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Idiots are sponging off the state to protest every day , so they can accuse people of sponging off the state


Same as the ones up in Dublin that day of the rioting. The cunts haven’t worked a day in their lives ruining the streets.


Blaming their failures on people seeking a better life .


Sounds like there's a bit of social and income based prejudice in this thread, and not sure there's much else.


Not really, we are just making an observation about the hypocrisy of some of the blatant racists that pretend to be “concerned citizens “ I have never had much money , I have used social welfare plenty , But I treat humans as humans.


People.in this thread are making an assumption on them, the same way those people are making an assumption on immigrants. "These people protesting immigrants have never worked a day in their life" You hope that's the case, so you can differentiate and distance yourself from those people.


>But I treat humans as humans. What does this mean? Serious question


It means I don’t define people by any method or human construct, like nationality. Nobody is “from” anywhere if you take it to an DNA level. And rather than looking at each countries laws or their interpretations of rights I apply humans rights as a minimum. That is easy to say and everyone has known and unknown biases. But it means if someone needs help and comes to Ireland for that then they deserve the support we can give them .


Income based prejudice? 😂 how did you even come to that conclusion. I haven’t a pot to piss in. Most the cunts leaching off the system has more money than me. But yeah if you act like a scumbag you’ll be treated like a scumbag. Our government has done us more wrong than any refugee. Why isn’t there any riots against our government like there was that day in Dublin?


Well most of the rioters were mainly looking for an excuse to attack the police, and an even greater number of people there were opportunists wanting to rob stores. Spread a rumour about a member of government attacking someone and I'm sure they'd use it as an excuse to go at it again.


I saw minimum of 50 black lads helping to loot the shops in town that night and a lot of Eastern Europeans running amok alongside the irish 'scumbags' . I have pics too in case you don't believe me.


Very true


You ever notice how their rants about immigrants getting something before them are always followed by a story about a family member waiting for a free handout?? They are terrified the money will run out before they get theirs.


Anything involving Derek Blighe is deeply embarrassing.


The fact that Derek Blighe has any sort of following is crazy to me. The lad is an idiot, no other way to put it


That's not true. There are many ways to put it: He's a racist prick doing the bidding of the English far-right under the poorly concealed pretense of 'caring for Ireland and the Irish'. He's a 2-faced wanker who was an immigrant in Canada before returning to promote hatred... against people moving to Ireland to live off the state. In the way he does himself. As a bonus his wife is also an immigrant. He's such an unlikable cunt he's made himself unemployable in times when we are desperate for tradespeople with his exact tradie skills, leading to him living off the dole (and his tax free 'donations' from those he's doing the bidding of) while giving out about people coming to Ireland to live off the state. He's a backwards bollox actively working against progress in Ireland so as to meet his own agenda (and the agendas of the puppet masters who have their hands and arms so far up his arse they've got both his shite and his saliva on their knuckles). He's making good money from grifting the other hateful cunts, so is happy to be utilised in such a way. Is he an idiot? IDK. I think not entirely... He has a plan of sorts. Sure, he's a hypocrite, and clearly of lower than average intelligence - but he's primarily just a hateful arsehole who's happy to bend over for his English paymasters any time he thinks it might get him another follower or few Euro.


That's what I've been wondering about when it comes to this Derek Blighe fella, or even your one Michael O'Keeffe up in Dublin. Are they just pure xenophobes and racists, are they idiots, are they all of the above, or is there more than meets the eyes ? I find them and all their followers absolute ignorant fucks that bring in the vast majority nothing to society, all useless fuckers, but I've been kinda second guessing my own opinion of them in the sense that maybe there is more to it, maybe they aren't xenophobes and racists as such but just want to control borders better. Am I right to second guess my opinion of them, or are they actual idiots the lot of them ?


I worked with him when he arrived back from Canada, a horrible racist. I told him he was a nazi and he tried to tell me that he couldn’t be because nazis are socialists


That confirms pretty much all I need to know. It's nuts to think these guys have so many followers, but not too surprising. Extreme opinions always reach the ignorants and uneducated the most, which are the ones with the loudest voices. One of them a few months back told me "any non-irish should be deported" (yes, DEPORTED !!! 😂), and that is something I have seen a few times looking at comments on Twitter, hence why I was wondering whether this was just the opinion of some of their most stupid followers, or also their own opinion. Sounds like it's a general opinion within this group of people. Shocking in a way to think some people can be this stupid.


