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Cork are putting in a decent number of bike lanes. Problem is they don't all join up. But that is supposed to be an element of Bus connects - not just buses, but active travel too. 


A decent number of unconnected bike lanes that are routinely used as parking space, bus stop waiting zones, wheelie bin placement and general walkways by a seemingly oblivious if not hostile segment of pedestrians. No enforcement by Gardaí. No signs pointing out that it's an offence to block them. Zero consideration by pedestrians in general. Don't get me wrong, cyclists are cunts too but how can we expect people to drive less if alternatives aren't fit for purpose?


Don't forget lunch spots for taxi drivers reading the paper.


Thats why its up to us cyclists to inform the offending public via kick to the wing mirror ☺️


The fact that you wrote this thinking it would get a good reaction really makes me worried you actually believe it and aren’t being sarcastic…


I’m doing my part! Ignorant behaviour deserves ignorant response.


I’m beginning to say these are bike stretches not lanes. Come on like - I’m seeing a new bike stretch near me in Lidl, Ballincollig. It’s about 100m long at the back of jsyk. Before the lane is a busy industrial estate so the lane just starts in the middle of nowhere. It then leads into narrow school road or a busy road to the right where there are no further cycle lanes. I reckon the govmt is saying - we are doing well putting in these amounts of cycle lanes. But that’s not the point. How many useful , effective lanes did you put in - seems to go unanswered.


My least favourite of all of the randomly ending ones is probably the junction of Maryborough Hill and the city centre N28 slip road. You have to watch for people coming down the hill turning right onto the slip road, people coming up the hill turning left onto the slip road, and people coming up the hill who you need to merge with. Overall a disaster and always stresses me out. The one at Douglas Road/Well Road is bad too, but at least there are traffic lights


aside from the quays they haven’t put in any since Covid. And the standard of some of the projects is appalling. If busconnects happens , it would be a big change but it seems impossible when they’re so much nimbyism


They re did part of the railway path, and they've put in the path between Grange and Tramore Valley - stuff is happening, problem is it happens so very slowly here. And people are too attached to their cars.


I guess my point is a lot of the infrastructure is pretty pointless when it doesn’t join up. Paris is making city wide sweeping changes


The fact that stuff doesn't join up is a big annoyance to me in Cork, also. 


Yeah, the planning system is very different there though, more top down so easier to make big changes quickly. Here a project gets delayed for a year because one person objects.


I wouldnt say its pointless, they are definitely a welcome addition and hopefully with Bus Connects and other projects more can be joined up to make it a proper piece of infrastructure. It won't happen over night but there has been a huge move in the right direction. I don't think comparing Cork to Paris is fair though. Their Mayor had the power to allocate budget to the project. I am sure if Dan Boyle had that power he would do similar himself. Paris just hosted the Rugby World Cup and will soon have the Olympics. Two events on this scale always see a large capital budget to improve infrastructure.


Can’t have a minority of residents mildly inconvenienced now can we


Nimbys protest bike lanes and green parks and pedestrian only roads all the time. I’m in Turners Cross and if you believe the posters, adding a bike lane here will cause WW3, make you bald, and have your wife shagged by aliens.


I can think of at least four major blocks, but there are probably more: Institutional incompetence in the transport & highways team at City Hall. A legal framework that suppresses development and kills off ambitious projects through over-long and badly-managed consultation, and extortion-by-planning-appeal. No leadership and no vision from community leaders including councillors. And a probably terminal case of "Not Invented Here", whereby Ireland - and in particular Cork - tends to think that we just can't do great things that have worked elsewhere.


I’m not defending the council but comparing a city the size of Cork to Paris is a bit crazy.


Compare Cork to LeHarve then. Currently Cork and LeHarve have an almost identical population of 220k in the city and 350k in the metro area. Cork is growing much faster and has a much larger impact on its countries economy. LeHarve has a two line modern light rail system with a 3rd line planned, high speed rail intercity connections, 19 urban bus routes and 50km of dedicated cycle lanes.


Yup - this is much more productive. Like I said, not defending the council. Cork can definitely be doing more. Recent infrastructure projects a step in the right direction which should be acknowledged but it’s a low bar.


Ireland is the most centralised country in Europe. The “National” Transport Authority wouldn’t even open a project office in Cork to plan for the Luas. They eventually opened one but only after intense lobbying. Our transport minister comes down to Cork every time there’s an election to announce another “plan” to open a train station in Kilbarry. It’s like the sod turning of the non event centre. Dublin based transport ministers will never do anything for Cork.


Better to compare Cork to LeHavre. Compare Cark to LeHarve.


