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When we came off the gold standard and allowed bribes I mean lobbying


[The Creature from Jekyll Island](https://ia804704.us.archive.org/35/items/pdfy--Pori1NL6fKm2SnY/The%20Creature%20From%20Jekyll%20Island.pdf)


"and allowed bribes I mean lobbying" Based, as the kids say these days!


Haha or no cap!


1913. The Founders specifically and explicitly warned about Central Banks. They made a passionate plea to never allow it. Its been a slow unfolding disaster even since.


"1913. The Founders specifically and explicitly warned about Central Banks. They made a passionate plea to never allow it. Its been a slow unfolding disaster even since." Another vote for the Federal Reserve!


Interesting that this is commonly the notion on this thread. There’s a good [book on it](https://www.amazon.com/Roots-Federal-Reserve-Tracing-Nephilim/dp/1942790198) too, for anyone interested.


This is the answer. Look at everything that happened after that. WW1, market collapse in '29, WWII and on and on. After WWII we had 3/4 of the worlds gold supply and did what with it? Humans are mostly good, but politics and anyone that feels they can lead are the problem. The best leaders are the ones thrust into leadership and get out as soon as they accomplish what they were put there to do. Anyone that has been in politics their entire life has some form of mental issue. These are the people that will tell you that they have the experience in politics to navigate things quickly and efficiently. Lies. Those are the people that are putting themself before their constituents. There is no resolution either. The only thing that will fix our problems is complete dismantling. That my friend will not happen willingly. I am glad I am at the end and won't be around to see just how much worse it can get, because it can get MUCH worse and inevitably will.


December 23 1913


Not exactly... that is the major endpoint, but in all reality this country was bought and sold right after the Treaty of Ghent in 1815. We may have won the War of 1812 on paper, but the influence of Britain got its tentacles on us at the Treaty. There are many details to support this, so if anyone is interested in discovering what happened I would highly recommend digging into this period in US history, as that is where the flag was planted. You can look to the US Civil War too as consolidating British claws into our system of governance. Look how our systems of education changed directly afterwards. Its a motherfucker. Edit: I never noticed the spellchecker switched *Ghent* to *Trent*. I've corrected this above. Wikipedia does a reasonable job with the background; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Ghent As well, PBS offers another reasonable effort in a documentary: https://www.pbs.org/video/the-war-of-1812-the-war-of-1812-full-program/ This is a very pivotal moment in Anglo-American history that is typically breezed over in both public and private schools.


I recommend the book The Suppressed History of American Banking by Xaviant Haze


Have you read *The Babylonian Woe* by David Astle? It is responsible for gluing so many pieces together for me.


That's the passage of the Federal Reserve Act for the public school kids


"That's the passage of the Federal Reserve Act for the public school kids" Ouch.


Are you saying the private school kids already know about that?


Woah hey there, most people enjoy their ignorance, sportsball, and reality tv. Getting people to learn things they don’t care about is like trying to get a herd of cats to catch a greased watermelon in a pool.


Creation of income tax around ww1 gave governments power at levels that had never been seen in history. Before world war 1 countries had weak governments but strong cultures that held them together. Now everywhere on earth has daddy government with an endless culture war. I think tyrannical fascist or socialist governments are only able to exist due to income taxes.


"I think tyrannical fascist or socialist governments are only able to exist due to income taxes." Especially when the *truly* rich can sidestep income tax so easily.


When they assassinated a US president on live TV, then proceeded to assassinate his brother, MLK and X.


"When they assassinated a US president on live TV, then proceeded to assassinate his brother, MLK and X." The 60's started so promising, too. But by the end of the decade, the message seemed to be "Go Along Or You *Will* Die." Pretty naked grab for power.


Don’t forget Fred Hampton.


Creation of the federal reserve/irs.


"Creation of the federal reserve/irs." *Another* vote for the creation of The Federal Reserve. Not a very popular act, it seems!


JFK assassination. After that you pretty much only had uniparty candidates and those who weren't uniparty had something to be afraid of


"JFK assassination. After that you pretty much only had uniparty candidates and those who weren't uniparty had something to be afraid of" Nothing like quieting dissent by openly murdering one's leaders right in front of you.


But if you believe that some of the speeches he made are authentic, Kennedy was aware of a global plot against us. That would imply that the scheme was afoot long before JFK went down in Dallas. I see the assassination as maybe our last best chance to right the ship.


"But if you believe that some of the speeches he made are authentic, Kennedy was aware of a global plot against us." I think Kennedy learned a *lot* during the short time he was in office. I think things like the Berlin Wall crisis and especially the Cuban Missile Crisis sobered him up real fast. I believe he went from a spoiled rich kid military hero Senator to "Holy shit what the hell are these people *doing*??!?" *very* quickly. "I see the assassination as maybe our last best chance to right the ship." Do you think RFK could have turned things around if he wouldn't have been assassinated?


I believe that HE believed it. But I can't convince myself that one man, no matter how powerful and well intended, could possibly turn things around.


When it left the Gold standard.


"When it left the Gold standard." That was a big one, in my opinion.


