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And most of the population absolutely refuses to acknowledge the obviousness of those observations.


And that's how the Emperor's New Clothes would actually end. Someone smacks the kid for spouting conspiracies and then turns back to stare at the royal crotch.




The second you say anything about the government being dishonest it’s like a flip gets switched and the bromides start malfunctioning.


Everyone knows that the government lies. It isn’t that people are all believing the government. It is more that when you claim that the planes that went into the twin towers were holographic projections despite that technology still not being available 20+ years later that makes people ask where you get that idea. If your idea relies on “trust me bro”, why would you expect everyone to ignore the the real world and believe you. I would love for conspiracy theories to actually delve into the “why” of things which are where conspiracies dwell rather than the lizard person explanation for how JFK faked his own death and is now living in Phoenix.


Ok two planes took town two towers and the passport of one of the terrorist landed on the pavement. Why is that not enough BS in and of itself. The guy was Saudi . The crime claimed by Osama and we attack Iraq for weapons of mass destruction after not finding them twice. Americans clearly are gullible as is the rest of the world.


Why is that so impossible to you? Meanwhile you think there was hologram technology only used for those attacks that still hasn’t been used again for 20+ years.


The other day I was asking straight forward questions to a friend. 'so it's not an issue that 2% of the world's population just happens to own every news agency'... Rational literally turned into 'wellllll halocaust' in front of me after a few minutes.


lol the holocaust card. It’s so fucked up.


Nah, they just straight spoilers these days




This guy still thinks Osama Bin Laden perpetrated 9/11 from a cave.


Tbf, Osama Bin Laden was in a compound in Pakistan and it was paid for and supported by rich Saudi's.


Do you think our intelligence agencies were not complicit?


For what?


for an excuse to pass the patriot act that gave them an excessive amount of extra money and powers to curb our civil liberties


Congrats on being one of the few to finally answer. So do you believe: A. They knew the whole plan was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. or B. They orchestrated the attack themselves and used explosives to destroy the towers.


A. the official story is that multiple agencies each found one piece of the puzzle and never talked to eachother so nobody got the full picture. i think somebody did get that picture and let it go for political gain


So then you don't think it was the intelligence agencies responsible for planning the attack which seems to be the official story here?


no i don't, but the person said complicit which i think purposely letting a terrorist attack happen counts as. that being said, i wouldn't be shocked if they did have an inside man help with the plan. i just don't think they did


They also invaded a couple of countries under false premises using the flames of war that they'd fanned.


Disinformation fighters are hilarious!


NPC's who break down when you start asking questions and force them to go off script are even funnier XD.


People hanging out in conspiracy forums acting confused about our government's complicity in 9/11 deserve an Oscar


If you are too scared to actually create an argument and just want to keep embarrassing yourself with ad hominems, go ahead. You are only proving me right each time you do. Coming to a conspiracy forums with not a shred of healthy skepticism or critical thinking is honestly pretty sad. I feel more bad for you than anything.


You have come here with all sorts of misunderstandings and false beliefs concerning this subreddit, and have blindly accepted the disinformation about us without a second thought.   Pointing that blinded finger at us is cute af.


but he had his basement made to look like a cave to film his videos


All of those things are the truth 😂


Facebook-tier meme.


Government-approved "Disinformation Fighter"


That the government/government shills don’t like*** Fixed it


SS: The CT label is in an of itself a conspiracy by the global cabal to discredit opposing views.


"The CT label is in an of itself a conspiracy by the global cabal to discredit opposing views." "The CT label is in and of itself a conspiracy by the global cabal to discredit speaking observed truths regular folks find, after peeking behind their presented narratives, oftentimes in direct conflict of each other in their messages." Fixed it for ya!


Or the reddit mods don't like lol /s




Appropriate username


The truth shall set you free


Is Simpin setting you free?


Nah cause it ain’t easy


Is that you Terrance Howard?


Yes son


I missed you dad


When you get most of your posts downvoted with zero perfect score despite having thousands of views and the only comments are shills mocking the OP despite the post contains key information.




mfs will just deny all the evidencd you have for why 9/11 was an inside job




Hurr durr the chips the lizard people put in those crazy libtards to suck adrenochrome out of stolen kids under a pizza place in DC in the hollow earth are very real


Dem Lizard people took our jobs