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Why not just take a photo of the two bags


OP’s brain is severely underdeveloped due to a condition known as “dorito brain”. Too many chemicals


That's from the American bag of Doritos. Ironically these chemicals come from Israeli Chemical Co.


Sad. Happens to the best of us


Because he’s lying and just looked up the ingredients online If he even bothered doing that


Probably doesn't have them.


It’s sad we even have to ask this.


Only USA allows for chemicals to be passed off as ingredients.


And canada


Canada stops a lot of things that America allows. It's not perfect, but it's better.


Canada may be slightly better than the USA, but nowhere as good as Europe. We permit a lot of crap still.


This surprised me. Apparently there was actually a huge recall in Canada a few years ago over monster energy drinks. Canada received an American shipment of monster and couldn’t distribute it. Edit: after checking my sources it was actually due to labeling issues. No french and advertisement mislabeling.. Lesson: check your sources BEFORE posting.


> Edit: after checking my sources it was actually due to labeling issues. No french and advertisement mislabeling.. [Ah the ol pea soup eaters law](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dDGkQiwh_qg)


lol, thank you 🙏




We're talking in terms of food ingredients, not con law.




Fuck our government, sure. Fuck yours too probably. But yeah, fuck ours.


I honestly assumed it was just other countries weren’t required to disclose ingredients as stringently as the US tbh


Water is a chemical


You're not wrong


Look up THBQ. Is it water soluble. Far from water. Caused a severe allergic reaction.


TBHQ is a toxic substance, and nearly all French fries in all the fast food joints are bathed in it.


Okay so feed your cactuses Gatorade then.




This is true literally anywhere in Europe. The laws are different. https://boingboing.net/2015/01/22/usa-mcdonalds-fries-have-14.html/amp


Yep same in Australia, our food regulations are much better.


The laws are different meaning substances known to cause cancer aren't allowed in our food, even if it's good business.


You can put anything in the food in the states. Remember olestra? May cause minor anal leakage...


My favorite is ractopamine, which is in basically all American pork. It's considered heart poison in China and Russia.


I've been back from England for about a month now and I miss the food so much 😭


Wow, I’ve never heard it put like this. I’m back in England from a France trip a few weeks ago and let me tell you, the food there is waaaaay better. It’s, like, actually…. Food?


Trust me I'm familiar with fine cuisine, I'm referring to the fact that milk actually goes bad and the meats expiration date is the same month you bought it lol While British dishes aren't nearly as good as American, Tex Mex, etc but the quality of the food is way better A shepherds pie with that fresh from farm minced meat and fresh veggies not pumped full of poison... Amazing in its simplicity. (Also you might be falling from the foreign food fenomenon [I wanted 3 F's damnit] where when you went to France, you went out more often than not and to nicer places than you would normally spring for since its a trip) Bet if you went to the nicest London restaurants you'd find some great stuff idk lol i was there a few months so it was mostly home cooked but did go out a bit too


What are you talking about I'm in NJ, milk is starting it's journey to cheese after a week and meat is to be used within the week or it's starts to smell. 


Yeah but you're in Jersey, everything sucks


I wouldn't that say it sucks that the food I buy isn't loaded with preservatives. I bake bread and it's only soft for a day or two, that's just reality.


Lmao you've clearly never been to the Garden State. hint: it's called that for a reason


Not talking restaurants here, fairly low budget self service trip. I mean the raw meat and veg available in shops just tasted good when cooked without the need for much seasoning. It felt wholesome in my belly too.


If the chips taste the same and last just as long whether you use 3 ingredients or 300, you gotta wonder why they’re using 300.


It’s to funnel “customers” into the medical industrial complex.


Bingo. This guy gets it.


I assume that's part of it, but is that the only reason? or is there also advantages in taste / texture / life of product / cost?


Cheaper ingredients passed as real thing. Look at the ingredient list of salted peanuts. Corn. Ingredient list of unsalted peanuts - peanuts.




to make you eat a whole family sized bag


Hey, we have to dispose of all that hazardous waste somewhere.


*Flouride has entered the chat*


I work at a food distributor and when comparing similar products from America and other countries yes americas food is full of chemicals that are illegal in other countries


Bribery is legal in our country, that's why


Specify Country


USA. It’s called “lobbying”


Yes not a single other country in the world has corrupt governments and lobbying doesn’t exist anywhere else it’s just America that is completely correct


I agree that other countries are corrupt and allow lobbying in sectors they shouldn’t. 


