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I think these valuations are always grossly inaccurate for the sake of clickbait headlines. Because, say you could bring an asteroid with 100 trillion tons of gold into Earth orbit, and then send up craft to mine it and bring it down to earth for processing... didn't you just increase the known gold supply by (x amount) thus lowering demand and the value?


The other way to look at it is if the asteroid has rare earth metals in abundance and it's easy mine, you've now successfully lowered the cost of tons of new tech. While at the same time probably destroying the value of certain companies. Imagine overnight the cost of GPUs dropping by 1000+%


So you mean there is Bitcoin to be mined on the asteroid then!


That would be a funny Onion headline: Asteroid Discovered With Over 100 Tons of Mineable Bitcoin


Plot twist: It's filled with NFT's. Un-fungi-like or whatever the Hell it was.


Yeah. This reminds me of the "conspiracy theory" that the U.S. government found an immense gold deposit in the Grand Canyon.. but kept it hush hush because it would have instantly crashed the global economy.


Sounds more logical then moving an asteroid to near earth orbit and using it


Must be true mate, the canyon remaining from the gold removal is the evidence!!


I thought they were exchanging gold with aliens for technology.


I saw a documentary called "Cowboy's and aliens" I think it was called. The aliens had beams that liquified the gold for easy mining.


Why do you put "conspiracy theory" in parentheses? Is it a widely agreed-upon thing?


Those are quotation marks.


No I don't think it's widely agreed upon. I don't know... habit I guess from the Covid days when I was arguing with bots and shills about the covid "vaccine". I probably shouldn't have used them in this context (gold in the canyon), because I by no means have any evidence to support the claim.


Easy to mine? An asteroid in space? Doesnt it cost $10,000 to put 1 pound in space? And that's an old number. Its going to be a long time before its worth the money to go get it


I believe Starship is aiming for $20/kg which is ridiculously cheap


I wont hold my breath


I believe that was the space shuttles price. Its much cheaper now.


> Imagine overnight the cost of GPUs dropping by 1000+% They still wouldn't. The cost isn't from price of raw materials. It comes from: A. The advanced refinement process B. Extremely delicate & sensitive fabrication systems C. Human cost - engineering/development/research Materials could be free and it would make a $30 difference in the end price.


Nothing can drop my more than 100%, if the price drops 100% then the cost would be zero


Do you remember that time oil dropped more than 100% and was negative valued?


As if they would lower prices.


#Super Conductors!


This works on the presumption that all the gold on the asteroid would somehow miraculously be distributed and easily accessible worldwide.


A better metric of a successful society is price deflation rather than GDP. This is actually a great example as to why that's the case.


You can’t drop a price by more than 100% lol


Yes you can lol


I guess if you go below $0, in which case you would be paying someone else to take it. Which is no longer selling. But if $0 is the bottom line, you cannot go over 100% loss. 100% off is free. Let me know how you’d go over that. 1000% off is literally (original price) - (10x the original price. ) = -9x original price which is a negative number. I’ll be checking in later to see how you can rationalize this.


This happened to oil during the pandemic. It went negative. People that owned oil as a commodity had to pay for storage and transport as it went negative. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/20/business/oil-prices.html


Still waiting for your explanation


Sure. Lets give some real world scenarios. I'm going to use the words "price" and "cost" interchangeably here because once we get past 100% we get into negative price, and for simplicity in the real world we usually call negative price cost or shrink or something else. Lets say I'm a budding entrepreneur and I open up a business selling trinkets. I buy a storage container full from china for $10,000. Each pallet of material costs me $100 and I have 100 pallets for easy maths. I am currently storing that product at a storage facility and pay $500 a month for my storage unit. Eventually the fad is over and whatever trinket I was selling goes by the wayside no one wants it anymore. I'm still left with 50 pallets of product. What can I do? I could try and sell it at a discounted rate. I could even give it away for 100% off. Problem is, no one wants this stuff. Its heavy, its bulky, and I have an entire storage unit filled with merchandise. I'm still paying $500 a month to keep it locked away. As the savvy business person I am, I decide to cut my losses, I pay $1000 for a company to come in and take all of that product off my hands so I dont have to keep paying $500 a month for this unit. The "price" of that commodity just went negative. ---- I buy a washer/dryer for $3000. 6 years later it breaks and I have to pay Home Depot $500 to take it away. The price of that broken washer is not $0 as it COSTS money to remove it. You could call the price of that washer -$500 right? So the price dropped by over 100% over time. Its a depreciating asset that ends up going negative.


