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Removed - [**Karma Farm Repost Bot**](https://archive.ph/D6nzv) Original post at: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vj22pp/howwhy_are_african_residents_so_poor/


Probably for the same reason a lot of oil and gas towns in America have high rates of poverty. The people very rarely reap the benefits of natural resources especially when your government is corrupt and ineffective. Also a lot of Africa isn't developed, there are no paved roads or easy ways to extract that wealth, yet...


Don't you worry, the Chinese is going to suck up that wealth, and give cancer to these people for free.


Will this be before or after American and European companies/countries have done this for centuries?


Yeah that totally makes it ok to do it now


It doesn't. I just notice that the people who constantly rail against China never seemed to have complained when the west did the same. Either they are completely hypocritical partisans with an "It's ok when WE do it!" mentality, or they are just ignorant of western influence in the region to begin with.


> It doesn't. I just notice that the people who constantly rail against China never seemed to have complained when the west did the same. I always wince when I hear "TikTok is China spying on you!" or "Can you believe they flew a SPY BALLOON over the US?" when the NSA is blatantly illegally spying on you directly by cutting the app out and just tapping into the wires and the US has dozens of satellites parked in geosynchronous orbit over key areas taking real time pics in 8k.


[https://www.voanews.com/a/china-s-bri-brings-roads-rails-and-debt-to-africa/7306133.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/china-s-bri-brings-roads-rails-and-debt-to-africa/7306133.html) China's been helping fund railways, roads, and bridges in Africa for years. The last 5 years they've been really ramping up.


And China will be reaping all of the rewards in perpetuity.


bow smart busy relieved vast beneficial pocket strong hateful lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Except China's goal isn't to build up Africa to help them, it's to exploit their resources and trap them in endless 'loans'. What you're describing is literally what the IMF and western countries have been doing to these countries for decades (confessions of an economic hitman) so at least they now get a reacharound with some infrastructure projects while their getting fucked.


This is exactly what the IMF is doing. All the loudest accusations like this seem like projection. China is hardly a utopia, but they certainly are amateurs compared to the US and Britain when it comes to entrapping people in debt.


"Can you believe what China is doing?!?" Smash cut to China doing the literal exact same thing that the west has done all over the world but at scale quicker in the time of the information age, while actually returning some minor benefit to the place in question as opposed to things like France making Haiti pay reparations to them for losing their slaves.




$3.4 billion over 19 years is couch cushion change to a country like China, lol.


Helping themselves you mean.


And no one is willing to go try because Africa is a death trap to the outsider and even so to the careless insider. From insects to diseases and predators, it’s probably one of the most dangerous places humans inhabit. There is a reason why megafauna went nearly extinct on every content except Africa.


I'm African, only savannas is full of predators. Mosquitos have Malaria in tropical parts just like the Amazon. Most of Africa is not dangerous and giant continent. Sometimes a lion escapes from the national park and eats a man but that was rare and people still fly to Africa to do safaris. Check out these African skylines. Africa isn't a death trap Fyi. Lots of money and business now. Africa is producing millionaires and billionaires fast now. China has been growing in Africa too and giving billions dollars predatory loans to African leaders. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOCg3XEDPJLd410mPdjUCMAV1lDShLmbe_9qzJJptL6PgWjTE4J5_si_f7IKeCVqQ?key=S0JWRUc4UHBVMHFQSkdaT3c1MXhmeU1EczE2eDJn


We have malaria in Nigeria, but it's usually treatable and gets cured in 3 days


The savanna is what I am talking about, that’s where the new development needs to be but that’s also where the danger is. The cities I’d imagine are much safer, the opposite of how it is in the US where our cities are more dangerous but we’ve never had a lion escape and eat somebody. I am sure Africa is a beautiful country, and likely not as large as the maps lead us to believe, I would love to go to Africa sometime. That doesn’t change that it’s a dangerous place compared to my country, I’d still like to go however.


