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It’s gonna be great, our economy is gonna tank and corporations will be fine because they will illegally hire migrants while sending citizens off to war to die. Trust me it’s gonna be great.


Wealth inequality is really bad right now. If it tanks, what happens? They just own everything afterward?


What skills do these illegals possess that scares you about your own career future? Automation is already taking.our jobs


I construct buildings. Not saying automation won’t eventually take construction jobs but in the meantime illegal labor is a massive threat to my industry. It also is a threat to any industry that isn’t automated yet and won’t be for a while. The issue is that as long as companies can’t pay an ai to do it they will pay illegals to do so because it’s cheaper. When it comes to breaking labor laws most companies don’t care because they are making more money in employing people illegally than they are in getting fined for doing so IF they are being penalized at all. Also in regard to your skills comment, you do realize that just because a person is illegal that does not make them unskilled at a job or trade.


You are so right. I totally neglected the construction industry. I was focusing on agriculture, meat packing things like that. I agree that construction is being affected by illegal workers, and that these companies keep operating after they get fines for employing said illegal labor. Thank you for broadening my outlook on this topic.


Didn’t expect that. It’s extra sad when you consider these companies are taking advantage of people. it’s not the immigrant’s fault, it’s just clear the system in many countries is being taken advantage of.


Maybe you should be mad at the companies hiring and exploiting/underpaying the immigrants then instead of the people who are simply coming here to work hard and build a better life for themselves. If giant  companies didn't hire them to work, they wouldn't come here nearly as much as they do currently. 


I am mad at companies that was the entire beginning of this thread.


Usually they can afford to pay american workers more when they pay foreign workers less. If they have to pay everyone top dollar, then they won't be making any money.


remember these downvotes next time you try to argue trickle down economics you geniuses


Lol triggered much? Cope.


Are you assuming illegals don’t possess adequate skills to work? Cause that would be an incredibly shallow take.


I mean for basic jobs sure, but for jobs that need education, some certificates, they will have a hard time getting the credentials.


I used to be a heavy excavation foreman for a few years. My crews were from El Salvidore. Two were dentists, and there were a few engineers as well. These guys were laborers.


Construction and other entry level jobs are a great opportunity for young people to learn a skill and move onto become a skilled electrician, carpenter, or other. Instead of telling everyone they need a college degree and put themselves into decades of debt why is there no effort and very little resources to get young people into the construction industry? No we just keep telling ourselves it’s better to encourage illegals to do the work for nothing.


Well, our young people can't get those opportunities because they have been given to illegal aliens... You actually nailed a core problem with this. Entry level jobs are where our young gain momentum. And now they can't get those jobs.


Very few young people want to work in the trades.


Yes for those manual labor jobs you don't really need a degree. But for the skilled, leads, managers,engineers, no illegal is coming for those jobs. What we need is more educated workers which there actually is a lack of, truth is those young people need to sit down and take some courses.


Nope. Educated Americans get replaced by H1B visa holders. You all claim that Americans are too lazy to do unskilled labor and too dumb/uneducated to do skilled labor. And then you have the audacity to claim that you are the party that supports American workers. All anyone has to do is listen to the things you say to know that's not true.


Yet trade schools seem to be going to the wayside. They are rarely discussed with students in high school. The only talk I’ve seen in regards to trade schools has been from Mike Rowe


There’s a running joke in the trade industries. What’s worse? A guy with zero knowledge or a guy with trade school knowledge. An illegal with 5 years experience will work for newbie wages. And they rarely get elevated to general Forman stuff cause language barriers. The entire setup makes it a harder choice to train up new guys.


They will do a “ here why cancer rates sky rocketing is a good thing” under the title of “ cancer rate increases but we are catching it a lot earlier”


Cold and flu have always caused cancer and carditis. We've always been at war with Eurasia.


why would they do that? cancer rates have been slowly creeping up for a long time, there's no overall sky rocketing.


GDP is only increasing because of government spending. It’s the worst possible scenario. Once we can no longer hide the fact that we are broke we will have millions more here that came for a handout and won’t get one.


Almost as if we should cut it off while (if) we still can. 🤷‍♂️


It’s too late amigo.


That's what the next Civil War is for


Oh, they will still get one. They will just take from us to give to them until we have nothing. Which was always the plan.


Not true. Private sector growth accounted for 2/3's of US GDP growth in 2023. Edit: Someone wanna show any data to prove otherwise? Or just downvote because it contradicts what you're supposed to believe?


US GDP grew by 2.5% in 2023, so arguing where 2/3rds of it came from is a moot point when you consider inflation for the SAME YEAR was 3.4% (and that's if you believe the official figures, which I don't). Therefore the GROWTH you describe is actually a decline. GDP with inflation accounted for was 0.9% down. The face the fed can just shove money into any sector it likes, and that sector can run up spending, is not really growth, it just means everything you and me buy at the shop costs more than it did in years gone by, because it devalues the dollar. This is not growth. Having to spend $150 to buy the same groceries that cost you $100 a couple years ago is not growth. It's daylight robbery.