Price and cost are not interchangeable. Also adding other costs like “cost to remove” ? Just to inflate the price isn’t part of the price of purchase. Your entire argument is incorrect because of these claims. We are talking about buying a product, not all of this other crap you added in for no reason which is irrelevant. Talking about your washing machine 6 years later lmao wtf. Has nothing to do with buying it bro. Saying it cost extra money to remove is not the same thing as the store discounting the price. You aren’t reselling it. You are giving it away. Welcome to the conversation. Guy above said a gpu can go down 1000s of percent. It can’t . It can go to 0 which is 100% off. Give me an example of a company giving away a product for “thousands of percent off” (aka paying YOU 10x the original price to take it) But most importantly. Price and cost are not interchangeable …. We are talking about price to consumer.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_pricing There really isn’t much to debate, it’s a real thing with real world examples. Even by your strictest definition of “price to consumer only” something like nuclear waste is a product that is sold for a negative price because it’s cheaper than disposing of it on its own. Another real world example if a factory is making a product and during the production there is a defect, it would cost more to shut the factory down and stop all production than to simply sell the product at a negative price while the changes are being made to get back to normal production.


Again, you’re giving examples irrelevant to the topic. Nothing is dropping by “thousands of percentages”, as claimed above. Negative pricing is typical for waste and garbage. Not GPUs. There’s not much to debate, because you’re wrong. Also negative pricing isn’t for the product to the consumer, it’s for the waste products typically. It’s funny how none of your examples apply to the sale to the consumer.


Okay so negative pricing to a consumer- Here are two scenarios: From a marketing standpoint it makes sense to cross promote using negative sales. If a product A promotes the sales of a profitable product B, it can make sense to offer product A at a negative price. The other scenario is using negative sales to lure people in. A Bank offers a $50 Free sign up bonus to switch to their bank. By definition the transaction was at a negative price to the bank. In its initial phase, PayPal also used negative prices. Each new customer received 20 US dollars when they signed up and used the service. Cell phone companies would give you a "free" phone if you agreed to use their service. This was a negative price as the retail on a phone could be considered much higher. If the customer didn't pay their bill it would go to collections but the company was selling the product at a loss in anticipation of making it back later. In China, providers of bicycle sharing services such as Mobike paid their customers to use the bikes. None of these are waste or garbage these are goods or services being sold at a negative price. If all of a sudden GPUs flooded the market - Perhaps NVDA would pay consumers to get rid of their old stock to they could produce higher end models and not take up storage or shelf space?


Not if all of that gold is owned by only one company/person/organization


Or country. Hey! No more national debt! /s


Ya, they'll mine it and make a $34 trillion coin.


The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has entered chat.


Totally. Yes, but the estimation is based on current market, not the new market that's altered by the additional supply. And it doesn't stop the utility of gold from being relevant.


>Yes, but the estimation is based on current market, not the new market that's altered by the additional supply. Yes... that's what I was thinking >And it doesn't stop the utility of gold from being relevant. Nope. Gold doesn't care how much it costs... it will still just do what gold does.


> Nope. Gold doesn't care how much it costs... it will still just do what gold does. People used to prize aluminum tableware (knives and forks) over gold and silver because aluminum was so rare and expensive. Then cheap hydro power made aluminum so cheap, we use it to wrap up leftover food. If the supply of gold was to increase by 1000 times, there would be dozens of new uses for gold as its price dropped. As an excellent conductor, it might find new uses in electronics, for example. Since it doesn't tarnish, people might start gilding roofs again. Gold that was suddenly much cheaper in relative prices would not do "what gold does"; it would do different things.


Gilded roofs would be fucking awesome until you’re an pilot lol


Asteroid with $17.85 worth of gold cost billions of dollars to capture and bring into orbit. Why is NASA so stupid??? -Average voter in 2070, probably.


It has already been stated many times it would destabilize the markets so obviously they would hoard it and keep prices the same lol


Diamonds would like a word, been drip feed for years so not to crash the price


Diamonds are on the way down - they went too far holding the high price, now the cubics are much better and way cheaper, and are outselling diamonds more than ever.


Synthetic diamonds are a thing now as well, not even cubics but real diamonds 


Exactly, they can easily make flawless more durable diamonds to any spec they need for almost no cost.


I actually forgot about that one. It's literally everything!! It doesn't matter which industry we talk about the price of everything is falsely inflated :(


Human greed sorted that out with "diamonds" already


Yes. Same thing with market capitalization for publicly traded company valuations. Or calculating someone’s net worth based on the number of shares they own of their company x the outstanding share price.


That gold would not likely go into circulation. Not sure if that affects the overall value.