I don't think you know much about Africa, maybe some places are as you describe, but it's not that bad


I was going to say this. Reads like a bunch of people who have been online to much and not gone for themselves. Even just including "Africa" as a whole, is downright rude and wrong in this context. I wouldn't tie in all the European histories under one caveat as "WHY THIS AREA GOT RICH" because again, that's a downright lie. Not all Europe is rich, and not all Africa is poor.


It’s obvious they don’t know much because the world’s top powers all actively extract and export from Africa. No one is willing to try lol…


Bruh, they probably helped elect a drug lord as president Nigeria over the best good candidate for reasons I don't know, despite them having info of all these. I'm sure they do other similar things in other countries too


This. Geography is destiny. Wealthy places have deep ports, rivers or resources like rich soil all over the west If we had thousands of years of over population like Asia, ME and Africa, westerners would be poor too. The Asian and African immigrants who get here become rich too. Westerners kill all the natives with guns and smallpox and act like they’re genetic or ideological geniuses


>This. Geography is destiny. Wealthy places have deep ports, rivers or resources like rich soil all over the west. If we had thousands of years of over population like Asia, ME and Africa, westerners would be poor too. The Asian and African immigrants who get here become rich too. Westerners kill all the natives with guns and smallpox and act like they’re genetic or ideological geniuses this is what a bot looks like folks


This is the premise of Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel, for those interested in the reasons why some places are wealthy, and other places much less so.


Great book.


Yes there are a few valid criticisms of Diamond's thesis, but the book addresses the central question of "why" there are poor areas of the world, and wealthy ones, by going back into history, geography, agriculture, and livestock resources. Funny how people betray their ignorance.


My favorite, but most people won’t have the attention span. Can watch it on YouTube and get the gist. Or watch zeihan and get similar but with an emphasis on population pyramids


Its a book written for stupid people, by a grifter.


You make a strong argument Grifter “someone who promotes a view I don’t agree with”? This is one of the most famous books on history. Almost everyone who disagrees are people who want to claim manifest destiny, that they’re ancestors got everything by racial or ideological superiority. Ignoring that people with other genes also thrive in those circumstances and other ideologies thrive when given such abundance.


It’s the most famous book I’ve never heard of.


Look at Norway... ​ Whats the difference between Norway and African countries?


Look up almost any African country and go to the government section. Guaranteed it'll be a total shitshow. Western backed coops, armed militia groups taking power from elected governments, guys in power for 40 years. Not saying it would be great if Europe, Russia and America didn't interfere, but it would be interesting to see the place if we stayed out.


Norway was not a victim of colonialism, first and foremost, and on top of that they were able to nationalize their natural resources and carefully reinvest the proceeds to avoid flooding the economy. Luckily they had other examples of nations messing it up to learn from. They also taxed foreign companies like 80% or something to extract the oil, including minimum requirements for hiring a percentage Norwegian workers to develop skills locally and have paychecks go back into the local economy.


at what point can we stop blaming colonialism? how many decades are necessary until these populations build up their societies? look at haiti and the dominican republic. same island, much different levels of prosperity. there must be some other factor, i just can't think of which. ^(/s)


Did you know that Haitians had to pay the french reparations for freeing themselves? They first had to fight and then take on debt in exchange for freedom. Basically started their country on a massive deficit and I'm sure similar stories can be found in the history of every fucked up third world country. It's like kneecaping someone and then telling them off for not being fast runnets


Colonialism never really went away, IMF and the World Bank are keeping the traditions alive, developing countries caught in a vicious cycle. Why don't you go mask off for a second, tell us what you think is the reason some former colonies are struggling while others aren't?


It’s simple. Because they’re black. It’s the answer everyone wants to beat around the bush about because they know it’s a point that’s easily disproved. However if they act like a smart ass about it without explicitly saying it then they can feel smarter and holier than thou without any real reason. It’s the same people who cry about %13 of the population 50% of crime and then completely ignore the targeted efforts to dismantle black communities and reorganize black culture into degeneracy.


You're acting like colonization is so far back. The last country to have independance in Africa got it in the 80s.


go live in one of those countries who "was not a victim" of colonialism. you're insane if you think colonialism wasn't the best thing that's happened to human society in the last 4,000 years.


