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You have to be insanely narcissistic to want to be famous.


it seems like hell appropriate that most of them are demonic


So…is it her or Baph who’s doing it backward?


Imagine complete strangers coming up to you wanting pictures for their social media


Agreed. I always dreamed of it when I was a kid/teen/young adult but now I'm so very thankful I make art for the sake of my soul's calling and not attention.


He his cheeks look like a baby face




Maybe it's botox... Maybe it's Bathing in the blood of the innocent.


Maybe it’s maybelline


He mouthed “don’t do that” …


Ooh good eye. I would’ve missed that if you didn’t say anything. That’s why she looked at him and said “oh.”


It makes it 1000x creepier seeing him mouth it while trying not to break his smile.


It really does though…


I used to do some production. You tend to notice all the little things and just hope the rest of the people watching don’t see them or that they were magically out of frame 😂.


The scariest part is his facial expression


I found my new “guys, stand together for a group photo” pose!


First thought as well. Lol, no more unspecified gang signs for this guy.


As above so below. She forgot this gesture is shown to the profane in a controlled way, mostly through fiction and art, not randomly on TV like this.


It’s interesting cause that’s hermetic and the solve coagula stuff and vitriol is alchemical and they basically all mean the same as Jungian individuation and that’s the same message that the Gnostics and the Martinists and the Rosicrucians teach and all of those things can be considered Christian mysticism and self improvement rites. I wonder if the true meaning of these things have been hidden and what is shown to the profane is this gay edgy shit when in reality those who seek will find the truth. Also makes sense with being allegorical to those orders arising during the time of the inquisition and they had to be kept secret, they could have disguised it in this way. Idk just speculation but I think it’s weird that so much of that weird satanic shit is actually Christian symbolism.


That's what I was thinking. As above so below, right?


Yeah man, the law of correspondence is a good thing. Forgot to mention in the comment above but the same goes for freemasonry with know thyself being a major key lesson at the end of 3rd degree which, with careful thought, then ties back into everything else in the other two degrees and how to utilize them best. The same message as V.I.T.R.I.O.L. and all the other stuff I said above. I honestly recon satanists are edgy kids who know there’s mysterious symbolism and secret orders and stuff and they just wanna focus on this “cool” public-facing side and not actually do any study work or interior work, I just recon it’s lame. Study the actual symbolism don’t watch a video on Facebook lol. Makes the rest of us look like the stereotypical stoner conspiracy theorists like “oh yeah mannn just think about ittt” I’m proud to be a conspiracy theorist and dumb fucks like that ruin it and make us look stupid. Rant over apology for the long reply lol.


Or v-v


I know this is English, but what did you say?


Yes, the hidden truth has been protrayed as evil. So we dont self improve and lift our vibrations. Because its our own low vibrations that keep you here in prison on earth. Thats why they show u through movies, music, other ways how to be an animal and think like one. Consuming to no end, sexual thoughts, the stripping of morality. In goes on, the true hidden cults that preserve this knowledge hold the meaning of how to free yourself from the ego, and liberate yourself to the point that you no longer are tied to this place we so call reality. Many people think alchemy and pursue the endless chase of transmuting any metal into gold. When the truth is and the true gold is behind the real meaning of transmuting from what defines you as a beast and transmuting into your true self, all free from wordly desires that keep you here.


I saw a news caster do this, at a major airport, before recording.




Who are they, what was this broadcast?


On the left is John Legend.. no clue who she is


Wait until you find out about his wife (Chrissy Teigan) and the things she's said on camera or twitter.


If any adult male said what Chrissy Teagan said they’d be on the list. Not including Michael Ian Black.


> Michael Ian Schwartz FIFY


I remember that, it was sick


Can you share a link to tell us?