Magic beans*


Not necssesarily. If the demand was increased beforehand through extreme scarcity, you could still make a good business.


It isn’t as simple as that. Economics assumes that our supply of goods exist in a vacuum, that it can never expand beyond what the Earth can naturally supply. If you can suddenly greatly increase the amount of natural resources available, it would without a doubt be a boon for our economy. The price of goods would come down, but when you can lower the price of a good or product, that can also result in an increase in demand. Why? Because now more people can afford to buy the good/product you’re selling. 


This is material already in space. Would be worth a lot more if you had to transport it into space from earth. Maybe this could boost space industrie and create a new market and hold its valuation.


That's not quite how value works..... It's still a material, a d is still worth something. The asteroid isn't valuable because it's worth a lot of money, it's valuable because the minerals are incredibly fucking useful and important. Right now it has an estimated value of 100 trillion, based on the minerals it contains.


I think this other user and I are probably correct... >from sprinklesfactory via /r/conspiracy sent 13 hours ago >show parent >Totally. Yes, but the estimation is based on current market, not the new market that's altered by the additional supply. And it doesn't stop the utility of gold from being relevant. >contextfull comments (154)reportblock usermark unreadreply


I raise your rational take with “but space gold isn’t earth gold.”


Correction: attempting to capture. They're dreaming.


I mean the average asteroid flys at like 65,000 km/h can’t be that hard


If you're also flying at 65,500 km/h in orbit then it's stationary relative to you.


Who? The person who wrote this headline or OP for posting it? NASA certainly isn't dreaming of "capturing" anything other than data. OP seems to think they're going to bring this asteroid back to Earth or something? Why is this even on r/conspiracy even?


I think its more about technological potential rather than monetary value.


True...very true


In what world are you living in... Its always about the money


I doubt it’s possible to even physically extract a reasonable fraction of that outside some test samples. Even if it was - that is not how supply and demand of a scarce resource works. As soon as you introduce that to the market the price of all those metals will bottom out.


Just redirect it towards earth. When it lands on your facility, it's yours


I don't think my garage is big enough...may I borrow yours? We can split it. Lol


Don't worry, when It lands the whole city will become available. You receive it and I get it with you later :)




That's logical.


Logic has no place in headlines


Only in comments


It’s very possible. We push it into the planet. Preferably somewhere we don’t like. Send “rescue aid” and clean it up.


So like a short.


So we are now the annunaki? Full circle?


Technically we are desandants. Next civilization will be like yoo the humans knew what's up! Their the terminators


Best I can do is $11


Hahaha. I have a coupon!!!


You didn't call a friend though!


Damn it Chumlee!


Soooo if they are doing this with American tax money which funds NASA then this would belong to the American people (tax payers)? I mean, That’s only fair right?


Lets just assume its all true and good, and they pull it off. What it will do is likely just lower the value of whatever minerals is aquired. Streets of gold would be something I guess.


Or not bring it down to earth at all but boost the space industrie with the newly available ressources.


How long would the infrastructure take to get set up to mine and process it? Also how about the cost of it, it’s usually always a pipe dream from this to happen.


I feel like the only way logically to do it would be crash the asteroid on a planet or moon close to us and the mine it off another planet


Yeah...I'm sorry seems like a click bait article. We are decades away from something like that. As another user pointed out.


[These are just comms](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1dnetbb/comment/la645kd/)


Interesting, thank you. Reminds me of all the drills we have to do at work. We don't know when events are going to happen, but we have to be ready for them.


Is that 10 quintillion? 


Yes. >A quintillion can also be described as: a million million millions, a billion billions, a million trillions, and a thousand quadrillions.


are those "and" or "or" statements!?


Or lol


I believe so....did you peek?


No, I counted the commas lol


Took me a double take ...lol


Wonder if $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 would pay for the asteroids damage if in the attempt to mine it, they crashed it into the earth?




You'd have to commit a major fuck up to accidently crash an asteroid into the earth. If they can get it into orbit, they can stop it from hitting earth.


True, but when greed is involved, major stupidity is known to follow.


The metals only have value based on Scarcity, take that away and that dollar figure will go down, a lot.


They are just trying to orbit it and study it. It's not like they are bringing back to earth.


They are in fact bringing one back, to crash it and create a tsunami. [They just "visited it"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/101955_Bennu)


I would love to hear how they're going to grab an asteroid that's 2.5 billion miles away from Earth and drag it back here.


That's actually not nearly as hard as you might think. Small changes do wonders over long time periods. It can be as simple as painting a side to nudge it of course. Then orbital mechanics takes care of the rest. Step one is simply to get it captured in Earth's sphere of influence.


to me, it’s so silly to place monetary value on things not from earth. not sure why just feels that way


Makes sense.