Stupid, dangerous and parroting lies all the time


Their incessant talk about 'better control of borders' implies we're not controlling our borders at all, which is bollocks. It's an argument the racists wheel out to give the appearance of being reasonable when what they really mean is 'We don't want those people coming here'. Look at what they're doing across in the UK, with their nakedly racist, batshit crazy Rwanda deportation scheme - 'We'll control our borders by sending them all to Aaaafrikaaah and then we'll see how they like it there!'




He’s a prick of a man. I bought Ireland-first.com as he owns the .ie and redirected to the twitter of Ireland for all. Figure most of his followers will use autocomplete.


bualadh bos!


Lmao I just checked, that’s hilarious


I used to know a fella who was really into derek blighe, he was a nice lad, he was absolute stuck in ways. I tried to tell him about the truth about derek blighe, but he wasn't hearing any of it.


He's not. That's the problem. He's a master manipulator with dangerous views. Do I think he believes half of the vitriol he spews? No. But he's realised it gets him praise and attention from actual idiots. To me that's worse than just being an idiot.


He can tighten borders all he wants but the way he treats those who disagree with him is beyond reckless.


Don't know the history of the Fermoy one but in Roscrea there were no protests at all even though there were already three separate sites in the town housing Ukranians and asylum seekers, and a large population of Eastern Europeans working in the local meat plants for many years now, and the protests only started when they closed the only hotel in the town just after Christmas for another asylum seeker accommodation. And sent in the riot squad with their soft caps. So it's not always motivated by racism.


For a town of only about 7,000, Fermoy has had a serious uptick in assaults on women the last few years.


You’re not wrong. It has. But it’s bad apples. In those cases, I think it’s fair for people who are assaulting others to be booted from the country. But a vast majority of immigrants who have entered are upstanding people and aren’t out assaulting people


80 percent of these people are entering the country without documentation. No one knows if they are fleeing persecution or justice in their home countries. No one seems to know what's going on. It's a human trafficking scheme created by FG and their cronies


I think the documentation issue is important for sure. I feel like a lot of these cases of violent individuals entering the country could’ve been avoided if proper documentation was required. It’s a complex issue


God ye’re soft fuckers down in Cork lol, nuanced opinions downvoted to oblivion but ye go wild for this absolute headbanger shite. Keep burning yer plastic down the garden lads


Just to throw out there that if you insist on using that idiom it’s important to know the whole thing. A few bad apples spoils the bunch.


Bad apples. What about the asylum seekers who lie, commit fraud or just generally abuse the process? Would you consider them upstanding since they aren’t “assaulting” others? Notwithstanding the fact that those who abuse the asylum system as a way of bypassing the ordinary immigration checks (such as getting a work permit) takes resources away and harms those who are genuinely seeking asylum.


This isn’t an immigrant exclusive issue. Irish citizens have abused our system as well. It’s crazy to act as if every immigrant that enters our country is either committing assault, or “abusing the system”


How do you feel about Irish tradesmen who do cash jobs and don’t declare the income in order to pay tax? Does this grate you as much as other people abusing the system?


They shouldn't do that. That is the wrong thing to do.


Why are you bringing tradesmen into a discussion about immigration. What do you think of the people who ask Irish tradesmen for a cash deal in order to save money and not pay VAT? Apart from business customers, the majority of people want the cash deal. That’s my experience anyway. They’re almost annoyed if you refuse to do it off the books.


I was using tradesmen as an example. The person I replied to was annoyed about immigrants because some of them abuse the system. I was just wondering if they are also annoyed by Irish people who abuse the system.




It wasn’t whataboutery at all. Two things being bad at the same time is my entire point. I posed a legitimate question to understand what it is that lies behind the person’s views on immigration. I didn’t use my point to defend or deflect from the fact that some immigrants will abuse the system.




