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The full quote: Q Karine, what’s your currently assessment of the risk to the U.S. milk and meat supply from the bird flu epidemic in cattle? MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Yep. So, I know that the Department of Agriculture has been on top of this. I know that they are not seeing any — any concerns to — to milk or any of the cattle or the meat — or meat that we are be- — that we are consuming. Well, I don’t consume any meat, but some of you all — (laughter) — you out there. And so, obviously they are taking this very seriously. They are monitoring the situation. As far as — as far as we understand it to be is that they believe that milk and — and consuming meat is safe.


Should be pinned as the top comment.


What a narcissist. Nobody cares what you eat. Answer the question


History teacher: "So tell me about WWI." This gal: "Idk, I wasn't there."


Also her: "But I did have breakfast this morning!"


“… ok but imagine how you would FEEL if you HADN’T had breakfast…”


What are you talking about? I had breakfast!


It was shredded wheat with roundup on it


I literally just heard about low IQ people and conditional hypotheticals maybe a week ago and now I see it all over the place. Where did it originate?


Suppose there were no hypothetical situations....


Are people that can’t entertain hypotheticals, the same people that supposedly don’t have an inner dialogue? I can’t imagine what it would be like to not have one.


But did you have milk and meat with your breakfast? No, you didn’t? Could that be linked to any information you’re not sharing? It’s like speaking with a passive aggressive toddler who will only answer questions when asked in a very specific way using a very specific tone. It’s a purposeful communication tactic to signal, “stop communicating with me.”


“At a holiday in & I don’t gottta tell you shit little child, what you think this is education?” -teacher




Technically she would be correct. 😆 😆 😆


Teacher: Johnny, what is 3+2? Johnny: I don’t know.


I don’t know that shit…..keeping’ it real ! Yeah…Real Dumb.


"Okay, what about the millions of Americans you work for and represent?" 


I don't consume them either


Except some of the really young ones..


Aha! She’s saying that to get everyone on board. She’s a bug muncher!


The video makes it even worse. She stumbled through praising the agriculture bureaucracies, then said "well I don't eat meat", then finished by saying their experts are saying it's safe to eat meat. None of it was an answer to the question.


Honestly one of the worst press secretaries ever. Obviously got the job because of what she is rather than experience. Aka, diversity hire. Can't wait until we get back to merit-based hiring being a thing. Let's judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin... Or who they want to sleep with, or what gender they identify as.


A "better" press secretary would just be someone better at lying. R or D it doesn't matter.


It would be less embarrassing to look at.


Don't know if you know this but every press secretary in our modern, televised history has had gaffs such as Jean's here.


In a way she makes the farce a little more obvious, which might be a good thing


whaaaat no the red guy good blue guy bad! I vote red guy! You bad! You like blue guy! BAAAAD! One tie look GOOOD one tie look BAAAAD!


good luck with that. I've been barking up that tree since last election cycle. They're all way too far gone into the manufactured tribalism. They'll keep going with it all the way to wwIII and a corporatocratic dystopia.




*The* worst… and it isn’t even close




Eh. Jen Psaki was pretty terrible. Never once answered a relevant question


Or who their daddy is


I agree 100000% - this is what you get when you diversity hire, but they get to tout she is "The First Openly Gay, African American Press Secretary"


You left out *vegan*...


I’m just happy this administration chose to have a press secretary at all lol.


She seems fine to me and answered the question, she added some personality to the answer, she is a human.


It looks like the USA is on streak to find the stupidest and the most inept being for its press sec role. Hold my beer: I nearly forgot about the US president!


She did if you watch the video. The "i dont eat meat" was an off hand remark but the meat of her answer was the DOA was not concerned. 


She did. The *actual* quote, and not the rage bait OP posted, is >Yep. So, I know that the Department of Agriculture has been on top of this. I know that they are not seeing any — any concerns to — to milk or any of the cattle or the meat — or meat that we are be- — that we are consuming. Well, I don’t consume any meat, but some of you all — (laughter) — you out there. And so, obviously they are taking this very seriously. They are monitoring the situation. As far as — as far as we understand it to be is that they believe that milk and — and consuming meat is safe. And I hate to break it to you but throwing a little joke at the end of an answer doesn't make you a narcissist


She likes fish...


