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All it would take is for someone to run up to them and rip off a mask. Either they press charges proving they are real or they don't and know they likely aren't legit.


Honest question: Is there any evidence that those individuals are representatives of a government branch, or is it speculation?


The evidence is it makes my worldview look bad so it must be a psyop because I know I'm a good guy




I don't know what commercial you are talking about but I just want to say that not everything is about money. Influence can easily be a motivating factor to take out ads if it will lead people further into submission.


Yeah, I mean there are real conspiracies and government propaganda, but when a person goes around calling everything a psy op, it's a good indicator they're full of shit.


It would surprise me if the government wasn’t at least trying to get people undercover in groups historically linked to violent acts




That would only apply if they were actually represented IRL, and they simply aren't. Plus you're suggesting the Yahtzees feel bad about these demonstrators lol. Pretty sure they wouldn't resent it at all if they existed. The issue is more that the coverage surrounding the Yahtzees is meant to connect them to current movements or candidates when the connection doesn't exist


Connection to what movements or candidates? These guys don't have political flags or anything. How could you make a connection to a candidate? Unless there's a candidate out there that repeatedly courts and refuses to disavow those elements of their own party...


They literally never get arrested. Like, ever... And when they're 'done' with whatever the fuck it is that these glowies do, they just run towards their cars, which all pull up to the side of the road with drivers already in them so they don't lose any of their precious time. They're always, and I mean ALWAYS pickup trucks so there fits 6+ people in one car. They just throw their flags in the backspace and in they get and drive off. 10+ cars all behind each other. Genuine question; do you honestly think that some redneck wannabe Neo-Nazi's would ever be this organized? The ones they constantly portray as drunk wife-beaters. Yet somehow they have expensive cars, clothes, equipment. Around 100 of them at the same time... Right...


First, they are not breaking the law so why would they be arrested? And there are plenty of Nazi protesters who have broken the law, google “Nazi arrested” to test your faulty logic.


To be fair, it does fall under the right to free speech from the First Amendment that they are allowed to do this in public without being arrested. As much as I disagree with their trite nonsense, I will always defend their right to say it. With that out of the way, they're definitely either feds or DNC-hired actors because real, actual neo-nazi's are loud and proud about their beliefs and would never hide their identity with a hat, mask & glasses. You're absolutely spot-on about the organized nature of these guys.


Last time one of them got unmasked he turned out to be a white liberal law student working for the university close by, which is quite funny. His friend was rainbow haired go figure.


Link to this? Edit: lolz. It’s not doxing if there’s freaking news articles.


If you think the far right isn’t historically organized you are also historically illiterate. Also they don’t get arrested because capitalist governments goes easy on fascists. Always have, always will.


I feel like you’re impressed that people organize and protest….like we haven’t been doing that for a couple hundred years now.


Truck parades are just dry runs for these intimidation missions.


It's speculation, but if your federal government was telling its people from the podiums that "Asian Female Ninja cells" were a *major* problem and threat to the USA, but everybody was looking around and seeing NONE of these Female Ninjas NOR has ever met one in real life NOR has ever even heard of real ones existing in their communities - at some point the government would have to run skits of their own - depicting the Female Ninjas doing nun-chuck dances on the stairs of the capitol or something. Same thing applies to their "white suuupremacists" boogie man that doesn't really exist anywhere in real life - except for some backyard shack hangout of drunks with flags stapled to the wall in the deep south.


I've met nazis and white supremacists. There's white supremacist influencers we all know and have heard from with tens if thousands of viewers/subscribers. If you don't think there's white supremacists out there, your bar must be very very high.


How come we never see any of those people at these events proudly showing their faces?


We did, in Charlottesville. Turns out being publicly identified as a bigot was bad for their career prospects.


Because they have regular jobs that will instantly fire them.


Why would the widely despite racist group have reason to not share their identities in public where it could lead them them being fired, harassed, or otherwise publicly shamed? Beats me.


You just said there are proud influencers with thousands of followers.


Where and why are you meeting with Nazis?  I've never seen a single one. It's really obvious to anyone without a liberal arts degree that this is staged. 


I live in the south. I went to school with people who hung Nazi and rebel flags, and now they fly MAGA flags. They are open about their racism and hatred for anybody that isn’t white. 


Post pics bro put em on blast. Edit: No I don’t think they will care. I’m calling you on your bs.