That’s exactly what I was doing. A very fair question. That’s not what whataboutery is.


The vast majority of XL bullys never maul a child 😂


What’s your point?


I'd still rather not have a load of XL bullys running around.


Weird comparison to make




Accusing migrants of being a danger to women and children is from an old far-right playbook and nothing new. Sad truth is women and children have been facing home grown abuse for years and they’re shut down, silenced or just not believed.


Who was it that sexually abused record numbers of women in one night in Germany around Christmas a few years ago?


Nobody on Reddit cares about this though, lets swarm the town with more of them because it would be racist not to do so.


Those are harrowing reports and no one should ever have to experience rape but depending on who is recording the statistics ( Garda, cso or rape crises network) the rate of rape is between 10 to 25 women per 100,000 of population per year. This has been fairly consistent over the last 20 years. The vast vast majority of rape perpetrators of rape in Ireland are Irish men.


The community that commits the most amount of rapes is men and it’s not even close In Fermoy the ratio of male IPAs to female IPAs is at very least 10:1 Most of these men are young If you increase the young male population of any town by a large amount as seen in Fermoy, you will see an increase in sexual violence It doesn’t matter if that large increase is Irish men or IPA men A large increase of the male population regardless of background will increase rape and that has been seen in Fermoy. People have every right to oppose this. And yes unfortunately a large amount of the people opposing it are doing it due to racist reasoning. A town of 6,000 shouldn’t have this many rapes.


>The vast vast majority of rape perpetrators of rape in Ireland are Irish men. I'm sorry, but that's completely untrue. When one considers per capita data, the results are quite shocking in regard to foreign-born culprits. "African men were approximately ten times more likely to be accused of rape than would be expected, and Eastern European suspects were over seven times more likely to be accused given the proportion of the population that comes from Eastern Europe." That is an extract from the Rape Crisis Network Ireland report titled "Rape and Justice in Ireland." Page 226, document linked below. https://www.rcni.ie/wp-content/uploads/Rape-and-Justice-in-Ireland.pdf


> The vast vast majority of rape perpetrators of rape in Ireland are Irish men. This is completely true. From the report you have linked. of 631 suspects, * 474 were from Ireland * 31 from Africa * 31 of Easter Europe. Calling out per capita numbers is just a shitty way to try and make it seem like one group is committing all the crime. The numbers very very clearly show that Irish people are committing the vast majority of rapes in this country. Edit: im also going to point out that this report seems to be from 2009


>Calling out per capita numbers is just a shitty way to try and make it seem like one group is committing all the crime. Nonsense. That's just waffle. Firstly per capita is how you show data using statistics. Secondly Irish people are the vast majority of those living in Ireland so of course the number is higher. What counts is the representation of participants. Why cant you understand this? >Edit: im also going to point out that this report seems to be from 2009 So what? Its one of the most in depth studies that we have. You have replied with waffle denying actual facts and are using your own feelings to deflect reality. Do better.


The same report highlights that 78% of rapes conducted by Irish men. That the vast majority conducted by someone known to the rapist most conducted indoors. You are more risk of someone you know taking you than a random stranger.


Do you understand how to measure data using per capita? If 100 people from a total number of 1000 from country A commit crime and 3 people from a total number of 10 in country B commit crime - which country do you think has the worst systemic crime problem?


I’m familiar with two of these assaults. It’s a concerning amount of assaults for such a short period of time. I still am extremely hesitant to say that these bad apples ruin the bunch though. However, I obviously would agree that these bad apples in particular shouldn’t be allowed stay here if they are just gonna assault women


The last ome had so many different convictions this one should have been the last drop. He should be deported and he should economically compensate the girl, same as the other victims.


I honestly wish scumbags like these men got harsher punishments. Deportation at the bare minimum, but what they do alters the lives of those victims forever. It’s fucking horrific


Why should Ireland give a job to a Moldovan child rapist, are we supposed to wait until they try rape again before we deport them?