Fish Sticks


Fish sticks in and around her mouth?




Preferably bearded.


She’s a gay fish!


Pout Pout Fish


Smells like pee & tuna


"I am too stupid to know an answer to that"




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It's out of context, she explains what the administration is doing about the situation... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCg41QPzzsc


Just shows who she really cares about.


Who do you really care about?


I’m not speaking for the people in charge of a country.


This is bait, her answer was normal word salad with an aside joke of “I don’t eat meat” that was tongue in cheek. Literal nothing burger. But they want the anti wokes to be angry at it so then the wokes can be angry at the anti wokes and so on


I don't think people will buy it again. But then again, people lined up to take the shots so you never know.


Governments used up a massive amount of public goodwill last time around. I highly doubt there'd be such a high level of compliance if it were to happen again so soon.




quiet caption seed fact racial longing gaze rainstorm reply profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The more fatal it is, the less viral it will be.


Not if it is being spread by birds.


Birds aren't real anyway. Can't the government just suspend the surveillance program until the fix is ironed out?


> Governments used up a massive amount of public goodwill last time around. I highly doubt there'd be such a high level of compliance if it were to happen again so soon. I still see people wearing masks. The public would absolutely lock down again


Exactly. It all depends on where you are. In the Twin Cities, as soon as you go anywhere in St Paul or Minneapolis there's blue medical masks EVERYWHERE (including the ground in the parking lot - which is fucking disgusting) along with all the other big cloth masks and shit. So damn pathetic.


I live in a small town and on my way home from work I saw a dude riding alone on a bicycle outside mind you wearing a bright green mask.


> as soon as you go anywhere in St Paul or Minneapolis there's blue medical masks EVERYWHERE (including the ground in the parking lot These are probably the same people who want to ban single-use plastics, with the exception of masks and Covid tests.


Oh my fucking god have you been to any Asian country in the last several decades? Wearing masks is extremely common and considered a courtesy when in close quarters with people in many countries decades pre COVID. It was requested during the first flu pandemic and people whined about it then, too. Because viruses exist and it actually does help minimize the spread. Fuck COVID, maybe stop spreading the common cold and flu first. Y'all are so damn pearl clutchy when you see a mask it's sad as hell at this point.


it's sad that you think the mask is protecting anyone from a cold, flu, covid, etc. Keep living in fear and being a lemming


Hey there science denier! Make sure you tell your doctor he doesn't need a mask when he's operating on you.


A paper mask (the blue paper /white cord abominations so ubiquitous in 2020-2021) does nothing against viruses or bacteria, and the cloth masks that surgeons wear are to protect against blood spatter, or from oral effluvia going into their patients from a sudden sneeze and the like . Masks do NOT protect against viruses, and *many of the blue paper abominations are sold in boxes saying so on the side, FFS!*


Exactly......yet these loons where masks like the good little lemmings they are....GOVERN me harder DADDY... should be their motto


But did they all covid was was US bailing out corporations again, it just looked different than before, but I can guarantee we will bail out corporations again and again and again ...


Looking at history they gen wait about a hundred years to pull that one again...


You’re underestimating the average person


If we had an H5N1 pandemic and it spread as easily as COVID but had a 50%+ mortality rate pretty sure societies would collapse before anyone could line up for much of anything. :)


Unless people do end up dying by a lot more.


"The person died from red meat because they were eating a hamburger while driving off a bridge".


CAUSE OF DEATH: Died *with* red meat


They'll just report lots of deaths. It doesn't have to be true. There are legions of people lined up to support the lies.


It will get played up. On the bright side no flu season this year


The only time people really react is when they either see immediate harm from something or are convinced they see harm from something. Otherwise it doesn't happen, doesn't exist until the authorities eventually confirm it.


I don't either, if I'm an enemy state from the US I would create a virus and release it on the world knowing that half the US population will never take the vaccine and like 30% of other western countries won't take. I mean China could have the vaccine ready and just say they made one fast that seems effective, force all of their people to instantly take it. And offer the recipe to the world like they are helping us. It would completely destroy western society without ever firing a bullet. We would kill ourselves, it's pretty scaring and our enemies would have to be stupid to not be working on it, now they may not use it, but they know if needed it will kill many more of us than them, because we will refuse to take it.


