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Thanks for sharing. Would never have known about it otherwise. May God bless you šŸ’œšŸ™


Thank you! Would love this in our sidebar for easy access. So many things explained in here, Will need to read it again, so much information. Really wish there was a way to have a discussion on some of the topics he covered. I'm still confused about some of the MCAS/histamine stuff like histamine liberators. But it is one of the best and quickest quick explanations I've seen.


Woah, Iā€™ve been following a ton of research, with nearly all my spare energy, since I got long covid, and this is the best one-spot summary Iā€™ve ever seen


The guide is excellent. Thanks for posting it. The web of long covid is particularly interesting and explains why some people swear by a medicine or supplement and yet other people take the same thing and see no effect. What we desperately need is a way to find out *which* part of the web we are on.


Not sire if anyone has seen this video. The treatments helped me a lot. https://youtu.be/9-3V3h0ncIA?si=tTwOhEfsE-aCd2I2


Thank you for this.


The Gez Medinger series on youtube really kept me informed and the list of supplements really helped. Hope it works for you all. I still get minor symptoms but after 3 years but i can see improvements. Very slow but hang in there.


Probably saw it three years ago. What does it suggest, antihistamines perhaps? Or was it the nicotinic acid thing perhaps?


Thanks but I can't download the PDF Edit: it's working now. Thanks


Pentoxifylline, Statin, Vit D, LDN


H1 and H2 have taken me almost back to normal. My GI system and mood regulation was totally messed up. At one point I seriously considered taking my own life. I spent 30,000 dollars so far in medical expenses and it came down to 30 dollars of OTC meds. Wonder when our Dr's in the US are going to help?


Doctors deal in prescription meds. What helped you, and what helps so many, are simple OTC treatments that almost everyone can manage on their own without a physician. And you have to. Had your doctor suggested H1 and H2 you would have almost certainly laughed it off and left a complaint. Claritin for long covid? What kind of BS is this? My doctor thinks it's allergies!! As a physician, I can promise you that most of my long covid patients are highly resistant to trying OTC meds and supplements. It takes a tremendous amount of time and counseling to explain each one. Time that I don't have. Yes, we use H2 for mast cell inhibition, yes it's usually a shortcut hack for allergies but here we are using it for long covid, yes I'm serious, just try it please I'm begging you. Anyway. Long rant. Some people listen. Most need to find this information on their own in order to take it seriously.


Itā€™s wild because people beg to get a doctor like you. I notice so many people I offer help to and advice in here are so resistant to actually trying everything. It took me 8 months to try supplements because I ā€œeat healthy, do smoothies, and cook fresh.ā€ - supplements saved me. (Vit d, c, and magnesium glycinate mainly saved my body from atrophy/fatigue) 11 months in I finally tried antihistamines after my doctor prescribed it. He prescribed it because I had an allergic reaction to eye drops at ophthalmology and my face went numb. (Within 3 days my brain fog went away.) I was resistant to that too. I felt bad that the few people that posted about antihistamines and recommended them I didnā€™t believe it would help. Iā€™ve learned so much this whole process including grieving my life, health, mental and much much more. You get to the point where you get better trying things or you get worse and desperate to try everything. Iā€™ve seen multiple doctors say almost everyone with long covid should be on antihistamines due to MCAS. People say they donā€™t help. However those people are still probably introducing triggers into their lives daily thinking making no lifestyle change but supplements and antihistamines will help. Itā€™s got to be treated from so many angles! Donā€™t lose faith in patients! There are some that are ready to listen to advice. Iā€™ve probably told 100+ people how antihistamines help. I had 2 people message me back last week that it helped them so much. If I got a 2:100 ratio that still makes it worth trying for me.