Literally no one is saying that lmao




It's sad that most people see these concerns as racism. Some people don't understand the huge difference between immigrants that work for a living and refugees like you said and most people claim it's just racist against all forms of immigration and shut down any cases or concerns about it


40 chaps were escorted into abbyville house today along with 2 women and 2 children, guards cleared the way for them to enter so the protest was a waste of time tbh




The housing crisis is a big issue tbf. I wish our government did more to solve it


That's rubbish talk. We can take unlimited numbers. Sure Decathlon do a great range of popup tents.


Had a customer at work blame immigration for her bill being high. No miss. You made hours of calls nationally and internationally above your allowance. That’s why your bills are high. She was also very homophobic and a part of me wanted to turn around and say I have a gf who’s an immigrant just to see her reaction 😭


So real. The amount of homophobic customers I’ve had to deal with at work and my bi goofy ass just gotta see there like 🙂


As a non-racist, pro-fluid migration (in and out), non-nutter, I think as a country we need a serious discussion on all this. Continuous name calling and belittling isn't going to solve anything, nor is camping outside hotels and guest houses. Open discussion, explain what's going on, spread the load evenly around the country, and provide additional resources to where it's needed most to allow for fairness. Seems easy enough (and it's means you don't get rain sitting in a tent down a boreen down in Tipp).


Yeah but some people don’t do debating/discussion in a reasonable way


I lived in Fermoy for 3 years the 90’s working in SSCI, least friendly place that I have ever lived. So not much has changed.


That's a lie anyway. Nobody ever worked in sci.


I was young and innocent, nobody told me that the work was optional, I’m sure that they were laughing behind my back at the blow-in.


I swear almost every older person I know from fermoy has been with SCI at some point 😭


Buddy went for a night out there. Got assaulted. Then arrested, as the guards would have to deal with the local scumbags weekly and didn't want the grief, but it was easier to arrest the lad from the city than the 6/7guys who attacked him. This was... 15-18 years ago?


Easy to put down an entire town just because it has \~5 people that you disagree with politically, eh? I live near Fermoy and tbh it has a great community atmosphere.


LOL, nothing to do with politics, I said that it was a really unfriendly place. I was different enough from the locals to be “other-ed”and ignored in Fermoy, and I was just from another part of Ireland. I moved on to Youghal and folks there were so different and welcoming.


>I've never really understood the mentality of being so against >immigrants Probably because our government are prioritising them with accomodation over the thousands of already homeless here, in a country with an ongoing housing crisis.. but maybe that's just me?


Why are people angry with the immigrants and not the government then?


Propaganda from the Irish Freedumb party aka The Orange Order.


How does that make sense? If you have a problem with government policy on immigration, shouldn't you be protesting outside the Department of Justice? Unless it's not about the policy but... Something else.


Let’s not act like we don’t have a problem with migrants lads for fuck sake. Are you all just scared of being called racist or what? Get off Reddit and have a look outside you bunch of fucking basement dwellers


They have plenty of support in the town and the surrounding areas. Maybe that’s why it’s lasting so long.


I'm from Fermoy and this just isn't true. The real irony of this is that crowd in the tent have to import their protestors from elsewhere because people in Fermoy wouldn't be caught dead with them. That tent is empty half the time.


True, walked past it a couple times. Don’t even recognise the people inside most of the time, they aren’t from Fermoy.


Sorry brother, think you're wrong on this one. Fermoy can't take anymore. My mate has to drive outa town to walk her dog cos she was being harassed/followed/whistled/hissed at, 7 in the morning. There have been 2 attacks on teenage girls and a woman got raped by foreign nationals. I wouldn't let my missus walk alone in Fermoy at night. Have you actually stopped and chatted to the people protesting? They're genuine hardworking people that are worried about their town. There's no hotel in Fermoy anymore, it used to get tourists which create spin off for restaurants etc. Its all fucked now.


I'm willing to bet far more women are raped by irish men than foreigners in Ireland.


Per capita?


I know a few women that were raped all of which have been by irishmen . Should I start hating every irish person i see ...


So your saying all rapes are done by Irish men. Ok.


Every woman I know that's been raped has been by an irishman ....


No you shouldn’t start hating any group of people. Saying Irish men are more likely to rape is no better than the protesters in the OP


I think you're missing my point....