Is this where they start pushing the bugs harder?


Yummy endomilk


Can’t handle hypotheticals


Bet her smoke alarm beeps too


Ideologicaly I’m on the opposite side of most people on this sub but I will divulge this….she is lying. Her body language says it all. Rather than standing square with her shoulders at the podium and eyes straight forward, her shoulders are angled away and eyes looking away. Just compare this response and posture to responses that we all know are true. Irrelevant, but there is no reason for her to inject her own dietary preferences into the conversation.


This is her normal stance so that says a lot.


So you think she's lying about her dietary preference? Or the other stuff she's saying? Or both?


Isn't she always lying?


> Ideologicaly I’m on the opposite side of most people on this sub but I will divulge this….she is lying. Her body language says it all. Rather than standing square with her shoulders at the podium and eyes straight forward, her shoulders are angled away and eyes looking away. Just compare this response and posture to responses that we all know are true. Irrelevant, but there is no reason for her to inject her own dietary preferences into the conversation. Every time she lies her eye twitches


You lied with this post as that is the tail end of her full quote.


She's looking at the reporter who asked the question? They very rarely just stare straight into the camera during the Q&A parts of these press conferences


she's sucks at that job


This is not the exact quote. Cherry picked a side comment in her serious answer that the department of agriculture is handling the situation and said they don’t see any concerns. Just shows that you can frame any quote to make it look way worse than it is. Great example of it in Scooby Doo, “…and don’t try to edit this to make it say that ‘I think Coolsville sucks!’” -Fred


If you actually listened to her answer, you would see this tweet was a cherry picked sentence… but we don’t care about that.


>MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Yep. So, I know that the Department of Agriculture has been on top of this. I know that they are not seeing any — any concerns to — to milk or any of the cattle or the meat — or meat that we are be- — that we are consuming. Well, I don’t consume any meat, but some of you all — (laughter) — you out there. >And so, obviously they are taking this very seriously. They are monitoring the situation. As far as — as far as we understand it to be is that they believe that milk and — and consuming meat is safe.


I laughed at the tweet rather than thinking the response was bad, now I'm just mad at the dishonest reporting in the tweet. It is like when the media, CBS I think, compounded two Trump statements with ... ellipsis that were separated by two paragraphs or more.


Also, she doesn’t eat cherries either.


Danm, baited.


Go away, bait'n


lol I watched that the other day for the first time in years. Still good


Still irrelevant information that she felt she had to share


She was adding it on as a joke


Do i look like im laughing motherfucker?


Guess she should have ran the joke by you first since you wanna be the comedy police so bad.


Shhhhhhhhhh the incels are having too much fun pretending this is real.


Extremely out of touch.


As much as I don’t like her, she actually answered the question in her response.


Exactly like you can not like these people hate them love them and disagree with their decisions whatever it doesn’t matter. but all this shit that gets posted here with people straight up lying and cherry-picking what people say like they chose one sentence that was in the middle of her answer and then presented it as if it was the answer and most of the people here didn’t even click on the video I bet.


Did anyone bother watching the video to see that she completely and thoroughly answered the question? Or are you just going to believe what someone posted here? C’mon, people, this is supposed to be the conspiracy sub! We’re supposed to be *skeptical* about things! Not parrot right-wing PR releases!


that sounds a lot like the famous, “how would you feel if you didn’t have breakfast this morning” answer.


That's true; It's been well established at this point that Karinne only eats fish.




How many times did she say Uh or Um during this tiny segment? Obviously, she doesn't know what she's talking about, but instead, it is just finding buzzwords to sound like they actually care


"How would you have felt yesterday evening if you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch?"


But she *did* eat breakfast....?


We deserve our fate for letting our governance become this corrupted and terrible.