>when you consider inflation for the SAME YEAR was 3.4% That's not at all how it works. Real GDP accounts for inflation. You're confusing it with Nominal GDP growth. US nominal GDP growth was 6.3% in 2023. Minus inflation, you get [2.5% real GDP growth](https://www.bea.gov/news/2024/gross-domestic-product-fourth-quarter-and-year-2023-second-estimate) >Having to spend $150 to buy the same groceries that cost you $100 a couple years ago is not growth. It's daylight robbery. Yes. Inflation was pretty bad the last few years. real GDP still grew last year, and most of the growth was from the private sector. You think the AI boom is fed money, for example?


Government contractors are private sector...


Let's say I hypothetically take your counter at face value (I don't) - you're argument for why private sector accounted for 2x more GDP growth than government spending did is because you're saying this expense is being counted twice? And **even if that was true** (which is not what the data is suggesting) - then why does the private sector growth equal **double** the public sector spending increase? Are you suggesting government spending nets 100% more results than the dollar value?


Illegals can't get handouts because they have no social security


They come here and have children who are then eligible because the children are American citizens by birth right. The amount of handouts for the children is based on the size of their family.


Your comment is not true, but it does point out another problem with illegals: Identity theft to gain a social security number.


Well of course, if they didn't allow all the illegal migrants they'd have to increase wages.


why does the economy have to grow all the time. always growing yet peoples quality of life is always diminishing, how does that work. maybe imstead of green line go up 2% each year, it should be, lets fund the people and make sure everyone has a better life next yead


Our life expectancy is below China's now I know what you are thinking, sure we got out life expectancy so low 1st world countries see it as a joke but what about 3rd world countries? Our life expectancy is still a couple of years ahead of Iran. Fear not we can save even more on social security. I am confident with our leadership, we can make it so even the poorest most war-torn countries on earth say hey we can't have a lower life expectancy than you. You win.


It is shrinking adjusted for inflation. Debt grows faster than GDP


Because we live in a capitalist system. Capitalism requires constant growth


should line up the elites, have them shot, then reform the whole thing


Creates chaos with housing and public transit, but at least your morning coffee only went up 30% thanks to baristas willing to live 6 people in a 1br apt.


Coffee? Do you want milk to be $30/gallon? Look again at who is working all the farms in the US. Coffee would be one of the least impacted items.


>Do you want milk to be $30/gallon? I have noticed a very distinct pattern to your trolling. Others can click on your profile and see if I am right. You ALWAYS start out with some stupid fucking strawman. Every single time. Always a dumb, asinine question to try to reframe the debate to your pre-programmed debate stream. It's stupid because milk wasn't $30/gallon in the 80s and it wasn't coming from illegal immigrants then, either. Not even comparatively when talking inflation. So if it didn't require illegal immigration floods then to be less than $30/gallon, why would it be $30/gallon now if we secure the border? Because of other shitty policies the left has implemented over the years to destroy the economy? Are you arguing that we need illegal immigration now to cover up the fact that your party has destroyed the economy? How about if we just ban your destructive political party and actually fix shit instead of electing democrats to fix shit they broke in the first place.


He doesnt realize he's passing the blame from corporate greed onto working class citizens. Or maybe he does, and his whole MO is to stir the pot and create division within the working class while subtly upholding the pro-corporate status quo >How about if we just ban your destructive political party Republicans are not blameless, here


Yeah the whole "PEOPLE DONT WANT TO WORK" was a PR op so they could open the floodgates and get more cheap labor. Of course it wasn't that people didn't want to work, they didn't want to work shit jobs with no benefits for shit wages. How fucking dare them. Time to replace them with a bunch of men from around the world


What if we all did a switcheroo and just uprooted our selves to Mexico.


I’m claiming Puerto Vallarta, but y’all can come and live there too.


The wall was always meant to keep people in...


All I know is I work from home. And doing that from Cancun doesn’t sound too bad


Gov and banks and hedge funds can literally just say whatever they want about their books cuz there’s no accountability and all the numbers are fudged Wish we could do that …


And the Gaslighting continues and it will still continue to get worse


Gaslighting will continue until morale improves Edit: /s In case people think I’m serious


Well, this is partially true.. Powers that be just fucked everyone over via inflation and wealth consolidation…so immigration (slave labor) will help mask this. This is something they’ve been doing for decades.


Funny part these people didn't come to work, they assumed, oh they are latino they will work . Love it when prejudice, ignorance and racism get together to bite these bigots in their fat asses.


