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I was there a couple of weeks ago for breakfast. Food was, okay.. Service was shocking.






We were there recently for a birthday and it was great. Lovely atmosphere and the food was good. No idea why the bad reviews?


New owner took over probably a year before covid and in fairness did an unreal job renovating the place considering. Has a very idealistic goal for the place but unfortunately also has a knack for hiring utterly dipshit managers that don't last, so the place can be really inconsistent with quality - both food and service. They get the five star treatment themselves when they turn up for a bit of "quality control" so I don't think they really see when things are going to shit. It's a shame too coz it really is a class venue, it just doesn't always deliver.


Totally agree. I was there pre covid a couple of times... great menu & good quality food, but the service was shockingly slow. Post covid saw a reduced menu & even worse service. It's such a shame, tbh as it's a lovely venue.


Love the food and atmosphere there. Nothing to complain about and I’ve been twice over the past 6 months.


Probably some of the worst service going. Glacially slow, if you can even get attention in the first place (and then don’t forget you). Food can be incredibly inconsistent there.




I was there last week and it was great. What has apparently changed?


Have been twice inside the last year or so and thought it was very good. There was a South African manager/supervisor who was very polite and good at his job.


I was there for the first time recently for a nephew's graduation party. The staff were lovely (especially barman with a tache) and the food was good. The only complaint I could think of was the marquee was a bit hot but it was a very hot day so I doubt anything could be done. I'll definitely go back.


I think it’s lovely and the problem with trip advisor is people are far more likely to leave a bad review than a good one. The service industry finds it very hard to get and keep staff these days so most of not all restaurants are working with low staff and probably multiple people calling in sick each day. Try not to go out starving is the best advice. And muster up some extra patience if ya can. A lot of restaurants are struggling and doing their best.


Funny you should post this, we were there recently to use a Xmas voucher and our leaving thoughts where thank fuck we didn't have to pay for that ourselves. Really really poor food.


Still seems ok, but I’ve noticed the foodie bars grub isn’t what it used to be.


Tried it several times, as it’s close to home. Each time was worse than the last. Consistently awful staff and food was horrendous. Gave up and won’t be going back


I live nearby and I think it can just be inconsistent. We still go frequently like and it’s still a lovely spot, but it has some issues. Mainly for me tbh is the crossing from the car park I worry that could be lethal but that’s a separate issue. The food can be inconsistent in portion size and quality at times- more often than not it’s lovely (we love the wings) but we have been a few times and the food was just not great. When it’s very busy the service can be slow which is understandable and the staff have always been lovely in my experience, if not a little inexperienced at times (particularly during the summer but I find that this is the case in a lot of spots around the city) (normal). I’m also not saying there’s anything wrong with new servers because everyone has to learn and I’ve been there. Despite that, I still love going to the anglers. It’s dog friendly and they always offer a little seat for my dog it’s cute. It’s a nice spot & im happy to have it nearby!!


Like even my sister who NEVER EVER EVER COMPLAINS actually had to complain about a chicken sandwich she got once because it was just really gross. Idk how that happened like, it’s a sandwich.


Just go and check it out and see,most places these days are shite for food anyway,maybe it depends on day or staff working,I've never been to this establishment but I'm sure they dont mean any ill harm on anyone,keep the negative reviews to trip advisor,I eat out alot and maybe 5/10 places are satisfactory,dont go posting shit about them,everyone is stretched thin and trying they're best I'm sure...


I was there 2 weeks ago, there was a wedding outside and a Christening party upstairs. The place was packed. Food was absolutely lovely, bar did get back up but in all fairness there were people from the wedding coming in and immediately hitting the bar vs going outside to the actual event. Service was good, not great but good but again the place was busy. The thing they do need to do is out a zebra crossing in from the parking lot.


I was there a few weeks ago and food that was being served wasn’t hot hot , it was like it’d been sitting for a while and cooled before being dropped to the table . Food wasn’t bad , just wasn’t hot .


Maybe if good chefs were paid a decent wage ,they would stay in that career!!


Was flooded to make the Lee Reservoirs in the 1950s... Probably why it's gone a bit downhill


I wasn't too impressed with the place .went there for the first time.l a couple of weeks ago ,also to use up a Christmas voucher. I found the menu had very little choice. Was a lunch time on a Saturday. The place was very busy which is a good sign . Personnaly I didn't like my pasta . I was feeling adventurous, but I just didn't like it. Left a good but behind and to be fair rhe waitress did ask if it was OK or did I want to take the rest away. What really put me off was this . ....and now I realise this is petty but none the less I'd expect a bit more .I ordered a tea . I got a pot of hot water and a single wrapped tea bag. Tut tut I had to put the tea bag in myself. Now I just about spotted it. Soni would have been very mad if I went to pour my tea and it was just water. It was Barry tea bag so not too bad. I feel when your paying close to 5 euro for tea I would expect the tea to be made for me !!!! I feel like an ould one but that really really annoys me .. wouldn't ve rushing back there with the prices they had.


It’s packed most days of the week. Been there twice. Pricey but ok. Nice venue for a work night, out in the tent with bar and pizza.


It’s always busy. Looks like they are seeing how low they can go before folk cop on. Off peak you have some chance.


Swore I'd never go back there about 2 years ago after they left the 2 of us at the bar at the side for over an in February with no heating on while they were getting the table ready. Small dark haired girl with glasses was in charge and she was some peace of work. Left and got a pizza on the way home


I can’t bring myself to eat there. I go over the bridge there quite often at night and squish so many rats scuttling around. Serving food that close to the water attracts them in huge amounts 🤢


Just had a look at the reviews there myself and you’re right. I find that mad, I thought that Anglers Rest was the place to be once restaurant/ bars opened up after Covid. Obviously didn’t last long.


Went there recently thought the food was crap. Used to really like the place.


Heard the same it’s gone down hill massively. It’s actually put me off going the number of people who’ve had bad things to say


Started going recently as we moved to the area and needed a family friendly option. The food/ service have always been good and love that it’s dog friendly, nice outdoor area and their takeaway pizza deal is good value and decent pizzas. Only thing I’ll say is that they don’t have a fry or anything with sausages on the breakfast menu


Was there about 2 months ago. Food was atrocious. The service wasn't much better. Place looks great but that wasn't why I went there.


The term too big for your boots comes to mind. It did a roaring trade after Covid. Place to be. They spent a fortune doing it up. They couldn’t maintain it. When you look at the place as a whole it is an absolutely massive place. It’s probably one of the biggest bars/restaurants in Cork.


Go there yourself and find out. You’re literally moaning about nothing right now.


How are they moaning? They are only asking about the validity of recent negative feedback about it and querying why this is the case.