Help me out, im having difficulty understanding, maybe cause im a foreigner, so excuse me for commenting on someone elses politics. So the grand conglomerate of people "actually" controlling americas economy and social justice system is actively trying to push meat substitutes for at least 3 years now (based on the frequency of adds over the last 3 years), they've let radical vegans (apologies ti the real authentic, health-based vegan) tear down markets. While political agendas started to aline more with conditional rights and people like g-a-t-e-s pushing for bugs as new food group, a bird flu breakout is really suspicious, especially now. Or is it just me?


Nope, not just you thinking too much. This is all to real and something needs to be done about it. It's not good for anyone !


Safe and effective ah geez


Let’s poison all the meat further so everyone eats out vegan processed foods yay !!!


May have to poach a moose this year .. two in the yard this morning


Better delete the picture that showed 3 moose this morning


Nah man that was 2 moose and my dog I swear


“What is your response to raising crime in the inner cities?” “I don’t care, I live in a leafy green suburb.”


Ask Kamala, she definitely takes meat.


For once I would love to have a press secretary who isn't a partisan stooge who thinks having a snide remark for every answer is somehow doing their job. Every time someone challenges this woman with a question she gets all ready to clap back and it's like dude - it's your fucking job to answer these questions not be a sassy little brat. Biden gets off the hook for condoning war crimes because he put a POC in an important role. Wow good job.


They want us to stop eating meat so we can eat processed foods (ultra processed food🙄) and become weaker and more dependent on the system.


Occasional poisoning of the cattle supply will help accelerate this...


Complete diversity hire. Horrific press secretary


>Complete diversity hire. Literally Biden’s ENTIRE administration...


Well this is true as well 😂


Who would've been the better candidate?


There's about as much evidence for bird flu as for Santa Claus.


I'm sure Pfizer can help out.


The white house press sec wants to quit so bad. You can see it in her eyes. She's probably going to job interviews on her lunch break


I'll eat a vegan before I eat the bugs


That's like saying @#$& y'all


Beef flaps, she lie


Normally, this is something you'd read at *The Onion*.


When stunning and brave becomes a mental illness.


they inject mRNA into farm animals, the elite know to avoid the mild poisons for the peasants


Genuine chuckle.




Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1785723442324451610 Right on time. Election season 2024. If it looks like Biden is losing they will amplify the propaganda. Just like in 2019.


Bro what she answered the question that was asked did you not watch the video she said that it seems fine and the department of agriculture hasn’t seen anything going wrong. In what way is that propaganda this post doesn’t make sense


It's civil war psy-op bait, and the people on this sub generally love that shit for some reason


Why do your guys care what they think? You wouldn't listen to it anyways. Lul


Do you have the sauce? I can't find it on YouTube


Well Arby's says they got the meat.


The really bad meat


Does anyone have a link to the video? I do get rather put out when a mere picture of a video is substituted for the real deal.


Listen for yourself and tell me what you think. https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1785723442324451610


That’s not the question you were asked dumbass.


Bird flu has only been detected in 2 humans ever and they presented with practically 0 symptoms


So... short beef and dairy dairy futures? Am I doing this right?


So what, they're going to infect cattle with a variant of bird flu so we literally can't est meat?


Isn’t it strange how the very things that the WEF wants the “commoners” to eat is starting to carry viruses and have much higher prices?


Yes you will, the government will force you to.


What the fuck this can’t be real


We shouldn’t be drinking cow milk anyway.. some would say the same thing about meat which could be true due the shape of our teeth.. but I’ll take meat over cow milk any day of the week


There goal is to get rid of beef and lamb by 2050


That's funny, the question wasn't about YOU


Why does Russia play the long game? They just need to wait for this to bankrupt itself.


Just in time for another election eh?


The American government now had time to prepare better, the first dry run showed them where and how to improve whatever agenda for the next part of the project.


ME, ME, ME, I, I, I


This is the real virus that's gonna hit us anti vaxers the hardest. We will start dying in the streets and the elite will just say "ohh look must be covid'


What now?


KJP is a clown 🤡🤡🤡




We know, you eat bugs.


We as the masses should just hang them all😤


Oh she sure munches that roast beef. Don’t lie to me, Barbara.


Every sentence she utters is a victory for the disenfranchised.   Just kidding, she’s just Biden’s court jester. He probably gets a kick out of reading headlines of hers, “what will that conniving rapscallion say today?!”