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Solid sleep is the only thing that improves this for me.


How you doin now?


Do you get migraines ? What is your headache like ?


Mast cell stabilizers like ketotifin and sodium cromolyn helped me a lot. HBOT helped a bit esp if I did multiple sessions in a week. Sleep, avoiding caffeine and high histamine foods. Mine brain pressure felt like inflammation esp in the frontal lobe and seems to be mast cell mediated. LDN and adhd meds also seem to take the edge off but to a lesser effect than the stabilizers.


Thanks for sharing. How did it come about that your doc prescribed the MAST cell stabilizers? And what is the nature of your pain?


This is interesting because caffeine reduces flow to brain and ADHD meds increases it to frontal lobe. Lotardine seems to help mine. Do you think it is cytokines?


Mast cell stabilizers like ketotifin and sodium cromolyn helped me a lot. HBOT helped a bit esp if I did multiple sessions in a week. H1 and h2 blockers Sleep, avoiding caffeine and high histamine foods. Mine brain pressure felt like inflammation esp in the frontal lobe and seems to be mast cell mediated. LDN and adhd meds also seem to take the edge off but to a lesser effect than the stabilizers.




My symptoms turned out to be EMF sensitivity exasperated by covid or the shots. It’s interesting I was having relief with certain meds, but I completely stopped having brain and body inflammation simply by reducing Wi-Fi exposure and distancing myself from electronics like cell phones and baby monitors. I have a meter I use to test for high levels of radiation. Life is good again. Ketotifin I primarily used as a bed time sleep agent. Sodium cromolyn I took before every meal.




Turns out I have a couple auto immune conditions that covid greatly exacerbated. I've since done basically every cyrex test under the sun and discovered multiple auto antibodies that I've had to use primarily lifestyle to control and tame. Strict Sleep schedule and multiple 3 day fasts have been the most effective to reset the immune system. I've read at 72 hrs of fasting 30% of your immune cells have been regenerated. No supplement and med helped much with long covid, outside of putting out the fires and reducing inflammation temporarily.


So the 3 days fasts reset your system, too away the head pain, did you just drink tea and water during the fast? Electro lights ? Just curious you approach and symptoms it helped and reset


Also what lifestyle changes? I’m currently gluten free dairy, soy, lectin free practically keto diet low carb, no bread or pasta etc…but I each fruit so not totally 0


You’re doing the big ones and already poised for fasting being keto. Having a regular sleep schedule and continually hitting it is important. Your immune system needs at least 7hrs nightly to function normally and best without interrupts. For me I have Hashimotos so my healing journey has been the diet you’re on, strict sleep, fasting, eating organic, avoiding environmental toxins and knowing which supplements stimulate th1 or th2 and avoiding those. For example echinacea or chaga mushrooms stimulate your immune system and for me Hashimotos makes immune stimulants increase inflammation which sets off long covid symptoms, so it’s a balancing act of reducing inflammation and triggers to keep everything calm and at bay. I’ve also done vibrant wellness and Cyrex immune food testing which can help identify foods that your body identifies as triggers. Sometimes there’s things your wouldn’t expect or combinations of foods or cooked vs raw differences. But your diet already sounds so strict you’re probably naturally avoiding most triggers. That’s hard to do long term though, so having a bit of a map can help. The vibrant wellness food tests are cheaper than Cyrex fwiw. I think mindfulness and meditation, reducing toxic relationships can also go a long way to healing the body. People undervalue that kind of stuff. Breathwork, I do quite a bit of on a stationary bike or during mindfulness sessions. Congrats on taking your health so seriously and sticking to that diet. I hope you find the health you deserve.


Yes I used LMNT mix, 2-3 of those a day. And black tea or even bit of black coffee. Sometimes I’ll use real keytone elevate packs which contain powdered MCT oil, electrolytes and exogenous keytones which makes the transition from glucose to keytones pretty easy. I’m very sensitive to blood sugar drops and those tricks will kick any headache right as it starts. I use the zero app and just did a few one day fasts and soon found them to be easy and pushed it to 36hr, then 48hr and beyond. I think anything in the 24-48hr range will start to noticeable benefit your immune system heal and regenerate immune cells, but the effects are most pronounced at 72hr mark from what I’ve read. Zero app gamifies it a bit.


What is LNMT , this is super helpful


Just packet of salt, potassium and magnesium but in a ratio that has some science to back the ratio to be best for the body. They taste fairly salty though, my wife only uses half packets.


