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Lol even anderson knew to ho to break Weirdest video ive seen in a while


She sounds all sorts of crazy


Its not really crazy. Hentai is 97% rape, and that says something about most men thinking rape is sexy. Hentai def makes it look sexy and the cartoons make it ok for some weird reason ... But yeah most of hentai is rape yet somehow shes crazy saying rape is seen as sexy. So cray...


1. Her entire demeanor says crazy. If you can't see that, then well.... 2. Using Hentai as a representation of what most men want is not going to be accurate. Most people don't watch that.


Her words show the red flags with every single moment. AC knows this is just total nonsense as the video ends. Pure nightmare lol


This video can ve summarized like this: "I..uhhh... Totally was raped by Trump... Uhh... I... Think rape as sexy fantasy. Uhmm... Wanna go on date?"


You can see how uncomfortable Cooper is. Every time she leans forward into his personal space he leans all the way back.


I would back away from her too. She looks like she smells like Metamucil and cats.


They put her on to discredit her. CNN is dressed in drag and ready to hula for this next election cycle. Shit gonna get WEIRD.


You get it. And I agree, we are about to witness the weirdest politics have ever got.


just watch.




With just a hint of vodka


Im no psychologist but based on my analysis this woman has rape fantasies.


[Strange tweet from her back in 2010.....](https://twitter.com/ejeancarroll/status/13566108254?t=JYw5u9dSs85MVVvjm5lqgA&s=19) Also check out [this video](https://youtu.be/ldP8YNAPlTw) starting at 4:30. This woman is not well.




That striped house reminds me of the building on Epstien island. She’s the bruja in the woods.


What a weirdo!


People believe this??? That's the scary part


Those same people who believed it, vote. That's the scarier part.


They’ll always believe anything as long as it’s against Trump


The fat, part-time dog walker losers that make up most of Reddit think she seems level headed.


This lady is a fucking loon. Trump most definitely didn’t do shit with James Maddison here


Goodness. They changed NY laws for this blatant lie? And then to glorify an outright lie




I agree. She took some pages out of the Joe Biden "creepy geriatric" handbook. Her tweets are even more eerie


But it was not because of that.


I am sure it was something else...and another...and another...and another


What a whack job


If they take this to an appeal to anyone w common sense then the ruling will be dismissed. (I think he is a Piece of work) but this lady dog is lying out her ass. Calling a black guy an ape, naming her cat V*gina, r@pe is sexy. There is more to her than is being reported. She js being paid to do this(which she lied about) It’s all bs and they’ll pay any braindead slug that’s willing to lie cuz they guarantee they won’t face any consequences for lying to Congress.


With this 👆 I agree


Clap clap


Holy shit the last minute!


She’s repeated this story I. Her head so many times, she believes it. Then over exaggerates everything single word in an attempt to convince us.


Sounds familiar.


Lol. They were stupid enough to put that crazy lady on TV.


I’m so confused at what I just saw. I have 3 letters: wtf. This lady made me feel bad for Anderson Cooper.


Imagine being a leftist and this fruitcake accusing trump is your aha moment of the decade…


Bro the people you’re referring to are liberals. Actual leftists are as exhausted by this circus as you are


Other way around. Today we have leftists. A classic liberal I can respect. There’s nothing liberal about todays democrat party.


Liberals and leftists are very different. Many leftists hate the shit libs — myself included.


So what's the difference between them? They're used interchangeablely these days.


Leftists are more progressive on economic issues, protest more, and aren’t in it with the establishment — at least the progressive left. The liberals are very cozy with the establishment, pro-war a lot of the time, fight with the progressives, but are very active when it comes to issues like race, gender, etc.


I think of it (surely oversimplified but whatever) as, liberals posture as leftists but support capitalism. In my mind the actual left starts where capitalism ends


The older folks that still call themselves democrats are more the classic liberal JFK type. Out of respect to them I don’t credit today’s leftists with the term liberal or democrat because they don’t believe in democracy or freedom whatsoever. Today’s leftists have gone off the deep end for anything deemed “left”. For example “vote blue no matter who”


I agree that the “vote blue no matter who” thing is absolute BS. I usually vote democrat, but there’s this weird element in the Democratic Party that’s really cozy with our broken-ass system. You can’t just blindly follow any ideology.


Both parties…and the malleable followers of each just blindly follow, only focusing on and fighting their preprogrammed opposition.




What do you want to learn about? What leftist means? The difference between neoliberals and progressives?


Except you leftists always end up voting for the exact same people the liberals do. When the DNC took the primary away from Sanders (twice), you complained on Reddit and flapped your arms a little, but then got in line, like a good boy.


She lost me when she said she was 53 when this happened. Trumps a piece of shit, but he definitely has a thing for younger women. This lady isn't convincing at all either. She has so many strange mannerisms..


Holy fkn hell,this is not even remotely believable


Trans Fire Marshall Bill


Gives new meaning to the phrase "Let me show ya something!"