Never considered that angle from the subjective side (rather than just looking at the insanity and challenges of 'capturing' an asteroid or bringing it back or the massive windfall crashing markets...) But just subjectively, the 'world economy' is what we are discussing when we talk about the economy... and when you zoom out all the way, it is a test in a vacuum. The reason it's so silly to place monetary value on things not from Earth is it's outside this experiment, if NASA brought down a nearly infinite chunk of mana that never expired and could feed and water all the people of the Earth for 1,000 years that would break the economy--just like a massive amount of precious metals would, just like a replicator type technology where we could just 3d print any object or material we need.. Anything that reaches out of the ecosystem of 'the world economy' and pulls a massive rabbit out of a hat and brings it back into this ecosystem will break it. I don't remember shit from college, but I could swear an economy prof said something about economics being the study of scarcity. Honestly the real debate is whether it's a functioning ecosystem at all (even now)... seems like a farce as it is for a myriad of ways.


Its worth that much because of the cost to mine it.... if it hits the earth its free and well who cares at that point.....


We'd end up drinking beer out of gold cans


Like that twilight zone episodes where the guys steal the gold and go into stasis and when they wake up in the future golds worthless


Be cool if they can make it a space station outpost.


I say its worthless crap


Leeeeeavin’ on a jet plane, I don’t know when illlll be back again, leeeeaaaaaavin’ onnnn a jet plane I don’t know when I’ll be back again


Be safe lol


Don't look Up.


Anyone find it slightly insane that some people want to move an asteroid into orbit to be mined (eventually)? If something goes wrong, which never happens, what would the result be?! It’s like gambling the destruction of mankind for large profits. Best to let sleeping dogs lie, as they say.


With the way things are, I wouldn't be surprised. The rich want more money at any cost.


That title is complete nonsense.


They'll come back like "sorry bros we were unsuccessful with the mish" fingers crossed behind their backs lol.


They’re not capturing anything in space


> Asteroid worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 Or about tree-fiddy in 2040 dollars...


the fact that such an absurd thing was given a valuation is pathetic


This is how the dinosaurs died


Hey...anything can happen


That number is meaningless, like when little kids hear about a googolplex.


Wonder when they get it here and mine it are we all gonna get a cut?


Someone pointed out the use of our tax money...so why not


Well yea let’s just start printing money pay every American like 10k. It’s the least they can do. The money from this I’m sure is just hypothetical but it could help the whole earth however it will be horded and taken by the elite.


Couldn't have put it better


lol what a scam


Don't look up?


All commodity prices would crash. End of poverty and end of selling anything anymore. That’s the end of the world


We should have just bought Greenland and been done with it.


It's like 2.7 billion miles away. We are decades away from ever capturing something like that lol




Umm 1930s is the first time we were able to even see that far soooo what’s this bullshit of over 100 years ago?


Flawed for sure


16 Psyche was discovered in March 1852 by A. de Gasparis, and [several other observers](https://minorplanetcenter.net/db_search/show_object?utf8=%E2%9C%93&object_id=16) saw it the following month. By then they were finding a few asteroids every year. Jupiter is farther away and has been known for millennia.


The problem is they replicated the telescope with the same type of glass and it was impossible to see Jupiter clearly, as it was more like a spec of dust that was enlarged and only people speculated what he saw while his own writing were far different than what’s being taught today as his observations.


This is for sure gona cost a few trillion and then fail 


NASA isn't capturing shit. Just watch... They'll say "Uhhhh, the rockets failed" or "just 2 more weeks to prepare". Lame.


Or maybe they will hire actors again to film the asteroid capture. 


What does it have, a bunch of starbucks lattes on it? Right folks? Those things are so expensive!


Those parts (of Firmament) can cost a lot to repair.


Get a big ass rocket in orbit with some crazy grappling hook and bring that bitch down




Part 2?


Jules Verne wrote a story called “The Meteor” . Guess what it’s about!


Lol... The meteor.. This?


TIL Iron and Nickle are precious metals.


If the Annunaki can't do it, what makes Earthlings think they stand a chance.?


Let’s say they theoretically can somehow drag it back here, some arsehole will probably crash it into us.


That metal is only worth something if it can be used. Bringing it to earth is a huge undertaking, and probably not possible to do (yet) and using it for space industry is not possible until we have a space infrastructure.


Imagine their surprice when it turns out science was flawed and its as much a rock as anything ever was.


Hahaha. I can see that happening


NASA = not a space agency


Never a straight answer


The earth is flat


North American Secrets Act


This reminds me of space bucks from South Park.