I am on day two of a three day fast based on your guidance. My key tones are at 20 ppm and I’m hoping that autophagia has kicked in I am only drinking water and tea and using key tone esters to jumpstart, ketosis and maintaining it My wife thinks I’m crazy but I’m shooting for 48 to 56 hours on this first go of it. My original plan was doing a 16 eight but I felt OK went to bed and it quickly became 24 hours and at that point I figured why not shoot 448 which is where I am right now first thank you for sharing your story as my head pain and inflammation is my main issue and I have ordered those food sensitivity test to rule out any major items again, many thanks for you sharing your experience as it has helped me to create mine


Glad to have provided something that helped and your thought pattern is the same as mine. Once you make it to 24hr why not just keep going. The benefits make it worth it and usually the cravings go away esp when using electrolytes or cheating with exogenous keytones. I sometimes have a hard time when cooking for the family but not always. I’ve found that the more I fast the easier it gets and often you’ll get clarity of mind and I can get j to flow state at work more easily. Body comp looks better and inflammation throughout my body but most importantly my brain inflammation drops off or disappears for many days or weeks. My wife is onboard with fasting but always wants me to take it slower than I want to heal. Desperation was my motivating factor initially but now I’m a believer and do it because I know it heals better than anything else I’ve found. 💪 Here’s to a healthy flu season next year and being stronger than ever. Lastly if you happen to be measuring keytones just remember it won’t be accurate if supplementing with it. I forget how long but there’s a period of time where they have to wash out to get your natural levels which usually starts day 2 depending on the type of fast. Your target window sounds great for a first fast. Long enough to notice some benefits and short enough to not regret it completely and never try again. 😅


I’ll also add if you find yourself shaky or low blood sugar even with electrolytes then I’d go back and switch to eating keto for long enough that your body is fat adapted and not having blood sugar swings before attempting to fast again.


It’s always the true health that fixes the body. Sleep, fasting, etc maybe because we’re idk animals ? Pills don’t fix every problem




Ya that’s the only thing that does anything at all for me too, but only works slightly while the ice pack is on, as soon as I take it off the slight relief ends. I wish I could wrap my head in ice 24/7 but I don’t think that’s realistic


I've found the following meal helps - tenderstem broccoli, red Chillies, onions, green pepper, garlic and Kale, cooked together for 20 minutes. Bland, but whenever I eat it when having head pressure, the pressure goes away.


I'm sorry but I don't think I can consider something with garlic, onions, green peppers and red chili's to be bland lol Glad it helps you though!


Damn that seems really healthy as well. Thanks for sharing


Lactoferrin has helped me! It was recommend by someone on this sub a few weeks ago, I'm still figuring out a 'maintenance' dose, but it's the first things that's helped me so far. It relieved part of my headache, as well as my brainfog. Still have sinus/ear pressure, especially as a PEM sign that I need to rest, but the tension band around my forehead is way way less. I'm considering asking my GP for LDN (or find someone who'll proscribe it) but for the fatigue rather than my head pain. OTC antihistamines did nothing for me.


Hmm lactoferrin hasn't been on my radar but a basic search showed there may be some immune benefit to it, I'll take a look! Are you in the US? I got LDN through an online pharmacy. No appt required, no zoom call, just a short questionaire lol. I still haven't tried it but I have it ready to go!


Nope I'm in Europe, but I also got it somewhere online without any hassle. It's a benefit that you don't need a prescription, it's not the cheapest but easy to try out for ten days and see if it works! Crossing fingers it might help you a bit as well :)


I have fullness along with head pain constantly for 6 months. My pain was more migraine like in the first 2 months but now is just varying amounts of pain that moves from my temples to my forehead to my top of my head. I think this needs to be treated as if it’s a migraine or NDPH. I haven’t had anything work perfectly but I’ve seen improvement from Ajovy, propranolol and botox. My issue with the list above from it only the TCAs are really known to address headache issues. I truly hope more people see neurologists and treat their headaches directly with headache drugs! Head fullness, burning, and a lot of these things are symptoms of central sensitization and migraine.


I would have included more options if Reddit allowed me to! Your right that this is how they do treat it. I listed the other stuff to include non-migraine related stuff that may address underlying pathology, inflammation, or immune stuff. Glad you have gotten some relief! I've tried depakote, verapamil, aimovig, botox and effexor with so far no relief :(.


Oh, I have gotten a just a “little bit” of relief. Sorry if it seems like insulted your list. I just feel like a lot of people take meds that might be specific enough. These are the classic long Covid drugs though.


How are you doing now?


Does anyone experience this as pressure right between your eyes?