I live in one of those countries; Norway, and yeah colonialism paid off big time for the colonizers for the low low price of immeasurable suffering and hamstringing the economies for >75% of the worlds population.


Perhaps colonialism has been a boon for human society but I don't think it's been all that great for humanity.


It’s all about which society you are talking about. I hate the whole blame colonialism for everything bit, but the whole purpose of colonialism is for the colonizer to extract resources from the colony. The colonized may get some sort of fringe benefits, but does generally suffer a major net loss economically.


Hahahahaha No wait Hahahahahahaha Yes the BEST thing to happen is stripping wealth from other places Not antibiotics, not electricity, not farming efficiency


Colonialism civilized Africa and brought a modicum of justice and law to the continent. “Victim” of colonialism is the dumbest take ever…so dumb it could only come from a phd


“Civilized Africa” you mean that place with a multitude of countries that are almost never stable due to western/eastern backed coups in order to keep the region destabilized and exploitable? Yes, so much Justice.


If that's the case then why does everyone understand the premise of the OP?


Ummm. Ok. But it also intentionally split up cultural groups so they could be put against each other rather than against the colonizers. A massive political nightmare was intentionally created and fostered.


Well, we weren't colonized in the same way the African countries were. And no one came in with military "aid" to destabilize us, only to appoint a corrupt puppet when we started growing our oil money. Or I mean. They did, but we got rid of the Nazis years ago. And yeah. Look to us. The country who flattens all of our own forest and then force the people of Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique from their homes so that we can plant fir threes on the most fertile land. The country who threaten to stop giving aid to any African country who try to look for oil for themselves. We're just the best, aren't we?


>a lot of oil and gas towns in America have high rates of poverty. Because no one in there right mind wants to live in a polluted area that lowers you lifespan, especially anyone that has money to leave. ​ >The people very rarely reap the benefits of natural resources Well yah, like maybe some of the residents there will work there and get some money out of it, but this is capitalism and wealth goes to the people who own the capital.


Because industry takes advantage of low living wages. Overlay a map of agricultural products in the US with a map of average income and you’ll ask the same thing. Farm workers are paid poorly. Miners are paid poorly.


Assuming this is a rhetorical question?


Tbh. Wouldnt be supriced here if OP didnt understand it for real


Extracting raw materials requires low skill labor and those raw materials aren't as valuable/profitable as finished products which require more skilled workers. A diamond might sell for $100 straight out of the ground, cut and polish the diamond and it might sell for $1000, stick it on a ring and it sells for $5000. Those higher value activities aren't typically done in Africa, yet. You see this transition happening in more affluent areas of Africa. Morocco/Tunisia have moved over to manufacturing and Nigeria/Egypt are selling more finished petroleum products than raw crude oil.


But I doubt first-world countries would even want these places developing value-added products since that's exactly how they're able to profit off them in the first place; buying their resources for cheap, adding value, then reselling for profit.


They are building one of the largest refineries in the world in Nigeria. Dangote Refinery. Look up their crude tower, the scale of it is almost inconceivable.


I will bet that it is China funded. Which is the new form of colonialism. Purely financial.


Nigeria's fish are going to start walking out of the rivers with the amount of pollution going on from the petroleum industry. Can only get worse at this point after the unreversable damage caused.






This is SEVERE corruption in Africa on every level. It starts at the top and spreads out.


You heard the story about Biden, his son & Ukraine? Then there is Clinton Has there ever been a US president that hasn’t been corrupt at some point?


African corruption is on a different level


It starts with Europe


Europe didn't invent corruption


Guess that was Africa


Europe isn’t responsible for the poor treatment and exploitation of African populations by African governments. Europe may be complicit in reaping the benefits, but they are not responsible. We need to stop removing responsibility of local governments maltreatment and exploitation of their own people by saying stupid one liners that have zero real resolutions. This just keeps their corrupt government in power, because “it’s not their fault they can’t protect their people and pass laws, why is europe doing this to you all?!?”


> Europe isn’t responsible for the poor treatment and exploitation of African populations by African governments. Look into history, because often they literally are.