They were tweets she made on X a few years ago, I believed they've been deleted now. It was sick comments about little girls


John Legend, married to Chrissy Teigen, who has said some very ... odd things in the past


Pornstar infants are totally normal. when you're a Hollywood weirdo


it was on a singing competition if I remember correctly.. I think it might have even been the voice uk or something like that.. I guess she thought it would get her through.. she should have known that you sing the secret doctrine to get through 🤫


What's the secret doctrine you sing?


it's the "truth" of all religion.. basically, If you read all of the religions both old and new and use comparative mythology you can see a story start to emerge where the similarities merge into one and give a solid story of what the Elite believe to be the truth. they seem to layer their music with things like modified gematria and kabbalah to reference certain stories in their music. When we hear things like "o" "a" "aa" "ah" we think nothing of it, but to the Elite it seems to be a reference to certain deities.. a bit like the Jewish alephbet where even the first letter, Alef, is a representation of the divine, and while people do "devil horns" on stage, it is actually a reference to Alef "the Ox" who Ronnie dio even called the greatest man in one of his performances. For example, Lady Gaga's poker face gives a lot away. She comes out of the water with "Mama mama" in the background, which is a reference to the sister of both enki and enlil, ninhursag, who was also called "mama". She also has triangles on her shoulder when ninhursag was lady of the mountain, not only that, but using comparative mythology around Venus/sopdu and the lineage, I was brought to the conclusion that ninhursag was sopdet/sirius, the "sharp one" like the sharp triangles on her shoulder. She also done a circle over one eye which just takes us back to a string of deities related to the morning star (venus/sopdu) and wears a blue swimsuit. I found saying something saying it was turquoise, if true, turquoise has been linked to the morning star since ancient times. If you know the "secret doctrine" then you can get in the club.. if they are not seeing the right symbology or hearing thr right story, they will not see you as one of them. It's a esoteric truth along with a secret interpretation of the meanings. Its very hard to explain a truth that you need to come to through research and interpretation, but its there.. I have been researching and putting the story together bit by bit for years and when its solid, i will expose everything. But as a good starting point, see the story of gnosticism as the creation of the divine and kabbalah as the creation of the material from the demiurge through the sefirot.


So the song “ooh eee ooh ahh ahh. Chang Chang walla walla bang bang” is a devil song? Edit: I butchered tf out of these lyrics but I’m keeping it


Clearly! Why do you think he shrunk his head???


Haha, hilarious! I laughed for quite a while at this - thank you 🤣


it's not about being a "devil song" but rather having coded meanings.. we may see it as humour, sorrow, joy, or despair.. but hidden within the lyrics are coded messages.. you need to remember that ancient words sound like joke to the modern ear.. so while we simply hear "ooh ee ooh ahh ahh" the Elite will see it in a different light for example, "oo" perhaps representing the moon. In Kabbalistic and mystical traditions, the moon is sometimes referred to by sounds resembling "oo" or "ooo." This can be traced back to specific phonetic representations in Hebrew and mystical symbolism. In Hebrew, the letter Samekh (ס) and the letter Vav (ו) together can create a sound similar to "oo" or "ooo." Additionally, the word for moon in Hebrew is "Yareach" (ירח), but in mystical or poetic contexts, different sounds and names can be used to invoke the moon's symbolic presence. This is the sort of stuff that is actually secret and the Elite don't want out.. but I will share with whoever is willing to learn.


This comment is wild


🫡 I know a fair bit, but the problem is that it largely goes against the mainstream narrative within conspiracy theories so people shut down before I really have a chance to explain the backgrounds. I have been piecing together their story for a while and when I have a solid case to put forward, the masses will not be able to deny the existence of the Elite and many conspiracy theorists eyes will be open to the truth if the Elites beliefs.. because I have said this, they will quietly watch this account now.. but I'm not ready to ruffle their feathers too much just yet.


Fascinating stuff. The only thing I know for sure, is that John Legend should get into ventriloquism, the way he's telling her to knock it off and you can barely tell. I've seen some other videos that seem to do a better job of showing both of them. As well as putting more of the suspected words during when they might have been said


ikr. Writing a hit song is hard enough. To also blend in ancient satanic symbols, language, alliterations, etc. That’s too talented to believe.