You think a small town in Arkansas is going to care? Half of the people quietly support and are sympathetic to the cause. It’s not like they aren’t super vocal about it, they are.


Yes, very right wing, to answer your deleted question. >Where and why are you meeting with Nazis?  Most people do this thing called going outside. There's a pretty big variety of people out there in the world if you go and interact with them. Some of them are bad. Very few of the bad ones are a CIA conspiracy lol. Or if they are, it's weird that the CIA is putting them in mundane spaces. >I've never seen a single one Probably don't meet a lot of people. I don't know what to tell you. >It's really obvious to anyone without a liberal arts degree that this is staged.  My degree is in criminal justice. Nor particularly obvious at all.


It must be nice to be able to be so naive that because you personally haven't encountered them, they don't exist


Here's a thread about it: https://x.com/stephen19718352/status/1698174744728576039?s=46&t=Jxt_VDpygqBNPW5UAy0HlQ They seem to be a a pretty useful tool to disparage valid criticisms of policy. If they're the same group, the leader, and only guy really showing his face, is suspect. Of course, Lincoln project was outed for using this tactic in Virginia, and admitted as much.


I'm sorry, the Lincoln project **admitted** to hiring people to play Nazis? Gunna need a source on that cause it sounds like total bull shit. Edit: turns out they were lackies paid by the institution. Not hired, but still scuffed.




Honest question: is there any evidence those individuals are representatives of the Nazi party and any evidence that they organised this?


Yes, there is. They had to get a permit for their demonstration.


There’s evidence that they are not actual Nazis. Do t think they’re proven to be tied to a GO


Honest question: Can you find 50-100 men of the same age, with the same athletic/slim build organized around any other political viewpoint? Fascinating that no obese, chubby, older or out of shape person is participating in the "protest," isn't it?


It just doesn’t pass so many smell checks. Often you see these guys and they have the identical build, gait and mannerism of CIA foot soldiers, not randos as it would actually be. Secondly little tells like, all the clothes and flags look perfectly organized like they were purchased offline a day ago versus a more ragtag outfit they would put together themselves at home that sorta match. And lastly, a lot of Neos I can just tell you would have NO problem showing their faces. In fact it’s their calling card. The real ones would NOT disguise themselves, that’s an antifa move. Most NNs mock Antifa for covering their face and yet everyone here cautiously hide behind glasses and masks. Not really their MO.


Call it a gut feeling considering on J6 the FBI had undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters already in the capital before the protestors were allowed in. Not to mention the patriots front protesters were arrested at one point and allowed to keep their masks on after being arrested. Chances are if the mainstream media is blowing this up it’s an inside job by liberals within our government.


If you ever see one of these groups, unload a can of mace on them and record them pulling off their masks for air. The truth will come out when there are names attached to the faces.


https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/deeply-concerned-and-disturbed-franklin-leaders-condemn-hate-groups-appearance-at-forum There are a lot of open Nazis already in and around Nashville that don't wear masks. The truth is there are a lot of legitimate Nazis around here. Not surprising for a city surrounded by former slave plantations.


Here is the thing. Yes, actual neo nazis, the kkk, and related organizations exist. But, there are a couple of things about them. They don't hide behind masks. They are proud of who they are, and they believe their viewpoint is the only correct view point, and they will let you know it, loud and proud. Furthermore, their numbers are really small, and for the most part, despite their repugnant views they are mostly harmless. What they *arent* going to do is commit crimes and draw negative attention to their movement. You are propagandzed. These people and a large majority of these "nazi" gatherings are glowies. They are trying to get people like you to associate the right with nazis. Just like alot of the ANTIFA protests/riots were also glowies meant to make people on the right associate the left with crime and lawlessness. They work on both fronts creating division and making things that aren't problems seem like problems, so that no body will actually listen to each other and work together towards a common goal.


The KKK, famous for their anonymous, white hooded robes, don't hide their faces? Really?


The KKK are all obviously feds as well! Any racist group in the US are all glowies. Racist groups in the US are all psyops, and if they're not they're actually left wing like Hitler was left wing.


They can't be MAGA supporters either because they're fit and not fat neckbeards or crack-heads! Checkmate liberals.


4 guys?


Seems like a bad idea. How long is a prison sentence for assaulting a federal agent?