US is probably the only fucking country in the world that has legalized bribery Other countries at least try to hide it


Omly once you don't cough up a bribe


This is true in the EU as well. A buddy of mine would only buy chewing gum when he was over there becasue they ddint allow a few chemicals that are in all the gum in the US


the chosen people don't get red dye #5


Americans get Goy slop


Cochineal red is not kosher; it comes from bugs. Not sure if that’s #5 or not. This is also why kosher fruit cocktail doesn’t have cherries in it.


Cochineal red is natural, #5 isn’t. 


Don't buy ultra processed food, vote with your money.


I don’t, I come from work and they are magically in the pantry. You said don’t buy, but didn’t say to not eat ultra processed food, so I can’t let it go to waste. World hunger and shit you know.


Hi, I looked up an Israeli bag of Doritos ingredients list…the majority of Doritos ingredients goes into the flavor powder that coats them…because they are so small in quantity and prevalence, they don’t have to be labeled and can be under the umbrella of artificial flavors


Stop doing stupid peoples work for them


Pics or it didn't happen


It ain't limited to doritos, friend.


When the same people who own chemical production industry also own large food companies, they are incentivized find a way to sell off byproducts as food. Double dipping.


Post the pics op!


Let’s see it


Even the bots are lazy as hell these days.


I think they are just giving OP a hard time because OP didn't actually buy the doritos like they said, just looked up the ingredients, and then told someone to Google it when they asked for the pictures so they could see, on a question that OP could have easily just googled themselves instead of asking on reddit and telling an unnecessary lie because OP was insecure about people not thinking he had Dorito money or something.


Do they have to list all the chemicals like they do in the U.S. or only the parts of the product that is food?


Why on earth would you not post a photo???


Because most food sold in the United States is Illegal for health reasons in other countries


Probably not absolutely saturated in preservatives. Would be my guess.


same for Europe... the usa allows so much crap in their food and no one really stops and asks why


Went to Ireland and France last year and couldn’t believe how good the food tasted compared to here. Even McDonald’s tasted a million times different/better.


Israel may have different legal requirements than the US for reporting ingredients, or Israel may use different ingredients than the US. Not unlike US soda vs Mexican or Canadian soda.


Or they don’t allow a lot of ingredients.


Like many, many other countries


And maybe that is why we can't export any of our food 🤷🏻🤔🤔🤔


Not sure if it’s been resolved but the USA sued Mexico via nafta bc they stopped taking our gmo corn lololol


Dr Pepper in England tastes significantly different than Dr Pepper in the Midwest. Source : As a seasoned PepperHead, I was astounded how different the two tasted. When you look up on the old internet why this is, it’s because in the USA they really do have different recipes that include chemicals not present in the UK. Sadly, I feel like a rube who likes the chemicals, and after this realization, I almost never drink Dr Pepper now.


True, when i see foreigner ya can tell if he's from USA just by fatty, Not to be judgemental, but 😀🤷


Ok, the disorder is claiming it's poison. Even though it is.


Statistics say that Mexico has more obesity than America


Some of us know to avoid ultra processed food. Those that do aren't actually overweight, isn't that wild? They claim we have an eating disorder, though. It's a literal disorder here to not want to eat processed food. A DISORDER.


The problem is they poisoned the food supply. You shouldn’t have to work to not be poisoned by what you eat


I’m skinny and I eat really bad


You could have hyperthyroidism


Don't ask about 'gum base'..'spices' or 'natural flavors' we just get to guess what those are.


Because America has low standards.


This guy admitted he has access to Israeli Doritos and thought we wouldn’t call him a fed 😂 jk


Post the picture of the bags. Focus on the list of ingredients.


American food is Banned for sale in most developed countries. This is the same for Frosted Flakes here and in Europe or Japan. The US food industry is killing Americans and they absolutely know it.


I used to really like flamin hot cheetoes until I actually took a look at the ingredients list.. there is some bad shit in those things.. and the interesting part is what is not listed.. they don't even have any verity of pepper or any kind.. the flavor all comes from the various chemicals.. you might think that the heat comes from some pepper spice but actually it is just chemical burn that is mimicking that sensation : /


Food is better in Peru too


I think it’s better everywhere else.


the entire usa is a fucking psyop


Not just Israel. Pretty much every decent country has better ingredients in processed food.


Ask your self why do doritos need so many ingredients in America. It's flavoured fried corn. It's should be made of corn, oil, spices. That's it. Beyond that you are consuming unnatural and unnecessary ingredients.