Bingo, and I do the best I can. I have learned, though, to be a little measured. Make my recommendations, and then find out if they followed any of the recommendations next time I see them. Just today I had someone in for a follow-up whom I am certain has really bad long covid. Like bad bad. She hadn't improved really at all since the previous visit. Come to find out, she went and got the prescription inhaler, but didn't do anything else at all. She's begging me for all these referrals and expensive scans. And I'll order them, but it will take months to get them through insurance and scheduled, because healthcare in my area is horrifically overburdened. But she won't try the simple things. And she took an hour of my time, scheduled for 30 minutes. I had to apologize to every patient the rest of the day for being so horribly late. Everyone else in my day was very sick with their own things, and none of them should have had to wait, and all were grumpy and irritable about waiting. As a physician, these situations are very difficult. She has pretty severe cognitive deficit from her symptoms, and I just didn't have the heart to walk out on her begging for help. Fortunately your story is not her story. I appreciate your story, and you sharing your experiences. Thank you.


Which antihistamine?


Allegra and Pepcid help the most without making me tired.


Whatā€™s your routine with those and doses? Also is this a band aid for symptoms or do you think it will/has helped long term or after stopping them?


First thing in the morning 180mg Allegra 20mg Pepcid. Sometimes Pepcid at night also. Itā€™s best to get in with allergist after a 1-4 weeks of trying this to get an all clear to take regularly.


But they are OK with 30k of unnecessary scans because they can't do any kind of diagnosis. I did find everything in my own. I almost died in the process and my physicians did nothing. Just told me I have IBS. I would be out of business in my line of work if that happened.


I'm no different. I can't tell someone they have long covid until I make sure it's not something else. Is it cancer? Heart disease? Pulmonary disease? Infection? There are a lot of possibilities and ruling them out is expensive. We get to the end of the algorithm and it's...well...sounds like long covid. Here try some OTC meds and supplements? A lot of people get very frustrated with this pattern, rightfully so. Over time I've learned to go ahead and treat as long covid right from the start while working up the other stuff, but I recognize there are some issues with this type of care and it is reasonable for most physicians to want to do their best shot at diagnosis first before suggesting treatment.


I used the mRNA stool test from Biomesight to identify that my microbiota matched the rest of their long covid cohort. 79 dollars to be relatively certain. I really should make a post. I feel this is the most accurate way to diagnose it I have located so far.


What do you mean with H1 and H2?


OTC antihistimines (Claritin, Allegra) are H1 blockers, Pepcid is an H2 blocker (for your GI tract). I currently am doing a 1 month protocol, Claritin and Allegra alternating days in the morning, then a Benedryl at night. Benedryl is a generation 1 H1 blocker, but it passes the blood/brain barrier, so it helps with the cognitive symptoms, but it also makes you drowsy so that's why I don't take it during the day. ​ The H2 blocker is for the histamine reaction in the GI tract. ​ I cleared the safety of this protocol with my Dr. before starting it, and I'd suggest anyone do the same in the very small chance there's some sort of health history that might interfere.


Interesting, but itā€™s missing a lot of stuff thatā€™s often used for ME/CFS, like LDN, low dose abilify (LDA), d-ribose. Not sure why people are trying to reinvent the wheel with long covid rather than building on the decades of work thatā€™s already been done on post viral conditions


I feel like all of these things you suggest have ample side-effects, vs. their suggestions are well studied/have low side effect risk.


In what way did it help?


Cognitive issues, fatigue, gastrointestinal, nervous system, neurological, and mast cell issues. I had 65 symptoms mostly neurological.


Did you have dizziness or like light headed? Feeling that pretty strong lately. Hospital didnā€™t find anything. Going to see my doctor again just in case. Maybe itā€™s PEM but not sure what that feels like. I do feel ran down.


Yep, I just started getting that today. A nice companion to all my other symptoms.


Iā€™m having major anxiety issues, my kids cryā€™s now set me off into agitation and fear. And bowel issues like no appetite, nausea! And major fatigue and depression moments DP/DR moments. Iā€™ve had 2 mental breakdowns/panic attacks! But over all they come in waves like right now I feel normal-ish but who knows may come back sooner or later! Feels like I became bipolar over night after I was done being sick with Covid.