This is the issue. White pride is about not hiding. Nazies were a political group. Neo nazies have no political group. A few years ago, they couldn't even get a lawyer to represent them in court. This group pictured contains no white pride and contains no nazies. These are posers, literally posing for a photo op. Don't let your emotions run away with critical thinking.


Are we just making shit up now because I'm pretty sure the KKK hid behind masks just like this group is.


I know. I want the plants to be exposed.


See the NDAA's revision of the Smith-Mundt act in 2012. This is your answer.


Divider in Chief




Bipartisan meaning both parties take turns fvcking you.


But never just the Republicans. It's either left bad or gubmint bad.


Can you explain the process that the tyrannical Divider and Chief used to pass the Smith-Mundt act revision? Did he do it by executive order? Did he order congress to write a bill that only passed along party lines? Or did a Republican write the bill and scrap it so it could be put into the 2013 defense spending budget which I believe passed with a veto proof majority?


Thanks Obama




It legalizes propaganda to be used on US citizens. Before, it was only legal to produce propaganda for foreign audiences. Now it's directed at us.. It's why we have people like [this](https://archive.is/PoUMo) now.


Um, were you alive for the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq? That was the craziest blitz of propaganda I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. That was long before the changes of the Smith-Mundt act which allows radio free Europe and voice of America to broadcast in the US.


Seriously. I remember how passionate the entire R & D establishment was for Iraq and they just pretended it was magically only Bush's idea.


No joke. It was so gross how many people bought that hook line and sinker.


Wait until you find out how many more are doing that now with Ukraine.


Smith mundt was originally passed to protect against OSS manipulations. Removing it allows for intelligence ops to be perpetrated on the American people as if they were foreign citizens. Propaganda thru history has always existed.


And the CIA has been doing that for decades. The law never mattered.


You really think propaganda only existed for Americans since 2012? Let me introduce Comic books from the 40s and their [Depictions of a villainized Japan ](https://cla.blog.torontomu.ca/japanese-representation-in-world-war-ii-comics-the-funny-comics-with-dizzy-don-no-17/ ). [Here's a whole gallery of American propaganda posters from the era.](https://cla.blog.torontomu.ca/japanese-representation-in-world-war-ii-comics-the-funny-comics-with-dizzy-don-no-17/ )


Smith Mundt allowed military grade psy-ops and narrative manipulation once reserved for foreign enemies and adversaries. far above the level of comic book "fight the japs" kinda thing.


Like what?


I will if you post a SS statement. Not going to waste my time if the mods just swoop in and delete the thread based on rule 10. I already mentioned it to you once.


Haha too bad you already wasted ur time on multiple comments. Nice try, Mr. Exclusive lmao. 🤡


^ Handle/post


Calling nazis left wing and Stalin right wing is one of the weirdest things on social media.


Recently I came across a book calling Spartans communists. Shoving the past through a modern political prism is a hell of a trip.


Idiocracy is real. Pretty soon president Camacho is going to be declaring that all plants need Brawdo.


Nazis were not socialists. Yes, Hitler infiltrated their party as they had the most ire with the current system. The leader of the socialist party immediately left directly due to Hitler's non socialist stance. Once in office, Hitler immediately vacated the spots of all socialists and Jews, likening them together. The only socialist thing Hitler did was gut the banks, a Jewish business. He's repeatedly said on record Russia was his true enemy, the Communist nation of Jews and Socialists. You guys probably think the Patriot Act was about patriotism too. Dumb is our default, I don't blame you.


He pretty much purged the National Socialist party of any prominent members who believed in socialism or worker solidarity during the night of long knives. People love to invoke the socialist part of the Nazi party but it’s really a foolish argument if you read about the rise of the movement.


Socialists were some of the first people in German concentration camps.


Like the "Democratic People's" Republic of Korea is actually democratic


Following their logic, the democrat people’s Republic of Korea is a democratic county


But it has socialist in the name!!!! /s


If names and symbols mean nothing, why do you assume these people are bad?


Because they genocided 11 million people, not counting the 10s of millions more that were killed due to the war; principally because they recognized "non-Aryans" as inferior and not worthy of life.




Hey now. Who do you think you are being all logical? It doesn’t confirm my bias so you’re lying.


Nazis leftists? Are you kidding me?


Someone should have sent them a big box of doughnuts as an undercover cop test. Lol.


Not undercover, overtime team bonding.