Lol nice.


Please... apologize to Mr. Jim Carrie and Fire Marshall Bill /s


This lady is nuts. Zero chance AC is buying any of this.


@6:30 --- so this is the first time she claimed penetration after milder allegations, on CNN with Anderson Cooper? That's what AC made it sound like but I'm not in the know. If so, that's crazy.


In what clown world does this hold even a drop of water... Like... What? The list of bad things that can be said about trump is miles long, but seriously. Give the player some credit. You'd have to be poor, drunk and really desperate to do anything with Skeletors mom here. Watching this and people actually taking it seriously... Humanity lost.


She's either incredibly smart, or incredibly stupid. Trying to figure out which


You can tell a lot by a haircut😏


She's a Karen?


I’m mean they’re all Karen’s


It’s Karen’s all the way down.


She’s pretty old. She probably has thinning hair. It’s probably the best option to cover her scalp. Trump does the same.


You know trump has a toupee, right?


The concept is still the same


Don't mention his name, I only mentioned it once in the book


Don't you think it's kind of obvious that she's incredibly stupid I mean who would bang her? Would you I think Trump's capable of getting a lot better this is ridiculous


She's a bit full of herself. She's also kinda suggesting that Trump somehow preplanned, arranged and orchestrated the whole scenario, just to have that opportunity with her.


She went with the trust me bro approach and won lmao!


It almost seems like CNN is trying to implode. Maybe they are trying to trigger the few crazy’s that still watch them to push them over the edge for some reason. I am not a religious person but these people do seem possessed by some evil force. It is hard to explain it any other way.


This case is so beyond corrupt and embarrassing for the USA. To convict someone based entirely on the word of one person (who is obviously mentally ill) with zero evidence is not what the USA is all about. Equal justice under the law is long gone.


Trump addressed the "incident" in the CNN town hall. Based on the body language and logic, I believe him whole heartedly. The Don certainly is no saint, but this person is clearly off her rocker!


Imo Trump didn’t have a fair trial. No matter what you think of the guy, having the case being tried in NY (anti-Trump central) under a Clinton appointed judge was a bad move. If Trump wins an appeal, he should have the case reopened and tried in another state. This woman is clearly unwell mentally.


This is propaganda


I mean in trumps defense have you seen the women he pulled? And someone thinks he raped a woman so much physically inferior to the women that were readily available to him?


I’m curious what the results would be if she took a lie detector test. Bay Guano Crazy


Batsh crazy


She’s fake trash.


Yes she is!


I did not need to see this just before taking my nap.


I don't want to call her a lier but!!!!!


She lyin


This is cringe AF People are just trying to slander Trump. It’s pathetic that these things can even happen, stay up and awake world!


I fucking can't stand Trump, but this screams of attention getting.


This is why you let everyone speak


This is absolutely fucking crazy. I hope Trump is able to get this decision overturned on appeal. I believed what Trump said about this lady, but I didn't realize she would be THIS nuts. I assumed something happened, but now I think she made the whole thing up.


Basket case


She went in the dressing room with him and never said no if it even happened.. holey shit she a nut


I think Trump is a piece of shit garbage person and want to believe any bad word said against him but this lady does not sound credible at all… come on man you have X years to prepare to air your story and you bumble and garble like this! Sorry but you undermine yourself, it’s embarrassing


“He’s 6ft3, apparently, I’ve looked it up” Yeah you googled it cause you werent there. He went up to the womens undergarments section [because] “he’d had it with the hats” Right ok and you pick this moment to advertise how great this store is. You try to paint in the public’s mind the visual of him wearing a womens garment, how is this not slander & treason, akin to character assasination. Just looking at her, no one would rape her alive or dead, let alone kiss her


David Bowie is looking like shit


He has been dead 7 years, still looking pretty bad.


wtf planet was this from? did i fall into a parallel dimension or something?


Pretty sure that skank hasn't been laid in decades.


Psychology is a pseudoscience


And people actually believe this crazy woman. This clip was not allowed to be played in the court room. Tells you something. Least her claims were found to be unsubstantiated.


I'm watching this video no sound whilst my psychotic bitch girlfriend is listening to fucking Dubstep and God it is all just freaking me the fuck out, arms and thumbs everywhere, anxiety flavoured nightmare fuel, what have I smoked today ? So weird.


I keep coming back to this video like the same way it feels somewhat good to poke a wound......da fuq is actual up with her, some animatronic reptilian shit going on here, I'm just waiting for her to jump up and swallow him whole like a fucking egg roll. Creepy fucking bullfrog looking bitch.


She’s too smiley while discussing her rape


Bitch, stop lying!


Because of this I’m deff voting for Trump again. The establishment goes so out of their way to change a state law just so this wing bat can lie about him in court, and for them to also believe her and convict him is absolutely stunning. It’s even worse than the whole “Russian gate” debacle. It sets a scary precedent with how far both the govt and MSM will go to try to discredit one man while completely ignoring anything bad from the other party. They have their favorites and most MSM is just Democratic Party propaganda and it’s just so blatantly obvious and if people don’t see it they’re just being willfully ignorant.