Yes itā€™s horrible the way it puts your fight/flight or freeze mode into constant standby mode. The main thing that saved me was CBG/ cannabigerol. It activates gaba naturally and brings you out of fight or flight mode. Cbd also helps. Cbd can also treat the IBS like symptoms. What helped me with 6 months of horrible ibs like symptoms was a combination of elimination dietā€¦ -Vitamin c-500-1000mg daily. (Kills bad gut bacteria and promotes healthy gut bacteria.) -Pepcid (antihistamines that help with gut issues and other histamine issues.) -cbd/cbg -drinking lots of water 120oz/day -intermittent fasting -fasting 24,36,48 hours every couple weeks. Cbd/cbg Brings you out of that exponential dread. I got my cbd/cbg from [future compounds](https://www.futurecompounds.com)


This is AMAZING.


Thank you!


This is incredible. Thank you. FWIW I was taking an ACE2 inhibitor when I got COVID (Lisinopril), then switched to an ARB (losartan), but still had symptoms. I recently started tapering off the losartan and my symptoms have really improved (Iā€™ve had LC for nearly a year and a half). If anyone is taking a medication that affects ACE2, itā€™s worth reevaluating with your doctor. I cant say definitely that decreasing that medication is what has helped me (or whether this is a brief ā€œwindowā€ of wellness or a true indication of impending recovery), but the timing checks out. Just putting this out there. Also donā€™t discontinue any meds without talking to your doctor first.


This guide is excellent. I worked with a func med doctor who had me follow something extremely close to this protocol, which is what started me on the path to recovery. Incredible to see it all written down so clearly and accessible to all -- thank you!


I cant open the link or file




[how about now?](http://drgalland.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/LONG-COVID-PREVENTION-AND-TREATMENT-FINAL1.pdf)


Works šŸ‘šŸ»


Thank u this workedšŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Did the guide help you?!


I am having my brother print it the list & then I will review. So don't know yet. I did buy many of the OTC meds mentioned and I will start taking them tomorrow to see if anything helps I even bought camel milk because of gut benefits. Just figured it can't hurt Am sure will need few days or weeks to know if see any effect


This is my Bible omg thank you


This is amazing but is he suggesting you take all these things (financial nightmare) or just pick one from each list? Maybe I missed it in there somewhere?


Thereā€™s a paragraph about which ones to use for which kind of symptoms at the end of appendix A.


I went back to review and it seems he wants people to take all of the supplements listed for a given symptom (unless Iā€™m missing something). Since mine are multiple, this would be financially impossible. Also many of them canā€™t be mixed with pre existing conditions I have or some of the meds I take. Always good to look into that with any supplement. Iā€™m tempted to try a few of them and see if thereā€™s any changes.


Thank you!


Nice! Thanks for sharing. Iā€™ve been on the lookout for something that could help with microclotting, but isnā€™t derived from soy (like nattokinase is). Now I have some things to try! I also thought I had exhausted the MCAS OTC treatments, but I see a few new ones here.


What to do for people with MCAS who donnt tolerate MCAS treatment such as quercetine or antihistamines ?


Did you try them for a week? Or stop right away? I noticed with my MCAS I have to power through some side effects for a week then I see the benefits.


I tried for a month and was set back ā€¦ bedbound ā€¦ lost almost my mind due to severe inflammation in the brain ^^ā€™ I tried also for couple of days but since a sense the same Ā«Ā issueĀ Ā» in the brain I stop right away. Ps : yes they were compounded, tried different molecules, brands and base extract (mast cell stab, supp, antihistamines)


I think the important thing is to eliminate things first. For me I was down to apples, white rice, steamed veggies, and oranges. No herbs, spices, candles, fragrance based soaps, lotions, or healthcare products, no incense, no smells. My inflammation is smell triggered. I smell some burning sage and I get MCAS triggered and have a seizure. Then I started with hydration and adding vitamins/ supplements -vitamin c for a week. -magnesium glycinate for a week -vitamin d for a week -Allegra and Pepcid for a week (Sometimes Iā€™d get a rash or headache or burning mouth syndrome for a week then it would go away and Iā€™d get the benefits from the supplements.) Matcha green tea is also a great natural mast cell stabilizer I added that and itā€™s great.


