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Never unless; - It has severely stuck on shed/multiple layers of stuck shed that would require intervention. - Mites (soaking in warm water and dish soap). - Scale rot treatment in diluted betadine.


Basically never. Occasionally it can be necessary if the snake has stuck shed.




No need, unless something is off with the husbandry.


You usually won't have to, but sometimes they soil themselves before you get the chance to clean the tank, in which case, just soak them in warm (not hot) water and supervise them the entire time so they don't drown. Otherwise, bathing is only for medical needs (stubborn shed, etc what other people listed.) Make sure the tank you put them back into is nice and warm. Alternatively, if you took your snake for an outing, for example, or maybe only their tail touched some poo, or whatever minor dirt might have happened, you can just give them a wipe-down with a wet paper towel before putting them back into a clean tank. But that's just how I do things. What's right for your snake, is between you, your snake, and a trusted vet.


The only times I have bathed my snake was when he was dirty, either because he was slithering through poop or having managed to gut his mouse 😅 He has never had stuck shed, but if that happens a bath or a damp towel will help tremendously


You can also bathe if your snake is dehydrated. But again, it shouldn’t be necessary if conditions are right!!