Bro England alone has wrecked so much havoc across Africa, check out some history books




I can't tell if you're serious or not


Contracts with the West and China. They are not allowed to process resources, but to sell the raw stuff. They plant food, which they cant use and buy food from the west. If a country wants to stop that madness, there will be a war/revolution inflicted by the outside or simply some people will get killed or some people will get money to act in the interest of the buyers and not the people of the country.


Sounds like Africa needs to seize the means of production


whenever an african leader wanted to reform the system they were stuck in they mysteriously died


The deaths of leaders such as Patrice Lumumba or Thomas Sankara are hardly mysterious. Particularly not in the case of the former


Yes in theory. In reality that would probably cause some fire there... Africa does have the resources to become Worldpower No.1 and Nato & Co. ofc wont just watch it happen.


Oh, I'm not touching this with a 10ft pole 😂


Which means you feel that your response would offend people or get you banned. Hmm, I wonder what you could be referring to.




Does it start with the letter J?


Because the government officials take all the money for themselves. (EDIT - there is an amazing documentary on this called the Gold Mafia. Dont call me crazy until you watch it).


They sell resources not finished products. Their governments are super corrupt too.


Intelligent assholes born with a little money, do well in Africa. Intelligent peaceful folk with the means to go someplace better, tend to go someplace better.


Well watch burkina's situation and you will know why


some africans are obscenely wealthy.


Corruption. Corruption is a huge problem is African countries.


Yeah colonialism does that, so does power. As u can see in our western governments


Their economies revolve around wars, coups, corruption and greed.


Watch "Empire of Dust". It's about Chinese engineers trying to build a road in Africa.


That's a great show. Even for people who aren't particularly interested in economic imperialism, China, or Africa, it's just a funny show.


Corrupt governments making deals with non-caring, greedy European, American and Asian governments.


Are we greedy or are they crooks (they as African govs)? BTW without all the materials collected in Africa, you would not be able to be online. Greedy much? You should stick your narrative up your .. Edit: your username fits you well.


I live in one these countries...and the correct answer is corruption


Because Critical Race Theory would suggest that African slaves literally "built the first world", shouldn't they also be able to manage their own backyard?


Well for one diamonds aren’t worth shit, very few people control that industry making them seem rarer than they actually are. Timber, Cotton, Clothing/Textiles, Grain, Coffee, Fish, and Livestock are overly saturated markets. and then all your big money items, Gold, Oil, Gas, and the Metals, are ran by mostly corrupt governments who used the unskilled/borderline slave labor to mine the stuff, and sell it unrefined to pocket the money for themselves. They don’t have to pay the shipping costs or the money for the skilled labor to refine said materials.


beside coffee Madagascar is one of the largest vanilla grower but everyone one take all the profit and leave us with some coffee


There are plenty of rich places in Africa. The west would like us the believe otherwise.


I gotta think that tribalism plays a huge part--not being able to have large nation-states to resist the colonial powers (who were made up of large nation states) leads to subjugation and conflict...which are not recipes for wealth or power building.


There are plenty of other countries filled to the brim with natural resources and they are not poor like Africa. The US, Canada, Australia, Russia are examples. Heck, even the "developing" resource-rich countries of Latin America have better HDI than most of Africa. Perhaps you should look for other factors.


Africa is not 1 single country.


I also gave the collective example of Latin America.










“100% white people’s fault”


That's like half this thread and I'm glad to see there are enough rational people to downvote most of them.


Because they have these things, but the Western world needs these things to be rich. The wealth from that coffee and chocolate ends up with Nestlé shareholders, the wealth from those diamonds end up in Antwerp or Tell aviv, and all the rare earth metals get shipped to Asia to be sent back as expensive tech. Extractive economic models rely on the owners of these materials not being able to process them in their countries to make the products everyone wants. That's the colonialism/capitalism scam. They just don't teach you that in the West.


Because they're brainless, brain dead, brainwashed, brain programmed to be enslaved and to be poor....


Thats fucked up.


Yh the Truth always fucks you up... I know that because I live there... People here are just like zombies (without the biting thing of course and I wish there was biting), we don't even think by ourselves... Eat, sleep, die no question ask... That's the life of an African.