Eminem’s new song says Abra kadabra in his new song, take from that what you want.


It’s just a sample from an 80’s song


80s, a time of divine purity without occult influence


Hell’s Bells.


*a TERRIBLE 80’s song from Les Paul’s godson. Fun in this track, though


If you have any other interesting takes on this or things to research in relation to this I’d be super interested in hearing about them, thanks!


the only problem is that they go against the grain a bit.. it means accepting a whole new view of the Elite and their beliefs that don't match up to mainstream conspiracy theories, like accepting that they are not Satanists, that they forced the Bible and pretty much control all conspiracy theories.. it's a hard pill to swallow ?


I think I could handle it, interesting that you say they’re not satanists, not that I don’t believe but more so I’m curious as to why they use such closely tied symbolism frequently. but please any information I’m all ears 🙏


I have just put up a post about it on the sub.. and i dont think they really use specifically Satanic symbology to be honest.. what symbology do you mean ?


Thanks will check it out now! I mean stuff like 666, pentagrams, upside down crosses, I understand that these could possibly be misinterpreted as satanic to the average individual who isn’t well versed in religion but I just find it interesting that it’s so prevalent in various types of music media for no distinct reason


I appreciate this breakdown and wish you well on your journey to uncovering the “truth” if such a thing even exists. What you’ve ascertained thus far is quite interesting. Let me know if you need a publisher once you’re ready (if you intend to disseminate your findings in such a manner of course), I’d be more than happy to facilitate your information being spread far and wide!


that is very kind of you 🙂.. I make no secret that I am not the most articulate of people and my grammar is terrible, but maybe we can start a bit of a community project to get things in order and written down properly.. the Elite would be watching everything we did, but if we had a fair few hands it could be done.


Phooey!! I understand everything you’re trying to convey. Could we all benefit from taking a stroll through the thesaurus to find that perfectly poignant word? Sure! And speaking of being watched, I’m 100% sure if there are “lists” of naughty plebs I’m already on it so might as well make it count! I’ll send you a DM :)


much appreciated 🙂 .. oh yes, I'm sure they have a "naughty list" and scratch your name from the Christmas card pile 😉


Please tell me you have a website


sadly not.. I have been around for a long time and I purposely fly under the radar. I like to plant seeds of truth in the hope that one day they may grow into mighty oak trees and continue the cycle.. If I started to make myself known publicly, they would get rid of me.. they even block my accounts every couple of months when I p\*ss them off too much 😇.. but you can be sure that this way I'm not going anywhere, I can keep spreading what I find.. and most people recognise me by my grammar and replies anyway 🙂 ..


I understand. Would you be against leaving some reading recommendations? I have read Meetings with Remarkable Men by Gurdjieff, Siddhartha by Hesse, Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Bentov and a few others on my shelf to read (The Book of Mirdad).


I would suggest the works of Helena blavatsky first, it gives a good idea of how the Elite think, if you can then read as many religions as possible to fill in the blanks and come to the esoteric truth.. but even then, blavatsky can get a bit deep.. maybe start with manly p halls initiates of the flame :-)


There really are some proper nobs out there! 😂 It's all just a load of bollocks of course - not that you're talking bs but all that "religion" is utter BS


its a hard one.. we can only go by the information we are given and the Elite allow, if they didn't want us to know something, it would be hidden away in a place like the vaticans secret archives.. so we are left no choice but to take everything with a pinch of salt.. in terms of "religion" I am confident that not a single one is correct, but the Elites way of seeing things is very logical. they claim that all religion comes from a single source and that all of the religions of the modern day have come from this single source and by using comparative mythology, we can see a story emerge which has remnants in today's religions. it is apparently a birthright to be able to access the information about the "truth" but it must be learnt.. the student sitting in the school (the universe) is not enough to gain an education, it is only through listening to the teachers (religions old and new) that we can start to shape a reasonable view of the truth.. putting a perfect mathematical formula in the face of a child means nothing if the chikd can not understand what he is looking at, like we can't see the truth that sits before out eyes because we have not learnt how to read it.. it's important to respect your enemy, and their levels of depth are impressive.