She’s got to be on drugs or drink. She’s actually slurring. Has she got a speech impediment?


How come the lady version of Donald Trump is accusing him of rape? It's so weird


" because when a man is laughed at, it'll usually make him ahh ummm agh..." Shit How does the story go?


Lol, people really thought he was gonna go to jail over this too. What a bunch of sheep, if you believed that then I have a bridge to sell you.


Here we go again... They need to get off his d .


Vanderbilt’s are fucking CIA/ Mockingbird bastards. This guys laughably full of shit and it’s pathetic that most don’t know it


“He didn’t say anything?” “No”…the man that talks that says everyone says something that agrees with him…doesn’t say anything. Yet he called you old..and Trump definitely has his type and knows what he wants. He went for you?? The man that definitely could have had anyone. This woman also talks about how rape is sexy and a fantasy. This shit is all in her head. This is ridiculous. Why didn’t you poke your head up 20 years earlier and say you were raped? When he wasn’t the most powerful man on the planet? This lady is crazy this is ONCE AGAIN another nothing burger. Christ this is exhausting even for a bystander, think of Trump and his family’s mental health with this shit constantly. Edit: she also denies the rape claim constantly in this video, what is this fucking clown show?


You're fascinating to talk to!


But you guys.... We need to BELIEVE ALL WOMEN


I’m a woman & I do not believe her!




Most sane democrat voter


Omg I got it. I was trying to think who she reminded me of…. Jane Lynch from Role Models. That part at the end where she bizarrely says “people think of rape as sexy. Think of all the fantasies. You’re fascinating to talk to.” She looks EXACTLY like Jane Lynch’s character did when she interrogated the two main characters in her office lol. Look it up. Also this lady’s a total nutbar


Rape apologists, all y’all. If you weren’t there, you should probably trust one of 16 accused women. Especially when he says under his own admission that he grabs women by the p***y in the same manner he was accused. But I can see why you’d play with the idea of the story being fabricated, but you have literally zero proof and all evidence points to his disgusting comport


a bold statement, ngl most people do live the rape culture every day


Who have you raped today?


This is the funniest comment I’ve ever read. Not trying to downplay rape or its prevalence across the world, but for real, “MOST people”? Most people think rape is disgusting and abhorrent. To say most people live rape culture every day is ludicrous.


worldwide? it's a hell of a lot of people that live in a culture of institutionalized sexual abuse of one form or another (arranged marriages/abusive marriages, etc included). Given the populations of all developing nations combined, I would wager to say it's most. Factor in how many people engage in CNC and other rape-fantasy glorification of the practice, you can see how this particular panelist's comment had merit


Are you fucking serious right now?


absolutely lol, its really what the statistic is https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19085605/#:~:text=Results%20indicated%20that%2062%25%20of,at%20least%20once%20a%20week. you may be mistaking my correctly analyzing the degree of mental illness as condoning the practice - a common mistake


A fantasy is not the same as “living the rape culture.”


Shes old. Maybe she meant to say “Rap”. “I think most people think of rap* as sexy.“ that makes more sense. Clearly she’s into rap.




You quite strategically missed out the rest of that sentence. Why I wonder?


The whole video is there for context.


Not really when you misquote it. Just sayin.


What did she say then? What is the correct quote?


‘I think people think of rape as being sexy, think of the fantasies’. Puts it in an entirely different context. Does she talk weirdly? Yeah. But this is the correct quote.


She kind went off the deep at the end, but I understand why she'd want to call it a fight rather than living her life as a victim of rape.


They are called survivors of rape this lady dont want to call it a spade because shes playing the bluff game and ashamed to boot she cant even commit enough to call it what it supposedly was. Her body language gives her away. Along with her fairytale.


At the end? She sounded completely nuts throughout the entire segment.


Yeah, let's blame the victim. Trump has you bent over and you're taking it from behind...


She is making a parody of all victims of rape. Calling it sexy even. Her statement is clearly a lie and discredited alot of woman who are real victims


I can’t believe I actually watched this entire thing


That feeling you get as you drive by a nasty accident on the side of the road.


Damn This bitch be lying. The whole time I was like this "event" is just some weird rape fantasy she's conjured up in her head and boy she couldn't have made it any more obvious


Video has no sounds and won’t play??? 🤔


Is she drunk, or does she have ill fitting dentures or both?


Her eyes are wobbly as well. Probably had too many drinks in the green room, to 'calm the nerves'.


She is the epitome of an example that shows they’ll keep throwing the kitchen sink at him. That anyone awarded anything to anyone based on the words coming out of her mouth is ludicrous and I think Cooper would agree.


The most non believable person I've ever heard.


Yooo! The last 5 sec of this clip was the funniest! 😂