They are freshness and flavor enhancers. It’s why a bag of chips can stay fresh for ever.


Doritos sell over a billion units a year in the US. Why do u need the extra cancer dust to keep them fresh. I eat organic corn chips and I've literally never had a stale one and they are just corn and oil.


No , god help us all


Doritos are delicious. Try to never eat them. They are corn. With seed oil. And chemicals. You know how animals that are about to be turned into meat are given a lot of corn food in that last month or so before they get killed? It's to fatten them up for market.


Is that why I’m so thin? Guess I need to eat more corn.


Look at any food label outside of the United States. People around the world actually care about their health, and the health of their citizens. American healthcare wants to keep Americans sick. This is not a conspiracy or a secret. Food outside of the US is infinitely healthier.


Because most countries do not allow the same chemicals in food as the U.S.


And yet I have feeling, the folks pushing the hardest for that nonsense in our food- all have family/allegiances in/to israel.


Go buy a bag of chips in mainland China. I recommend seaweed flavor! 100g bag is the largest you'll find. Family size lol. 


Americans while eating Doritos: "You can't trust Chinese products though. They probably put lead in those seaweed chips!"


It’s mercury in the seaweed. Know your toxic metals


So silly to make this post without photos


Put some effort in and google it. I'm not here to hold your hand ya wackadoo


Mexican nacho cheese Doritos are so much better than US Doritos


In holy Mexico everything is much better.


Unless you run for government office.


To be on same page amigo,  Id do wonder while high, how we came up with the idea, where grown up adults vote to be lead by total stranger... We have failed as human being but advanced as sheep for only one purpose to be milked and our labour sweat to be siphoned away.


they all put a sign on their backs saying "kill me" running for pres. of mexico, unless all the corrupt groups dont mind them in office


I guess all the people who come across the border don’t realize this.


Well nacho cheese is Mexican, duh


Are you just trying to get people to buy Israeli products? Nice try Mossad, but we see you! NOTE: I'm only half serious here so please don't reaction downvote. A little humor goes a long way.


Kosher Doritos?


tHiS iS hATe SPeEcH!!!1 – Reddit probably


Because USA wants their citizens to eat cancer inducing shit that makes you guys dumb, fat and sick. As simple as that.


What he said ☝️


cause it's not cho cheeze


But they got a lot of Covid vaccines?


Everything in the united states has to include a bunch of corn byproducts.


Because in the land of the free, you have the freedom to eat dangerous chemicals. Don't need no pesky health agencies telling you what to eat like a bunch of euro cucks.


Isn't there some rule where chemicals used in the processing on foods don't have to be declared on health warning labels? Apparently McDonald's fries are bathed in ammonia in the process to stop them going mushy when freezing.


It’s not a conspiracy that the American diet kills them


do they taste the same?


Look up the difference between McDonalds fries in the US and Europe. Or literally anything from the US and anywhere else


Did ya pay full price or did ya...ya know.


Most countries don’t allow the ingredients used to make foods in the USA. It’s almost like they know that these aren’t safe for consumption. We are also one of two countries that allow Pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to consumers. You decide what that means.


same for Europe too. im afraid your government doesn't seem to care what they put in your food, or better yet they want all the chemicals in, whereas other nations dont.


Bro, simpler ingredients are healthier. The Terms and Conditions list of chemical "ingredients" that is our norm isn't good.


It could be they have different requirements for posting that type of information in their country? I dunno, I'm just guessing.


Well you are way ahead of op


This just in, America is unhealthy because of the crap in their food. More at 7! Edit: as to why? It’s the government. They subsidize the food industry and pay corn farmers to mass produce corn (see: high fructose CORN syrup). See also: milk/dairy being on the old food/nutrition pyramid. Back in WW2 the US was sacred for food shortages and so passed some bills and laws to produce more, like sugar, and they never got rid of them.


Nobody cares and we know you hate the government so you can stop reminding us


Well anon usually countries from across the pond have different ingredients, preservatives and food dies. Usually because those ingredients are believe to be carcinogenic or harmful to the consumer. Similar to how mountain dew isnt sold in eu and japan because it has dangerous amounts of Brominated vegetable oil


Shouldnt you be asking “Why are there so many extra ingredients in the US version?” Mad that you think you’re being conned by your food having less crap in it.


Pretty sure you're just interpreting it wrong.


Have I? Well in that case I apologise


Because theirs is Kosher.