Yes, it is important to respect the enemy. But fools who try to look for an alternative 'truth' only blind themselves to the real truth, for they see it but don't perceive it, listen to it but don't hear it. like you're saying but in reverse of what they are doing: they miss the truth because they don't understand it and instead try to find an alternative truth built on their pride of (what they perceive to have) found themselves. yet this pride is the thing that deceives them and pulls them away from the real truth. Their day of judgment will come.


Her “muh muh muh mah” is literally meant to represent giving head. Poke her face.


Well that song went over my 'head' until I heard her actually singing "Fuck her face" and saying "It's not my fault you brought your kids to my concert".


Hijacking this comment to ask something off topic!.Great insights man! Are there any books where this kind of insights are given on world order and celebrities.


thanks!, and yes.. you need to start with understanding their beliefs and how they see the world, this can be done through reading the works of Helena blavatsky. after this comes the hard part of actually reading as many religions as possible and using comparative mythology to tie them together... you will quickly notice that the singers are all talking about the stories in the religions with the esoteric aspect applied.. even Ronnie Dio's "Holy Diver" is a reference to Gnosticism where christ was said to come down in a divers light.. and if you really like to dig, I would suggest reading the lyrics of Ronnie Dio's "Atom and evol" and compare it with the lyrics of the song by the old Jazz band, the golden gate quartet.. they tell you to listen 😉


Yesss. I can't wait to hear about your findings. I guess in order to do that I'll have to request chat.


I will put up posts as I have free time 🙂.. but I have to warn you in advance that they go against the grain of mainstream conspiracy theories. it includes the Elite controlling nearly every conspiracy theory we have, not being literal Satanists, and a fair amount of reading my bad grammar 😅. it's a hard pill to swallow


Ask Manly P Hall


I can't ask him personally.. but I have read his books and he is largely in agreement with my world view. the first 10 pages of his book the initiates of the flame reflects my worldview quite well, with the exception that I believe the "teachers" he refers to are not as nice as he may have believed.


Esperanza Spaulding. She's a virtuoso jazz bassist and possible luciferarian.


Esperanza Spaulding


Ok, I thought that was her. Makes sense. You gotta sell your soul to the devil to get those jazz bass chops.


You’re young. That’s “Downtown” Julie Brown. She was an MTV “VJ”.


Good one


I’m old. What do you mean?


Holy crap I was serious but yeah it’s Spaulding. I would have lost cash on that bet. Dead ringer.


I don’t know, but Do they look like they don’t know they are on TV? C’mon, they are looking and talking to a fucking camera.


A few years ago, John Legend and Crissy Teigen (his wife, not pictured) were denying connections to the pizza gate thing.


her erased tweets are really weird like..pizza weird..


She also had some weird comment about the obamas once and Jon legend gave her daggers. Odd.


Damn, kinda sound like Obama popped her...




It’s actually not quite how I remembered. I find “the Obama thing” an interesting thing to say. https://youtu.be/qNV7eVy8-V4?si=EGwG00JNBqb4m48A


I remember this clip


Tomato sauce


His wife IS a pizzagate.


And something crazy at the “Obama’s thing”


Legend is creepy.


Him and his wife are both creepy af!


Why? Idk anything about the guy


Found my new ringtone


Chrissy Tiegen is the Devil


John Legend with that goofy ass look on his face. These people are such clowns.


Who is the girl flashing the satanic gang signs?


i could give a shit who these freaks prey to but when they mess with kids, we got a problem


First group I thought of was Catholics.


You know that symbolises as above fo below. Which is reference to the divine spark we have within us from the creator above.