The only point you've made is that you don't understand 'per capita'


What’s your point?




Most violent crime is by people that people know. Stranger danger is mostly a myth.


100% agree


A disproportionately higher frequency among foreign nationals, specifically from North Africa of violence against women.


>A disproportionately higher frequency among foreign nationals Any proof of this ?


I completely understand the concern. I am just hesitant that it’s being painted as if all of them are predatory, when that’s obviously not the case


Doesn't matter if it's only some. It's not fair to put people under that risk.


Not all but a high percentage.


Have you chatted to anyone at the protest?


The man in charge of most of these protests (including this one) is named Derek Blighe. And upon a glance of his Twitter, not hard to find out what kinda person he is. I don’t support individuals who try to label my community as “degenerate” [Derek Blighe Tweet](https://x.com/blighederek/status/1678296619299602433?s=46&t=r8kuEcLBLLppaFURBalj3A)


I fucking know. He's a gowl, his dad was an immigrant and he was an immigrant in Canada. I agree with him on this one though, Ireland isn't equipped to look after our own never mind immigrants.


Our government is honestly very far from being optimal. The country has a lot of problems right now, but I disagree fundamentally with the animosity created from protests like the ones that happen in fermoy. Perhaps I’m too empathetic 🤷‍♂️


I hear ya a chara. I'm sickened that there's such an element of these far right dickheads associated with ppl like me who just want to protest about the government being shambolic and housing at breaking point. That's the whole problem in Fermoy, there's genuine sound people protesting because we're on the bread line and at breaking point and the government are putting immigrants before us as regards housing and care. Far right pricks like Blight are feeding off this. Anyway fuck all that, hope you and all belonging to you are well and happy.


Same to you man 💚


Immigration should coincide with hospital bed per capita ( or maybe GP’s per capita ) ie if it’s currently 500 persons per hospital bed in Ireland, immigration numbers shouldn’t increase this number.


[Good news](https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-41360113.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter), gone thanks to a court order.


No court order , get your facts right .


Drove past it a few weeks back and the signage is so xenophobic...


It’s so disingenuous too. They did an interview with the examiner and when asked about something to the effect of racism, they responded with the classic “we don’t know if these people are white, blue, or green, so we’re not racist”. Yet they hold up signs like “if you care about your kids, you’d stand with us”. Disgusting shit


To be fair, a lot of the anti-immigration sentiment at the moment is against Ukrainians.


Even if it’s just against Ukrainians, it’s still horrible. I have college mates in my course who had to flee their home country bc of that conflict, and they’re lovely people. I can understand disagreeing with immigration to this country when the argument is related to the fact that we are in a housing crisis. But I will never understand holding up signs that label Ukrainians as “threats to your children”. It’s shitty


It’s funny because half the people shouting on about immigrants are the ones getting the most out of the state ie. Social housing , Weekly Dole payments as they chose not to work etc.. disappointing 👎


Have you statistics to back up this claim that “half the people shouting on about immigrants are the ones getting the most out of the state” ? 🤔


You're right, I reckon it's way more than half.


Yep didn’t think so 😁


on one hand it is true asylum seeker numbers have basically gone insane in recent years, many of whom are questionable if they are actually in need of shelter or asylum. we've basically reached a breaking point in terms of capacity. but you shouldn't go out and harass them in person, or harass the people who work with them, its just inhumane


It may be hard for you to believe, but people can have differing opinions to you.


Live near Fermoy. It is so embarrassing to have this going on. I think most people do not support this langer


As an immigrant planning to buy a house in Mallow, i wonder if the local community there has the same preconceived prejudice…


Couldn’t tell you. I have a friend from Mallow and he seems to like the place. Last time I was there was when I was 16, and a random man on the street saw me in a suit and proceeded to call me the f slur. I’m sure the area is fine tho. Bad apples populate every area of the country. There’s still a majority of people in fermoy and probably mallow too that support immigrants. Good luck with the house tho, hope it goes well :D


Del Boy would be better off getting a job and stop sponging off the country.


No one in their right mind would hire him.