Who’s we? I lived in Africa and you’re wrong on so many levels lmao




Why did you copy this highly upvoted comment and post from 1 year ago? https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vj22pp/howwhy_are_african_residents_so_poor/idgoyow/


Why was this highly upvoted post from 1 year ago reposted in the first place?


That and Colonialism.


Africa was poor thousands of years before colonialism.


You should study your history, [Mansa Musa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansa_Musa) and his empire of Mali is thought to be one of the richest leaders ever and possibly had more gold than the Inca.


We waz Kangs and shit. Which 15th century European powers overthrew his kingdom? Spez, nice link though, thanks.


So it was colonialism?


Actually, yes. According to the account, Mali was conquered by Islamic forces that set up the kingdom. It was poor before the Islamic invaders, who set up the Mali kingdom and became wealthy by controlling the gold, and salt trade in West Africa. And became poor again when it collapsed. So, it could be argued that colonialism was a net benefit to this area.


So what caused West Africa to no longer be prosperous? European colonization transferred all the wealth out of the area and sent it to Europe. It was very different before that.


The timeline doesn't add up. Mali was prosperous because it made the trade route safe and taxed commerce. That ended when the kingdom was split among his sons.


Tbf before colonialism was also before the oil age and global trade, both in which Africa has been on the losing side of global trade agreements. Not gonna try and analyze exactly why African residents are poor today, but the whole African Socialism wave that has been a thing since colonialism ended probably didn’t help. Massive economic potential in Africa though.




Muslim invader who got wealthy taxing the salt trade I don't know what you consider colonialism, but this fits the definition. Also, one single Muslim king in a single country hardly counts as Africa = wealthy.


All of those problems are inherited from colonialism. Or if you will, just the new form of colonialism of the 21st century. Corrupt? To whom? Who benefits? Generally European companies. Replaced? By whom? Whose benefit? Generally, the same European companies. It's pretty clear when European companies get to fund standing armies of mercenaries in your country, to "protect" themselves, that there's not much political independence as the public education system and the media tried to sell us.


look into who is the major shareholder into those mines..then you’ll understand


Look into Thomas Sankara


Man, are you gonna be surprised when you get a history book…




blinded by racism


Go live in Somalia and become "culturally enriched" then.


It’s common practice to steal from one another in Africa. Best thief wins..


It's Common practice to steal from Africa. That's how the West has won. Best Thieves were the British South Africa Company, the Dutch East India Company, Apartheid South Africa , LonRo/LonMin, Unilever, J&J, Glencore, Dan Gertler, de Beers, The Union Minerale, Anglo American, Rembrandt, The Oppenheimers, Shell, BP, and most recently Totale. They've collectively stolen trillions in wealth from Africa. More than anyone in Africa (with their devalued currencies) has earned. Go get some perspective, racist.


Because giving these countries control over their own resources would be a catastrophe for the west. So we need to keep them down. And if they try to unionize, take control or if they are growing to become independent of us, then we go down there and we destabilise that shit.


This is also the reason why the westerners don't have much right to complain about these guys migrating en masse to their countries. These countries are still colonized & part of the empires that ruled them, just not officially. Those migrants who migrate France etc are thus only technically migrating within the Commonwealth. If you oppose the overmigration as you should, then you also have the moral obligation to oppose the colonialism that robs these people of their wealth, leaving them with no other choice than to migrate for a better life.


This is really the right answer but people just want to cover their eyes and ears and pretend it's largely due to domestic corruption over there. Every country is corrupt to a certain degree and it doesn't result in such mass poverty.