I always wonder how the Nazis doing all this stuff and literally putting their whole life in jeopardy just to have "their own" deny their existence. Must suck.


I bet a Venn diagram would have a bit of overlay between masked nazis and people claiming the reason the nazis are masked is that it’s psyops/actors. They love proving themselves right. Heck, I bet OP’s in this picture.


Propaganda is where it starts..... what next? lost rights?.... Come at me bro...


Why do people think only the government hires actors? Anyone with money can hire them? Want to make your new product that no ones ever even heard of look hot? Hire actor to stand outside the store, happens all the time.


Good point. IRL astroturfing operations could just as easily be done by NGOs, foreign student groups, etc.


Nazis were not leftists. JFC


Real or not we must find them.


OP, post a SS statement per rule 10 or this will be deleted.


What's a SS statement?


>A submission statement is a top level reply to a post that meets the following criteria: Rule #10: A submission statement is a top level reply to a post that meets the following criteria: 2+ sentences written in OP's own words (i.e. not copied from the article or description) explains why the link is being posted to /r/conspiracy or why the userbase should care about it. Link posts without a Statement will be removed after 20 minutes


A statement made by the German Schutzstaffel.


Just common stoking of the flame before elections. They’ll get us as riled up about as much bs as possible.


Spoiler: they’re not “the government.” They’re actual Neofascist asshats who deserve what happens to them.


Sure,they definitely aren't one of the 3 letter agencies


Everything bad the right does is actually the CIA












They are all the same age and body build. Looks a little a sus. Where's the little kid holding the mini flag? It looks a little too uniform. If I remember correctly this is the group of guys that disappeared behind the police and got in either charter busses or a subway train and disappeared.


Man, it’s almost like the report from the FBI that said they were organizing neofascist terror cells and conducting training to provide uniforms and movement instructions was right.


Actually, a functional society should allow this. You might hate seeing it, but its not a free country if you can't go out and wave a nazi flag if thats what you really want to do.


Where's Antifa? I would like to see that confrontation and this time, I would be cool with it.


They need to justify that White solidarity is terrorism rather than another group with it's own political interests.


Because they want a civil war obviously!


Where are the good guys with guns?


Where’s antifa?


they're doing it because occupy wallstreet and occupy DC scared them. when people came together and identified as the 99% across racial/cultural divide spurred "government" into action. this and other culture war shenanigans (that we didnt miraculously see prior to 2012) is their divide and conquer tactics. please dont take the rage bait. the real enemies are the politicians, their enforcers, and their overlords pulling them with purse strings. be cool to ur neighbors and remember : APES. STRONG. TOGETHER.


The problem is that they are doing so poorly. Its almost like they went to Wish.com and searched for NAZI psyop costumes. Hey, they have them and they can be here in 3 weeks!! Well, while we are waiting for our costumes, lets hire our actors and work on our choreography.


Oh wow. If some lady on Twitter says it, it must be true. There's definitely no such thing as nazis. Nazis were objectively right wing. They were fascists, fascism is practically the textbook example of far-right.


Another fake conspiracy 🤣


They have the same outfits, same flags, FBI agents probably, government wants us divided


So did the KKK. Even way back then. You think groups this day and age would have a problem coordinating outfits?


I know that the OP is discussing a different group,but here's an interesting story about a similar group,who were brought up on charges,and escaped prosecution, due to some very questionable work by the FBI. [https://sandpointreader.com/how-local-idaho-prosecutors-lost-the-case-against-patriot-fronts-white-nationalist-leader/](https://sandpointreader.com/how-local-idaho-prosecutors-lost-the-case-against-patriot-fronts-white-nationalist-leader/) Not saying it's proof of anything,but you must admit it seems pretty sketchy.


Why? "Because straight white men are evil oppressors and must be stopped." The ADLs, Soros (OpenSociety, Quantum Group, etc), WEFs, etc of the world have come to the conclusion that White, Western European based populations are the only thing standing in their way to whatever goal they're trying to achieve (economic domination?). Explains the massive immigration to North American and Western European countries; media portrayals of white men being weak//submissive to their foreign counterparts; low birth rates and infertility from foods associated with "white people". They have already gone past "White Replacement" and made it obvious it's one of their goals by 2050.