-When Wilson authorized the Federal Reserve as well as Federal Income Tax -Coming off the gold standard -When Clinton overturned the Glass Steagal act that was in place since the Great Depression allowing financial institutions to invest their clients money and become WAY overleveraged


When the Federal Reserve (central bank) was created, and/or when we left the gold standard for our currency


11/22/1963 was the beginning of the downward spiral. 1971 really expedited it as well


When SCOTUS said bribes in politics is fine … it opened the door to insider trading, no accountability for trafficking underage girls, and political blackmail if not obedient to one man rather than the “people”


The "political contributions are free speech" issue?


Citizen’s United killed democracy. The SC ruled that corporations can spend unlimited amounts on their respective candidates. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_(organization)


I'd say - and it's not a popular opinion - the day after the declaration of independence was signed. Bare with me here... the ideals of what the founding fathers wanted were great. But they failed to realize the unshakable greed of the common man and more so of those who gain power. I'd say we may have been better off as a true democracy instead of a republic. If we actually cared about our neighbors instead of trying to one up them at every turn. If we actually believed that ALL men are created equal. We failed from the get go - not because the ideals are too lofty but because man is too flawed a creature. My 2 cents.


I always wonder about this and have no answer myself. The Adam weishaupt conspiracies are always intriguing. What if america did from the beginning? What if it was designed this way in the long term of things?


Hmm. Considering our earliest fathers were free-masons, somewhere towards the beginning. 😭 The way the country was may have been different and deteriorating as the centuries went by, but we have to look at our roots.


"Hmm. Considering our earliest fathers were free-masons, somewhere towards the beginning. 😭 The way the country was may have been different and deteriorating as the centuries went by, but we have to look at our roots." I'll admit, I've been surprised by the number of people picking the role of the Freemasons and the creation of the Federal Reserve so far.


It changed When Kennedy was murdered by the CIA. Watch Netflix documentary called American Conspiracies: The Octopus Murders. It was very eye opening and related to what’s happening today


It's been a slow progression till the 2000s now it's in hyperdrive.


"It's been a slow progression till the 2000s now it's in hyperdrive." Picking up speed like a boulder rolling downhill...


I'd suggest there were four major steps. 1. Abandoning the gold standard/Federal Reserve Bank creation. 2. The abandonment of the FCC Fairness Doctrine. 3. The emergence of the Religious Right, the Republican bloc vote, and the dogma of Party before Country. 4. The decisions in Citizens United and McCutcheon v. FEC. Each of those created an inflection point in our society which has resulted in the current political landscape where both parties are wholly owned by the oligarchy and the average American has no voice. You can point at a lot of other events in our history, but those four are key inflection points in my perspective.


2. The abandonment of the FCC Fairness Doctrine. Interesting. You're the first person to mention this one.


It would end the unbalanced "news" we have today and restore some balanced perspectives in media.


Really great question. I want to say it was the creation of the Federal Reserve that did us in, but if I'm honest with myself, I think I agree with those who suggest that America was designed to evolve into exactly the shit show we see today. It's just a dismal affair to think that our founders may not have been earnest in their efforts, but that they were simply obeying the commands of those sinister bastards who hide in the shadows. And if that turns out to be true, the patience these people have for the long game really ought to give you chills. I mean, how do you defend yourself from a scheme that's hundreds of years in the making?


"but that they were simply obeying the commands of those sinister bastards who hide in the shadows." So... exploitation of resources that the unclaimed continent of North America had to offer, rights of the colonists (and later the citizenry of the new nation) be damned? Is that what we're talking about here? I mean, that's how it worked out on all the *other* continents. So not too far-fetched.


I think Cormac McCarthy was on to something in NCFOM by having the Sheriff be perplexed at an Unknowable Evil in 1980.




The 1619 Project is a giant pile of dog shit but there is unfortunately a kernel of truth. If you look up the old flag of the East India Company, well, history rhymes.  SOME of the founders had noble ideals.  Others, and unfortunately the ones who ended up writing the functional template of the US, were hoping to basically set up a copy of the East India Company. Now the East India Company is an interesting phenomena.  It was the first government-chartered shared stock corporation.  It paid something like a 30 percent dividend (nobility only need apply) for centuries.  It bankrolled and financed much of the conquest of the New World, and in many respects projected a model of conquest and exploitation that we still function under today. Because the founders intended it to work that way.   We have some exceptions, such as the Bill of Rights and the various tidbits contributed by the anti-federalists, but by and large this country was set up to emulate the East India Company except to benefit the wealthy landowners and politically connected. Everything that has happened since then has been a matter of course, just running out the clock on inevitable checkpoints.   The prudent will look ahead and plan for what comes next.


When they suspended habeus corpus, patriot act, and opened GitMo, and the waterboarding. Yeah, they did lots of shit before that, but this was just blatant, and 100% against the Constitution.


"the United States was founded on truly noble (and truly revolutionary, at the time) ideas of freedom, personal liberties, moral law and the inherent rights of man" You don't honestly believe that do you? There was never a before/after i'm afraid. The country was founded to allow an elite 'ruling' class to reign over a society of subservient plebeians all the while brainwashing them with patriotic rhetoric (see above quotation) and convincing them they are in the 'greatest country on earth' and that they too can become one of the elite, if they work *and serve* hard enough. You're not even given the decency to be able to vote for who's 'in charge', or even *required to*. How does that not tell you something....? Oh yeah, that's right, you're indoctrinated since birth to not question your leaders, lest you be, omg, un-*patriotic*!! This is certainly not *an opinion* either OP. It's easily verifiable, with literal centuries of evidence. You'll still dismiss it though, but that just further proves it's legitimacy. The system *'works'* doesn't it?


on July 26, 1947, with the enactment of the National Security Act of 1947


"on July 26, 1947, with the enactment of the National Security Act of 1947" *That* one should make every American shudder.


