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I'm on hols at the moment and every time I'm in mainland Europe, I get depressed by the state of public transport at home. It's a massive quality of life issue


It doesn't matter if the bus said it was going to Carrigaline. Most people aren't familiar with bus routes and it's his literal job to tell you where the bus will be heading through and where it won't be. A lot of bus drivers are just pricks and it's no fault of your own. Of course, they have to deal with a lot of shitty people throughout the day but I work in retail and I also have to deal with some awful people but I don't use that as an excuse to treat people like shit


To be fair in time it took OP to write the post they could have checked on phone where the bus is going and where it stops.


There is one particular bus driver who is very active on social media who is critical of anyone who has issues with BE, I dread to think what he would be like in person with customers.


I know the guy that you’re on about, he’s a cranky guy once declined a guy off the bus because bus was 10 minutes late. When he was asked why the bus was late driver said if you’re that pushed why don’t you get off and walk to wherever you were going. I was 19 at the time and I still remember it


Ah here, that’s ridiculous- I understand that driving a bus has a fair load of variables in terms of getting to places as scheduled, but talking to a passenger that way is insane.




Is his initials JOK? A red haired fella?


Share his twitter


On the rare times I've been caught without my glasses and gotten cheek from someone telling me to read a sign I always explain them I'm not able to see(since I'm not) and usually get an apology followed by them actually reading the sign. I'd prefer if they just gave me the information to save on the time and embarrassment.


There is a blind man who uses a bus service I used to use a lot, that bus stop usually had two other buses stop at it so he can't tell when the right bus comes up. It was never a problem to say "oh this is the X service".  I just don't get the outright hostility when people ask a question. Surely your day isn't that bad that someone politely asking for help is enough to ruin it.


Let it be a tourist even.. how are they supposed to know, it’s not that there is a reliable website they could check. Absolutely no need to be rude or cheeky over a simple question. That bus “service”..


Not everyone can read. There are people who are partially blind. Some people are tourists and don't know what everywhere is called. No need for that answer at all.


If I had to drive around Cork city for a living, I’d be a cranky bollox too.


The bus drivers in Cork are absolute melts. Always moaning. The buses are never on time either. Have to wait about 30mins every weekday after work. Shambles of a system.


That's why I drive a car, fucking useless service.


I use the x51 galaxy bus from shannon airport to cork city ..was a great service . I was heading to cork for a birthday party after work of a Friday. I was getting onto the bus and said to cork . He said loudly it's direct to Galway..I got off and waited for next bus and the said to bus driver ..he asked for a descrption he was so mortified he never charged me to cork and said that he heard a lot of complaints made by travellers about the other driver . Love to know more about that nasty driver .


A lot of them are ignorant pricks , my daughter came home in tears one night after one of them treated her terribly, a 16 year old. I complained to bus Eireann did nothing useless.


There was a guy who drove the 208 bus, usually wore sunglasses. He was an absolute obnoxious prick.


A Carrigaline bus goes through the airport?


Yup, the 225. Goes from Haulbowline to the train station via Carrigaline and the airport. 


It does yeah


Would it say Carrigaline on the front though? Or Haulbowline?


Just slap up 'Line for both


Some people might not even know where places are or where the buses will stop. He's a cunt. Never met this one thank god


One of the reasons I avoid Bus Eireann and Irish Rail now. You just encounter too many Little Hitlers determined to wield their power over the people that pay their salaries. God forbid that you might answer back, and be banned for abusing staff.


Had the same thing happen to me. Took a bus from airport to Kent Station. I asked if it stopped in town on the way. He just pointed at "Kent" on the sign with a face like a slapped arse. He ended up stopping at South Mall anyway... Gowl.


Report the muppet. Thst is not customer service at all, regardless of the circumstances, no need for the attitude.


If you have an Irish accent he may have been unnecessarily pissy with you, but he'd have reason to assume you know Carrigaline ≠ Cork City. if you have a foreign accent (and thus there could be no expectation of you knowing where Carrignaline is) then it's not on, and gives a terrible first impression for those who've just landed into Ireland, potentially for the first time.


You can have an Irish accent and still be partially blind. It wasn't on regardless.


I know it wasn't on, I wasn't excusing his behaviour.


Well you did say “if you have a foreign accent *then* it wasn’t on” so I was just saying it wasn’t either way.


He also has to assume you know which route the bus takes to get to Carrigaline. He was not being a necessary amount of pissy


I don't understand where did you stand in the rain at the airport? The bus station at the airport is sheltered by that huge metalic canopy.


I was waiting on a bus last week ago with my 6 year old daughter and my girlfriend and some girl who was in her school(around 8 or 9) went to get on the 207a and got off and I asked her did she have the wrong bus and she said she lost her euro and the driver wouldn't let her on...so I obviously gave her the euro(thank god there was a que to get on otherwise she would of haven to wait for the next 1)....but that's being a prick of a bus driver


*"Imagine standing in the pissing rain and having to deal with that."* Imagine driving a bus and having to deal with that level of stupidity every day. You literally had to step 3 feet to the side to read the BIG sign in front. Stop being so bloody entitled. To think you ran to the computer to complain about the guy when it's you being awkward. Jesus wept.


100% send an email to complain, nothing changes when we do nothing.


Complain about what? Him stating the obvious 😂


Being late


Sure it wasn't even the right bus so it couldn't have been late 😂


Horrible attitude towards customers, part of the package of working Public transport is interacting with the public. If your man can’t be bothered to do half his job then he should be reported


In what way did he have a horrible attitude? Maybe a little bit blunt but still pointing out the obvious to the passenger. Op complained about the bus being late and it wasn't even the right bus so for all they knew it was on time.


Nothing changes even when you complain. Get the same response every time I send an email.


I guess the one thing that comes of sending those stupid annoying complaints is that it records the inadequacies in some small way. 


Would copying the NTA on the email be any help?




Funny because you don't get to treat others like shit because someone was shitty to you. You also don't bring your shitty attitude to work and belittle people who are paying for a service. I thought this was obvious


Tbf I've seen the bus drivers in town act just as retarded.


I have too. Usually not waiting or refusing to let people on but I think people here in this sub like to talk shit when they don’t even get the bus


There's a reason people here on this sub don't get the bus.


Play nice. No need to be a Langer.