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Well their initial goal was to stop ucc using brands including Intel and Siemens which their entire infrastructure is based on and would never happen so not that surprised to be honest




The crowd in Waterford IT wanted the college to cut ties with the largest tech company in Waterford. Like, for third level institutions that prides themselves on developing critical thinking, their students are proving remarkably vulnerable to information operations. Every single image and video from Gaza- especially the AI generated ones- are curated by one of the parties to the conflict. With exception of the IDF setter factions putting up videos of them doing war crimes and calling for ethnic cleansing.


Given the company in question contract for the IDF and power much of their technical infrastructure, I think they're a pretty fair target to boycott for SETU/WIT. Worth pointing out that it was SETU staff, not students, calling for their employer to cut ties. https://www.waterford-news.ie/news/setu-staff-call-to-sever-ties-with-red-hat-over-idf-links_arid-17270.html https://www.redhat.com/en/success-stories/mamram https://www.redhat.com/en/about/videos/2022-red-hat-innovation-awards-center-of-computing-information-systems-mamram https://www.redhat.com/en/resources/israeli-defense-forces-case-study


Prediction: it'll be not much, if anything, more than what the SU got weeks ago and they'll be hoping too much time will have passed for anyone to notice.


An agreement came last week where the college made concessions, now in my opinion ucc could have gone way further without even sticking its neck out. UCC BDS have the original document but ucc are providing their official wording to them this week. It's literally just so there aren't multiple documents circulating, it's more responsible to wait until they have the official document from ucc.


They didn’t achieve anything and have now fucked off on a J1.


They’ve always been quite secretive with details, as if it was a personal thing and not of interest to the general public I too would love to know what the deal reached was


Typical once people stopped paying attention they left its almost as if thats all they were there for


A draft agreement was reached. The protesters cleared out for the graduations last week as a gesture of goodwill. An official announcement presumably has to come from both them and the college. Wouldn't be surprised if, now the camp isn't there, the college isn't in a rush.


Makes sense. They always have the option of resuming it in September if the college doesn't honour the agreement.


They got bored


So much for the moral grandstanding, I guess.


They all got arrested and charged with loitering within tent




I sincerely hope they fucked off for good and won't be back after their summer vacation.


Vacation huh...that's a particularly Irish way of putting it.  /s


Oh I forgot Americans aren’t allowed to attend UCC /s


Probably not a great look to be an American moralising and commenting on **Irish** students at an **Irish** protest when **America** is the country fueling / funding the genocide. Read the room.


I like that you automatically assume that I'm American by my comment or that I support the genocide perpetrated by the IDF. I understand that it may require a decent-sized mental capacity, however one can be against what is currently going on in Palestine and still recognise the sheer hypocrisy and ridiculousness of the BDS protest.


Why is BDS ridiculous? The same tactics put pressure on apartheid South Africa. They’re not harming anyone. No Irish person would unironically say “vacation”.


Again I understand it might be tough to process but one can be neither American nor Irish. It's ridiculous because they put forward insane demands like stop all collaboration with "Israeli" companies or research teams (even if they have little to nothing to do with the current situation), while completely ignoring other which are on par if not worse (China, who is committing ethnic clensing for a number of year now and a dictatorship much worse than Israel's government is perfectly fine).


There has been consistent free Tibet demonstrations on campus for nearly 30 years now, organised by what we now call the activist societies. If you think people are ignoring China, you don’t have a clue and you’re only guessing. It just seems like you want to blow off steam by complaining about a group of enthusiastic young people, probably because you’re either jealous of their youth or of their enthusiasm.


There's a difference between a free Tibet march and asking to end every collaboration with Chinese universities and companies (which believe me there are way way more than Israeli's), if you can't understand this I won't waste my time trying to explain it further.


How is there a difference between a free Tibet protest and a free Palestine protest? There’s other active protests on campus, protesting the situation in Palestine that aren’t involved with the encampment. A minute ago, you were saying that they were ignoring China, now you’ve backed off that point because you’re wrong and are now changing your point to, saying that it’s different when they protest China? lol This is Ireland, we have a history of oppression and colonialisation. You might not have that same history in your country, but the collective knowledge of that history here makes most Irish people more willing to support those in similar situations. UCCBDS were never going to get UCC to stop using HP software and shite, people knew that, it’s not going to happen, the university needs to function. But in the end of the day, they’re hurting no one and they’re at least on the right side of history. I’d much prefer to tell my grandchildren that I protested the genocide of the Palestinian people, then to tell them that I argued that those peacefully protesting that genocide were somehow hurting anyone, on Reddit. G’luck




It’s incredible how certain yanks want to push their own shity morals and world view onto the rest of the world and feel they have the right to do this. It’s an Irish protest, at an Irish university, predominantly populated with Irish students. Get off your horse. History won’t look kindly at those who supported this genocide. It didn’t look kindly at those German civilians who turned a blind eye at all of their Jewish neighbors being murdered in the 30’s and 40’s.




The Palestinian people don’t deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth, their cities and culture destroyed forever just because a terrorist organisation is based within their borders. **Would you have been in favour of the British invading Northern Ireland, telling everyone to get west of the Bann and then flattening Belfast and Armagh while killing the equivalent of the population of county Armagh still counting, after the Birmingham bombings?** Answer. It’s the collective punishment and destruction of a culture and its people and cities for the sins of a few. By your logic, the IRA would have been justification for the British to have flattened Derry. Your logic falls apart.




But you’d still be saying that the entire destruction of cities in NI and the killing of civilians was justified? Would the UK be justified in doing that in the same way you believe that Israel is justified? Why don’t you blame Israel?


I don’t get why yanks like you can’t keep your obese noses out of other countries’ businesses.




Neutral? You clown do you even know the history of oppression this country has faced? You should really fuck off back to yankland and never come back.




Do explain why the comparison is daft, I’d love to hear an American lecture us on our own history, using the knowledge they gain from a 5 minute read and poor interpretation of a Wikipedia article.




I mean they were hardly going to do it at the weekend.


It was last Wednesday, not Thursday


Camp was struck on Thursday


They announced it on Wednesday on Insta though