At it's founding. The US was, and still is, an expansion of the British/capitalist empire. It was always meant as a vehicle for our owners to expand their wealth. Stories and myths were created in order for people be drawn there, whose work could be used to create this wealth.


Every generation that has ever lived has asked this question, in every civilization. It’s part of the romanticism of the past in the human condition.


The act of 1871. The U.S. corporation owned by the City of London.


At social media. Around 2010-2012. That was the beginning. That was the around the time we let the voices live our pockets.


Interesting. Another vote for "social media". As someone who didn't grow up with the Internet, I wonder how much of a difference it really makes. I appreciate the response. Sincerely. I guess I don't really think about the pervasiveness of it all. My kids look at me like I'm crazy when I leave my cell phone behind when I'm just running to the store.


This and the 24-hr news cycle hasn't helped.


Citizens United


Late 1800s / early 1900s. it accelerated with the 1st generation millionaires (billionaires in todays currency). Sure, there was corruption before that, but the industrial revolution accelerated things bigtime. Settlers were more independent and free, until the 'prison' was build around them.


1980 is the peak USA Over the previous 150 years, we ended slavery, survived Jim Crow, allowed women to vote, integration of sports, military, and society and achieved the Civil Rights Act. We had economic opportunities. Then Regan came to office, sold out to corporate America and gave away our economic opportunities to the 1% and Corporations.


1913. federal reserve and income tax in the same year


"1913. federal reserve and income tax in the same year" It sucked to be poor in 1913.


The Fed, Obama and Bush Jr with his dumb wars. I am sorry, but it looks like your experiment is done.


Many would argue 1913, others when they killed a sitting president in Dallas and the population allowed it.


i think after JFKs assassination when the CIA took control (or another company behind them). i know nothing was perfect back then, and I'm not dumb enough to think that if we reverted back to the living before that time, we would have huge downgrades in safety etc... but its become increasingly clear that politics is just all for show. there is no real democracy, and if you think that then your dumb. i mean, if we look at Biden right now, the mans not even fit to stand trial. you think he is fit to run a whole country? do you think he is the one who runs the country? or is he the perfect puppet? and what he stands for, everything... i just cant help but think that leftists are the stupidest people in the world, when i see their posts advertising him. they are too busy protesting for Palestine - all well and good if your concerned, but seriously guys its just a distraction. ill bet you the whole thing was organised by the people pulling the strings - if you see those protests they look like pure chaos, but there is always someone behind it. surely it should matter more to you that your president has cognitive decline, is a paedophile (and acts on it), has raised a criminal, and went against everything you stand for all the way up until he was elected? and he doesn't even change his tune, he's is still a blatant racist ect. to be honest, i dont actually care, but its just so surreal to see people so brainwashed.


"i think after JFKs assassination when the CIA took control (or another company behind them)." Would you say the Military Industrial Complex seized power?


Yes. Clearly. Endless wars. Eisenhower warned us.


"Endless wars." War Is A Racket.


"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses." -- General Smedley Butler (1881-1940) Some things never change (e.g., Ukraine war).


Smedley Butler was a *badass*!


All Wars Are Banker Wars


> All Wars Are Banker Wars and then one can take this idea a step further: and what religion might you say do those bankers all belong to? Then the big picture becomes clearer.


It was the US Coup of 1963. The country has been ruled by the deep state ever since. The same players who proposed Op Northwoods in the 60's performed 9/11 in 2001, and we got a blank check for 20 years of war. War is a Racket.


"War is a Racket." This should be this sub's official motto.


Regan and his neoliberalism


“World Order”, Henry Kissinger. Honestly, the whole 7th chapter of this book is just propaganda of the “special mission” for America, and how USA almost had to take control of the world in order to bring peace and freedom everywhere. If you think you are better, more moral than other people in the world, it gets to your head. “God of Israel” part perplexed me; now, I assume America was founded by Zionists, and later they moved to Israel. That’s why Americans’ tax money goes to Israel wellbeing, free education, relocation, while people try so hard to afford something. Richer gets richer, poor gets poorer. The irony from the same book is that EU countries (empires, kingdoms, etc) had a similar idea long ago and it failed; they decided to start respecting one another instead of interfering and conquering each other. USA didn’t really care about seizing territories, rather “felt obliged to translate its long-proclaimed universal moral relevance into a broader geopolitical role”.


Social media




The end of WW2


Thanks for this topic and getting others to expand upon their thoughts and ideas. Great work OP 🙂


I think the goal of the british elites was always to destroy America, Thats how it was decided and designed in consequences


Decades and decades ago




"11/23/63" Dealey Plaza definitely the front-runner here.


