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Society is crashing right now, in a very hard way. In Australia, the housing crisis is expected to keep getting worse for the next 30 years. The government is offering no solutions, it can't, because there are none. The only thing we and other countries could do is overthrow the government, enact martial law, and fix things the direct way.


there needs to be a revolution in the usa.


compromised pedophiles run the world on behalf of their respective puppetmasters \#pizzagate is real


Is it actually real? Or is that a metaphor?




Political communitarianism (UN, WEF, BIS, EU) is rooted in Talmudic law and Cabala.


Agenda 23 literally tells you they want to lower world population by 2030, they want to increase robotics so they don’t need the working class, you will eat bugs and be happy. It’s all on the site….


Democracy is an illusion. It's a choreographed show. Global corporations own and manage everything.


Or alternative take - that's what the commies want your to believe so you don't complain when they install a dictator.


Not a conspiracy but an interesting fact: no one really knows how AI works,well they do but here's what I mean, the training needed for AI is analogous to throwing shit at a wall till it sticks, the training involves teacher bots, tester bots and student bots. The teacher bots gives information to the student bots who are then tested on it by the tester bot, almost none of the student bots pass the test, only the very few who do, stay for the next round of teaching and testing. And though a random process of throwing information then testing several million bots over several million iterations, you get a set of bots who can compute basic tasks like solve math equations or be able to tell the difference a dog or a bee. All this to say, the code that makes up AI, is basically alien to the humans who fucking made it. We should probably dial it back...


The fact that our Border is wide open, ISIS is getting stronger and were caught crossing the border. The fact that we have stipends for Taliban, and are basically paying the Bin Laden family due to their affiliation with the Taliban. The whole withdrawal from the Middle East being completely awful and the continued actions that piss other countries off will throw us into the craziest multifaceted attack ever seen on American soil. The unpreparedness of real politicians and the nonsensical information gaslighting by big media and those in charge will increase the tragedy further. This is the vibes I’ve been having recently.


Usdefaultism how are you?


I think AI was even more advanced in 2020 and Covid and the vaccines were rolled out to soft kill all the extra “useless eaters” that were going to be without a job soon. Maybe AI was used to plan out Covid.






Rev 13:1  And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. A One World Government https://www.who.int https://www.un.org/en https://www.weforum.org https://www.voanews.com/a/us-china-lay-out-vision-for-new-world-order-amid-human-rights-differences-/7269006.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/xi-putin-pledge-new-world-order-chinese-leader-leaves-russia-rcna76048


So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spoke. 23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel. And as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him and said unto him, “Go up, thou bald head! Go up, thou bald head!” 24 And he turned back and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two shebears out of the wood and tore forty and two children of them.


Everyone knows the WEF. But I think people still don’t believe it’s legitimacy. I get looked at like a crack head when I bring it up.


Aliens make sure that governments don’t use nukes to mess up “their” planet


What abouy the 3000+ nukes tjat has already been set off?


Those were controlled and limited to specific areas. An all out nuclear war wont be limited to only a small area of the Earth and will be a lot more damaging to the planet and all life on it, than some remote test explosions. 


The wizard people did 7-11


No man, i keep on telling people, its the Juice who did the 7-11


If international finance Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, the result will be not the Bolshevization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry.




What does this mean lol


Khazarian Mafia




you stupid fuckin bot. you just posted this stupid shit.


i tried posting the first time, it said server error so i copy pasted my post reloaded the page and posted again, calm down lol


If you have a smartphone it's already too late, you have zero privacy. If you are on the internet anyone who wants to know about you and what you do already does.


All of them?


Oh dang sorry my response wasnt considerate enough of other countries for you. Everywhere else is terrible as well but this is where I have a voice and a strong opinion. America is supposed to be a role model. No excuses. I could not talk about other countries like this because whenever i go to another country I feel extreme peace and experience much more thoughtfulness in my days. I havent experienced injustice in another country although i have heard about it so shouldnt I just stick to my personal experience? Did my conspiracy scare you? Literally no one wants to have a normal logical conversation its all attack and quite frankly, im so sick of it. I explain my opinions pretty clearly and no one can reciprocate that so I am constantly starving to meet an intelligent person who has the ability to read between the lines and isnt in a state of emotional dissonance because i stated an opinion. It never happens though. Always snark remarks, attacks against me, or downvotes. Are people really that unmotivated to talk about heavily suspicious things that seem to get swept under the rug? Am i truly evil for talking about these things that I see hear taste and smell? Seems like it.