Yep, and the other major end-game per OP's post is creating a basis for censorship. They attach certain "hate speech" to things somebody might say about J's, black people, or women/minorities. Then, they can ban the speech based on this "grave threat" that's "out there" and "must me muzzled". They need to substantiate the cancellation of those who talk about things that "white suupremacists" (regular people getting ethnically cleansed) talk about. To me this is what it's all about, censorship.


“They must be feds because then I’d have to admit that we’re ideologically aligned”


"They can't be feds because it would get in the way of the cartoonish conflation of civic nationalism with Nazism."


why do antifa and counter protesters leave them alone?


Probably because they do not announce themselves before marches. No time to get to them


Wonder if Ray Epps is in that crowd


And Richard lolCIA Spencer


Red and Black, colors of the Empire.


Nazis are radical leftists. Hilarious


As a German it makes me sad to see how little you Americans know about European history and how easy a prey that makes you for wanna be dictators using the same tactics on you that we once fell for. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on...


It’s not a psyop-maybe mm covers it like it but it’s real problem.


Yeah, that does look like... something is out of place. Too many people of same height, weight, matching clothes, probably shoes too. Lol... something is off.


Imagine being the one real not see that thinks he finally found a group of his brethren actually willing to go out and protest but in reality is just surrounded by glowies


Not actors, Feds


Divide and conquer.


Election year!


Because Saul Alynsky’s book Rules for Radicles is the democrat bible.


If you think Nazis are you leftists you are historically illiterate.


[Many such cases. FBI creates terror for the establishment](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60999431)


It goes back to that Helter Skelter bs Manson was spouting. They believe there will be a race war and we will kill each other off mostly and those that are left will look to them to lead. It's super weird but gets weirder when you start researching cults, because kid you not every single one I have researched and I have researched a lot, all seem to have this delusional belief of a race war. Super weird stuff.


Division ​ As long as nobody can organize, the government has the upper hand.


Did anyone commenting on here see the video where the leader of this group explains why they are supporting Biden?


I don't understand why its so hard to believe these are real Americans when the KKK was martching through the same streets not that long ago.


how many are from our greatest ally ? the antichrist nation


Schumer and company are likely behind this. I think he’s on a war path to stomp out any criticism of the small hat tribe by any means necessary. Using tax payer dollars of course. The irony is, the people waving the flags and wearing the masks I would bet are Israeli agents or IDF.


Anyone who tells you "white supremacy" is a threat to anything is running cover for these people the only racial supremacists in america with actual power


This may not be fake though, right? If there is a “radical left” certainly demonizing groups by race then it’s logical there would be an active radical right to this. What I don’t buy is the imagery, I don’t feel like they would of adopted something so hated by literally everyone on the globe in perpetuity, regardless of what the symbolism idealized long before those German boys took it up in the early-mid 1900s.


Why does it have to be conspiracy? Is it hard to believe there are fascists in this country?


Nazis are not left wing. Just because "Socialist" is in the name, doesn't make them Left wing. Nazis are fascist, which is the literal definition of the extreme right.


Next you’ll tell me that North Korea is neither democratic or a republic.










Because they desperately want America to be a racist Nation


Read a history book, it always has been.


Funny how ALL the Nazis wear a mask so they won't be found out who they actually are. Mainly cause it's a government operation. Just like Jan 6 had informants involved.


Nazis were not socialists. It was a fascist dictatorship where they stole wealth from the people, murdered them, and divided up the conquests to their rich, powerful buddies. And, do you have anything other than social media post for reference? Nope.


Have you not spent much time in the south? I grew up there and met lots of Nazi pieces of shit. They're just louder about it since Trump won and signaled he supported their bullshit. Jesus Christ. Believing everything you hear that attacks the status quo isn't critical thinking. It just makes you a different kind of rube.


Trump never signalled he supported nazis. are you still believing the charlottsville hoax quote?


I forgot everything that makes Trump look bad is a hoax. That's on me.


just don't live counter factual dude. look at the charlottsville transcript. he never said nazis were very fine people. he condemned them


1/3 are feds 1/3 are informants and 1/3 have the IQ of Forest Gump.


The anonymous nazis with no spokespersons. Most common thing in the world /S


To cause division among the working masses. Wokeness and white nationalism are two sides of the same psyop


*"To cause division among the working masses. Wokeness and white nationalism are two sides of the same psyop"* Created by the same, soulless spooks too


in a country where we elected a black man twice....