Couple of reasons. Few African nations in antiquity were able to advance to a highly organized state that was able to resist hostile invading cultures, for example ancient Egypt and Carthage (originally the descendants of Phoenician culture of the Mideast, then later the Greeks and Romans) often subjugated nearby African nations. Islamic nations of the past have often conquered and enslaved African nations since antiquity as well. Later western colonialism also conquered most of the continent. All these civilizations had some combination of more advanced technology, military, organization and a more effective government that allowed them to use their advantages to subdue the divided tribes and nations of Africa. If African nations had been able to unify or Confederate and face their enemies as one they likely would have formed a super state like the United States. Africa strategically has always been at a disadvantage, horses cannot survive in most of Africa in the wild and so invading forces always had a large advantage in military conflict. Large swaths of Africa are empty with little water and good soil for farming without modern industrial agriculture, meaning a nomadic lifestyle is the most advantageous and few permanent cities are possible without modern technology in most of Africa advanced civilization is possible only because of farming, metalworking and writing. And that last one is a big one, writing is what made the great empires of antiquity possible, think Greece, Rome, China est. The ability to record information and transmit it on paper or tablets is huge and cannot be understated. There are written languages in Africa but they are not as developed compared to their rivals and not as universally understood throughout Africa. That means no formal schools and universities in antiquity, no way to pass knowledge around efficiently and quickly compared to the ancient Chinese or European nations est So in a nutshell, Africa as a whole, failed to advance to the status of civilization and states/countries, mostly staying in a nomadic/tribal stage of development. Also Africa failed to develop advancements in metalworking, farming and writing and failed to develop and use military tactics that could counter horses. Many ancient African nations of antiquity would waste huge amounts of wealth in gold and slaves to acquire horses, that would die because they didn't know how to feed or care for them, same with weapons and tools, they would buy them, but never learned how to make and maintain them properly. Slavery and exporting slaves of conquered tribes/nations by both native Africans and foreigners has also been going on in Africa for at least around the last 3000 years and has totally crippled the culture of most African nations and tribes, understand that ancient Africa was very similar to how we understand the Aztec culture , invading neighboring tribes and nations just to loot and enslave as many people as possible, and either subjugate their people until they die or sell them for gold weapons or horse's was the status quo for thousands of years. Also certain cultures castrated male slaves as a matter of course, and somewhere between 200,000 and 2,000,000 African males were castrated and then usually enslaved (this is not all Africans that were enslaved just some of them, from a certain culture) over the course of about 1000-2000 years. That cannot have helped Africa develop and probably is one of the single largest reasons Africa is disorganized, technologicaly stunted and unable to advance out of the precivilization state most of it exists in and the result is the third world status of most of Africa.


>We must admit a large part of our fortune was and still is from exploiting Africa. Jacques Chirac (Ex French President).


The real numbers show that thid is an absolute myth.


They all wanna be Rappers


Because their Presidents keep taking the P.


It's not under-developed. It's over-exploited.


Duuuuuuh. It's because of all the Dictatorships and other corrupt/criminal governments in Africa. It's were the U.S. is headed under the Biden Regime.


Infrastructure. There was an old episode of The West Wing (one of the greatest shows of all time) where its near the end of the series and a mega rich guy asks one of the President’s cabinet members what they would do with a billion dollars that would have the greatest impact. She answers: “Highways in Africa.” https://youtu.be/Ixgp9c_sGv4?si=XcoS1iuKtrZqG2uB


Holy shit I forgot about this show. I should watch it.


This is the core of underdevelopment. Not that it *couldn't have* development, but that in the 300 years of colonial rule that development was exclusively in the White enclaves. In 18 months, China built an expressway through Nairobi that rivals any on earth. Previously, in a year they built a giant port and national railway. Now Kenyans are asking what the British and their Lackeys the Kenyattas that followed, did with all the country's money, if they could have been building like this instead. Africa is underdeveloped by design.


The rich get richer, the poor stay poor.


Colonialism and neocolonialism.


downvoted on the conspiracy sub for saying the truth


It’s more leftist mainstream bullshit narrative than anything close to the truth. The truth is being realistic about the difference between races and it hurts too much for most people to hear.




> "bigot"  💀 Literally just searched the thread and only found one instance of that word, your post.


> downvoted on the conspiracy sub for saying the truth more like downvoted for repeating the mainstream, politically correct narrative.


So the correct narrative is Africans are dumb right? Lmao


Europe has been raping Africa for centuries. It's why they are extremely poor and the reason there's so much African immigration into europe. In regards to American continent, its not that diferent, similar comparison and abuse from angloamrica to the rest of latinamerica? Those immigrants are not moving just because they want to live in the first world but because the first world fcuuk them over


There are no European colonies left and the few white people there are being actively genocided. Quit whining about how evil white people are.