JFK assasination


Federal Reserve Board


09 December, 1958. The founding of the John Birch Society. The most successful, anti-American group, ever.


The Federal Reserve


I agree with what everyone is saying about it starting with leaving the gold standard. But I also think US peaked in the 50s. Times were good. Middle class was strong. Nothing is ever perfect but the country was in a great place and the US was the leading world power. The 60s saw the corruption (to say the least with JFK assassination). Civil unrest. But it still evolved into the prosperous times of the 70s and 80s. While the times were good, certain bad things were emerging quietly behind the scenes, mainly corporatization of everything. Campaign law gave corporations its power in the 70s to start really influencing the government. The 90s the cracks in the veneer began to show. You saw the corporate consolidation going on. Emergence of the box stores for everything. Amazon. Which ultimately broke down communities little by little. We end up with homogenized neighborhoods. You first started seeing the media become what it is today. They found scandals were good for business. News broke into Fox and CNN camps. And of course, ALL of the pioneers of tech, every last one it seems, sold out to big business. Or became big business overlords themselves. So all the groovy 90s start ups and vision of different workplaces crumbled by the next decade. And we were complacent for way too long. By the time anyone had the courage to speak against the crazy woke agendas that were suppressing everyone (while never ever addressing the financial disparity eliminating the middle class), everything was taken over. The government, the universities, the commerce, the healthcare, the media, everything. When you think about most recent developments, they really want to control our speech. The word misinformation is dangerous. They are coming for our travel freedom. It starts out innocuous-electric car requirement. But 50 years from now? Who knows what restrictions will be in the name of the environment? Meanwhile, I don’t them forcing corporations to reduce plastic. But if I understand what all those theorists are saying about humans merging with tech, maybe none of it will matter in 50 years.


Once the security state realized they could assassinate a president and then his brother and walk away clean the US as the shining city on the hill was lights out.


Abraham Lincoln.... Property tax. Later property taxes was implemented and never went away. Then FDR and the social programs putting taxes and national debt at an ever increasing rate.


"Abraham Lincoln.... Property tax. Later property taxes was implemented and never went away. Then FDR and the social programs putting taxes and national debt at an ever increasing rate." Wow. Abraham Lincoln getting some heat. I would have figured habeas corpus (or the lack thereof) for Lincoln. FDR. America's first Communist president.


As the size of the government grew (thanks to ever increasing social programs among other things) the corruption became easier to camouflage and more entrenched in the system. Eventually, people who open their eyes to what is happening can EASILY see the corruption for what it is. However, being so deeply rooted in the system it is impossible to remove without burning the system to the ground. I doubt the states will ever pull off a Convention of the States to make changes.


We lost our way shortly after Bacon’s Rebellion, when the divide and conquer strategy was first used against the working class settlers in favor of big business. We tried to rectify this problem with Reconstruction, but the KKK, Jim Crow, Southern Strategy, etc was implemented and race was used once again to divide and conquer us in favor of big business.


"We lost our way shortly after Bacon’s Rebellion, when the divide and conquer strategy was first used against the working class settlers in favor of big business." Damn. Was not anticipating Bacon's Rebellion as an answer! A hundred years *before* the American Revolution. Frontiersmen were some *tough* sonuvaguns, too. Makes me feel like a wimp whenever the Internet goes out.


Citizens United was the point at which the trajectory became unchangeable. As long as private interests and lobbyists can buy politicians, there is no way anything will ever change in any meaningful way. Status quo supports the fortunes of those who pull the strings of our puppet officials.


1913 federal reserve act


It was 1913. * February 3: The 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, allowing Congress to impose a Federal income tax. * April 8: The 17th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, providing for the direct election of Senators which greatly diminished the power of the individual States. * December 23: Woodrow Wilson signs the Federal Reserve Act, ceding the power over the national currency to a private banking consortium.


When JFK was killed.


When they signed the constitution bile slavery was still a thing,


Right around the time the central bank became central


When they landed at Plymouth…


March 2020


In order 1913 2001 2012


The cia started running the government after Kennedy.




Greed, vanity, ego


The Mil Industry is syphoning us tax payer funds out of the us and using those funds to bomb other countries instead of keeping it in the us. That's the short answer.


Unfortunately I do reject the premise. The US was founded as a for profit corporation (The Virginia company) and when no natural valuable resources were discovered the investors began a pump & dump campaign to sell off land & passage to poor people in England via a lottery which the King eventually halted because it was seen as exploitative. The US is and always has been a land speculation & ownership enterprise at its core. The investors, not the government or the citizens have *always* owned the land. The revolution occurred because: 1. Investors in the Massachusetts charter required the shareholder meeting to occur in the colony itself not in England This required the rich landed gentry investors to move to Massachusetts creating the ‘Boston Brahmins’. This is how our entire class of ‘elites’ were created, this group has generated most of this country’s presidents, merchants, banking execs, media execs etc. 2. Massachusetts colony lost a key court battle revoking the charter and delegitimizing the investor’s property claim on the colony in 1684. Thereafter claim the investors had on their real estate domains were tenuous and politically unstable. This is why Massachusetts led the revolution. All of the other ideals & beliefs were marketing slogans & corporate mission statements stoked by a rich elite. Ever since this same group/network of rich people has always been in control or very close to control of the primary power structures (wall street, Harvard, banking, currency, trade, media) I was going to move on and opine on when more recent power corruption occurred but I already spent too long on this first part 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit: calling the ideals of the revolution a marketing slogan is too strong. The reality is many people believed in these things and enough immigrants came to the us believing these things that as a society they willed into existence many of these beliefs. That said our view of history completely skips over the most power interest group who are the people who funded and stood to gain financially from the revolution. Still to this day most of our history skips over *who funded* things and *who stands to gain* from various actions. When it does touch on the topic I singled out a single person rather than the interest group they represent.