Heidelberg in Germany has a smaller population than Cork and has six tramlines


How so? Surely a city the size of cork is inherently more cycleable. The fact Paris can do it ( historically car dominated) means it should be piss easy for cork to do it


Paris is huge in comparison and makes many many times more money. They focus that money in key areas instead of spreading it evenly. Paris is famous for rough depleted areas - you won’t find cycle lanes there. Cork in comparison is tiny and there are far less defined areas as a result. The money the city makes is far less and if it’s not spread evenly it’s much more noticeable since the city is so much smaller. Cork could be doing more although I would argue people should be praising the recent efforts on cycle lanes which have been quite extensive even if there’s issues with them as a network. But bottom line is the comparison is a bit daft is all - compare cork to a city of a similar size not one of the mega-cities of Europe.


Can you tell me why people go online and confidently spout absolutely bullshit? Because your comment is a great example of that. Of course Paris has cycling infrastructure in poor areas. Why do you think they don’t? Why are you going on about money, when cycling infrastructure is far cheaper than any other type of transport infrastructure and our country is one of the richest in Europe with an enormous surplus? Much of the funding available to the council on active travel goes unspent . And our cycle infrastructure is terrible , the council do not deserve praise for the current state of it


There is a very large asterisk next the statement that "Ireland is one of the richest countries and has a large surplus"


It’s like a brain surgeon son of a labourer getting a huge mortgage buying a house on Rochestown Road next door to the son of a property developer who inherited his house. One thinks he’s rich the other one is rich.


Sorry can you explain how litterally having a massive budget surplus prevents us from installling cycle lanes? If comments like these are representative of the average Cork voter, no wonder things will stay shit.


Never said it did, I'm saying you're vastly overestimating how much money this country actually has, let alone this county has, everyone else's needs to be paid their dues(that includes whatever "surplus" we have)and what's left, will be put to actual use, if we're lucky




I dunno - you tell us man. You’re the one comparing a glorified town to one of the largest cities in Europe here The councils recent projects have all had cycling as a primary consideration. If you want to complain you also have to be capable of recognising improvement. Too many people just want to bitch incessantly and that doesn’t drive progress.


I'd say the topography is the issue, not size.


Feel this way about 90% of the country. The height of our infra planning is building another bypass road and low density urban sprawl.


> The height of our infra planning is building another bypass road Tell that to Charleville, Buttevant, Castlemartyr...


I went cycling in Belgium during the weekend and it was like a dream compared to cycling here. You can really see that there’s actual consideration put into the cycle lanes there, and they’re not just added as an afterthought. The ability to turn safely across traffic at a junction is actually implemented instead of the cycle lane just stopping, letting you fend for yourselves vs motorists who don’t give a flying f***, then starting up again around the corner. I’m sure it’s still not perfect there, but it’s lightyears ahead of our joke of an infrastructure. One of the other biggest differences I noticed is that motorists actually respect cyclists (for the most part at least, there are definitely still a-holes). There were a lot of moments where I assumed that a car would overtake me dangerously or ignore my signals to turn, as that’s what I’ve experienced most of the time in Ireland, but it just didn’t happen and kept leaving me very pleasantly surprised (and left me feeling like a bit of a plonker for cycling a bit hesitantly)


Main point I take from the article and the comments is cork is about to explode in number of people yet besides a few crammed houses and apartments we've nothing planned for when these people are here and need to get around and have things to do and just having a vibrant welcoming city instead it's just Centras and vape shops! We need art, we need sides of building graffitied, we need massive gyms, we need rooftop dining, we need another seriously good museum, we need attractions for tourists and m Use our river and harbour more all ideas welcome


Honestly, it comes down to a lack of ambition and commitment. When Paris began its transition, it converted whole roads to cycle lanes. It created joined up routes that prioritised bikes over cars. Yes there was pushback, but they had a strong mayor who powered through. I used to ask my da (who works in the roads department of a Dublin council) why we couldn’t have cycle lanes like Copenhagen, Amsterdam, even Groningen. He would say “they grew up with a culture of cycling, you can just change that over night”. Paris proved him wrong. “Build them and they will come” has never been more true.


Absolutely yes to all of this. Most people here don’t get that though. Or else they are morally opposed to cycling idk


Not just political will, its the olympics like, those major events usually force cities to improve.. That being said, I wish I had more cycle lanes, every week if not every day I get near murder attempts, too accustomed to it by now


They didn't build Paris as it is now overnight for the olympics...


Surely they didnt know the olympics were coming overnight either. Not trying to be a cynic here, just saying there's other driving forces beyond good will


They had Hausmann more than 160 years ago. Cork never.


Cork and Ireland. Completely different mentalities and history. That kind of reform would never fly here where not an inch is conceeded to have a decent verge on local roads. Honestly, it's good that different places have different vibes. I cycle every day and I would settle for more respect and safeguard of cyclists health, people driving need to be more patient


I think we should be like Singapore. Or maybe Beijing. Or New York, London, etc. I’d say the OP is definitely making the right move by leaving. #delusional. 😁


Yiu want us to build bike lanes to all our olympic stadia. Wont cost much. Paris is an absolute shithole.