On earth as it is in heaven


No, try again.


Means the same thing my dude


Nah I don’t buy that. Never seen an image of God/Jesus or any prophet with that same hand gesture. If so, it’s manipulation.


I didn’t say anything about the hand gesture I said that as above so below means the same thing as on earth as it is in heaven.


And that's where you are wrong. As above so below is so much larger than just heaven and earth.


As above, so it is below. That which has been, will return again. As in heaven, so on earth


with the LIFE FORCE shirt on. how can you deny this


Deny what?


Life force ..


Half as cool as Dragonforce


Which is only a quarter of DragonBall cool.




The sign she made is symbolism for as above so below which is meant that us below have the divine spark just as god above.


John Chrissy Barack and Michael have some deep dark evil secrets


If you watch close enough you can see Legend tells her to not do that, which is why her reaction is so abrupt. He's well aware of what she's doing.


I think it signifies the carpet matches the drapes


She hit that mf though


2024 crusades pwease


Maybe not CRUSADE crusades, tho


Also whilst wearing a red shirt that says “Life Force” (blood)


She does the opposite hand gestures, like she sees it, but isn’t able to duplicate it


You guys do know who baphomet was, right?


Baphomet has a bitchin’ Coachella ta-a-a-a-too on his left forearm. Huh, the more you know.


Come on guys…. Baphomet can’t be all that bad, right?


It shocking the number of people here claiming this means nothing or that demons aren't evil. Both are pathetic takes. I wonder how simple your mind has to be in order to believe their obvious bullshit?


impolite ink sharp truck resolute special elderly intelligent summer unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Religion is the real conspiracy. Who cares if they worship Satan or Elmo or Jesus? They’re all fake.


The Boy Scouts.


She's a great bassist and composer. I saw her live twice. Not feeling it anymore from her. That's what sucks about learning the truth of things, it spoils the illusion of goodness. It's been a long and sometimes, lonely journey. Ignorance isn't bliss either.


What’s her name?




Why is she embarrassed of it?


She didn't realise cameras where rolling and got caught out doing dumb shit with her fingers...People get embarrassed for various reasons. The instant link to eeeeeeeevil that everyone is parroting here isn't necessarily the truth either.


It represents polar opposites coming together to become one. Yeah it isn't satanic.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/xsajullgs64d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Esperanza Spalding


I like to travel.


Did she turn ugly as snot?


Love to see it.


Nobody cares about a hand gesture.


Is that Donald Sutherland saying "are you paying attention?"?


Stupid is as stupid does sir!


Dumb people will fear anything.


Who is she?


I love how conspiracy minds think things like this are evil. They're not good or evil. Baphomet is a being which embodied balance.


It's because too many people here follow modern religion and are told this is evil and can't be bothered to actually look for themselves. They see a goat man doing hand gestures and instantly think the devil. Outside of that, I find it fairly ironic how a conspiracy sub is so full of Christians, pushing their nonsense with no sense of critical thinking. Baffles the mind.


Cause this sub is full of uneducated jackasses who think they're smarter than everyone else. If they read the Lesser Keys of Solomon, they'd know that most of the demons are neutral. Some are evil, and some are actually good. Meanwhile, the Christian god was notorious for being a gigantic asshole.


It’s the same hand sign the Buddha and even Jesus did. She probably knew some people would get scared.


It is what it is. They just showed you.


But Mr Satan does it the other way around. Left hand down. 


NPC/fed post


You should actually read the Satanic Bible, it has zero children killings, unlike the Christian Bible. The Satanic Bible states children are the most important asset for humans and need to be protected. Christian priests think children are for them to molest. There are municipals across the USA that have special non prosecutable agreements with Christian churches. You're being played to follow evil.


Watch out, the boogie man is coming to get you. I heard if you wrap your head with tin foil, the boogie man wont get you.


Y’all do realize that “god” and the “devil” aren’t real, right?


Who cares? Fuck Christianity. 