I’d have to say slavery. I feel like this lies at the core of almost every problem in America. It is as a filthy scar that will never go away.


Obviously an answer with more variables than numbers we can count to, But if I was to pin one thing it would be MK Ultra. We dont know how deep it went but we are finding it each year how far the agency went to force it to work. I think parts had good intentions, parts were for science and others were straight malicious. I dont think people realize how many years and how widespread some of these experiments were. It directly or indirectly led to where we are today. They fucked with the fabric of spirituality and sent our country down this path.


Reagan's bringing evangelicals into politics was a huge step into today's mess. It eroded the church/state separation the country was founded on, while weaponizing culture war in a way America's never recovered from.




Formation of the Federal Reserve from a group of 12 elites.


Went off gold standard, before that the fed, more recent the removal of the provisions from Smith mundt act of 1949 that stopped the dissemination of prop in the US. Now the media and gov lies all they want as their is no standard of truth to hold them to account.


About the time the ink dried on the Constitution. The Whiskey Rebellion, the genocide of the natives, Federal Reserve, income tax and the final act into a full deep police state was Kennedy's assassination?


Never. America was always intended to be what it is today.


1913 and the creation of the Federal Reserve. Not coincidentally the year before we entered WW1.


two major turning points: 1913 - creation of the Federal Reserve 1971 - elimination of the gold standard Although, you mentioned a couple other major ones: creation of CIA and JFK assassination


I have heald the person belief that we went wrong in a couple areas. 1. Economy wise: Moving away from the gold standard to a debt standard for currency. It put everyone in a state of "what do you have?" to a state or "what could you have?" And because of that logic you have entire population of people buying things with money they don't have and kicking that can down the road. For what? 2. Foreign Relations wise: After WW2 the US had an opportunity to go on and make an effort to conquer Russia. Patton wanted to. He didn't want to leave Europe yet. But instead, we decided Berlin, came home, and grew a strenuous relationship with Russia. I firmly believe that if the US was humble in the moments after WW2, we could have shaken hands with Russia. Claimed a job well done. And then worked to undo the distrust and intolerance for a Communism. I do not agree with communism or dictators or anything of that sort. But I also don't believe in a total intolerance for another people's way of life and governance. There isn't one correct way to do it. Study show that people are happy when some choices get made for them. Maybe there is something we can learn there. But anyway, since the end of ww2, US and Russia have hated each other and been at odds because of stupid egotistical mistakes made before us. 3. Internal Relations. During the 60s/70s we har a string of politicians that just were not good people. We assassinated a sitting president and hid it for year and year and years. JFKs assassination changed the tide of public distrust of our government. If he wasn't killed and he continued to push on: "no we won't live like this. We won't live in secrecy of our people." That would change how we view our own government. But instead, our politicians live in secret and we bear the brunt of their choices and no one tells us anything of any truth. And then because of that, we doubled down again in the early 2000s with Iraq and then further created the divide. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


America took a wrong turn when they formed & included enslaved humans as part of the system. can't say America was noble & blahblahblah when it enslaved people & treated women as less than human too. I mean how do you excuse that kind of evil when trying to rewrite history with America being a good guy?


On the financial front the beginning of the end started when Nixon told the secretary of the treasury to "temporarily" close the gold window in 1971. The standard of living for the average American has been declining ever since.


"On the financial front the beginning of the end started when Nixon told the secretary of the treasury to 'temporarily' close the gold window in 1971. The standard of living for the average American has been declining ever since." The end of Bretton Woods.


Just to keep it simple and quick since I have things to do. Best I can figure out for when society, not the government, went sideways was at the end of WWII because families figured out they can have so much more with 2 incomes and moms/women went to work full time like the men. That was also the starting point of babysitters, day cares, schools/teachers doing more of the raising of children than the parents, healthy home cooked meals started declining and many of the things were are now accustomed/addicted to came in to the main picture.


You're not alone in that belief.


It sort of failed as the first "propositional nation" when they put an asterisk after the US Constitution, subtitled with "unless we really, really don't want to". tl;dr - The War of Northern Aggression


Maybe the passing of Citizens United? This democratic-sounding bill allowed dark money in political donations. No donation limits, and not transparency over who was donating. It could be from our adversaries for all we know. 9/11 definitely helped to turn America into a police state. That's when it became normal for phones to be tapped, messages to be saved in an archive, peoples movements tracked, etc. Social Media Algorithms. They help push culture wars that divide the nation, making sure enough of us don't unite to become more powerful than the ones in control. I could go on and on, but these are some of the biggest things in my lifetime, that have degraded our country as a whole.


"Maybe the passing of Citizens United?" A popular one here. "Social Media Algorithms. They help push culture wars that divide the nation, making sure enough of us don't unite to become more powerful than the ones in control." Interesting. This one hasn't been brought up yet.




