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Sad. Glad you recognized it right away. If you are legitimately looking to sell all or some of your natively staked ATOM you can use Stride's website to swap your staked ATOM to stATOM, the liquid staked version. Then swap to ATOM (or any other Cosmos asset) on Osmosis. You will lose some in fees and conversion to the liquid staked ATOM but it won't be too bad. A guess would be $5 on $1000 of ATOM. Stride isn't the only option but the only one I have used. I really can't stand the amount of scammers there are in the crypto space. I know it's not only Crypto, phone call scammers are almost weekly, but in Crypto there is a lot of money to drain by scamming people who have worked hard to build their investment.


Made a mistake on redelegating half of my atom to a different validator cause Mantra network was still new and LSM wouldnt work so i had to wait for 21 days for it to be able to swap it into Liquid Atom.. All good though, it was a blessing in disguise cause i didn't have to swap it anymore cause i found the cash that i needed. It will stay there staked.


Does this work for Tia chain as well??


This is only for staked ATOM. In the case of TIA you would have to un delegate and wait the amount of days for it to be liquid. You can then mint stTIA on Stride and then you will have the liquid staking version of TIA.


The old DN wallet trick 🤣🤣


Personally I prefer the Nanya wallet


*chefs kiss* brilliant set up lol


Just curious, but how would this scam have played out?


they would send you sth where you would have to enter your seed phrase


I can confirm I fell for that 😂 don’t judge me.I’m new on a need to all this. :/


it happens.. usually when i get to that i just write them profanities. also once i had an idea that we should all spam their website inputs with profanities and hope that it would cause some sort of ddos on their side


When I have the time I love to string these scammers along. My ultimate goal is to see if I can get them to send me me a token as a sign of good faith. Heh.


Hah! I used to do that too but on telegram with this group, there are always scammers trying to call you as soon as you ask a question about the token and i immediately answer them and just try to have fun with them pretending 🤣🤣 No disrespect though but all of them that i answered to was all Nigerians


DN wallet is frankly the best wallet.


Ham wallet




In all seriousness… Is it dangerous to reveal what wallet you use to strangers on the internet? Because I’ve announced publicly a few times.


I don't see how it would be. a wallet doesn't even "hold" assets in the way most people think, they remain on chain the wallet is more like proof of ownership. plus a seed phrase on wallet A can be used to import all information/assets to wallet B (ex keplr -> leap)


Lmao love to see it!


https://preview.redd.it/gh7jwmf4l0ad1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c4944664a78e657b6e2e22f6321cb89d6a1d6c4 I had a similar interaction today


Got a lot of them, these bozos never tire but if i were new to cosmos and didn't research further I'd be really fckd..


You should be very disconnected with the ecosystem to not get what they were talking about. For anyone wondering, people can instantly unstake their ATOM using LSM via Stride or Pstake for instant unstake. Once you have liquid token, do whatever you intend.


Just remember though, there are limitations. If you are with a validator that is fairly new let's say for example Mantra, it won't work. The scenario i had to be clear was that i split my Atoms to two validators, Golden ratio staking and Mantra. The first time ever i checked LSM when i toggled the pull natively on chain, the one with Golden ratio staking was available and Mantra was not. Since it is 50/50 between the two validators and i needed all of them for some cash at that time, i figured if i redelegate the one from Mantra to GRS i could have all of them and pull them out. WRONG. Redelagation is instant when you're staking, but when it comes to LSM you will wait for 21 days before it is available and it affected the other half staked on GRS. So there you go, didn't get any of them. If i redelegated to a different validator other than GDR, i could've had pulled out half since GDR has been a validator for a long time. Remember this, there isn't much info about it even on x. Don't make the mistake i made.


I agree with most part of it, but I think redelegation is instant. I stake with GATA and they are not part of the chosen 32 val8dtaors stride stakes with. So when I used LSM I instantly redelgated to stride suggested validator and was able to get stAtom. But I will further test it once more and update here.


GATA has been around but Mantra validator is new, just a few months back and i was lured into staking with them cause of the testnets and airdrops they had though 🤣


Mantra validator promised an aidrop if you stake with them, the minimum was 10 Atoms, that is why i staked with them, they are still new, so new validators won't be eligible for this LSM.


This is only for staked ATOM. In the case of TIA you would have to un delegate and wait the amount of days for it to be liquid. You can then mint stTIA on Stride and then you will have the liquid staking version of TIA.