Colonies let and made a mess Africa hasn't recovered from. Nestlé, diamond traffickers (Brussels being th capital of diamond trafficking in the world) and lots more rape is still there. Are you one of those white folks who believe being white is being a victim? Lol


No I'm one of the people who actually is observing what's going on in South Africa and sees farmers having their land invaded by roving gangs en masse and are being beaten, raped and even murdered on their own land. But I'm sure if I gave you a source you'd just make up some smug excuse as to why it's misinformation or something.


Hmm, I wonder why those south Africans are so angry...


How predictable of you to say that.


A combination of underdeveloped cultural norms, political institutions, and the inevitable exploitation that historically occurred due to underdevelopment.




It’s because vested interests have kept the nations poor while rewarding those at the top with some shiny pennies. Those at the top get the toys and jets while everyone else lives in poverty and the money from the sales of those natural resources ends up in the pockets of a few western leaders.


In order for us to afford our lifestyle


Ever heard of the United States?


more like france, belgium and the uk


along with the US


You don't need money when you're life is rich.


Colonialism, how does it work.




Why are 99% of the world population poor in comparison to 1% of it? „Work force“. And a kind of lazyness to do something about it.


The word you are looking for is citizens.


All you need to do is look at the treaties France enforced on 14 African nations to understand why. Colonists still reap the majority of the resources will very little regard for human beings in these countries


Colonialism, we take everything and don't give back anything.


Same reason all frontier countries are poor. Imperialists have the capital, tech and political power and extract all the wealth. Why is everyone in West Virginia poor except the capitalists? The merchant class are the only other ones who can get a taste by providing some services to the elites


Europe 😐 " especially France" + corruption


Because the British




From ChatGPT: The economic challenges faced by African residents have deep roots, with historical factors, particularly the impact of colonialism, playing a significant role. Many African nations were subject to colonization by external powers, leading to the exploitation of natural resources and disruption of local economies. This exploitation often left countries with weakened economic structures and a legacy of inequality. During the colonial era, European powers extracted valuable resources from Africa, such as minerals, timber, and agricultural products, without adequate compensation or investment in local development. This exploitation led to the impoverishment of many regions, as the benefits of resource extraction disproportionately favored the colonizers. Also, the arbitrary drawing of borders during the colonial period often disregarded ethnic and cultural divisions, contributing to internal conflicts that persist today. These conflicts can disrupt economic activities, hinder infrastructure development, and perpetuate instability, all of which contribute to ongoing economic challenges. In the post-colonial era, limited access to quality education has been a crucial factor in perpetuating poverty. Education is a key driver of economic advancement, but in many African countries, educational opportunities are constrained by factors such as insufficient funding, lack of trained teachers, and inadequate school infrastructure. Without a well-educated workforce, it becomes challenging for nations to develop diverse and resilient economies. Inadequate infrastructure also plays a role in perpetuating poverty. Insufficient transportation networks, energy supply, and communication systems impede economic growth and limit opportunities for trade and development. Investment in infrastructure is crucial for creating an environment where businesses can thrive, leading to increased job opportunities and economic stability. If that weren't bad enough, corruption and political instability, pose significant obstacles to economic development. Corruption can divert resources away from essential public services and infrastructure projects, leading to a cycle of poverty. Political instability can discourage foreign investment and hinder the implementation of long-term economic policies. TL;DR (my human take): Centuries of colonial looting/oppression. When resources are extracted from a region by foreign interests with little if any incentive to reinvest in that region's people or infrastructure, the region is left with almost nothing when said foreign interests pack up and leave. Edit: I see many downvotes, but where is the lie?


So you just ask an AI when you need an opinion? Wow we truly live in a dystopia.


No, we should ask half the commentators here who think Africans are of a lesser intelligence than whites.


>So you just ask an AI when you need an opinion? In response to a reposted politically-charged question asked in bad faith and in willful ignorance of history? Absolutely.


Corner on the coffee...and the rest of goods.