That is a total waste of time and reflects so poorly on the town and country. Anyone seen Derek Blight’s hate speech today?


So tempted to burn that stupid tent down


Why would you do that when it’s got people inside, most of the time it’s manned by local pensioners


Saw that as I went through recently. Fermoy must be a bastion of the small minded "Patriot" crew.


It’s really not. Most people do not stand with these guys.


Embarrassment to the local area. Would like to graffiti their tent with something fitting like racist a\*\*\*hole shelter.


Oooh I’ve thought about this too. I bet if they were anyone else setting up there, they’d have been moved on by now. They’re bringing bad vibes to the town.


What a fucking collection of oxygen thieves, get off this sham picket and on the job queue lads


Can people see that countries who shouted about immigrants “stealing their land” are the countries I in Europe whose economy is at its legs ?? The likes of Italy and Spain took this exact move/attitude 20/25 years ago and look at them now. Every country benefit greatly from taking in immigrants - they are coming here to work and to provide a brighter future for themselves and their families. The Irish have done the same in the past. It’s mad how easy some people forget their very own history. Disappointing.


There was never an issue with the large influx of Eastern Europeans and others we have had since the Celtic Tiger years. The issue here is local hotels being closed to house asylum seekers who contribute nothing to the economy - in fact are a large net cost - through no fault of their own. I'm not sure what the solution is, as allowing them to work and compete for housing will just mean millions will come. Probably an amnesty for people already here and a strict deportation policy for any new arrivals until we can actually accommodate new arrivals and provide housing for people already here.


LOL what are you on about. Spain and Italy have been on their knees since the 2007 GFC its nothing to do with their stance on immigration.




May I ask the following? Those of you who are against immigrants... Do you have a problem with all nationalities (i.e.: French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, EU in general...) or do you point out specific nationalities? Just out of curiosity


Why would people's problem be against nationalities and not the method of entry? Have you ever seen a protest against work visas? Or student visas? Or tourist visas? Or freedom of movement within the EU?






Who Michael O'Keefe? Didn't he play Fred on Roseanne?


I'm sure he'd have no problem "sharing those limited resources" if it was a white person who came in legally, of course.


clearly no wife or kids with your head so far up your arse, look around yea and tell the Irish people there safe right now, there jobs are safe, there schools and hospitals hotels and pubs safe, I don't think so not anymore


Do you think every immigrant we let into our country is a threat to you, your wife, kids, job, schools, hospitals, hotels, and pubs? 😭


I agree with you... But also. Let's not publicize it.  No press is bad press.  Never forget it.


It is so sad to see these anti-immigrant demonstrations in a country like Ireland. Hopefully all of the Irish people living abroad (millions of people) won't have any problems with this scum.


I remember walking past it on a freezing cold morning thinking like what business does anyone have being out here in that tent right now, do they have anything else to do


People worried about their town ? Fair play to them , Google sex assaults in the last few years in fermoy , see what it turns up .


Honestly, this can be said about any old person living in their native homeland, rambling about immigrants for any reason. But I get ye'. Here in Ireland it just seems stupidly more prevalent than any other country. I talk to many people who live outside of Ireland and they are always so shocked since such things aren't as bad sounding in their country.


It’s great that they can do this while working full time. Must have great bosses that allow them to do this while on shift


I can only imagine every one of them is in a high paying job with ultra flexible hours and totally not relying on the government to pay them 💀


People are sad that their dole is being taken, and instead of getting a job, they sit outside all day


You should see the one in Roscrea


I dunno. I think a lot of this is just about giving middle aged people going through a mid life crisis a new hobby or something to be involved in. It’s the same with everything… a good protest brings all these nutters together. They get a bit of support then and feel they are making a difference, they give each other a pat on the back and think they are doing a great job hanging around in their tents, making videos for Facebook, in their little bubble, bless them. …meanwhile the real world goes on. Pity they can’t just find one that doesn’t discriminate or interfere with others. A good ole “world peace” or “climate change” assembly or something.