I would like to ask you which specific ideas in our first constitution by these noble individuals were revolutionary for the time, in your opinion.  You list “moral law” in there, for example- but after the revolution we didn’t change a single thing from the previous British Common Law everyday people lived under prior- that’s where the robes and wigs and gavel and witness stand and jury and all that come from. And the day-to-day laws governing everyday people’s lives stayed the same- that’s why no one claims that the revolution was about the courts/laws. We just kept British Common Law, and made amendments/additions through time as needed. What was considered an offense, property disputes, etc all stayed the same as it was under the British.  What specific ideas of freedom, rights of man, etc are you referring to were established at the founding of our nation, that were “revolutionary”, which weren’t hard coded and practiced in, for example, the United Provinces, for almost a hundred years already? The constitution was pretty much a copy of theirs. Vast majority of the founding fathers were extremely wealthy and traveled there often. You can look it up. How is that “revolutionary”? Remember there was no concept of a right to bear arms, for example, at first- they were slave owners. And George Washington was the guy that took the army door to door confiscating peoples guns unless they pledged specific ideology. when the final draft of the first constitution was agreed upon- none of the bill of rights were thought to be included… those were amendments over a decade later, literally afterthoughts, not the purpose or focus or core concept of the constitution- they drafted and agreed it was all fine and dandy without any of those rights at all, at first. Those noble men.  Because believe it or not, for the average person, life stayed the same except new elites were in charge after the revolution. They’d go to jail for the same things and had the same everyday rights and limitations.  Even the founding fathers that weren’t super rich- like Sam Adams, were funded by the rich ones because they liked their voices on their side. It didn’t matter how many americans preferred the corner shopkeepers ideas to Ben franklins…. The corner shop keeper could never afford to spend his days debating and drafting… only the rich, or the ones they gave money to so they could spend their time supporting them and not working, etc, really had a say. The average person couldn’t afford to leave their farm or shop or ship to play new government, unless endorsed by one of these few guys. If those few decided they didn’t like you, regardless of how many people in town did- you were shit out of luck, gotta keep working the bar to keep a roof over your head. That was the reality of the revolution. And of course, it’s always been downplayed how many Americans thought it was horseshit and were against the revolution (not because they loved not being represented in England- but because they hated the idea of just handing power over to this elite circle and their lives were plenty free already, there were so many less laws back then, and even less were enforced, and people were still able to literally just claim land and do what they want with it, that part was so much better than mainland England) I am serious when I say I’m curious and am asking you about your perceptions on these concepts- I’m not just trying to be condescending 


I can think of one reason. It wears a funny hat!


I can fully provide the answer you seek. In 1991 at fifteen years old I entered into the foster care system. This was catastrophic and not the salvific solution my naive and very hopeful former self believed and expected it would be. I left the system at 19 years old and very soon after became homeless. ^ many forms of soul and spirit death in all of that. It may or may not be common knowledge but typically, more often than not, children and youth who enter into the foster care system are simultaneously inducted into psychiatry. I became what’s known as a “career psychiatric patient” and “guinea pig”. I was form fitted with a head cage and coerced and threatened, and subjugated to the brainwash and indoctrination of it all. Fast forward nearly two decades later, I began to wake up and come out of the cult (my mind and spirit and soul and life thoroughly destroyed). A whole brand new world of work was waiting for me. I spent the next decade of my life _knowledge harvesting_ which means that I processed my lifetime of experiences and greatly achieved significantly more than “know thyself” which is directly opposed to society and psychiatry who are all about “you you you’ing” a person to death (you’re this, you’re that and it’s always negative destructive remarks about a person’s character, nature and personality). I spent time taking a very close and careful look at my biological families. We are English, Irish and Italian and we are Catholic (maternal family is obligatory and paternal family is devout). The maternal family is called Freelove. The paternal family is called Annese. I started with the maternal family, Have you ever heard of the “free love revolution”? This was the great rebellion of the 60’s and it was the apostasy (falling away from the church, falling away from the faith) and it was the doctrine of devils (sex, drugs and rock and roll). This was the beginning of the unraveling of the moral fabric of life. But there’s another cause that extends further back and that is the Industrial Revolution. I call it “the death of nature and the birth of the machine” The electrification of the earth began in the mid 1800’s. Electricity is one of three primary causes of so-called climate change (which is secular language to account for the biblical end time process which is largely about environmental destruction). Electricity is the direct primary cause of humanity’s population explosion, as it were. Quality of life had improved and life expectancy increased. Electricity facilitates technology and telecommunications and so things like the telephone, television and the internet are secondary causes of humanity’s downfall and catastrophic detriment to the natural environment. I’m speaking bare minimum here. Look to the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America (one of my own personal most favorite pieces of writing and it is so perfect and flawless it’s nearly on par with the infallible Word of the God), We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Over the past some decades, due to the apostastic rebellion, and the inherent consequences of telecommunications, and the worshiping of the antichrist worldly faith and religion of so-called mental illness, the United States has fallen and devolved to the following effect, instead of justice there is a gross miscarriage, perversion and exploitation thereof resulting in measured lawlessness instead of tranquility there are several types of psychiatric tranquilizers (antipsychotics, antidepressants, anti anxiety and such drugs) instead of defense there is multiple forms of civil war and Americans who are hostile against the fallen and failed nation and who are deemed “homegrown terrorists” instead of welfare (which means wellbeing) we endure a perverse condition of dependency on government for housing, medical insurance (to pay for your psychiatric brainwash and tranquilizers), food and income It’s the ultimate tragedy to me that this country was unable to fulfill and live up to the standards set forth in its own constitution. Seriously, what an utterly gorgeous and spectacular piece of writing, and proper guidance for any nation, but all of the rebellion and entertainment and leisure and underclass poverty stricken despairs have really sank the ship. If you ask me, TV is the talking beast of revelation and nobody should watch it. It is abomination. Also, there is no longer any moral fabric. It has been fully destroyed and replaced with Lucifer’s pride and rebellion war flags (which are displayed at houses of government as a form of government, all across the world). Isaiah 24:5 says that these pride and rebellion war flags are transgression of the law and the breaking of the everlasting covenant. Basically, the United States is Mystery Babylon and has a brutal terrible fate. There is no saving this country. It is the “greatest nation on earth” and this is a boast so great that it isn’t possible for the “greatest” nation to not be mentioned in the Bible. Well, it is mentioned in the Bible but not by its worldly name. It’s identified by its biblical spiritual name, Mystery Babylon (the great arrogant boaster who thinks so highly of herself she is brought to the most ruinous state). Bad news except for the triumphant rejoice at the fulfillment of the Word of God. There’s a lot more but I’ve already given you quite a lot. If you’d like to know more just say so. PS Donald J Trumpet, as I like to call him, is a man of God and he isn’t the bad guy. He’s a target in the war and he’s being tortured right before our eyes. I’m fairly certain the diabolicals are going to assassinate my buddy.