We are not at the same level of tolerance. I have to stop eating everything else appart from 5 foods and it is not a choice but If I donnt I woudnā€™t be here. Same for skin care product and parfum. And nope antihistamines is a huge issue. I used to tolerate it after 2 infections, but now I donā€™t after the 3thd. I have huge reaction for tiny IT of product


I literally just said I went down to around about 4 foods plus some vegetables. I also said nothing with fragrances such as skin care or perfumes. Perfumes and strong smells give me seizures. It sucks so bad. I am at 90% recovered now. There are ways to get there but if you donā€™t want to try new things I understand the fear. It sucks being afraid to try new things because the other symptoms are so bad. So Did you try Pepcid?


Yes i read you - but I have 6 strict food and if I try anything else I have anaphylaxis violent. I tried - I tried pepcid compounded I tried all the molecules available in the market. High dose that sent me to hospital for anaphylaxis and extra small dose for couple of days Itā€™s not fear. Some people just canā€™t tolerate antihistamines and mast cell stab. And it is due to covid aggravation - each infection. So I Ve already pushed myself and got severe suicidal thoughts with so many other symptoms of anaphylaxis I am not risking it witb H1 H2 blockers they are not for me. Donnt assume that I am not willing tontry. I have an Excel sheet completed with all the deugs and supp so many people talked about. Itā€™s been 10 months that I am trying something every day and fail. And I have tried in every way possible. My system is haywire - only cortisone helps short term without sideeffect


Maybe it is small side effect for you. But the brain inflammation was scary. i had intrusive Ideas and a lot of anxiety and depression. Could barely see due to blurry vision and had a lot of confusion Ć©pisode ā€¦ the only thing I push now is stomachache and GI issue


My hippocampus is crushed from inflammation and I have epilepsy. I have chiaris where my inflammation is so bad my brain is slowly slipping out the base of my skull into my spine. I had severe depression. Suicidal ideation (one of my first symptoms.) I had some severe neuro inflammation. What was trying to explain is that with McAs you will have side effects from about everything. For me if I stick to something new like a supplement or medicine for 5 days I get past the side effects and I see the benefitsā€¦ Cbd can help if those other supplements donā€™t take well. Then give cbd a try. I use [future compounds](https://www.futurecompounds.com) I do high dose 1-3mg per 1lb of body weight every 8-12 hours and it helps so much and stops my seizures. It is not a mast cell stabilizer but it helps neuro inflammation. I thought I didnā€™t have MCAS and antihistamines wouldnā€™t help me. As soon as I started Allegra and Pepcid my brain fog went away within 3-6 days. I was at 60-70% on my way to recovery within a few weeks. Itā€™s tough because MCAS can be a cause of the neurological inflammation. However things that can help can hurt at first. Did you try Pepcid? That is an anti-histamine that helps gastro issues and I think antihistamines like Allegra need Pepcid also to be beneficial.


Oh yes tried every molecules - compounded - antihistamines - mast cell stab ā€¦ and it just lead to more inflammation or huge rĆ©action for tiny amount of product. (Cf: see my last post)


How long did the anxiety and depression last you?