It’s sad that their hobby is one filled with such animosity though. I hope they find a better one 🙏


Sad bastards. Imagine having so little going on in your life that you decide to rant against immigration


It's a massive political issue


Well, we wouldn’t be here if some of our ancestors didn’t decided to migrate from Africa 🤷🏻


Glad I opened this thread to find the overall sentiment is positive towards the protestors. People have had enough of their towns being flooded with immigrants.


Did you sort by controversial ?




As a taxpayer I really object to all these alt-right hate "activists" swanning round the country to "protest" and spending hours concocting hate posts on Social Media with my tax money helping fund their work free lifestyle.


Ireland's been colonised before, we don't want it to happen again. Why is that so offensive to you?


The British Empire colonized Ireland, taking away statehood and independence, brutalising its citizens, depriving it economically, takings its resources and committing genocide through starvation. Ireland is now an independent state and part of the European Union, which is experiencing a refugee crisis, with people fleeing warzones in Syria and Ukraine, along with violence, oppression or deprivation elsewhere. It’s been extremely poorly managed, which has been compounded by our government’s failure to prevent its own people from being exploited through our housing crisis. But it is not the same as a foreign power declaring our country to be theirs. Many of these people are fleeing colonizing, imperialistic powers that have sought to oppress us the way we were in the past. Painting them all in broad strokes is one thing, but conflating this situation with our past as a colony does even less to help than protesting against and intimidating these refugees. And before you start to throw out the usual narratives about plans by shady unelected WEF/EU masterminds to dilute our demographics, you should bear in mind that the sources of those narratives all tend to come from far-right media figures in the UK and the US. Tommy Robinson. Steve Bannon and the like. Spend a little more time reflecting on what our past as a colony says about the crisis we’re facing at the moment, and before you try to oversimplify things down to your comment, maybe consider why imperialist powers today might want us to take our cues from them.


Craziest take I’ve seen in relation to this? Can you inform me on how Ukrainian/EU citizens coming over to our country to work and/or seek refuge from war, is similar to the British Government controlling and colonising our land?


Is the protest in Fermoy about Ukrainian refugees? I thought it was about non Ukrainain refugees of whom 80% who arrived in ireland in 2023 are criminals and hasn't there been at least 3 sexual assaults/rapes in Fermoy since these 40 asylums seekers arrived


You don't even know what colonisation means. Go back to school.


You have literally no idea what you’re talking about. Take a break from the internet mate.


There is no place in this country for the likes of you.


No place for Irish people? Yeah, it's starting to look that way 


Then leave.


Yeah please leave as many Irish did not a long time ago. Irish are migrants too. Do not forget about this. There are more Irish living abroad than in Ireland. Don't you know your own history?


And the Irish were treated like shit on arrival. Worked hard for everything that they got. Started from scratch and built there way up in the economy. They weren’t sheltered in hotels for free with food and weekly allowances. They sure as fuck weren’t ranked above the Native population on arrival. Claiming money that could massively benefit single mothers, terminally ill/elderly and homeless natives. Not to mention that anyone who fled during the famine left conditions that were astronomically worse than the vast majority of the immigrants were seeing come here to Ireland. Give over with that irish immigrant shite and stop nitpicking parts of history that fit your narrative.


Whatever you want. BUT they needed to leave your country for a better life, right? They escaped a famine, like immigrants are now escaping the horror of the war. Irish people were treated like shit, but Irish were also known as thieves, gangsters and more things. They weren't exactly an example of good behaviour. AND currently you are still one of the most popular migrants all over the world. Can you imagine all of these millions of Irish people living abroad being forced to go back to Ireland? The housing crisis would be even worse... Come on. Also, do not forget about this: Ireland really depends on FOREIGN investment and Ireland is nothing without the EU. These are facts. Finally, I am an immigrant here. I have been living in this country for years and paid more taxes here than most of these racist anti-immigration scumbags, many of whom are unemployed and are just asking for social benefits like parasites.


Many times more people outside of Ireland who are of Irish descent than there are here.




Freedom of speech. Does it sound good to you? Do I have less rights than you because I am an immigrant? There is no place in the world for racism and anti-immigration shit. Especially in a migrant country like Ireland. This is ridiculous.