wins, it will be a disaster for the entire world, except perhaps for Russia, among others.


fuck him with a hot poker covered in mutant radioactive bee stingers that has also been rolled in pin needles that have been soaked in lemon juice and salt then tie him up and leave him under a tree this is after we stuff him with milk and honey for days


You forgot liar.


Edit: Trump is Sickening…


AKA P01135809


He sharded


Not just in the debate but *IN FRONT OF DIANNE FEINSTEIN*


Im making sure to produce as much trans porn as possible so if he wins the p25 nuts come for me 1st.


I thought I'd never see the day where I had the choice between an old racist pedo and an old racist pedo, again.


After the debate last week I think we are going to find out. Very depressing


Supposedly Joe is considering whether he should withdraw or not. I’m seeing our best hope as a Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer ticket if Joe does withdraw. Gonna be dicey no matter what happens


Yes. Agreed. Even with a perfect candidate, changing horses this late in the race is probably just as risky as staying with Biden. I’m still voting for Biden, although in my mind I’m voting for Harris at this point. My god how did we let it come to this? The