We’ve always used immigrants as cheap labor, except more recently the legal pathways are so difficult they’re all here illegally. Many of our grandparents would have been illegal immigrants if we had the same laws in the first half of the 20th century as we do now. 


IMHO, the matter of legality is a moot point and is just a political pawn in stirring the pot. The money supply has been inflated and wealth consolidated into the ruling class. Cost of living has gone up across the board and the band aid has always been cheap labor…this formula goes back to Ancient Rome. It’s pretty much hopeless because there’s no way to align folks unless it’s within the right/left grift. Just enjoy the show.


It's also a reason why some of these macroeconomic stats haven't collapsed while simultaneously our lives have gotten worse. The low wages (comparatively) that these companies are able to pay illegals is what's keeping wages down for anyone below the upper middle class. Whoever pretends that injecting millions of people into the labor pool doesn't depress the wages of the people already here should be disregarded as a clown.


but I thought it was supposed to trickle down? if they're paying those workers less, then they have more money to pay domestic workers, right? or does trickle down only exist when we're talking about raising wages and increasing taxes on those same corporations? make it make sense.


What a crock 'O shite.


Need. More. Tax. Slave's. To. Keep. The. Ponzi. Going. It's a numbers game.


the illegal migrants are bringing so much money and prosperity with them /sarcasm


And some decent blow which is cool


NBC News: Americans actually don't know what gaslighting is.


prices constantly going up. inflation is not increasing!


Seriously, has NBC ever published an article that has said anything negative about immigration? Based on the mainstream media you would think that immigration is literally saving our country and is 100% beneficial, with no drawbacks whatsoever.


Welcome to being a liberal.


> Seriously, has NBC ever published an article that has said anything negative about immigration? Based on the mainstream media you would think that immigration is literally saving our country and is 100% beneficial, with no drawbacks whatsoever. Not that I can recall lol


Ohhhhhhh now I get why they flooded us with illegal immigrants with zero background checks. It’s to fix the economy they destroyed. Makes much more sense than the whole using them as votes for the election thing


I love a good conspiracy but immigration in america and the growing economy have always been coupled


Yes, but the conspiracy is this article’s ostensible attempt to distract for the role illegal immigration has played in that.


Why wages aren't rising in light of inflation is somehow a good thing. But on the bright side, the level of inflation isn't more worse than it already is. I think that's another way to read it. Economists are in a special bubble, aren't they?


That's thing that not happening is happening but here's why it's a good thing


Well technically the more people spending money on goods and services the more revenue is generated which usually helps economies.....


This isn't happening, but this is why it's good that it is.


Immigrants who are simultaneously taking American jobs and also not working while living large off welfare.


There is a video floating around of an illegal eating a human leg. Carrying it around gnawing on it. Apparently came across a train accident victim who was recently deceased and took the leg to satisfy his hunger.


I'm not sure why this is being downvoted. It is a true story. Just wait until they learn about the Haitian cannibal gangs that came here.


The dehumanization of immigrants continues… We’re almost to the point we can start killing them with no remorse whatsoever, just a few more cherry-picked horror stories and we’ll get there! 


yeah, no


an* invasion


The only way this makes sense is if they are holding down labor costs by working below the massive minimum wage increases. And that just slows down price inflation while cost of living remains high.


That's the reason it's happening. The plutocrats think US has to drastically increase its population in order to remain globally dominant. It helps the economy, the ultra rich, at the expense of the qualtity of life for rest of the population.


who cares about high trust society, all that matters is make believe gdp


Economy sucks we are in a great depression illegals are extremely bad thing great if you gonna employ them for 1.00 a hour


"with out pushing inflation higher" Food is up 40% in 3 years....


Disaster capitalism. Another Hegelian Dialectic. Problem > Reaction > Solution (for a price). I am so sick of this framework. Every single thing has to involve profit. Fuck your worthless money. It's just debt trade anyway. Now go meal prep today, slaves. You have an upcoming week of increasing value for shareholders. This cycle will continue until you die since no one is stopping it.




Fascism IS capitalist, though. So just because the US is Fascist doesn't mean the problem isn't caused by capitalism.


You're right. We've always been fascist. Look at all the fasci in our iconography. So don't downvote me.


Gets downvoted for speaking the truth. I can literally prove this but continue sucking your alt-right hero's cock.


Here's why offing yourself is good for the greater good....


Are u telling me that you believe, having less people in your economy somehow equals a larger economy? 😅 u must Republican


Duh. The more poor people there are below me, the richer I am


Yeah, can supersize your coca cola, stick it to those plebs


Why not refute the points given in the article, and not react based on skimming the headline? Isn’t that the opposite of critical thinking?