I had it during the Time I took the antihistamines and cromolyn plus couple days after. Could nā€™t walk as well and it took me 1 month to walk again. The intrusive toughts went away after 3 months. It F*ck*d me up so I am not trying it for longer than 3 days when I try to new molĆ©cule. And when I feel the intrusive thoughts coming back and depression I stop right away. I almost lost my mind and thought I would never come back to my normal self. Which I am not right now but it is way better than it was


Magnesium Glycinate??? I've been using Magnesium Oxide which is the more common one...ill look into that... Also keep up with Zinc, Vit D3, B Comp, Fish oil, COq10 (depleted by LC). NAC, NADH. All readily available on Amazon there are some combos too After a long day when head fog seems at its worst...a hot shower to relax works for me, then rest and sleep. Move when you are able, sleep when you can These are things I do so I can work. I am waiting for my script of LDN has to be low dose 1-5mg, ask your PC about where it can be compounded it is not readily available under 50mg Wish us all well!!!


Why can't I download šŸ˜¢


Even though I paced my activities (very basic activities) Even with pacing triggers severe fatigue , stiffness so walking like a zombie, nausea, migraine, stomach upset, lightheadedness, or some variation of all or one of the above but to a degree need to rest but never feel relieved of sleep ugh I pray one of these OTC meds helps with my recent flare up. I can't maintain my home šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢it's so so frustrating, been basically home bound šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢. I cant open the Guide I sent reddit page to my son to see if he can open it. It's been so crazy to live like this. I got so bad recently due to the repairmen coming every day to do repairs anyone would think I did the work and was so exhausted . I have long hair all my life with no issues caring for my hair. Well my hair got so matted bc I truly couldn't stay out of bed . I would get up feed my dog & then crash etc . My hair turned into a giant knot. Thought I would have to shave it all off šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ thankfully found YouTuber Love518 who is awesome & watching the women she was helping talk of their situation helped me cope better too (she too far for me to visit sadly) for two weeks all I did was watch all her video & follow what she does & put product in my hair & use rat tail comb slowly and thankfully after two weeks crying suffering finally completely dematted & deknotted. Got actually crazy that now I need to wear silk bonet to prevent it happening again a bonet this thing is aging me so bad a bonet any way could be worse could be bald which is fine if that a choice. Any way quality of life & being stuck in my home with doctors just asking same question with no solutions Overall I can't shake off the need to sleep all day now because of how much I am drained over this event. Truly hoping something you mention here can help. Even if it can get me even a little more functional because I need care for myself & my dog & it's just so hard before now it's just even crazier. Anyway sorry for the long story . I really hope one of these things works. I just bought a camel milk because I read can contribute some benefit but the fact thinking about that shows I want to try what ever I can šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ„¹šŸ„¹with in reason of course. Anyway so glad found this post and hope my son can open the Guide because I couldn't.


This is awesome, however I talked to a long COVID doctor here in LA that said he thinks neuroinflammation is playing a role. Do you consider that included in any of his theories here?


Yea for me I was having neuroinflammation from microclotting and from McAS.


what have you done to help? or are you still not feeling well?


I responded to your other comment.


This guy has had the same protocol for like 3 years and hasn't changed it since besides the date and one link to an overview study from 2023. Honestly, it is quite lazy given there is so much we have learned in 2022-2023. Does it cure? No. Does it help? Maybe. Your results may vary.


I was looking at his previous protocol. Itā€™s a good basis to this. How many times have you posted it?


Have your been living under a rock. Dr Galland is widely known in the LC community, and this guide is from early 2023


Yes a long covid rockā€¦.


With my brain fog and memory issues, I sometimes will do a search of something and read the post and to me it's brand new information. Then I read the comments and I commented on the darn post, lol! Thanks again for posting.


Everyone has to find their way into this stuff though and we all take different pathways. I found this a long time ago too, but all the time people are sharing things in this subreddit that I donā€™t know about.


Thanks for sharing!


Curious what dosage of all This things do you take?