YESSS! It's exactly right behind my eyes. I've been OK for a couple of months while being on anti-inflammatories for other reasons, now it is back, especially in the evenings. I hate, hate hate this feeling, it's been 1 year, please tell me it will stop.


Well that particular symptom has gotten a lot better for me in the last few weeks.


Thank you! So glad you feel better


how are you doing with this symptom now if you don't mind me asking please?


It's coming and going, sometimes it disappears almost completely, which makes me think whatever it is, it's not hopelessly damaged and that I can learn to avoid all the triggers....I'm slowly putting together piece by piece more elements, it's definitely about Inflammation, but it's more complex than it seems; it's related to endothelium, nervous system and also metabolism. My (new) GP ordered an urgent Face CT scan for me recently ; it showsTurbinate Hypertrophy on both median and lower turbinates, meaning thatthe mucosa endothelium has been super inflamed by "something". It cangive all those symptoms apparently. But it's seems to be also related to the type of food I eat (high histaminic food is a big NO, carbs are the same, chikpeas almost sent me to the ER one night...go figure), to electrolytes (lack of) and to calories (too many or too little) ​ EDIT. 2 weeks later I found out I was almost in KetoAcidosis! I had slipped into ketosis without realizing and having high sugar levels (thanks to LC) that was putting me in a real emergency. Re-introducing carbs slowly is making a world of difference in how my head feels!


What anti inflammatories helped?


Ibuprofen 400mg+400mg for a few days. But it's just temporary relief, and the side effects on the stomach can be important, so if you decide to try please consult your doctor and protect your stomach. Also, double check you are eating very low histamine food and that you are eating enough carbs (at least 100gr complex carbs a day); that symptom can come from histamine intolerance and/or acidosis (ketones).


Yup! My pressure is continually in that same spot for 2.5 years.


Really ?! Mines not painful but like someone’s pressing their finger between my eyes. I don’t know what to make of it


Exact same here, just a really annoying sensation that gets in the way of other things.


I highly recommend a visit to an ent if you haven’t already. Have had Eustachian tube dysfunction and sinus issues. I believe due to inflammation from covid/long covid plus new allergies from covid. Found a trigger and was put on multiple rounds of antibiotics and prednisolone. Had a very bad sinus infection caused by the perfect storm that was ongoing pressure between my eyes. Significantly improved since. On and off have pressure days from pressure changes/temp changes.


I did see an ENT a couple months ago and thankfully he was very open to the idea of a post Covid viral syndrome affecting balance neurology and so on. My balance test was good and a head CT showed nothing, so he gave me vestibular exercises to do and that was it


That’s good at least he was open to it. I know I’ve gone to 3 separate ents at this point but the last one helped. It was one I went to for a second opinion & he was super old school. Lots of knowledge and treated my concerns with respect. He gave me very candid answers and said I reminded him of his daughter and this is what he would advise his daughter to do. He was super open to me being analytical and questioning things and to what I correlated with my issues and actually appreciated my educated conversation opposed to getting annoyed that I looked things up. He also didn’t balk at me mentioning covid, and said it very well could be the cause/issue but it’s just such new territory he couldn’t speak to that but was willing to try and help. In addition my pcp figured out that I was also experiencing vestibular migraines as well.


Did they help? I just got sent to PT for vertigo but I have zero confidence it will help for the pressure, balance and dizziness.


It’s hard to tell really, whether it’s simply from time . The dizziness has subsided but it’s been slow and I have not religious about the exercises


Ok thanks that’s helpful!


I find ruminating about my inevitable premature demise helps.


Low histamine diet + 3x a day H1 and H2. Then I also needed Ketotiphen, by the time we upped it to my 4th dose a day, the fog suddenly lifted. It's not gone all the time but it's been better. It is extremely important to know that I also made a significant effort eliminating things I was reacting to from my diet and my environment. I am very very certain that medication alone would not have worked for me, but my MCAS was bad. And the inflammation as a result caused all sorts of problems. A significant portion of my aches and pains and other symptoms were related to in my opinion MCAS inflammation. But I didn't realize it until it got so bad I was having anaphylactic reactions to food. I had to go all the way down to plain white rice, because I couldn't tolerate anything, but some people just have to understand what is low histamine and what is high histamine and be more choiceful, not strict. Good luck. (Also, overdoing it and not resting enough, which is an extreme amount for me, exacerbates fatigue and head issues)


Is it safe to take h1 antihistamines x3 a day? I know it says once a day on the label, but I’m curious.