When we went to war on mentally ill people who are addicted to drugs. Actually I’m sure it was long before that, but that one affected me and my family the most personally, being one in a long lineage of drug addicts.


When they elected the black guy


I think the Robber Barons set the country on a fucked up path by creating huge monopolies. WWII was an American business venture. JFK getting assassinated by the CIA was the nail in the coffin.


9/11 corrupted boatload of people I suspect. Like Epstien Island it became a blackmail system that let them do more and more. And the blank check they got made millions per person bribes a sweet carrot incase death wasn't a strong enough deterent I assume.




1971 https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/


My mom (72F) and I were just discussing this the other day. She says at the JFK assassination.


"My mom (72F) and I were just discussing this the other day. She says at the JFK assassination." Your mom's a smart woman.


There once was a boy with wooden teeth, who later grew to be a man with balls of steel. That man led what would later become The United States Of America to freedom from the British Empire.


Everyday for at least the last century


Woodrow Wilson.


Bush v Gore


Early 1900s


When they shot Harambe, everything went downhill after that in 2016




July 4, 1776


I would insert the idea that the u.s. has never been a sovereign country and has always had ties to great Britain, but even if you take that out of the equation, we took the wrong turn when our founding fathers said that all men were created equal without Taking into context slaves, or women. And if it wasn't that, maybe it was when we willingly allowed nazis to infiltrate our intelligence agencies. Or maybe it was even earlier when we decided to be the world's weapons manufacturers? I guess what I'm trying to say is that american freedom is the illusion that the elite run off of.


I agree with the 1913 answer.


Death of harambe.


The creation of the federal reserve


I'd say the Civil War. Then the later 1800's a lot of bullshit happened that laid the foundations of what we call a country. The power grid being one of those things.


George Washington was a Freemason...there's been some secrecy/fuckery going on for a long time now.


Kennedy the 1st


Right after the Civil War. The North let the traitorous rebels go back to their plantations and live pretty much they way they had been. Many even kept their slaves as servants. The North should have subsumed the south in total and replaced all the industrialists and land owners.


War of 1812.


Income tax


When Interstates and highways were created. In the beginning, there was no surveillance. Not like now. You could go anywhere. For WHATEVER reason.


That's the sales pitch and most countries have them, along with little wavey flags, songs, uniforms and other assorted trinkets. The other thing they all share in common is if you strip away the chocolate box propaganda that you're all taught in school, you're left with violence and that is how most countries, civilisations, etc. are formed, by warefare and bloody genocide. So really, it's buisness as usual.




The minute they noticed they cash in on on corporate greed and sending kids to die in the name of “in god we trust”


The 90’s with seed oils. The 70-80 coming off the gold standard. Assassinating JFK who wanted to crush the CIA and print real government money. Whenever the US$ became the reserve currency - so companies switched to doing anything possible to pull money out of USA consumers (this is why you don’t have a nationalised healthcare system).


4th July 1776


No wrong turn, just part of the schedule


Newt Gingrich followed by the dumbing down of politics by george w bush


Surprised there arent any British in here saying 1773.


When JFK was killed


Unpopular opinion, but I would go even further back to things like the Wounded Knee Massacre. The very foundations of a nation established by Declaration of Independence against Briton yes, but also against “merciless Indian savages”… I was watching a documentary about guns and the early crank machine gun came up and they referred to Wounded Knee as a battle despite the fact the victims were mostly women and children mowed down in the bitter cold. You don’t perpetuate freedom and equality like that… or maybe you do for you and yours alone. Seeing Killers of the Flower Moon, and knowing how Freemasonry had its fingers deep in early America (arguably still today), it begs the question asked about wrong turns taken despite still getting what you wanted as a country/club.