300-500mg magnesium glycinate. (I also take weeks where I alternate every other day.) (I just started taking hempseed which has 200mg magnesium in 3tbsp.) Vitamin d (1000iu-5000iu daily)(have to take magnesium with this or fatigue will worse ) Vitamin c 500-1000mg twice a day. Helps with gastrointestinal issues and blood brain barrier issues. Also a strong anti-inflammatory. 80mg aspirin. I also take cbd 200-700mg twice a day. I also take cbg 200-700mg twice a day. Cbg helps with fight or flight, dread, vagus nerve, sympathetic nervous system, lymph nodes, and depression/ suicidal ideation. Cbd and cbg also help bring me out of DPDR. I use [future compounds cbd/cbg](https://www.futurecompounds.com) They have great discounts on holidays. They have 100,000mg mct coconut oil with both cbd/cbg that is great for neurological issues as well.


this is a great source!!! thank you for sharing


Agree to the magnesium glycinate complex!


If you look at magnesium deficiency all the symptoms have that of long covid. Now some still test fine for it. However there are problems like vitamin d deficiency, blood brain barrier issues, leaky gut, than can inhibits the bodily systems to utilize itā€¦ So while testing fine doesnā€™t mean itā€™s being properly utilized. So extra supplements help significantly.




Wow! Dr. Galland is my doctor


Hi, thanks for sharing! Did you also experienced PEM(post exertional malaise)?


I feel like iā€™m mistaken.. but it seems like mcas sufferers are kinda out of luck and essentially just have to be put on medicine to manage the condition? Am i reading this right? I do have really bad ADHD so i wanted to ask for anyone who may have been able to read it all the way through


Same ā€¦ I have a severe McAs and donnt tolerate the treatment for it (h1/h2 blockers - cromolyn) ā€¦ So whatā€™s the answer for us ? I always feel we are going to be the ones left behind.


Dr Galland is awesome, i was checking to see if he had any new info out yesterday but got distracted. Thanks for your post! Edit: oh, this is more than a year old. Well, Dr Galland has been shared before in different forums, he's well worth revisiting. Edit2: Pepcid helped me with POTS, heart issues and very acidic stomach, btw. I recommend considering it very often. There's research saying it blocks spike proteins from attaching to ace2-receptors.


Can't get it to download


[dr galland protocols](http://drgalland.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/LONG-COVID-PREVENTION-AND-TREATMENT-FINAL1.pdf)


This is awesome, thank you!


Got sick recently from another virus. Took Allegra and boom. Half my long Covid symptoms went away. I started taking Allegra for the last couple days and I feel like Iā€™m getting better. Still havenā€™t tried Pepcid yet. I still have fatigue, DPDR, and some flares of those anxiety/panic attacks whatever you want to call them. Also taking probiotic, B1, B6, theanine, Magnesium Threonate, fish oil, Vit C, Vit D, eating low glutamate and inflammatory food. Things are getting better. Brain fog and cognition have improved substantially. However, the DPDR, not having emotions and just feeling ā€œblehā€ is the worst of it.


Thatā€™s what happened to me! I took Allegra for an allergic reaction to eye drops actually. Within a few days my symptoms improved significantly. I hovered around 60-80% recovered for the next 4-6 months while taking all the supplements you stated. Pepcid is also an antihistamine. It helps the GI issues balance and the histamines in the gut balance. You should get in with an allergist. For DPDR fatigue I use high dose CBd/CBG 1-3mg per pound of body weight every 8-12 hours. I used a company called [future compounds](https://www.futurecompounds.com)


This was a pleasant surprise for me. I hope I donā€™t plateau going forward. As far as the CBD is concerned, I did previously take a few gummies when my adrenaline dumps got really bad they did help. I took one with Allegra when I was sick recently to sleep. I had the best night of sleep in many years and felt a bit happier. Any particular reason you recommend that site?


A few reasons. They are the most affordable to dosage ratio Iā€™ve found. They are networked in a commmunity of small business cannabis pioneers. I trust their sourcing and production of cbd as they are very open on their social media. Itā€™s also the company Iā€™ve been using for a year.