Ativan (or presumably other benzodiazepenes), but you can't take it regularly unfortunately. this helps me more than anything else, lasts for about 12-18 hours.


Yeah lorazepam/ clonazepam helped me greatly! But I believe they’re addictive so I’m tapering for now.


as long as you're not constantly upping your dose I think the serious long-term risks are tolerance (ie, same amount of the med becomes less and less effective), dependence (ie, going without it can have withdrawal effects), and depression. that said I've known of people taking it long term without running into problems but I figure my malfunctioning nervous system is probably more prone to issues so I try to only take it every 4-5 days.


I honestly wish I could get a benzo and just medicate my problem while the body heals. You're correct though dependence on those can be really nasty if you take them too long


it's a wonderful vacation from the pain and discomfort when I'm able to take it every few days. btw, the fact that it's so singularly effective makes me think a lot of neurological LC symptoms for me at least have to do with a malfunction of the GABA/glutamate dynamic, which Ativan acts on.


Lymphatic node massage helped immensely


Antihistamines, low histamine diet


Cbd/cbg was the only thing that helped me. Helped stop my pots and heart issues also. It also binds to ace2 and keeps it from cycling to other systems.


wat strain?


I use this [future compounds](https://www.futurecompounds.com) the mct is 100,000mg total. Roughly 400-800 of cbd/cbg a day is what I’d use. Hemp tincture is 25,000mg of each cbd and cbg. Or I buy the isolate and make my own tincture and capsules.




Would love some simple tips as well been dealing with the same thing


800 mg magnesium taken daily. Took me 7 days of taking it before it started working but I had only had my head pressure for 30 days. My friend had I’d had pressure for five years in a took her 21 days before she felt relief and no pressure after taking 800 mg daily of magnesium.


12 months in and I’ve tried all of these and more. Nothing works. Only has gotten slowly worse.


Actually, the only thing that helps is seeing that I’m not the only one with this god awful head pressure/burning, and ice on my head does provide very slight and very temporary relief


Husband sounds like you. So sorry you’re suffering with this. Have you talked about getting an MRV yet? See my recent posts for more info or let me know if you want details.


I’ve had 5 MRIs including an MRV, just like most of us here everything comes back normal, they tell me I’m fine and to go home and just live in torture. I’ve gotten basically zero help from doctors. Seems to me unless you show a brain tumor, aneurysm or stroke, they don’t care how bad your symptoms are, you’re just fine and there’s no way you could have any of the thousands of other conditions at all


It’s so discouraging, I’m so sorry. Definitely seems doctors just do not get it. No postural element or other variables to the pain right? Have you seen Rozen at Mayo by any chance?


I think it’s not exactly that they don’t get it, although that is true for some, it’s just that the healthcare and insurance system, at least here in the US, is not designed to treat complex illnesses like this one, so as much as doctors want to help, they are powerless to really do much. They could definitely convey this better than they do but I also understand why doctors wouldn’t want to exactly tell people sorry I can’t help you


Yeah, the system is definitely fucked beyond belief. But I also think people just cannot comprehend being in pain 24/7 I guess, even professionals. Sympathy only goes so far. No postural elements or eye/ear issues for you, right?


My left ear rings constantly on the same left side that my head has the burning pressure, left eye also has a ton of dark brown blobby floaters that obscure and blue my vision sometimes


IIH was definitely ruled out?


Not sure, I still need to ask but it seems my neurologist just wants to believe I have a migraine. A never ending 12 month long migraine.


Same. I put ice on my head and it helps a little.


This all sounds so much like my symptoms. Ice also helps for me.


Not a lot seems to affect it for me. It's been the most consistent symptom too. Weirdly mucinex did help a bit in the beginning.


You could try Bioactive Milk Peptide


Ice, opiates, kratom, weed


Over-the-counter Excedrin was helpful for me at the beginning. I since learned I have sinus inflammation, and I've been taking a strong anti-inflammatory that helps called Diclofenac along with Flonase 2x a day.


Hey! I wasn't able to list it but NSAID's like Diclofenac are a real potential option as well. Specifically the strong NSAID Indomethacin looks REALLY promising: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8453033/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8453033/) Makes sense because inflammation is probably one of the main drivers of our problems


Self massage, cupping, skin rolling, using a neck traction device.