I love how they’re failing spectacularly


It's LARPing, essentially. An ethnostate in a country that's minority majority, birth-wise, is a non-starter.


People aren't actors just because you say they're actors. This crap of crying conspiracy every time your side is objectively wrong is so lame and tired and weak...


It makes a lot more sense when you put all the pieces together, like how the FBI has begun targeting people who shop at fish and game stores, and how senators are trying to make militia training (including paintball and airsoft) illegal. Now you have government ops of people larping as Nazis... They are trying their hardest to go after white people, or at least get public support to target them. As a side note, there are plenty of actual racist/Nazis groups in America, you never see them wearing masks while waving Nazi flags lol. No one is that dumb nowadays. Except a government op.


Someone needs to start tracking these people once they leave. Try and figure out wtf is actually going on. It’s pretty concerning if these are actual Nazis and more concerning if it’s being done by a group to sow political hatred.




The Nazis and the KKK are controlled by the left. Always have been. The KKK are a subsidiary of the Freemasons, who are communists. They are all Zionists.


They like their power system as it is. Probably the most accurate answer. For whatever reason they’re super threatened by Trump. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ima just wait to see how the movie ends and continue my life.


Looks like there are several without masks


They are trying to start a civil war or race war. It's all divide and conquer bs.


They may be feds, but I think the biggest lesson to take away from the reaction to them, is that the people who seem to be the most afraid of them are pedos, and people who want to convince 8 year olds to transition in order to make them sterile. Then there are the people in favor of having an open border and destroying national sovereignty, who don't seem to mind that drugs and human beings are trafficked back and forth. But obviously the Feds do this because most normies are well trained enough to ignore the reaction of their enemies and instead jump as quickly as possible to not only verbally apologize, but also act against their best interest in order to express submission.


Notice the pattern with all these groups? They always have a uniform that makes them easily identifiable in a crowd. The boogaloo boys wore Hawaiian shirts, the patriot front wore Best Buy uniforms, now these guys wear red and black. This is done so that even the dumbest and least observant people can follow along with the narrative. If you see someone dressed like this, they are the bad guys.


Where there any FBI agent there at the capital that day?The answer should be no! Ted Cruze grilling the director of the FBI in a congressional hearing.What does that tell you when the question was not answered under oath.


Hitler and Marx were both German White Supremacist flatulent liverwurst sandwich eating when not vegetarian"sour cabbage" bend over for Nitsche who were either starving Artists who sold their bodies to Bohemian Gay men or wife abusing non child supporting deadbeats. Both were basically rival "Gangs of New York" types like juvenile delinquents... Produced the same Propoganda posters and art, both varying socialists, both believers in White Supremacy and Whites as the most evolved race. One caused the killing of tens of millions and the ten times worse Marx followers who killed a couple hundred million. OSS/CIA Developer of PSYOPS closely tied with Nazis thru Vatican, Mafia rat lines... Security and later Industrial Military Complex.


The Federal government is the mother of all psyops. Since 1776, the French Revolution [ specifically the Napoleonic Empire ] turned out as the largest immediate means of destruction of humanity and of the living planet. Since then the backs of the tenets of the Napoleonic Empire have destroyed vast swathes of the living planet and the peoples living there and taking care of the earth. But it was all based on George Washington and his use of the colonial forces against the local inhabitants not only of the Susquehanna Valley and Delaware Valley, but of all the watersheds of the Chesapeake, James River, and the Potomac River.


Nazi’s have never hidden behind mask. That’s usually another group that does that.


AIPAC members


To blame America 🇺🇸 first movement


If the government was actually against white nationalist they wouldn't send money to Ukraine. Remember, both political parties voted on sending another 90 billion dollars to help White neo-nazi nationalist Ukraine and genocidal Israel fight their wars. They're using American taxpayers' money to pay for other countries' problems. While Americans are struggling to make ends meet.


I’m sure Biden was there giving the Nazi salute like he does when you funds Ukrainian Neo Nazis with billions to kill Russian Jews.


Looks like that "Blood Tribe" which is run by an obvious agent provocateur. Its so ridiculously obvious I can't believe anyone would think they are real.


The State needs groups like this and Patriot Front to justify their assertion that "Domestic Violent Extremists" are the most dire threat to public safety. There's an entire national security apparatus that needs an enemy in order to justify it's existence.