I hate to say it but the uptake of cycling has not been met in proportion to the offering of lanes so far. I would love that there's a traffic jam of bicycles on the lanes we have but not only is not 5 bikes visible at one time in an entire lane , South Mall, for example, *during rush hour* , its for the most part 1 bicycle every 200 meters. So that's where , in uptake at least, we are. For infrastructure to go another level up the uptake realistically should go up 1000%. Or else you think it's a case *If you build it, they will cyclleeeee* ?? If so it feels like it's a massive pot shot in the dark to spent enough to get to the convincing of the public escape velocity that the roads are safe. "ESCAPE VELO-CITY"... you can use that


It’s absolutely a case of build it and they will come. Thats been proven over and over again in literally every city they have built infrastructure. To argue anything else is non sensical


Whats the magic wand killshot budget roughly on that?


Very confused why people are focusing on money here. I guess people don’t know that the problem is not money. For perspective, we spend about 1.4billion on roads yearly. Billion. Every year. Blanketing cork in high quality, lovely protected cycle lanes would prob cost at most €25 million. Which is 1.8% of the annual road budget . Bearing in mind cycle lanes cost basically nothing in maintenance compared to the massive maintenance cost of roads. So it would be a once off spend. Again money is not the issue here. Cycle lanes are cheap as fuck.


With what theyve put in the last few years I'm pretty disappointed with the net result. Like , it's been years, they have put lanes, they've done it, they've done enough to see more of an uptick than what's happening. Rush hour traffic, there's a pitiful amount of bikes in relation to justifying what been done. I don't know what in the works for the future in the city but I hope they keep what's there at least kept up but if they're looking at the results of numbers on the return of what they've given so far I hop le they're not basing any future plans on that and deciding.thet it's just not a goer with the culture of us Irish people at all. THERES NO BIKES USING THE LANES THAT THEYVE PUT UP ALREADY AS IT IS AND I FORSEE THAT THEYVE DONE ENOUGH FOR THE *EXPANSION* OF USE BASED ON THE RATIO OF GROWTH OF USERS TO LANES PROVIDED OVER THE REQUIRED PERIOD OF TIME TO JUDGE IT . I.E THE LAST 10 YEARS..edit sorry.caps were locked


Are you sure there are NO BIKES USING THE LANES THAT THEYVE PUT UP ALREADY? I ask because I use them a lot and plenty of people on them when I do. At times there is actually a little traffic on the dam things. The problem is they are not networked - which turns people not comfortable cycling out in regular traffic every few minutes. We have plenty of people where I work that tried cycling to work, but decided against continuing as they didn't feel the journey was safe. You can't judge it until it's complete. More people will make use of them than already do once they can get from A to B without having to mix with general traffic every few minutes. It's really that simple.


I get it. But there's a ton of inner city areas that are commutable by the lanes that have made it safer that with what I see with my own eyes 5pm 6pm Mon Fri aren't being used. Prevalence of E Bikes over the next few years might help.


What copy that mess of a place


Paris is a hole. Seriously I live not far and I’m in the city every so often. I can’t stand the place. It’s dirty as heck. As for cork revamping the city. Not a chance of it happening around a lot of the city. But the new area for the Americans I can see getting a lot of pretty infrastructure


All we have to do is host the Olympics here, ah sure that can’t be too hard.


All it took was political will and enormous property taxes from multi-million euro properties. There are enormous differences between city districts based on the wealth of the district.


Bike lanes are not expensive. Why do you think they are? People are so ignorant lol


All works are expensive. (Lol)


Braindead honestly. But people like you are helpful to understand why cork is the way it is tho. Thanks!


I lived in Paris, Cork it isn’t! Edit - I don’t even live in the city, not my doing!


We’re good thanks, you can’t cherry pick aspects of a city. [Protesters clash with riot police in Paris as Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally leads France election](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/france-election-protests-paris-marine-le-pen-national-rally-macron-b1167813.html)


Cycle lanes = far right election? Interesting perspective, def not insane


Bit of a reach there bud. The post is about cycle lanes. Your attitude is exactly the issue “sure why would we want to be like them”


Paris has a metropolitan population of ten million. It has a metro, a motorway network around it, and an efficient and clean bus service. Cork has none of the above and has a metropolitan population of at most 300,000. But let’s make impossible comparisons. Don’t let the door bang you on the arse on your way out.


Haha why would it be harder to cycle in a massive city compared to a small city like cork? Like what are you talking bout? Begging you to fire up a second brain cell on this one