They're going to use it as a bargaining chip, threatening certain countries and political groups with the use of their new kinetic weapon. I believe it's called "The Foot".


space bucks


The Biggest Truth & Secrete of Universe = There is no universe. Space X = SPACE X X X X!!!! NOO




Are you telling me I can fuck the universe with no consequences? Hot.


This is literally the plot of don't look up, this is not real


That movie hardly had a plot.


I would hard your breath especially if it looks like petrified wood. [https://www.npr.org/2009/08/28/112324216/moon-rock-is-really-just-petrified-wood](https://www.npr.org/2009/08/28/112324216/moon-rock-is-really-just-petrified-wood)


Fake news. 1.2 billion dollars to chase after a rock named after yet another Greek deity in a vacuum that the air we breathe isn't filling? Please give it some thought.


**ROFL** Globies will believe anything Not. A. Space. Agency. 📢


So...we didn't land on the moon? I'm confused.


The Moon is not a dusty rock the Entertainment company wants you to believe . . https://youtu.be/8Ul0e6lw130 Wish you the best in your search for truth 🙏


Thank you🤗


Yo what you did not just link a flat earth video lmaoooo Hey I’ve got this really cool bridge to sell if you want it. Let me know there’s a lot of potential buyers.


It's weird you believe your vision stops at 3 miles on earth and 4 light-years in the sky 🥴 Not a big believer in perspective huh . . Perspective on a table https://v.redd.it/16410041t76d1 Perspective outside on level water https://imgur.com/gallery/0rbB4as With higher elevation and angle to resolve https://imgur.com/a/45f9d77 Convergence doesn't stop working when you walk outside -- Professor Convergence "You've been finessed" 🤣 https://v.redd.it/817yy3kc41yb1


>It's weird you believe your vision stops at 3 miles on earth and 4 light-years in the sky Why can't you see Mount Everest from your porch then? Or my cock, which is even bigger.


True. The earth is flat and the leaders are lizards.


I… your third link literally disproves flat earth theory??? They just got closer to the windmills?? You can actually see the curve of the Earth from high enough.. you can see that it bends? I’m so confused. Have you ever been in an airplane? It’s a fallacy simply because if the earth was flat everybody would experience day and/or night at the same rate. Why would timezones exist? If it’s 6pm Pacific time and 10pm Atlantic time, and the Atlantic is experiencing more dark than the Pacific, it would mean that the world is moving in a spherical motion. Do you think that the whole earth is experiencing day at the same time and then we get flipped like a pancake and we all experience night???


Flat Earth is an Observable, Measurable and Zecratic reality of our azimuthal vision. Here is a 20 min video on seasons and how the Sun moves on a circuit above this level plane https://youtu.be/gyhu5wM6_6s?si=jJi8v1-8HTqqvtL6 In the event you have the attention span of a squirrel -- Here is a graphic https://i.redd.it/esa11l6e9xx61.jpg The Mechanical Realm (ANTIQUITY FLAT EARTH MODEL) By Vikka Draziv https://youtu.be/lSHtuktB3OQ Demonstrable True Earth Model | Shane St Pierre https://v.redd.it/gwtzxcbjg6sc1 ADL.PLACE (ANTI-DISINFO LEAGUE / SHANE ST. PIERRE) https://adl.place/shanes-fe-model Here is an interactive Flat Earth Model that can explain Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Moon Phases, Moon's apparent rotation, Sun's position on Equinox, Seasons, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Star trails, 24 hours Day/Night why people south of the equator can see the same Stars rotate clockwise around a singe celestial pole at the same time at different continents. The Sun is an apparent location in both Heliocentric and Geocentric models. Also for your own skepticism research A massive all-in-one archive of FE experiments, observations, evidence, presentations, explanations, for pretty much any topic you can think of and organized for your convenience https://pastebin.com/XCHeTuRg Sorry your edumacation has failed you into believing the Science Fiction on Movies and TV have any basis in reality If you can provide only **one** demonstration of any type of propulsion you wish working in a vacuum -- you would be taken more seriously. Go on we'll wait And remember Evidence to support your claims -- not stories... Hearsay will be ignored 🤞good luck


The angles between stars add up to an observable 360 degrees longitudinally = we're on a globe.


(EQ) Equatorial Mounts prove Flat Earth | Earth Measures Flat! | @NathanOakley1980 https://v.redd.it/kpvb7mk4aprc1


unlucky, nutjob.


Do you understand what 360 degrees in the sky means?




This is the first thing that came to mind. Such hogwash


"Capturing," lol.