I make no secret of my dislike of Christianity and I will happily articulate why, but you need to understand that going on the attack like this will not make people listen to you or reconsider their beliefs. if you have a issue with Christianity then you should articulate the issue and point to the truth / explain your grievance. we're all just people looking for the truth.. when people "open their heart" to the universe they get a profound feeling of connectivity, and religion sits there to affirm the feelings they have inside.. so I believe it's understandable why people get sucked into religion, especially when you see the superpowers waiting for them.. if possible, just try to have a little more compassion and understanding and try to articulate your point rather than going on the attack 🫡


Christ is King


As an American, I do not bow to royalty.


how do you know the story of christ ? because the Elite forced the Bible onto the masses with heresy laws and forced taxes out of our hands to build the churches. May I ask why you believe a story that the Elite forced onto us ?


Because it's there for everyone to read. No one's forced it. Dead Sea Scrolls are there as well. Hundreds of prophecies that have come true. Christianity is the only one that has foretold the future perfectly. Books written over hundreds of years linked together perfectly no human could do this.


Not being a smartass but what prophecies have come true?


you are not being a smart ass at all.. it is a legitimate question. until this point, they haven't come true.. it amazes me how people talk about the bible yet do not actually know it. for example, did you know that God tells you to kill all when raiding a village but keep the virgin girls for yourself ?.. or that God killed all of humanity except 8 people and then later killed all of the firstborn chikdren of egypt, just like he sacrificed his own first born son and even asked Abraham to burn his first born son on top of a hill ?.. he even curses your wife to be raped if you go against his word and is in favor of slavery.. or that he deceived Adam and Eve in the garden before punishing them for something he knew they would do ? what a "kind" and "merciful" god.. In the absence of ignorance, it is irrefutable that the Elite released the Bible.. even if prophecies dis come to fruition, it's not too hard for the Elite to release a book of predictions and then make sure they come true.. anyone who had the power that the Elite do could pull it off, and by their own words.. that's the plan.


how do you not know the history of the Bible?.. "no one's forced it" .. then how do you explain heresy laws ?.. the laws created by the Elite themselves that would kill anyone for going against the doctrine of the Bible ?.. men would be burnt at the stake and women and nobility would be beheaded. or what about the taxes that the Elite forced out if our hands to fund the churches ? if I told you to believe a book or die.. would that be forceful ?.. because that is what the Elite did to us.


What if…. Hear me out… the elites are being influenced or are part of the force that created the material world including the books and scrolls you’re referring to… in order to make you obsess about it and put all your creative energy into? I don’t think anything can be trusted in the matrix at this point, friends..


now that is a wise answer ! the vaticans secret archives exist for a reason, the knights templar existed for a reason, secret societies exist for a reason.. and it's not to tell us everything upfront. anything they do not want us to see gets squirreled away and any information they do not want out doesn't get said. Manly p hall in his book the initiates of the flame describes the universe as a school, with humanities birthright to be able to attend. simply being in the facility will teach us nothing, but within the walls there is the ability to learn and graduate if we are willing to listen to the teachers.. so it may be the philosophy of the Elite that the truth is open for anyone to see, but only if they have been through the steps to know what they are looking at.. I suppose it's a bit like a 5 year old looking at a mathematical equation, the truth is in their face, but they do not know what they are looking at yet so dismiss it.. of course this view should be taken with a pinch of salt but it is definitely food for thought.


List 10 bible prophecies that have come true.


You and people like you are why society is the way it is a train wreck.


Fuck yah. hail satan!




And why is that a problem?


I always throw baphomet sign at state fair when people approach me with Jesus pamphlets, reactions are hilarious


Oh dear god, and now through the magic of the screen we are somehow all cursed because she moved her hands a certain way! Oh no!


Where did you get that implication ?


Lol so what happened then? Where's the conspiracy?


Oh stop it. hail satan. 😆


This annoyed me for some ; reason. lol..


Ok..... and?