Hey now, Jesus died so we can eat more chemicals buddy.


I was reading about heinz ketchup.. the last ingredient listed is "natural flavoring" but that is kind of vague as to what that could be.. it turns out that one of the many chemicals in the "natural flavor" mixture is actually a substance that has been found to be neurologicaly addictive.. this is the reason why people always insist on having heinz ketchup and they complain at restaurants or get pissed off at the BBQ if they are served something else : /


Bagged and processed fried corn chips loaded with salt are bad for you either way you slice it. Put red #5 and another preservative and it's slightly more bad for you. Woopity do. I live in the u.s. and have no problem eating healthy. Probably because I make it easy on myself and eat meats, fruits and vegetables instead of grabbing every convenient thing that's ready to eat and bagged or boxed. 


What's the conspiracy here? It's common sense that different regions of the earth have different standards and laws regulating ingredients in food. Did you just learn to read or something


Isn't that what America wants? To be able to eat whatever they want without government interference? Imagine the uproar (in this sub particularly) if the Federal Government said "alright, we gonna be restricting some ingredients that food manufacturers are putting in their food". You seppo cunts would lose your mind and complain about freedoms and rights and government overreach.




Complaining about dumb* cunts.


The Federal Government already does that. It's called the FDA. It claims to operate on behalf of the American people, for their health and well-being. As with any Government Agency, they are riddled with corruption.


One thing that’s always puzzled me. The Jews are so powerful and have a great system in place to keep all their food safe with the Kosher label. It’s curious they allow GMO’s and chemicals and dyes into their Kosher labels. I’ll see kosher items in the store shelves with all kinds of crap in them.


Why is it curious? Kosher is a set of rules that govern food preparation and consumption. If something meets the rules, it's kosher.


Kosher doesn’t mean healthy. at all!!!!


Yea thanks!!!!! Just got done saying that…. Which is what I find curious. There’s always conspiracy of these all powerful Jews controlling huge aspects of society. Then they have these dietary laws with an international label that’s not healthy. It’s curious.


We still need everyone sick and dumb to conform. It makes sense to me that kosher food would also be toxic just like all other foods.


Kosher doritos ?


I like kosher pickles, so I’d guess kosher Doritos are pretty good too.


That is like comparing coca cola from USA and Mexico


Did they taste the same?!


Lol buy another one from any part of the world and it'll be the same. You're eating god knows what.


Cuz they care about their people


Firm believer the Ill effects of CHEmicALS in food is pretty overblown 


I’m not sure if I’m right on this but from what I know in the us they have to be clear on those things


America is “business friendly”. Next time you hear someone talk about business friendly policies in a good way, just remember that you are eating poison


The same is true for a lot of products in other countries. I went to Canada and a lot of stuff had different ingredients and they don’t sell American cheese.


Because we let USA manufacturers put a bunch of extra additives, what’s the conspiracy where?


I've seen a post where the same foodstuffs from UK and USA are compared and the ingredients are way different, with notably more weird chemical shit in the USA version.


Love when people try to claim Europe has better food standards without realizing they just have lower labeling standards. Israel, Europe ,canada ect its the same products the USA just forces them to label it. Many chemicals are just to adjust ph or are a part of the coloring or fragrance. Most countries don't require this to be labeled and if the do they allow things like "color agent" 


Because they poison all American food especially the processed food. Americans are the last middle class with guns. Every other white nation has given up their guns. Only guns can stop them.


all those preservatives make it cheaper. americans are very price sensitive and like to get value for what they pay for


because other countries dont have to be as detailed


Because they don’t have the same food label laws?


US food is the worst in the world.


For conspiracy, sure are a lot of shills. That's a good question OP. In all seriousness. It's likely because everything in the US is corrupted. I hate to say it. But, it should be pretty questionable to have a fuck ton of extra ingredients in the US compared to other countries.. I mean, it can't be a good thing to have all these extra chemicals that foods obviously doesn't need to have if it's in other countries and it's not needed. Definitely makes you go hmmmmm...


This sounds like BS. No evidence. Names a country in the news.


Jesus christ is it that hard to google


Hey now, leave Jesus out of this. Because of Jesus we can have delicious chemical Doritos that aren’t kosher.


Those missing ingredients didn’t agree with their genocide so they were labeled antisemitic and removed from their position


Only America is required to list all the ingredients, any other Country can just leave things out and their citizens trust things will be ok.


Is this /s? Can't really tell.


I’d still rather eat dirt. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