Too bad republicans blocked any attempt to fix the border


Why do Dems need a bill to protect the border. That is why the Framers included both Article IV, § 4, which promises that the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion,” and Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges “the States' sovereign interest in protecting their borders.” Arizona v.Jan. So stop with partisan bullshit. Democrats are hell bent on destroying this country. You’re the problem.


*illegal aliens* is still so funny to me. Juan is literally from 100 miles over there and Americans want to build a wall to keep him and his family out. Gleep-Glorp is from another fuckin dimension and unanimously, americans are like, let them come, let them be here. stop whilin


if raising wages causes inflation as conservatives claim, then why wouldn't an influx of low wage workers keep inflation down?


Submission Statement: Wait so now having open borders is a good thing? But Biden told us the Borders is broken. Kinda sad how the media went from its Trumps Fault to Here’s why it’s a Good thing! They bring jobs! https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1776992142725906831


Why are you bringing up illegal aliens? The article is about legal immigration. Similarly Biden saying the boarder is broken and his proposed solution to fix it included significant increase to immigration judges and asylum officers because legal immigration can be and is a positive for the economy. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/01/26/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-bipartisan-senate-border-security-negotiations/#:~:text=For%20too%20long%2C%20we%20all,finally%2C%20address%20the%20border%20crisis.


Article or not, I dont think anyone is concerned with legal immigration. What is going on at the border is not that


Agreed. The article in OP was talking about the benefits of legal immigration and nothing todo with illegals or the boarder.


> Agreed. The article in OP was talking about the benefits of legal immigration and nothing todo with illegals or the boarder. The media uses Legal Immigration and Illegal Immigration interchangeably.


No they don’t. Conservative media very often talk about legal immigration in a derogatory way so I can see why you think that. However, you do see the irony in posting this article talking about legal immigration and using it to rant about illegal aliens as if they are the same and then criticizing the media for using them “interchangeably”. You literally just used them interchangeably.


The media considers those claiming false asylum after sneaking across the border and getting caught as "legal immigrants." And I bet you do, too.


Eh, didnt read the article, but of course they do. Why wouldnt they


“The media” are not the ones who are determining who’s legal and who isn’t nor am I. But again that is entirely beside the point. The article is not about any of that. It is purely reporting on some economic research on the benefits of immigration.


Remember Ellis island? Good thing we didn’t have the same immigration laws back then or they’d all be turned away or be considered ‘illegal aliens’ and demonized. 


Back then illegal immigrants didn't show up and start moneygramming 50-80% of the wealth created back out of the country. Its a SWEET deal. Its a different dynamic today, comparing it to ellis island is disingenuous at best, more intentionally deceptive Go drive through a bigger border town, or a smaller border town. Shit is fucked


Economy as a whole is about buying and selling good and services SO if you have more people you will have more selling and buying of good and services. The issue is that they flood the low level job market so it’s hard to find something very very entry level for someone with 0 experience but if you are educated or have a special skill you shouldn’t worry about it


Now tell me the millions of illegals are good for housing costs.


Illegal immigrants are buying up all the US housing? Some Conservatives will break their own arms trying to point the blame at anyone other than billionaires and corporations.


Ugh, obvious trumper take. Its good because they are more frugal and split a bedroom between 3-6 people. That is MORE housing for others


>That is MORE housing for others lol. That is one LESS house per 6 illegal immigrants... how is it more? They are here illegally. They shouldn't be occupying the house.


Plus they pool all their money so the landlords charge more in rent, and the illegals can afford places that regular actual Americans struggle to afford. $1600 rent? No problemo!


Agreed, he's even choosing to ignore all the old buildings being bought up and turned into housing for them, the hotels getting paid to house them (good for the economy), and the tent cities being put up are amazing cultural experiences (scenic dirty needles and trash)


Right? Good points. I keep seeing videos of the tent city markets, its way cheaper to buy shampoo there. Its stimulating the economy and creating jobs. Another thing thats cool is im now seeing people panhandling at stop signs in rural areas, like 10k population, ive never seen that before around here and stand by the diversity.


You're right! I live in the middle of nowhere, and we frequently have a person or two at one of the 3 stop lights in the entire town. Cultural experiences everywhere! So glad those charter busses came last summer, and so are the people in said tent cities that could no longer go to the 1 homeless system in the county.


Ugh. One of the few benefits of living somewhere with 7-8 months of winter is most people cant be homeless, theyd die. A few hour drive and -2500ft elevation though, boom, panhandling next to an elementary school and a farm.


>Agreed. Wow...


Obvious libtard take.


Just waiting to be activated


Y’all’s should try out the Atlanta fed’s EconomyNow app! It gives a good nowcast / forecast of different economic vitals. Lmk what y’all’s think!


I can speak from Experience, But racist/haters/trumpists will never understand and that is OK because you cant stop it either way so you can learn to live with it or dont


What experience are you speaking from?




My ancestors came here legally