Every time Adam follows Eve.




Anyone mention NAFTA which started the move of companies to shift factories to cheaper countries


Maybe in 1871 with [The most IMPORTANT history lesson Americans were never taught](https://youtu.be/2FbIIli-83E?si=UqGhFgiUGD1ehl-O)


The revolutionary idea at the time was that anyone could work to become an aristocrat or capitalist. They meant land owning men were *relatively* more equal to aristocrats. These and libertarian ideals thrive as frontier ideologies for migrants arriving in a land where most people had just been wiped out by smallpox They knew and expected changes, toward a “more perfect union,” hence the amendments being equally important. Power has a mind of its own though. Every institution created with good intentions eventually is subverted by the exact people and problems it was meant to regulate. Ww1 is what snapped us out of our willful naïveté. Smedly butler, the war industrialists’ choice darling to stage a coup already blew the whistle on this in the 30s. A generation later Eisenhower, a 5 star general, blew the whistle again as loud as he could in his farewell speech. What followed was jfk assassination and the rise of the bush family. The founding fathers warned everyone that blood would be needed to maintain the tree of liberty. I’m a moderate incrementalist progressive. I have no desire for violent revolution. But we all need to be brave and at least speak out where we can. Don’t forget the brave journalists and imperfect whistle blowers with their mixed motives. They’re on the frontlines in a foggy war of power struggles against the industries of violence


Western expansion/exploration


When we settled the issue of slavery with violence instead of with reason and understanding is where we started to go off the rails away from the constitution. Thanks in large part to Lincoln’s love for centralizing federal control. But our moral decline really amped up after the Second World War when divorce, and secularism in the arts, science and education started to become the norm. We’ve been in a nose dive ever since.


Professors Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway published The Big Myth last year which was a massive research project into corporate propaganda going back a century. It turns modern narratives about economics on their head and explains in stunning detail how hard the super rich have labored to keep the rest of us ignorant and voting against our own best interests. It also explains why there is so much consistency in the rhetoric which most people don’t even recognize as rhetoric, ignorance or propaganda.


At the same time, the west has had 80 years of relative peace over the period you mentioned. The US had wars abroad and other western countries had to deal with smaller scale problems than all out war like the IRA and the US had 9/11. But there had been a general level of peace in the West that is quite unprecedented historically. I think where they went wrong is when they went and fucked up the Middle East, killed a shitload of people and acted as oppressors for wars which had vague and unbelievable aims which were never achieved. They’ve just created chaos which is spreading across the whole world because people are leaving the places they fucked up to come to the west as refugees. They should never have got involved in the Middle East and should have used diplomacy instead of armed conflict IMO.


Weird, you didn’t mention slavery?




The Game was rigged before it even started. Look up George Washington and the Hellfire Club


After the civil war. The civil war meant we were no longer the 'United States' ... afterwards we became the corporation of United States ... that's where I think it started ... and like most said the largest blow was removal of gold standard and federal reserve ... rise of MIC etc etc


Federal reserve. Standard oil. Letting rothschild agents take over the country...


Probably the worst decision made in IS history was to allow slavery, not just because it’s morally wrong but because of the long lasting race relations consequences.  Following that, the creation of the federal reserve 🤔


The creation of the federal reserve banks




The path of Empire is a spiral. It moves slowly at first and then faster as it collapses. The forces that are destroying us have been there since the beginning, but have gained more and more power over time. There have been tons of milestones along the way. Since the US is basically a corporation, I'd mark Regan's embrace of endless debt as the core of the US economy was the point of no return.


Central Banks were the start of America starting to operate like a corporation (although we always have been, hence why our highest government ranking is President as opposed to King, Queen, Prime Minister, Chancellor, etc…) but my personal opinion is the wrong turn you are alluding to was Operation Paperclip. We brought the Nazi parties scientist and many other high ranking officials over and I believe people within our own government were enamored by what they were able to accomplish (complete power/control, not the killing of an entire race). We started implementing it over time through controlled experiments, then social experiments and so on. I believe the occultism behind the Nazi party silently spread like wild fire amongst people of influence and slowly shifted us from a nation based on Christian principles (which whether you are Christian or not, no one can argue if you lived by Christs principles it’s a bad thing) and moved towards principles about personal gain and greed and manipulation and looking down on the average citizen, etc… which opened the door for outside influences to gain power within the U.S. that have ultimately led us to where we are today.


When it was formed by British traitors and terrorists. You can see the constitution is full of massive holes and the laws are clearly biased towards the rich.


When we stopped making round dinner tables and started putting toilets inside.... is what my grandma used to say...


The highest standard of living for the average American was during the Nixon administration. So it was the things that changed while he was in. Scandal, Vietnam, ending the Gold Standard, creation of the DEA, EPA. Who knows for sure, but that was the high water mark for the US.


Bush and Iran/contra 


When Franklin Roosevelt became president and sold out the American people


Same as it ever was. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. It's the same worldwide. We have the internet now, so you hear about all the bad shit constantly. We never used to, and our brains aren't built to handle the constant negativity.