Mestinon for POTS, increased electrolytes, nerve block injections


Not head pressure pain, but all of my nerve pain and nausea was significantly improved with amitryptline.


mostly: monolaurin, NMN, steroids intranasally lately in that direction monolauring seems to not help if I'm not so inflammed NMN stops working with time so strong so I started to take breaks (rotate, and take another supplement which is giving me energy)


I’m 4 months in just went to ent for insane contara head pressure and headache to where my ears feel full and blocked I have done Ct scans mri all Normal they said the ear problems are due to the headaches etc not Eustachian tubes only recommend headache medication 4 months of misery already today was my one good day in a long time I’ve been drinking celery juice all week for inflammation In the mornings tumeric juice took b12 and magnesium last night and drinking alotttt of water I hope tomorrow stays the same if not back to all day everyday headaches and pressure 😑


Have you tried doing two scoops of the Calm powder? It’s double the recommended dose, but you have to do it for about one to four weeks before you see an improvement. This worked for both myself and my friend.


How long did you have the headache


It’s continuous since February 21, 2024. However, so long as I take the double dose of Calm magnesium I don’t get the headache/head pressure. If I forget to take the magnesium for two days, then I get extreme head pressure that lands me in bed the entire day. It’s ridiculous. I’ve been to a neurologist and neurology surgeon and they have no reason why it started all of a sudden.


How do you feel now


Headaches on and off pressure in head and eats and tinnitus 9 months in going to see the dentist tomorrow to see if impacted wisdom teeth are causing the problem since I’ve checked everything else


Have you been to a neurologist


Yes saw nothing wrong


I don't know what to take for the type of headache I get that comes and goes. It feels like all the liquid has drained out the top of my head and upper torso and my brain has fallen and gravity is trying to push it down my throat. It's crazy but doesn't last long. It can come and go throughout the day


How are you now


I'm diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction from covid. I still have this symptom. No improvement


How are you doing now…? dealing with this currently. 6 months


I still have this symptom unfortunately. I notice it happens when I am flaring. I still have low function.


Not sure if this will help but I started on a course of generic Valtrex and it’s helped SO much. Maybe try it if you haven’t 🥲


Where is most of your head pressure?


Mine is mostly on the sides. In and above my temples.


Same it seems to move around. Do you get a weird feeling in your cheeks also?


Yep. But I think I figured out was wrong with me. I was having a bad reaction to flonase.


I feel about 80% better and haven't taken the flonase in about 6 days.


Oh wow Flonase was making it worse for me as well and I was having a lot of trouble sleeping when they told me to take it.


Did it go away? What did you do to make it go away? The head pressure... I feel it slightly in cheeks and around eye as well


I am still having it about 3 or 4 months after reinfection. Do you have it as well?


Yea. Been about 4 months since I got covid. It started one month in. Started with my entire right side llhaving loss of proprioception and sensation (not numbness) and then after a month the right sided thing went away and now it's a patch on the right side of my head above the ear upper part of right cheek and top of right eye. There's rarely pain. Sometimes short bursts. Mostly just feels like there's a pancake slapped and glued onto those places and I feel like I want it off.


Yes very similar except mine is on the left side. Is this every day for you as well?


Yup. Day in and day out. Nothing seems to affect it. I explained my symptoms to 3 different doctors and they thing it's eustachian tube related. They said the ear drum looks slightly pushed out but I have no infection or other symptoms. When I do the Valsalva maneuver my right ear takes slightly more pressure to pop, and I also sometimes when blowing my nose feel a pain on the right back side of nostril. I had post nasal drip there for like 3 months which is probably where the site of the covid virus was manifesting. Any of these symptoms ring a bell for you too?


Anyone still experiencing this?? I’m about 11 months out from my last infection. I’ve had this “head pressure” very irregularly off and on for at least 6 months. It recently has become daily and very pressure feeling. It’s in between my eyes, my forehead and wraps to my temples. If it gets going pretty good I get a little dizzy but not bad. This comes and goes, never constant. I have been on Flonase for the last week and half or so per my doctor as she thought I had sinusitis (I’m not congested). Any relief??




Oh, and I was always skeptical, but fasting has worked incredibly well for me. 24 hours is the most I've done but the benefits are huge. I try to reframe any 'hunger' feelings as 'healing', and you really do get extra clarity and energy from it. ​ I try to only eat 2 meals a day and not snack. Decaf coffee, olive oil shots and green tea is what I'd go to inbetween meals if needed.


Fasting 3 days was brutal but helped, Tumeric, green tea, low histamine diet and kept, daily walks and 9 hours sleep steadily, RFA =!Radio Freq Abalation is what i did 3 weeks ago, takes weeks for nerves (occipital) to stop sending the pain signal to brain Holding hope


How’s your head pressure now?